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10943358 No.10943358 [Reply] [Original]

What foods do you notice have a considerable affect on your skin? Sick of having outbreaks of disgusting acne and I figure my diet is largely to blame.

>> No.10943369

>T. 25 year year old baby face with a 25% dairy diet

>> No.10943371

cypro cured my acne

>> No.10943373


>> No.10943375



>> No.10943388

if you have zits, wash your fucking face. If that does not help, sleep with a clean towel on your pillowcase every night you greasy teen. It will work without the need of school shooter drugs.

>> No.10943414
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Just take accutane, after 8 years of acne I decided to just bite the bullet and do a treatment course. 2 months in and my acne had already mostly cleared up.

>> No.10943416

Except I'm an adult and I still get these giant fucking pimples every now and then :(

>> No.10943419

That's normal. Life isn't like the movies

>> No.10943429

I only get small ones like twice a year.
Also some infected ingrown beard hairs when my razor turns dull.

>> No.10943445 [DELETED] 

Domino's fucked me up for two weeks

>> No.10943463

Huh, usually it just gives me a week of explosive diarrhea. Wtf do they put in that shit anyways good pizza never does this to me.

>> No.10943468

Here we go again. Retarded broscience thread, I guess.

>> No.10943477

wash your fucking pillow.

>> No.10943480

If I eat more than 7 peanuts in a day, I start getting acne like I did when I was a teenager.
Plus, my skin is softer than ever ever since I stopped drinking milk and alcohol.

>> No.10943483

Better than shitposting about fast food outlets for the one millionth time

>> No.10943498

I find that sleep and stress have the biggest effect on the amount of acne I get. And stop touching your face.

>> No.10943504

reducing the amount of testosterone in your body does wonders for your skin

>> No.10943507

Oh boi, how would i achieve that my good anon?

>> No.10943511 [DELETED] 

Literal garbage

>> No.10943528

What if you're naturally high test?

>> No.10943537

that only happens to white people mostly due to the fact that whites were created to be a cave dwelling people that diet was meant to consist of pretty much just berries so the food meant for us normal people makes you guys break out . That's also why the sun burns you guys so easily.

>> No.10943538


>> No.10943540

>talk to doctor
>tells you your head is full of shit
>didn't listen
>comes to /ck/ to ask same dumbass question
>saged and reported

>> No.10943544

Not really, it's pretty pointless.

>> No.10943556


I breakout if I use cleansers and lotion.

Those dirty 1600s Europeans who refused to bathe and embraced their natural grime were on to something.

>> No.10943557

stop touching your face so much

>> No.10943577

Eat a shitload of flaxseed and soy products will increase the amount of phytoestrogens in your body.
Testosterone spikes when you eat cholesterol, saturated fat and refined carbohydrates.
You can avoid this by cutting out most bread, pastas, red meats and foods high in saturated fat, like fast food and all dairy.

The body has only so many hormone receptors, by reducing the amount of test, you'll be more receptive to the effects of soy.

>> No.10943585

im having a slight outbreak, but, i had a beard and shaved. then it turned into ingrown hjairs in a few spots. i suspect my cleaning habbits out of depression and old gillette blades i didnt change cause the strip didnt go white yet. lol fml

>> No.10943593

Stop using soap you morons just water and a rag when you bathe.

>> No.10943594

throw out your 6-blade gillete garbage, you're irritating your skin by swiping it so many times
buy a simple double edge razor and learn to shave correctly with less strokes, your skin will thank you.
You're probably using that shave cartridge far past it's usable lifespan because they're so expensive.

>> No.10943665
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Drink a lot of WATER

>> No.10943683

>no mention of genetics, type or severity of acne, etc.
Your pedestrian and ubiquitous advice isn't as helpful as you think. Cleanliness is only tangentially related and exposure to sun is an old wive's tale. Only the mildest of cases can be cured solely by lifestyle changes, whereas moderate acne will almost always need topical treatments and the worst, nodular acne, usually needs even more treatment to cure/manage.

>> No.10943695

>blame everything but your shitty habits
>go full retard with skin wrecking shit instead of trying simple solutions first

>> No.10943721

Excessive sugar or milk, cheese doesn't seem to do much

>> No.10943727

sorry I meant child porn

>> No.10943736

Acne means your blood is dirty.

Ditch meat and dairy, eat more fruits and veggies.

>> No.10943737


>> No.10943754

Unironically start taking strong opioids everyday, long lasting ones like methadone are better for this

>> No.10943758

fruits, vegetables, carbs, sugar.

since eating carnivore I have had 3 tiny white heads, down from 5 - 10 active cysts.

>> No.10943760

It's genetic you retards. No amount of washing, not face touching and sleeping on towels is ever gonna get rid of acne.

At the same time, somebody without acne could stop washing their was for a week, sleep on a nasty grease soaked pillow and walk around with their hands planted on their face all day and they still would not get acne from doing that.

You fucking imbeciles.

>> No.10943765

fuck you and your excuses spotty.

>> No.10943773

enjoy not having any joints in a couple years

>> No.10943781


I've done keto 3 times for about a month, and every time I've done it the minor acne and eczema I have completely clear up in about 3 weeks

I hate the diet though and never stay on it

>> No.10943782

Drink water like you made it out of the desert. Fucking snapped me out of depression with how well I felt and looked.

>> No.10943821

This for me too, and most fruit. Milk and other dairy products actually make my skin nicer, from all the fat I guess.

>> No.10943863

It might be. Hygeine and diet go a long way. Oily foods aren't your friend during a breakout. Try eating more whole foods and keeping fatty foods to a minimum. Vitamin E is supposed to help too I think

>> No.10943895

>muh genetics
victim mentality and brainwashing

>> No.10943896

start taking fish oil, I didn't know it had skin effects but every time I start taking it my skin is clear, soft, and glowing
I thought it was just a combination of my vitimins but this time I'm taking it with no vitimins and it's the same result

I haven't showered in over a week, I've had sex and been to the gym 6 times at least and not a single pimple anywhere
normally I have a morning popping ritual when I wake up but not lately

>> No.10943937

>keeping fatty foods to a minimum
The wrong kinds of fatty foods maybe, like cheap fast food fries cooked in refined vegetable oils and shortening. But not having enough fat in your diet can cause dry skin which can clog your pores too.

>> No.10944001

I didn't say that there is nothing that can be done to combat acne when you have it, just that more washing won't help.

Are you seriously going to deny that people without acne are just not genetically prone to it? Do you think everybody with clean skin would get acne if they stopped washing their face for a few days and if they touched their face a lot? You think everybody with clean skin sleeps on a towel every night and washes their face every morning? I known a lot of dirty ass people who never had a single zit or blemish on their skin despite being stoners with more than questionable personal hygiene.

Only people with oily skin benefit from good skincare, in terms of preventing zits. That's not the same as acne though. People with fair skin just don't get regular zits because they don't have oily skin, but they can get actual real acne like in OPs picture, which washing won't do a fucking thing about.

>> No.10944024

Look i'm about to explain why you're the biggest fucking idiot on the planet, but it's not your fault.

Your body has multiple detoxification organs. Primarily the Kidneys, the Liver, and, you guessed it, the SKIN.

Acne is not an external problem. Very rarely is it a bacterial issue on the surface of the skin. Acne is a symptom that the other detox organs are overloaded and thusly your body is purging through it's last line of defense, the skin.

t. acne fag who cleansed his body and got rid of acne

>> No.10944044
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>Acne is not an external problem. Very rarely is it a bacterial issue on the surface of the skin.


p.acnes feed on sebum causing the inflamed spot to occur after the pore has already been blocked. p.acnes bacteria doesn't cause the pores to be blocked in the first place, trying to control the bacteria is pointless because it's not the root cause. the root cause is internal. when you solve the internal issue, the pores don't get blocked and p.acnes don't feed on the sebum therefore no inflamed spot/cyst occurs.

>> No.10944050

>Acne is not an external problem. Very rarely is it a bacterial issue on the surface of the skin
Did you quote the wrong post? I'm the one arguing that washing more won't do shit.

>> No.10944059

>cleansed his body and got rid of acne
how? what did you do, water fasting?

>> No.10944066

In my case, sugar and milk seem to be the main antagonists. It seems to be genetic and if you're lucky it goes away with age. Washing your face / pillowcases / not touching your face all have very minor benefits, if any.

>> No.10944078

Exactly. I only wash my face with cold water in the shower these days and I only get a pimple here and there if I fuck up while shaving.

I quoted you cause you were going on about genetics, when it has nothing to do with that. The only way genetics relate to it is if your parents had fucked detox organs which would make yours doubly fucked.

A water fast would certainly be beneficial. It was a long process because it took years of being raised wrong with a shitty diet, you can't correct that overnight.

A lot of what I did was this: take herbs that detox the liver, like milk thistle, and the lymphatic system, like burdock. I removed inflammatory foods such as meat and dairy. I know a lot don't want to hear that but it's necessary with how awful those are on the body. I also don't drink anything but water and tea. Exercise frequently. My kidneys still need work but overall i'm in good shape.

>> No.10944094

>I removed inflammatory foods such as meat and dairy. I know a lot don't want to hear that but it's necessary with how awful those are on the body.
Everone is different though so that won't help everyone. You pretty much have to do trial and error with foods until you find the cause. I'm fine with milk but not fruit.

>> No.10944109

>genetics, when it has nothing to do with that. The only way genetics relate to it is if your parents had fucked detox organs which would make yours doubly fucked.
So what you're saying is that it's not genetics except for when it is genetics. lol

I'm still gonna call bullshit on your toxin theory though, there are people with kidney and lever failure and they do not all get acne. So that kind of pokes a hole in your theory.

>> No.10944116

>inflammatory foods such as meat and dairy. I know a lot don't want to hear that but it's necessary with how awful those are on the body
That's really debatable though. Long term vegans are not exactly primary examples of health and vitality. Lots of people also thrive on a meat and dairy heavy diet.

>> No.10944126

It's definitely very individualized to the person and what the state of their organs looks like.

The gut also plays a role into it so they may have liver or kidney failure but the gut is still working. I know for me my biggest problem was my stomach and my lymphatic system which meant changing diet was huge.

Also my point about genetics is that it's not some elusive "oh it's your fixed dna so theres nothing you can do except wash your face and wait until your older". The health condition of your parents has an impact on your health, but through healing you can fix that.

>> No.10944130

Do you know what you're talking about? There are many life long vegans, particularly raw vegans, who look like they're in their 30's when they are really 70+. I can list many examples.

>> No.10944148

I was not making the point that there's nothing you can do because lol genetics. I was making two points, or at least trying to and apparently failing because nobody seems to have understood me.

1. Whether or not you will be afflicted by acne is genetic. There is no specific thing that people without acne do that causes them not to have acne.They just never get it because they are not genetically predisposed to it. If they live unhealthy lives they might get other health problems but acne won't be one of them. That just seems blatantly obvious to me from observation.

2. Washing more won't cure acne. That's fucking retard. Specific foods can worsen or lighten acne in some people who are affected by it but the same thing won't work for everybody. Otherwise there wouldn't be so many different opinions on what to eat and what not to eat. If it would be the same for everybody, there would be agreement. Which isn't the case.

>> No.10944150

yet you didnt.

vegans look like dried out apple witches.

>> No.10944151

Then go for it. Let's see these 70-year-olds that look 30.

>> No.10944157

Sugar and milk.

>> No.10944169

I see your points and I think you're close to the mark but still off.

1. It MAY be genetic as I explained above pertaining the choices and health consequences of the parents, but it very much could be related to choices of the individual. If a kid is raised eating fast food, soda, processed garbage etc they will most likely get acne through adolescence. People who don't get acne are either making good health decisions or their detox organs haven't fully broken down yet if they aren't. There isn't an acne gene that one is predisposed to. It's a consequence of one's choices.

2. I agree washing won't cure it, but I do believe there is a specific diet that will cure it. The industry promotes misinformation in order to get people to go to their dermatologist where they get put on all sorts of pharmaceuticals. This is an age old model with all sorts of diseases, it's nothing new.

>> No.10944178

Annette Larkins
Mimi Kirk
John Rose

There's a handful to spoonfeed you, go do research

>> No.10944182

You’re completely and utterly lying

>> No.10944188

never heard of them. Not one of them.

>> No.10944198

I wonder why

>> No.10944200

because I do not hang out in gay bars?

>> No.10944202

>There isn't an acne gene that one is predisposed to. It's a consequence of one's choices.

Utter nonsense.
When I was a teenager I ate a lot of fatty meats and a lot of dairy, things that "the internet" often say are responsible for acne. I had very little just as I went through puberty and then it stopped. I made no effort to adjust my diet or use special cleaning regimens, etc. It just went away on its own. Meanwhile friends of mine who had very clean diets sometimes had far worse problems.

Genetics may not explain all of it, but it's a fucking huge factor.

>> No.10944209

Why would I lie about that? I know it sounds hard to believe because of how often milk gets blamed and it probably does cause issues for some people, but I'm fine with it. Every time I eat fruit except for a small amount of barely sweet ones, my skin gets itchy and I get a bunch of pimples around my nose and mouth.

>> No.10944211

anyone that blames genes for everything should be castrated.

>> No.10944214

>If a kid is raised eating fast food, soda, processed garbage etc they will most likely get acne through adolescence.
This is just nonsense. Virtually every teenager aside from a few weirdos lives on soda, candy and fast food. Then there are also 400 pound behemoths without acne. Why doesn't every morbidly obese person have severe acne? Those people should be the most "toxified" of all with unhealthy gut flora to boot. Yet they rarely if ever sport acne, even when the flesh and skin is rotting off their bloated limbs. Don't you think those people would all have acne if your theory wasn't complete bullshit?

>People who don't get acne are either making good health decisions or their detox organs haven't fully broken down yet if they aren't
See above. Explain hamplanets without acne.

>There isn't an acne gene that one is predisposed to.
That's not how it works though. Lots of things are hereditary, despite there not being a specific gene for it.

>It's a consequence of one's choices.
Why do you cling to that notion that people with acne are themselves to blame for it. Why are you so sure that acne can not possibly be hereditary.

>> No.10944216

just stop jacking off so much, keep it to every other day and your skin will clear up.

>> No.10944235

I agree. Nobody said it was THE only source.

But but deny its impact is pants on head retarded.

>> No.10944245

anyone that denies hereditary traits exist should be removed from the gene pool. do you believe that niggers have huge nostrils cause they pick their nose a lot? couldn't possibly be genetics, right? it just has to gotta be something they are doings. genetics aren't real gawddammmit

>> No.10944254

yeah... so you have bad genes. You should be prevented from passing them on you fucking defect.

>> No.10944269


Seriously, cut out as much sugar as possible. Also go see a fucking dermatologist. Get on a topical with an anti-inflamatory and it'll help with everything. Don't go full-accutane unless you're cystic.

>> No.10944278

Go to a dermatologist, friend. Don't ask 4chan for snake oil remedies.

>> No.10944291

its not fat or oil, its carbohydrates
the bacteria in your body feeds on the carbohydrate and the excess sebum production is caused by spikes in IGF-1 that come from insulin bump after eating refined carbohydrates.

>> No.10944303


Vegans all look way older for their age than they are

>> No.10944338

>this video is unavailable
Most of those "old looking" vegans are just hippies who refuse to wear makeup or shave their legs

And this is how we know you're a virgin, btw

>> No.10944351

I recommend using coconut oil on your face, and letting it rest for 20min. Ill usually use coconut oil as an aftershave, which works miracles, but it also works to prevent acne. Best of luck, no one deserves to feel less than perfect.

>> No.10944372




>> No.10944390
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look how healthy and young vegans look

>> No.10944392

Instant coffee gives me acne. Real coffee is fine.

>> No.10944407

Soda makes my back break out with zits

>> No.10944412

I've never really had problems with my skin other than it being sensitive to certain body washes and face soaps
Guess I'm just blessed with not being a greaseball. When I do get the rare pimple though it is fucking painful

>> No.10944415

no one will ever call you fine seeing as you likely look like someone blasted you in the face with a shotgun full of strawberries.

>> No.10944430

>stop washing their was for a week, sleep on a nasty grease soaked pillow and walk around with their hands planted on their face all day and they still would not get acne from doing that.

Me, basically.

>> No.10944482

flax and soy are gonna do jack shit for you unless you're a menopausal woman, the phytoestrogens they have are way weaker than what your body already produces and they compete with said stronger estrogens to bind to your estrogen receptors. it's a wash unless you're deficient in estrogen to begin with.

>> No.10944503

diet has absolutely nothing to do with acne

you're just a lazy unhygienic slob

>> No.10944504

Great idea jackass they can trade a couple zits for permanently damaged leatherface. If you want vitamin D take supplements, if you want to be ugly for the rest of your life go get a tan.

>> No.10944543

Well my anecdotal evidence suggests that science is incorrect and acne is only caused by poor diet and doing things any normal person does already anyways (wash sheets, wash face etc.) so therefore my arguments are correct by default and everyone else's anecdotal evidence is incorrect. Also I've never even had acne in my life so I attribute that to my normal diet which consists of some of the things I've told you to avoid to prevent acne.

>> No.10944588

what a retarded post

>> No.10944611

>I figure my diet is largely to blame

Nope not largely. Genetics. I eat like shit and never have acne.

>> No.10944624

Good argument, you know sunlight damages skin right? I have acne and I wear sunscreen daily to reduce further damage to my skin as directed by a fucking dermatologist.

>> No.10944628

Excess exposure to sunlight does, sure. But we're not meant to be fucking cave dwellers. Some sunlight is vital for vitamin D.

Also, I assume you're aware that sunscreen exists?

>> No.10944630

change your pillowcase every night or put a clean towel over your pillow and change it every night

best thing for recurring acne problems

>> No.10944637

LMFAO so you didn't even read my reply then, fucking moron

>> No.10944639

Face it. He blew you the fuck out.

>> No.10944644

I have a clean diet and do this and still have acne. What now mr.scientist?

>> No.10944662

Your genetics are a pile of shit.

>> No.10944669

give up your hobby of bobbing for french fries, little miss moon face.

>> No.10944971

low key trying to turn people into traps
i like you

>> No.10945041

>Excess exposure to sunlight
If you get a tan, at all, it's from excess exposure. The tanning response only comes AFTER you've inflicted damage. Any amount of sun exposure that causes a tanning response (which is a couple minutes for wypipo) increases your lifetime cancer risk and causes premature aging.

>> No.10945329

Notice how asians rarely get acne unless they grow up on a western diet? It's everything to do with food.

>> No.10945335

Not true. My mom's skin isn't good and she still eats traditional Korean stuff regularly. I didn't look good through middle school and high school but it went away.

>> No.10946972

Probably because she still eats too much sugar.

>> No.10946994

when i ate a lot of sardines and triscuits the skin around my stomach started opening up and bleeding a bit and my body temperature also rose to where sitting in the snow for hours in my underwear didn't bother me. i'm used to 110° heat so cold resistance isn't something i've built up
i think i might just be allergic to one of those things but it's useful for winter

>> No.10947115

Keep in mind that this is based on anecdotal evidence that I've come across/personal experience, as is anyone else's advice. Everyone has different skin. My sister stopped eating dairy and claims that it made a huge difference. I on the other hand have experimented with eating like a complete puritanical vegan for an extended period and had literally zero change.

In my opinion, effects of diet on acne are HIGHLY overstated. As long as the grease from your shitty food isn't getting onto your skin, you can eat whatever garbage you want and it will have negligible impact on your complexion.

>> No.10947128

Normal people dont touch their face or pick at pimples all the time

>> No.10947497

There is way too much bro science in this thread

It's four things
>Genetics, or damaged pores
> Skin type

Go to a good dermatologist to find out.

Greasy face is either your face is oily genetically, it your skin is dehydrated and producing more oil than it needs to.
Changing or putting a towel on your pillow would not actually help him at all.

>> No.10947557

>tfw chocolate does this to me

>> No.10947723

for me, its sodas. I can't drink one can without getting a break out.

>> No.10947874
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bump equals one like

>> No.10947881


>> No.10947891

stop eating carbs and eat more fat and your acne will clear up. just ask any ketofag

>> No.10947894

>Those dirty 1600s Europeans who refused to bathe and embraced their natural grime were on to something.
syphilis mostly

>> No.10947897

this. Ever notice how most japanese have incredibly bad acne? thats why their women have to put their makeup on with a trowel.

>> No.10947931


>> No.10948648
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less sugar
more oily fish, veg from across the spectrum
wash your fucking face; properly
get good sleep

>> No.10948767

Have fun with your permanent dry skin, and other health risks. I took that shit for years, acne still exists but not as bad, totally not worth it.

>> No.10949042

>Why do you cling to that notion that people with acne are themselves to blame for it.
It's the Just World Hypothesis in action. Most people have the idea to some degree that bad things happen to bad people and good things happen to good people. It's some coping mechanism I guess.

>> No.10949889
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>Wash your face
>You are most likely using water that's too hot, make our water Luke warm, even in the shower.
>Don't wash too often
>Change pillows and sheets every week
>Test different foods out to see if you are allergic to anything
>That means going cold turkey eating only the cleanest and only opening your diet up to something to see if it's affecting you
>Don't touch your face

Stop making excuses. Yes there are those who go their whole life without acne, yes there are those that struggle more, but there is not a single person who cannot fix it all by staying hygienic.

It isn't magic, there is no magic, magic doesn't exist, you just have to keep working on it for weeks even months.

If problems persist go see a doctor

>> No.10949899

Finish puberty

>> No.10949908

for me it's sucralose, causes real painful back acne

>> No.10950046

Certain kinds of cup ramen make me smell like fish the next day

>> No.10951170

>It's a consequence of one's choices.
Ahh...yes my choice to get acne every 23 days in line with my hormonal cycle. I guess I could nuke my system by cutting out my sex organs or taking medication to confuse them. Until then I'll deal with getting 1-2 pimples once a month right on schedule

>> No.10951201

>but there is not a single person who cannot fix it all by staying hygienic.
>gives advice that has nothing to do with hygiene
>If problems persist go see a doctor
>"everyone can fix it like this but not everyone"
I appreciate you trying to help and you did give good advice but you went a little hypocritical there, try not to act all high and mighty when giving advice because it could make some people not listen to you at all.

>> No.10951237
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Yeah sure. If this is what you call a trap

>> No.10951258

>parent has cystic acne
>I have cystic acne
>no amount of dieting and topicals have
ever gotten rid of acne
>put on antibiotics
>acne clears up and don't break out during duration of antibiotic treatment
>go off antibiotics
>start breaking out again
>use benzoyl peroxide wash and lotion
>acne stabilized once more

Almost.......like......the cause of acne is bacterial.

"Detox da livurrrrr!!!!"
Lmao hoooooooly shit.

>> No.10951310


Tangentially related article.
>If you look at the causes of acne:
>hormonal changes
>poor diet – too much of the wrong types of fat and sugar
>incorrect skin care
>inefficient liver

>The liver processes hormones, fats and toxins. If the liver lacks sufficient levels of ‘coenzyme A’ (a fat metabolizing coenzyme), the body recirculates fat in the blood, which may then be secreted through the skin via the sebaceous glands. This oil (which causes greasy skin and the shiny scalp effect common in balding men) is known as ‘sebum’ and is thought to be a major cause of acne. In fact the evidence is so strong, that in a study, simply increasing coenzyme A levels in the body was shown to have a massive positive impact on acne, simply because skin sebum levels were reduced.

some good advice
Excess sugar can be a major culprit.
>Triglycerides are fats from the food we eat that are carried in the blood. Most of the fats we eat, including butter, margarines and oils, are in triglyceride form. Excess calories, alcohol or sugar in the body turn into triglycerides and are stored in fat cells throughout the body.

>Acne patients frequently associated with abnormal plasma lipid profile

>TG (triglycerides) in male patients with severe and moderate acne was significantly higher than in the healthy control group (P < 0.05)

>Highly elevated triglyceride levels may also cause fatty liver disease and pancreatitis. High triglyceride levels can also be associated with diabetes, kidney disease, and the use of some medications. Normal triglyceride levels in the blood are less than 150 mg per deciliter (mg/dL).

>depending on genetics... bad liver = bad skin

>> No.10951335
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>> No.10951360
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if ur the asian dude from pitchfork im sorry i said that out loud my friend noticed and wasnt trying to be rude

>> No.10951384

unironically wheat products. Even the tiniest amount can cause a flare up, it took me years of being a pizza face before I realized that's what was causing the bulk of my skin issues. Certain types of dairy products seem to degrade the overall appearance of my skin, but I haven't noticed them causing anything more than maybe a mild breakout here or there but that's only if I go on a binge of ice cream, cheese and other milk derived products for several days in a row.

>> No.10951400

Don’t have acne (blackheads, sure) but boils run in my family. My ass looks like Bukowski’s face. Any fatty foods or excess sweat not immediately washed well will result in boils on my ass, thighs, crotch, armpits, or chest. Mayonnaise is the biggest culprit for me. I’m thankful not to have acne where people can see it on my face, but enormous boils are horrifying and so painful they can affect my ability to walk or sit. If you’ve never had one, thank god every night before bed. There’s a reason they were part of Job’s “test” in the Bible, along with losing his livelihood and family. One of the most embarrassing moments of my life I had my roommate lance a boil on my ass and I cried like a bitch.

>> No.10951405
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This product combined with spot treating pimples with benzoyl peroxide got rid of my acne, or at least made it 100x better.

>> No.10951412

is it hidradenitis suppurativa? tumeric helps btw

>> No.10951437

not him but you would have less of an issue despite your hormonal cycle if you ate a natural diet and eliminated processed foods
the hormones just get the foot in the door for acne, the food you eat completely opens the door, there is a reason why hunter gatherer societies like the Inuit and various African tribal societies don't have acne despite having the same hormones, and overall genetic makeup as westerners.

>> No.10951476

It's quite literally inactivity+excess sugar+excess food = bad skin when the condition is hormonal.

>> No.10951646

>African tribes don't have acne
You literally just proved it is genetic. They have a heavy meat diet in Africa you dumbass.

>> No.10951655

I tried everything honestly. Sleeping on a clean towel every day. Stopped eating fatty/sugary foods. Used whatever cream I could find. Doctor even put me on antibiotics once

nothing worked, my acne eventually went away around age 25. Cant think of any reason why

>> No.10951675

>. Cant think of any reason why
HORMONES you fucking twit.

>> No.10951689

dont you reach your hormonal peak in your teens? that wouldnt explain acne until well into my 20s.

at least, I did not show any other symptoms of abnormal hormone levels

>> No.10951703
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I don't care.

>> No.10951896

If you have leaky gut then everything you eat will fuck you up. Heal the gut first, and then don't eat things that punch holes in your gut lining.

>> No.10951936

That depends entirely on which part of africa you're talking about. Some parts are populated by people too stupid to raise animals or hunt in a sustainable manner in which case they hardly eat meat.

>> No.10951948

make sure you drink plenty of water, sometimes its not just food but how hydrated you are, also anything with charcoal worked wonders with my skin so it may help you too

>> No.10951949

I never wash my face. Eat whatever I want and touch my face often. What is all yall fags problem? I never had bad acne even in highschool.

>> No.10952362

I eat fried shit that I cook all the time and don't have acne. I heard it has to do with the bacteria in your skin.

The same way poo transplants can help with crohn's disease maybe it'd help if you wipe the sweat off a guy or girl with no acne and rub it on your face real good all the time.

>> No.10952375
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Hope it works, fingers crossed.

>> No.10952389 [DELETED] 

Smoking weed is for losers anyways.

>> No.10952424

What, Ethiopia and places inhabited by Muslims and Arabs who came there in 600AD more than ethnic African tribes? Even in decent cities like Nairobi, Kenya their diet is extremely meat heavy.

I was so desperate because I was being bullied by other girls for my acne that I actually went vegan for quite a while. Dropped most sugar. Did multiple types of face wash treatments 3x a day. Worked with a dermatologist for 2 years with all sorts of prescription creams and face washes.

Finally broke down and went on Accutane. I haven't had a breakout since, although when Aunt Flo visits I'll get a couple of small pimples on one cheek. I still wash my face twice a day and eat as healthy as possible.

>> No.10952574

Nah I mean in the congo, the savages there eat more human meat than animal meat (still not a lot of either). They survive on yams and random jungle shit that grows on its own because agriculture is also too difficult for them to grasp.

>> No.10952580

>All of these pertain to hygiene
>I'm speaking with experience
>If these common methods do not work you see a professional
>Everyone can fix acne, some better than others, if these methods do not work than you see a professional because it is more than just acne

You're very defensive.

>> No.10952978


>> No.10953066
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>basically any type of sweets or candy
I have eczema, and if i eat something that has sugar in it, my skin and face will dry up, peel, and fall off

>> No.10953414

Noone is actually replying to the question so here I go : anything that has oil in it, mostly all types of cookies. Avoid every type of fat that comes from vegetables (what I mean is that the fat in the meat you eat doesn't matter, and you should cook with butter).
I've tested it times and times again and evrytime I eat crisps or a large amount of store bought cookies I get zits

>> No.10953482
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>Drink water (a lot)
>Avoid artificial sweeteners, simple sugars
>Avoid bad lipids (greasy pizza, fast food)
>Take good lipids (olive oil, coconut oil, fish oil)
>Take a good probiotic and zinc supplement with dinner
>Shower right before bed
>Use a washcloth in the shower with simple vegetable soap
>Use a mild face moisturizer with antioxidants
>Shave with a safety razor
>Clean your sheets at least weekly
>Don't smoke or drink alcohol

If you need further treatment after that time, consider heavily diluted tea tree oil as an astringent before moisturizing, and Differin cream for spot treatment in the morning / night time

Should clear up in a couple weeks to a month

>> No.10953504

Oh and take at least 1 shit per day
Drink prune juice and eat more fiber if you can't

>> No.10953750
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>> No.10953782

yeast pills.

>> No.10954541

fucckk youuuu

>> No.10954552

You made some decent points in your other post but this is just bizarre. Unless you have actual painful constipation you should not force yourself to shit more often than what comes naturally.
And if you get some decent food, plenty of water, and a little exercise that should be enough to keep you regular unless you're 70+

Definitely seconding the safety razor. Not just because it's a nice smooth shave, and you can turn it onto some "me time" if you do the whole brush/lather thing and take your time with it, but also because it's much much cheaper than that bullshit Gillette are selling.

>> No.10954556

>hurr duh muh wash ur skin
fuck off Boomer

it stems from liver problems and genetic predisposition
stop acting like "was yourself" is even worthy of pointing out faggot

>> No.10955377

If I eat a decadent chocolate cake, I know I'm gonna get a huge pimple in a few hours

>> No.10955680

Sorry, what was that? Couldn't hear you over my upper middle class white collar job.
>Oily foods aren't your friend
Explain why the people with the best skincare on the planet use oil based skincare products.
>thinking oil is bad
>mfw I eat as many animal products as possible, full fat everything, including organ meats, and look 10 years younger than I am
Heh. Veganism is a suicide cult.

>> No.10955722

Look up the term "comedogenic" and see what your current products rank on the scale.
With my acne I can't do anything further about it, since it's hormonally caused. every month I break out in the few days before my period, it takes a week or two to heal up, and then my skin is clear until the next cycle. Men have it so easy. Some causes you can fix, some you can't. I've been on many different diets and lifestyles over my life and there was never any change.
This man is correct. Exposure to sun worsens acne and impedes healing and color normalization. Sun a shit.
The asians who are wearing 500 lbs of makeup a day? Those ones? Let me guess, you're a yellow fever faggot who thinks asian women naturally don't have pores.
Hormones leveling out.

>> No.10955823

>Explain why the people with the best skincare on the planet use oil based skincare products.
Fat is still an incredibly bad thing to be eating in a lot of people's minds. The sad thing is people who think this thing are also more likely to be consuming too much sugar.

>> No.10956282

I'm a guy and my acne comes in cycles too, it's no different as a guy. It's not totally clear ever though. Normally I get really terrible (although better now than it was in High school) acne for 3-4 weeks and then it goes down to one active pimple a day for a month or two if I'm lucky then back to the 3-4 week bad period over and over again. It's mostly just about trying to clear up scarring now. No diet changes have ever helped me, I've cut out dairy, sugar, red meat etc. and nothing affects it. The only thing that's ever made a difference is benzoyl peroxide and differin.

>> No.10956482

how does referencing the diet in relation to the occurrence of acne have anything to do with genetics?

>> No.10956622

>stop drinking soda
>drink more water
>wash face
You fucking dumbass

>> No.10956946

Fucking smoothskins and your non-advice. Do you think anyone with proper acne still had it if you could just wash your face and be rid of it?

>> No.10957437

Did you not read any further than the washing?

>> No.10957441

just stop jacking of you fucking mongrel.

>> No.10957499

My acne gets so much worse when I stop masturbating : /

>> No.10957878


>> No.10958100

Masturbation contributes to acne. I know this by experience, when I went on a 3 month no-fap, my acne was clear for a long time. Stop watching porn.