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10939798 No.10939798 [Reply] [Original]

What alcoholic drinks should be standard knowledge?

I'm trying to become a normie. Right now I know how to make
>white Russian
>pina colada
>blue Hawaiian
>bourbon and coke
>Colorado bulldog

>> No.10939892

Are you a man? If so only two of those are acceptable to serve. But really, you should stick to drinking your liqour straight up.

>> No.10939897

my favorite drink
water and ice, and then drip in some more water

>> No.10939899

Normies don’t know how to make drinks.

>> No.10939919

Old fashioned
Bloody mary
Tom collins
Whiskey sour
White/black russian

I dont know what you mean by 'essential' but along with basic shit where the name is the recipe, this'll cover probably 95% of what people ask you to make, in the US at least

>> No.10939925

Forgot long island whoops

>> No.10940474

I don't think most normies even know of drinks outside of Jaeger bombs. The one time I went to the local bar, everyone was 35-50 and drinking random liquor neat or beer. Even the women were drinking pineapple liqueur on the rocks. It pretty much destroyed my view of the community where I live. I guess that's what I get for living in a flyover.

>> No.10940606

>pineapple liqueur
I'm both grossed out and intrigued. Got a brand name?

>> No.10940644

I don't remember the name. It might have been flavored rum or something but I specifically remember it came out of only one bottle so it wasn't some cocktail.

>> No.10940699
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>neet goes to a dive bar
>everyone enjoying their beverages
>neet goes home and pours up a manhattan and puts on season 3 of madman

>> No.10940924

scotch, neat
anything else gtfo

>> No.10940973


>> No.10940979

Are you talking about Malibu? It's pineapple rum. Shit's disgusting and definitely popular with normies so I have a feeling that's what you're talking about.

>> No.10941224

Malibu is coconut rum

>> No.10941228

This right here if you're entertaining and want to have a party pleasing cocktail bar. I wouldn't personally drink a lot of these, but a lot of people do.

>> No.10942285

Thanks dude. Yeah I just want to be able to make common requested drinks without having to look them up.

>> No.10942318

who gives a shit, just learn the ones you actually like to drink

>> No.10943575

I don't think you understand how sheltered I've been. I've never even bought food at a restaurant, I'm having to basically learn from step one how to function in society.

>> No.10944086

Rum is disgusting and any drink that includes it is not worth making.

>> No.10944416

gatekeeping is cool bro.

if it gets you fucked and you like how it tastes - it's a good drink.

>> No.10944425

Brown Russian

Horchata vodka Kahlua

>> No.10944437
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the only one you need to know how to make is a gin and tonic. bring it to me when you're done.


>> No.10944765

Let us not forget the classic negroni, as simple as it gets

>> No.10944999
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>> No.10945839

Honestly this. Unless you're learning to be a bartender or want to entertain at parties, just make your own shit. Anybody who likes a certain drink should know how to make their own, and it's not your responsibility to do so.

I like Dark & Stormies, Moscow Mules, and Gin & Tonic, so that's all I know how to do outside of assorted vodka sodas or just using mixers. Nobody has ever complained yet, and it's never been an issue yet.

As an adult, any gathering outside of a bar/resturant you go to where alcohol will be consumed is one of 3 things:

>house parties
Most people drink vodka sodas or mix random shit together. Some drink bottled beers or some variation of wine cooler. Knowing how to make a drink isn't needed, most people at these types of parties don't really care how they get drunk as long as it happens.

>dinner parties
Usually hosted by somebody, and a drink is provided. Typically wine or something the host has personally made. You shouldn't need to make your own drink.

>friendly get-togethers
Bonfires, cookouts, game nights - any of these fall into this category and are usually BYOB type deals. People bring what they like, and you shouldn't need to mix anything yourself.

>> No.10945876

>If you're feeling fancy
Vodka on ice

>> No.10945894

You need to learn to make these as well OP:
>Moscow Mule

>> No.10946020

Most people I know don't know how to mix many drinks if any, myself included. The ones you listed are already enough IMO.

What's in your eggnog? I'm obsessed with the stuff.

>> No.10946072

>Usually hosted by somebody
And what if OP is that somebody, he's gotta have some tricks up his sleeve to impress.

>> No.10946089

Or you just buy some nice wine and call it a day.

>> No.10946188

This is surprisingly accurate.

>> No.10946198

Cocktails are for manchildren. Take the beer and wine pill, my autistic friend.

>> No.10947420

This: >>10939919 but also learn how to make a gimlet, traditional daiquiri, and a handful of standard tiki bar drinks.
You'll be dead of alcohol poisoning before you run out the novelty of your summer cocktails.

>> No.10947457

anything that's primarily one booze and one mixer doesn't count, so "whiskey and coke" doesn't matter, and the ingredients are in the name for fucks sake. Same idea with bloody mary mix and vodka, it don't count. Drinks you should be able to make relatively from scratch
>white russian
>moscow mule
After that you can add in some of the slightly less popular but classic drinks, or learn them earlier if they are more popular in your area or your social circle
>old fashioned
>mai tai
>pina colada
>tom collins
>all those brandy cocktails I never bothered to learn
>mint jeulip
>blue motorcycle

>> No.10947482

>old fashion
>moscow/kentucky mule
>gin & tonic
>bloody mary

>> No.10947502

>not gin and tonic

>> No.10948482
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Because of my love for whiskey I decided to make whiskey sour based on this post.

Well FU, tasted like ass. Ruined some decent whiskey

>> No.10949430

How much do you have to drink to develop liver issues?

>> No.10949444

>whining about gatekeeping
>reddit spacing

>> No.10949467

Usually have to be a full blown alcoholic. Most people who drink heavy who get liver disease are taking a lot of Tylenol or other pain meds. It can also be from shit genes. There’s no objective answer. You shouldn’t drink if you have shit to do the next day.

>> No.10949534

i drank heavily for a few months. not durign the week, but on weekends, i would get trashed, and pass out oin the couch at like 2pm.

after about 6 months of this, my body started to hurt a lot, and my liver couldnt handle it anymore. all my shits wer emisery, and id be up half the night praying that my stomach would stop hurting.

i know people say "oh, it takes years of abuse", but yknow, when youre growing up, even a year of abuse is enough to fuck your dna, and what it replicates. i cant imagien that in my old age ill be able to shrug off the liver damage. im almsot certain that itll cause me issues for life. even now, i cant really drink and enjoy it, without gettin wasted. that practice doesnt go over well at shows.

as far as how much, itd be about 750ml a day of hard liqour. i noticed that gin was particularly harsh on me. have recently switched to vodka, and limitting the amount. while things arent as bad now, drinkign still hurts and isnt fun, and the hangovers are just as bad as when i was full alki

>> No.10949555

You know complaining about (((reddit spacing))) is a blatant giveaway that you're a huge newfaggot

>> No.10949586

As long as you dont have shit genetics or other underlying health issues a long time. Even then the liver can bounce back in a matter if weeks, as long as you dont develop cirrhosis

>> No.10949659

Good points. Still, I like the idea of throwing a drink together and looking like I know what I'm doing rather than continuing to be a passive beta. I'll be honest, part of this too is just having the experience of knowing what a "white Russian" tastes like as opposed to a "gin and tonic". Like I said, I've been sheltered and since I'm too old to go to HS/college parties this is some connection to society that I've missed out on.

I've made eggnog from a couple different recipes. The one I age for months is this one: http://sciencefriday.tumblr.com/post/36824999206/dr-rebecca-lancefields-eggnog-recipe
I go for the low end on sugar and use brandy and rum in a 1:1 ratio, just out of convenience (buy two bottles and dump both in, no measuring).

>> No.10949672

Yeah beer and wine I'm struggling with. I've had a lot of different types of each and I just can't stand the taste of either. But it's true that if part of why I'm doing this is to get along better with others, and they overwhelmingly drink beer and wine instead of mixed drinks, I need to get acquainted with them.

>> No.10949705

Oh dang that's a lot of booze. I like lightly alcoholic nogs, perhaps since I drank the non-alcoholic nog for so many years before trying the "real" version (and still love it and wish it was sold year-round). I typically use Alton Brown's recipe: https://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/alton-brown/eggnog-recipe-1956960

>> No.10949710

have you ever tried mixed drinks?
wine gespritzt changed wine for me. idk what it is about cutting wine with soda water, but it makes it so much more enjoyable.
as far as beer, meh. when sociaslizing, its cheap beer, and only because people cant get wasted too fast. have you considered making mixed drinks? right now i am sipping some fuckign god awful mix of svedka, lemonade, and soda water.
not bad, but not great. but better than crushign shots of liqour, or smashing 6 glasses of wine within an hour.

>> No.10949948

try taking a wine quiz online. i didn't think i liked wine either. i took a bunch of what wine would you like quizzes online, got a lot of recommendations, bought one of them and now i'm basically a wino. it turns out i just like really flavorful, bold reds mostly and most people prefer schwaggy sweet wine.

i'm not a huge beer fan myself, as i don't like hops/bitter taste. but sours and lighter beers like gose or wheat ales are pretty approachable. my favorite type of beer is actually berlinerweisse now, it has a really lactic tang to it.

there are also a lot of really good ciders out there which tend to be more approachable than wines or beers, imo, just stick to drier stuff otherwise they can be cloyingly sweet.

>> No.10950246

What are some of the best tennessee whiskeys?

>> No.10950271

Rum and coke
Vodka and coke
Tequila and coke

>> No.10950284

None of those. Mixing cocktails isn't really expected to be "common knowledge" but if you do mix, you should know:

Old fashioned
Rusty Nail

Anything beyond spirits, bitters, ice, and limes is not reasonable to expect someone to just whip out at short notice, so stuff involving eggs, mint, orange zest, olives, dairy products, and whatnot = dumb dumb dumb.

Wisconsi-kun is that you?

>> No.10950626

None, as Tennessee whiskey is a marketing ploy

>> No.10950645

That's just a daiquiri with a niche kind of rum, probably better just to say daiquiri especially since cachaca is >rare in the US

>> No.10951392

>Alcoholic liver disease usually progresses faster in individuals of the hispanic ethnicity. Caucasian individuals are likely to develop disease later

non-whites on suicide watch

>> No.10952572

any 2 ingredient cocktail, most of them have the ingredients in their name like rum and coke, just missing the garnish and ratios.

all of the collins (tom collins, gin and tonic, etc).

daiquiri is more of a test on ratios and shaking than the ingredients (lime, simple syrup, rum).

mulled wine or krupnik

other than that try to buy a liquer bottle and explore the cocktails around that, example: vermouth for martini, flavored vodka for any drink ending with -tinni (appletinni, orangetinni) and drambuie for warm woolly sheep or rusty nail.

>> No.10952583
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>> No.10952584

add to the list:
bloody mary/ceasar

>> No.10952589

God those are fucking nasty.

>> No.10952602

Pretty much any simple vodka drinks