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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10948239 No.10948239 [Reply] [Original]

Why do these get such a bad rep here. I use mine everyday and love it, a goddamn workhorse if you ask me.

>> No.10948260

Water does not get hot enough for proper extraction
Uneven drip
Basket not large enough to hold enough grounds for the amount of water in the pot
Hot plate ruins brewed coffee
Most people never clean them
TL;DR produces dirty, watery, underextracted coffee that is then held at too high temperature and is ruined some more

>> No.10948263
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>> No.10948275

what board do you think you're on right now
go grill a steak into a charred brick and smother it in ketchup, flyover boomer

>> No.10948278

Is that the argument for drinking garbage coffee?

>> No.10948280

Basket not big enough to hold enough?

It literally will hold like 2 cups of grounds

>> No.10948286

and will then overflow

>> No.10948295

You’ve never used a decent coffee maker

>> No.10948304

Yes, I have. It's called a V60

>> No.10948331
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What kinda faggit shit is this

>> No.10948438

Why do fags like you always use the words 'proper' and 'simply'
Those are the two biggest red flags on ck for me

>> No.10948448

Looks like a tea party to me honestly

>> No.10948473


>> No.10948475

>>10948473 was meant for >>10948331

>> No.10948483
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>that 17 year old zoomer who doesn't make his coffee manually

Kids these days . . .

>> No.10948495

couldn't agree more

>> No.10948502

>why use adjectives

>> No.10948540

You've never had a good cup of coffee

>> No.10948552

Based soyshame poster

>> No.10948554

might as well buy instant coffee

>> No.10948564


i was shopping for some sort of coffee maker since i moved out for the first time, and i got memed into getting a french press because muh proper extraction

i literally can be bothered to clean that shit everyday and wait for the water to boil separately and wait 4 mins for brewing gay shit. i just wanted to press one buttton and pour coffee on my thermos and go to school.

>> No.10948639

Wow 4 whole minutes? How do hipster soyboys find so much time?

>> No.10948659

Mah nigga

>> No.10948665
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Look at this great engineering marvel at only $8.88

>> No.10948676

I can't be assed either but French press is the superior way. Pour overs are the way to go if you're lazy.

>> No.10948683

This is backwards what are you talking about

>> No.10948707 [DELETED] 

I empathize with your sentiment. That vernacular can certainly be construed as condescending to the layman.

>> No.10948728
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Because there is an optimal coffee extraction point and that is considered proper.

>> No.10948733

>guy at the office buys a mini french press because "he cant stand the coffee maker because it makes shitty coffee"
>buys expensive coffee and makes a big show about it
>constantly talks shit about the office coffee and how he is glad he doesnt have to drink it
>spends like 15 minutes cleaning his french press every day
>ask him if i can try it one day cause i got curious
>tastes exactly the same as the office coffee but takes a million times more effort to make and clean

french presses are a meme

>> No.10948765

I stole 1500 Nespresso business pods from work. They arent the home version but the ones made to work with the big coffee rental machines. Anyway i pop them in my shitty £7 filter coffee machine and get great quality coffee for literally 0.004p a cup.

>> No.10948771

I bet you don't like espresso because you tried it at Starbucks one time

>> No.10948781

ive never had espresso

>> No.10948782
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>drinking coffee

>> No.10948836

Congrats on invalidating your own opinion

>> No.10948853

Bring a pot of water to a boil.
Turn off heat.
Add coffee.
Wait four minutes.
Pour into fine strainer over glass measuring pitcher.
Tap grinds into compost bin.

>> No.10948982

>talking about coffee
>huuur espresso

calm your autism anon

>> No.10948996

Is espresso not coffee

>> No.10949054

Pour overs produce better coffee and are easier to clean. Literally no downsides vs the french press.

>> No.10949087

Pour over, more like poor over


>> No.10949589

no, thats why its called something different you retard

>> No.10949605
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>> No.10950098

Don't talk down to me bitch

>> No.10950124

I love mine.

I think a lot of people that shit on them expect us to spend like 20 minutes in the morning making a cup of coffee that I'm just going to pound before getting on BART.

>> No.10950174

No one expects you to do anything, much less make your coffee a certain way.

>> No.10950203

talking shit about how someone makes coffee is like an implicit expectation that they use a different method

>> No.10950222

No ones talking shit about how you make coffee, they're talking shit about how bad an appliance is. Why do you conflate your personal worth with a shitty coffee maker anon?

>> No.10950286

that coffee maker is my life anon.

>> No.10950608

You should try out another life anon you might find you enjoy it better. Aeropress is the shit. I use a recipe that takes 30 seconds to brew and tastes like a pseudo espresso

>> No.10951469

is the aeropress that good? It always felt a bit meme-y

>> No.10951977

I was skeptical too but it has a lot of functionality, meaning you can use a lot more recipes to get drastically different cups compared to say pourover or FP which only really make one or two styles of coffee. https://handground.com/grind/66-recipes-for-amazing-aeropress-coffee I recommend this list for some ideas.

>> No.10952018

My roommate has one of these that he ises every day and cleans about once a month. It's made me never want to use one even if it works well.

>> No.10952028

Run diluted white vinegar though it followed by a few water runs, you colassal retard.

>> No.10952032

The eternal anglo reveals itself at last.

>> No.10952053

Why are you telling me? You should make a PSA for all of the boomers, you colossal retard

>> No.10952212

I collect coffee devices. I have literally every brewing method available save for siphon (soon).

They all have a distinct effect on the flavor, extraction, aesthetic, convenience, etc but I love all of them for their individual profile.

Anyone who says there is a "right" or "wrong" way has their head up their ass.

if a simple coffee machine does it for you what more is there to consider?

>> No.10953254

Thank you for the input oh enlightened one

>> No.10953270
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Because, like everything else in life, you gotta spend a little more money to get the better versions.
Every complaint that >>10948260 had, this machine does NOT have. Well, except for the cleaning part. You can't blame the machine for that one.

That being said, I can't ever hate those cheaper drip machines. Gives me nostalgia.

>> No.10953273

hey everyone, this guy >>10952053 is a colossal retard

>> No.10953304

You're the retard here, the only point you addressed in his post was the cleaning aspect, which he said "most people never clean them" not that they couldn't be cleaned. Learn to read.

>> No.10953385
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>> No.10953553

best portrayal of a non-coffee drinker
go to the bathroom with your rifle

>> No.10953889

mine holds two basket sizes
it has an adjustable temperature that goes from warm to scalding
i clean it

>> No.10953958

whats with all the people saying that french press is too much trouble? Seriously?

How bad are you are cleaning coffee presses? One guy said it takes 15 min!
By the time you wash the pot, clean the basket, fill the reservoir and wait for it to brew it takes about the same amount of time and effort as a french press.

>> No.10954036

The Aeropress is the the only thing I've ever bought online that matched up to the claims being made. It literally is the best cup of coffee I've ever tasted.

>> No.10954093

to each their own but I didn't like the Areopress. I find the coffee it produces to be kind of boring, its overly clean. I find it to be too fussy as well, there's more disassembly than french presses, if you don't lock it in right or your filter is off it gets grounds in the coffee, and these filters are not common to find.

Also I had a mug or two roll out from under me when I go to press the plunger down on it. IDK if that's a common issue though or if I am just a retard.

>> No.10954094
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sig heil

>> No.10954128

>there's more disassembly than french presses

Really? I just twist off the top, push out the grounds, rinse off the rubber end, the whole process takes under 5 seconds.

I've never had any of the other issues you've presented either. I tend to push it down slowly, so the mug tends to not roll backwards or forwards.

I, personally, find the coffee to be clean, as you say,but that's what I like about it.

>> No.10954155

well my bugs have narrow bases and wide tops. it think if I had those classic perfect cylinder mugs it wouldn't be an issue.

and the assembly is still more complicated than a french press IMHO. theres more that can go wrong, especially if you use the funnel. its not difficult of course. Just annoying for me, I don't want to fuss with tiny filters or have trouble locking the cap on because there's grounds in it etc etc.

personal preference though. I can definitely see the appeal

>> No.10954174

I reckon your mug shape is likely the cause of your sliding woes. I use the straight up cylindrical ones and they have never slipped in 3 years of ownership,

I've never used the funnel either, it's much more hassle than it's worth.

I only bought it because I smashed my third french press at work one day and decided to just buy an Aeropress instead. Best investment I ever made.

>> No.10954688

>Proper extraction
People believe this.
How much bean juice is left, really.
>Uneven drip
Do you even know how drip coffee makers work?
>Hot plate ruins brewed coffee
Really you just made coffee and now your just going to leave that on all day?
You don't know how coffee is made do you.
Just stop. Your the kind of person that thinks rice cookers don't work or make inferior rice.

>> No.10954702

Even drinking a proper coffee is politics
The absolute state of americans

>> No.10954858

You've just done an excellent job proving your own ignorance.

>> No.10955180

My favorite part about coffee threads on /ck/ is people who have no fucking clue what they're talking about doing whatever they can to defend shitty coffee.

>> No.10957120

for me it's "chicago" and "style"

>> No.10958383
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I just got one of these for free and I've never used anything other than instant coffee. I don't even know which brand of coffee to get, I'll probably get the cheapest since I probably wouldn't know the difference between them anyway.

>> No.10958455
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>> No.10959343

>I stole

>> No.10959394

Ok rude?

>> No.10959447

Espresso is a preparation of ground coffee you comment baiting mong