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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10938953 No.10938953 [Reply] [Original]

What do you faggots like to eat when you have the (((munchies)))?

>> No.10938973


Not bad, Steven. Not bad.

>> No.10939000 [DELETED] 

How's it feel to just start smoking reefer?
Real burnouts don't get the munchies. They just nap and then smoke more.

>> No.10939063

Well, considering that I’ve been smoking dank for the past ten years, I’d say sometimes I wish I never started. Oh, what could have been...

>> No.10939071 [DELETED] 

You're not fooling anyone.

>> No.10939075

you fuckin lightweight lel

>> No.10939085

I’m 24, and I can count on all my digits the number of days in which I haven’t smoked in the past ten years.

>> No.10939111

your lungs must look like overripe bananas.

>> No.10939112 [DELETED] 

You just started smoking.

>> No.10939123
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>Smoking weed

>> No.10939124
File: 56 KB, 1200x630, TEASER-The-Simpsons-Groundskeeper-Willie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My turds because i'm a man and not a snacking faggot

>> No.10939133

>hurr durr you’re a newfaggot to my exclusive weed club

Sometimes I wonder how much irreparably damage I’ve caused to my brain. Was it worth it, destroying my body, just to get high? It’s something I thought I would’ve outgrown by now. Perhaps I’ve become too complacent. I don’t even drink booze. Fucking hell, I want this nightmare to end.

>> No.10939139
File: 391 KB, 750x500, IMG_1992-Popcorn-with-rosemary-butter-and-Parmesan-750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Popcorn, with salt and tons of pepper. Dipped in anything from Ketchup, Mustard, RedHot, or even mayo. Anything really.

How different am I?

>> No.10939152 [DELETED] 

You're a newfag to life, you twinky little otter.

>> No.10939155

>Was it worth it, destroying my body, just to get high?
I understand that you've been smoking for awhile so this probably didn't exist back then but dude, there are edible products and drinks that have weed fused in them and can get you high. it may not be as fast as smoking but it will get you just as high soon enough. you don't need to destroy your lungs anymore. there weed candy, cookies, brownies, and drinks. all the high none of the health risk. can't OD either.

>> No.10939166

I can’t believe I and everyone else is getting baited by this dumb bullshit.

>> No.10939174


It’s not when you have an addictive personality and end up smoking weed more often than not, even when you don’t even want to get high. Show a little empathy, faggot. We can’t all be normalfags.

>> No.10940094
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Anything but
>pepperoni and Oreos
>a whole rotisserie chicken
>straight heavy cream
>make an apple pipe and end up eating the apple

>> No.10940338

I've smoked maybe a dozen times in the span of 5 years and I never got muchies, just really calm and sleepy.

>> No.10940350

Have smoked from age 14 to 21, everyday since age 15. Enormously glad I quit, too spineless to be able to do things in moderation and it turned me into an utter bum. Doing much better now.

>> No.10940530

Popcorn + sour candy.
I have never smoked weed but if I have a godawful day I do this shit.
I eat it a lot.

>> No.10940572

I dunno man, I've been smoking almost non-stop for a couple of years minus a few weeks here and there and it always makes my stomach a bottomless pit.

>> No.10940583

Edibles definitely existed 10 years ago, and people have been making their own for at least 50 years. Probably hundreds of years if you look outside of the USA.

>> No.10940591

Anyone else a "bum" with or without weed? At least I can avoid the crippling feeling of failure for a couple of hours if I smoke a bowl. Its a huge part of why I still have friends and a family that tolerates me. I'm nicer, more willing to listen to others, more confident, and the closest I've ever been to a meaningful life since I started smoking. It genuinely improved my quality of life

>> No.10940595

Eating weed is older than smoking it.

>> No.10940600

I like to eat the same things as when I'm sober, but I've had a couple of experiences where its made eating something amazing and unforgettable.

>> No.10940622

If he started smoking at 14 who knows what it did to his brain. Developing minds don't need that shit. Its just as "fun" starting it in your 20s.

>> No.10940624


>> No.10940693

Chicharrones with hot sauce

>> No.10940704
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Where's my car?

>> No.10940715
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these are based.

>> No.10940719


>> No.10940725

Crackers and chocolate milk back when I smoked.

>> No.10940738

Fuck a good tuna melt is god mode

>> No.10940851

Your brain must look like a hard boiled egg

>> No.10940855

pringles and dorito salsa with black pepper and thin cut cayenne pepper.
kebap, made from the finest abducted white girls.

>> No.10940886

burritos from my local joint, they make some delicious stuff

i get the attacks every now and then. i. not overweight nor gaining. i just need to feel satiety sometimes. I need that feeling of having put something massive inside you. Haha try dick u fag! is what you were going to say, yes I have been considering it too. I need to be FILLED

>> No.10942513

frozen mixed fruit
smoked almonds

>> No.10942544

I eat dinner, chicken rice and beans

>> No.10943265

Poser confirmed.
I've been smoking daily for years, I would never waste a good high taking a bitch ass nap. Most people I know who smoke don't even have an appetite when they're sober.

>> No.10943288

This. It's why there is a lot of skinny stoners. Now that I don't smoke as much weed I have to work to eat 3 meals. As a former fatty it completely reprogrammed my brain. I never snack in between meals anymore either

>> No.10943308



>> No.10943667
File: 205 KB, 752x908, 1527828023143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A nice, well packed bong, a bag of juicy seedless red grapes, and some Vermont extra sharp cheddar on a fine sunny New England day with a good book to read
Life doesn't get much better

>> No.10943907

Veggies and fruits mostly.

>> No.10943952

i get a cucumber, put a little lemon juice on it then get some sour cream and mix in a ranch seasoning packet and eat that shit up.