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10943396 No.10943396 [Reply] [Original]

>"ancient bread" proves Paleo wrong
>wtf, I love processed carbs and HFCS now

>> No.10943431

Absolute proof that ancient man was vegan. Ketofags and paleofags btfo

>> No.10943454

I haven't really heard any proponents of the paleo diet argue that it's healthy because it's what cave men did.

>> No.10943456

but did they eat so.y?

>> No.10943462

>b-b-but it's called "paleo"
>they also died at 30 without modern medicine. checkmate!

>> No.10943549

If you lived past 13 you'd probably live to be 80.

>> No.10943561

>“Second, that the bread was of high quality, since it was made using quite fine flour.
>We didn’t expect to find such high-quality flour this early on in human history.

How curious, almost like our history must be older than what is currently believed.

>> No.10943569

>ITT Breadfags

>> No.10943576

I know that. But normalfaggots don't understand the difference between mean and mode.
Plus 14,000 of eating grains means shit against ~100,000 of not eating it as humans, and millions of our pre-human ancestors.

>> No.10943595
File: 331 KB, 700x3287, -fit- on bread.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10943613

It took a discovery of old ass toast for these paleo morons to figure this out? The paleolithic era was nothing but small groups of people walking around in fields of fucking wheat. They ate practically nothing BUT wheat, and these fad dieting idiots are too "but muh nuts and water" to do a lick of fucking research to figure this out. Anyone who fad diets should be euthanized. Even keto fags

>> No.10943845

>Plus 14,000 of eating grains means shit
It's not 14,000 years of eating grains, that's just when we have proof. It was probably being done much longer.

>> No.10943967

>Implying the earth is more than 6000 years old.
God has had grains on this planet solely for human consumption since the Beginning.

>> No.10943992

right, because that's how this works.

>> No.10944010

Indeed, finding proof of something doesn't necessarily mean that's when it started

>> No.10944011

Paleolithic period started 2.6 million years ago and ended 12,000 years ago.... some bread was found with an age of 14,000 years.... so they were 2000 years ahead of their time out of 2.6 million. i'd say thats within the dating margin of error.

vegefags btfo

>> No.10944038

>normalfaggots don't understand the difference between mean and mode.
but it's not exactly comforting to know that the reason life expectancy was so short is just because of all the dying kids

>> No.10944075 [DELETED] 

We've already had proof of millet consumption from ca 105,000 years ago, and wild bean consumption from even further back, so this study adds very little with regards to grains or "paleo", since paleo was never based on scientific evidence to begin with, and the notion that grains are unhealthy is a fringe moron momscience mythology invented by fat Americans for fat Americans.

>and HFCS now
Humans have been consuming high-fructose refined sugar syrup for tens of thousands of years in the form of honey, and honey is a significant portion of the diet of some contemporary primitive tribes (2-10% of daily calories from refined sugar)

>> No.10944084

>>10943396 (OP)
We've already had proof of grain consumption from ca 105,000 years ago, and wild bean consumption from even further back, so this study adds very little with regards to grains or "paleo", since paleo was never based on scientific evidence to begin with, and the notion that grains are unhealthy is a fringe moron momscience mythology invented by fat Americans for fat Americans.

>and HFCS now
Humans have been consuming high-fructose refined sugar syrup for tens of thousands of years in the form of honey, and honey is a significant portion of the diet of some contemporary primitive tribes (2-10% of daily calories from refined sugar)

>> No.10944098
File: 16 KB, 220x311, 220px-A_Jew_Broker_by_Thomas_Rowlandson,_1789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. Abraham ben Shekelstein, grain merchant, esq.

>> No.10944238

>nice gyno fag


>> No.10944923
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>but it's not exactly comforting to know
fucking sheltered normies who can't even acknowledge an uncomfortable truth from a position of comfort.
>Humans have been consuming high-fructose refined sugar syrup for tens of thousands of years
wtf, I love amerilard diet now

>> No.10944941

You're right, we should go back to living like cave men. who cares if most of our kids die. Caring about that is for normies.

>> No.10944952

Why do people want to eat like cavemen? they only lived up to 20 years old.

>> No.10944960

This. I don't eat paleo because I don't want to die at 15 like my ancestors.

>> No.10945453
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>> No.10947326

This. Even CI/CO

>> No.10947340

>they actually think humans only lived to a max of 20 years

Life expectancy is an average based on age of death. A huge chuck of people died before age 3, lowering human expected life spans. People still lived to be 70, 80, 90 years, it was a lot less common to do so.

>> No.10947764

Do you have a source for your claims? I've heard that logic a lot, but I don't think I've ever seen evidence.