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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 103 KB, 500x615, 0887337321f5e0ddb59adf2d2e991ca4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10944466 No.10944466[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Let's have an America love thread, They get too much shit here and they don't deserve it. I will always love the US because they are the only thing stopping China or Russia from annexing Canada and stealing our resources.

>> No.10944484

thanks bro. to be fair we do deserve some amount of hate, just not quite as much as we get

>> No.10944485

America. Keeping meme food alive since 1994.

>> No.10944494

My apologies to the mods and jannies, this was meant for /int/, but it sort of applies here too I guess.

>> No.10944508

we are not given shit... shitty brits and arabs give us a chance to demonstrate our stark superiority time and again.

>> No.10944538

We've done some pretty fucked up shit desu

>> No.10944576 [DELETED] 

Not even close to the evil shit the rest of the world does.

>> No.10944578

we did the best fucked up shit

>> No.10944596

our only crime is in not doing enough.

>> No.10944679

I came here for fd/cucking
Not this

>> No.10944683 [DELETED] 

Fuck off, commie.

>> No.10944689
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Here's some food then. America love thread /ck/ let's do this!

>> No.10944758
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America is the best!

>> No.10944796
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America is great we are the leaders in Beer production out cheese makers are great too.
We beat Asia and South America for having the hottest transgirls.
We are just a young nation only a couple hundred years old, we still are building a culture and more unique cuisines every day.

>> No.10944846
File: 353 KB, 1920x1040, flint style coney dog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what style of hotdog is the best? for me it's the flint style coney dog

>> No.10944851

There are blips here and there, but we've been consistently shitty to most of the world. Not to the point of genocide, but close

>> No.10944860

is that flint tap water on top?

>> No.10944868

nuking the japs was basically genocide

>> No.10944876

manifest destiny. do you know it?

>> No.10944889

they were dedicated to fighting to the death. We stopped them from genociding themselves by nuking them.

>> No.10944890

Oh shoot yeah we did genocide the natives. Yeah america is weird. Such a strange country.

>> No.10944970
File: 2.75 MB, 500x280, burger feeding grounds.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>instrumental in creating some of the shittiest tasting, least nutritious bread imaginable
>had an autistic campaign against alcohol for a decade that left a lasting notion in the collective unconscious that drinking too much makes you a degenerate
>still promotes binge drinking creating cognitive dissonance in drinking culture and leading to young people dying of alcoholism in record number
>has access to the cuisine traditions of England, Germany, Italy, Greece, teh Jewz, the Middle East, Mexico, India, and literally all of Asia
>fucks literally all of them up by evolving them in the shittiest way possible, can't even get fucking cheese right for some reason
>gave the world fast food, which has been a plague on both the general quality of eating and the public health ever since
>has produced probably the worst beer that the world has ever seen, put the godforsaken idea of "Lite Beer" in people's mind
>bonded eating massive fucking portions of horrendous quality food to having FreedomTM and thus brought the poison of its perpetually rising obesity rates to the rest of the world during globalization
>is now over correcting after decades of this bullshit by pushing stupid hipster eating trends like veganism, keto, gluten free, "organic", "REAL" versions of various ethnic foods that somehow all still suck or are overpriced, extremely overpriced shitty IPAs and other types of craft beer, most of which its own citizens can't even fucking afford due to being poor or low income

Ah yes please let us applaud the BASED americans

>> No.10944979

brits are too stupid to stay on topic.

or hold a colony

>> No.10944986
File: 68 KB, 673x789, amerimutt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everyone who doesn't agree with me is British
They burnt the White House down a long time ago, get over it

>> No.10945013

that was canadians shithead. they ditched your asses too. uneducated brittard.

>> No.10945044
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>uneducated brittard.
>Americans lecturing anyone on education

>> No.10945064

I am not educating anyone. Just an annoying english shithead. They do not count as anything.

>> No.10945093
File: 292 KB, 926x1000, ameriga bear evolution.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"America is actually awesome faggot!"
>the most recent example of this that comes to mind is something that happened over 150 years ago
>"Ur a retard!"

>> No.10945108

look... post in british threads... you know, the ones against toothpaste and pro-fucking your first cousin to maintain your "royal" blood. This is an American thread.

>> No.10945129
File: 18 KB, 320x236, rednecks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look... post in british threads... you know, the ones against toothpaste and pro-fucking your first cousin to maintain your "royal" blood. This is an American thread.

Oh yes I forgot that the Americans brush three times a day and don't fuck their cousins

>> No.10945132

those are albino mexicans from the south.

>> No.10945141

Every single citizen of the city of Nagasaki was dedicated to fighting to the death?

>> No.10945143

those fuckers are aristocrats compared to fucking pikeys and you know it Guy Fawx other guys.

>> No.10945148
File: 124 KB, 403x334, amerimutt 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those are albino mexicans from the south.

>> No.10945149

yes. they women and children were being trained and were expected to fight to the death. Japan was dedicated to NEVER being occupied again.

>> No.10945150


prince fucking Charles.

We are done.

>> No.10945164

Even the babies?

>> No.10945169


>> No.10945174
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>There is little point in attempting precisely to impute Japan's unconditional surrender to any one of the numerous causes which jointly and cumulatively were responsible for Japan's disaster. The time lapse between military impotence and political acceptance of the inevitable might have been shorter had the political structure of Japan permitted a more rapid and decisive determination of national policies. Nevertheless, it seems clear that, even without the atomic bombing attacks, air supremacy over Japan could have exerted sufficient pressure to bring about unconditional surrender and obviate the need for invasion.

>Based on a detailed investigation of all the facts, and supported by the testimony of the surviving Japanese leaders involved, it is the Survey's opinion that certainly prior to 31 December 1945, and in all probability prior to 1 November 1945, Japan would have surrendered even if the atomic bombs had not been dropped, even if Russia had not entered the war, and even if no invasion had been planned or contemplated.

t. United States Strategic Bombing Survey Summary Report , 1946

>> No.10945180

ever save fireworks?

no. you set them off.

>> No.10945186
File: 40 KB, 640x480, goku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ever save fireworks?
>no. you set them off.
The brilliance of American foreign policy ladies and gentlemen

>> No.10945193

Why wont you fools let this thread die? I told you I didn't mean to post it here. Sage.

>> No.10945197

Kek, you're okay yank

>> No.10945199

better than the brit policy of begging for help and turning off the lights and playing dead to win a war.

>> No.10945222
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>unnecessarily massacring millions of civilians is how you win a war!
>Please ignore the Korean War and Vietnam, and Iraq and Syria

>> No.10945223

how come you fags did not take the jews when Hitler was trying to get rid of them? You were right there and did nothing. Cowards.

>> No.10945228

America just does everything the British did, but better. Maybe you limeys should have checked yourself way back when. This timeline is all your fault.

>> No.10945237

Who are you kidding, the British killed like 3 million Bengalis in WW2 just to to keep the price of grain under control in the British Isles

>> No.10945337
File: 31 KB, 475x594, 3d389ab7be00b78c271b9b4112ebec82.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, hate to break it to ya but Nagasaki had some pretty bad characters as well, original target was Kokura though, I'm actually glad they didn't hit kokura because it has ancient Japanese castles. The Japanese elites didn't really care about their own people they pretty much saw them as expendable. Only reason why the Japanese surrendered was because their emperor (god) called for their surrender.

But this being /ck/ I do love me some damn good burgers!

>> No.10945374

I'm not vegetarian but am thinking about making some veggie burgers sometime this week

>> No.10945381

This is why I come here

>> No.10945387

literally no one took the Jews bruh
Germany's line was "if no one will take them from us, we'll get rid of them our own way". ever hear about the cruise of the st louis?

>> No.10945388

you realize American (((cuisine))) was developed by top food scientists to keep it's citizens in a constant nutrient-low and obese state to fuel the pharma-industrial complex right

>> No.10945397

for sure. the americans were busy rounding up their own japs by then though. also, were not yet involved in the wat at all yet.

>> No.10945410

true true

>> No.10945467

Duh. That's exactly why the Bayer/monsanto merger was approved so quickly by a bought and paid for fda so we could have experts developing chemo drugs to attempt to counteract the cancer caused by gmos they produce. It's all good, nothing to see here, ok?

>> No.10947101


I want this meme to die.