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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10938579 No.10938579 [Reply] [Original]

So, the shithole that is Philadelphia just passed a tax on soda. Discuss.

>> No.10938591

If you drink enough soda for this sort of thing to actually affect your finances then you're a disgusting fat fuck anyway and I have no sympathy for you.

>> No.10938594

You ameriburgers get the government you vote for

>> No.10938597

Excellent. If you're upset about this, please fuck off to the boonies like the trash you are.

>> No.10938615

It's in the UK now too mong

>> No.10938624

A nog filled city elected nanny state Democrats. Nothing out of the ordinary

>> No.10938629

>resident of a city darker than the dark side of the moon
>calling anyone else trash

>> No.10938639
File: 3 KB, 125x94, Shhhhhheeeeeeeeiiiitt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dis wuhite man knows whats up

>> No.10938650

Taxing things that welfare users buy is the only way you can get money back from them, so I’m not really seeing the problem here.

>> No.10938653

Unironic class warfare
It's about getting the riff raff to skedaddle.

>> No.10938658

that's right, notice how it's always democrat areas in these articles about how people are having their freedom taken away

>> No.10938660

Oh no, my $.97 is now $1.03.

>> No.10938661

soda is shitty and full of sugar and you shouldn't care.

>> No.10938664

So it's really just a scam to make money then and not an incentive to make people thinner?

>> No.10938676

Isn't their city motto about homosexuality?

>> No.10938683

No Greeks have another word for gay love.

>> No.10938685

All taxation is just a scam to make money.

>> No.10938687

Yeah, "normal."

>> No.10938704

>eating liquid acid candy
>2011 + 7

>> No.10938771

>two years ago is "just passed"

Were the soda tax' implementation not so stupid, I wouldn't have any problem with it. Sweetened drinks are taxed by total volume, not by amount of sugar eg. a 2litre of soda is taxed at $1.01, regardless of how many grams of sugar it has. Furthermore, sugar-free drinks sweetened with zero-cal/zero-carb sweeteners are also taxed at this rate.
At that rate, 3l Dollar Tree sodas, were the stores still selling them, would have to be sold at $2.52 eacg, well over double the original pricetag.

>> No.10938776

It's both.

>> No.10938787

Nope. See >>10938771

>> No.10938788

so, they are wrong.

>> No.10938789

Taxing 0 cal 0 sugar soda the same as regular soda is retarded.

>> No.10938792

I don't even drink soda but if you think this has anything to do with getting people to be healthier then you're a fucking idiot.

>> No.10938800

Cities that pass soda taxes end up lowering the grocery revenue because people will go out of the city limits for soda and they will buy lower priced groceries while they are out there. So fuck em they get what they deserve.

>> No.10938806

>making people think twice about buying the leading contributor to obesity and diabetes isn’t about health


>> No.10938810

Taxing soda means minoritys wont shop in white grocery stores anymore.

>> No.10938825
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>just passed...

Sure they did.

>> No.10938828

>Taxing cheap shit
What's the point unless you tax it above 100% which will never happen

>> No.10938834

Was this by ballot measure or a decision by the city council? I don't buy that people are concerned for the health of others. If they just said "look, we want the tax revenue, less stress on the medical system and well, we don't like looking at fat people" then I'd be on board. Don't give me this line of shit about your concern for public health.

>> No.10938835
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>> No.10938847

I don't understand. There's people out there who drive west of the city just to buy soda cause it's tax free. The gas is gonna even out the cost anyways.

>> No.10938852

People that drink soda are stupid and poor. They wouldn't be able to understand that.

>> No.10938857

Yeah but lets be completely honest here if you're buying a fucking three liter bottle of soda for a dollar and change, there are probably much better things you could be spending that money on.

>> No.10938858

Drive to Montgomery County, fill trunk with sodas, return to the hood and sell them, profit (barely).

>> No.10938877


>taxes internet usage

Fat nerd

>> No.10938881

Billy likes soda

>> No.10938912


>> No.10938918

>he believes actual democracy exists in America

>> No.10938936

Most people didn't vote for Trump.

>> No.10938943

Most people didn’t vote, idiot.

>> No.10938950

Taxation is not the right way to force people into a more healthy lifestyle.
How about rewarding good cardio performance and blood work?

>> No.10938958

Yeah, and vast majority of people who did voted against trump.

>> No.10938959

Fat tax when?

>> No.10938978
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Betus meds...

>> No.10938981

Better the money go to a gas company than to c*ty c*uncil

>> No.10938984

Oh so like fraud wouldn’t be an issue.

>> No.10938985

Taxing bad behavior doesn't reduce bad behavior. It is just a money grab.

>> No.10939007

I'd leave that to the insurances. But the bonuses you get for good health here are laughable.
It somewhat works for car insurances.

>> No.10939028

See >>10938771

Decision by city council.


Already happening, except it's DelCo, not MontCo.

Philadelphia is one of the few cities in America where da gubmint owns the gas company.

>> No.10939067

B-but we's needs the electoral college to keep our irrelevant shithole inbred states full of knuckledragging tards relevant.

>> No.10939076

but it helps to fund the end result of all you lard assess with high fructose corn syrup for blood.

>> No.10939079

That's not even the point of the electoral college; it's to keep an incompetent populist like Trump from becoming president...

>> No.10939090

Wrong. Taxing the fuck out of cigarettes reduced smoking.

>> No.10939094

>Philadelphia is one of the few cities in America where da gubmint owns the gas company.

I’m sure they mean fuel for their automobiles...

>> No.10939144

that's kind of a stretch, because cig taxes came along with a huge cultural push against smoking

>> No.10939150

Poor people on food stamps and shit aren't gonna want to pay that and are just gonna make the drive to neighboring counties to load up on bulk. Philadelphia County hugs the city and you can be in Delaware, Montgomery or Bucks county in a relatively short drive,

>> No.10939180

Not just that. They also came at a time when there were a lot of alternatives offered, like vaping, and an increase in cannabis availability.

I work with a lot of old dudes, many of whom smoke. None of them quit as taxes were raised, most just paid up and kept bitching. One switched to vaping and another switched to buying cigars instead of cigs. apparently they are taxed differently and "mini cigars" avoid the cig tax.

>> No.10939194

Actually in some lower class circles it became a status symbol (I can afford to smoke).

>> No.10939207

Who drinks soda anymore? Enjoy having dentures at 45 years of age

>> No.10939212


>> No.10939229

Better to let people eat what they want but eliminate socialized health care. You want to eat candy all day every day for 50 years? I don't care, go for it. I don't want to pay for it though.

>> No.10939246

Aaannnd this is why the US is fat, dumb and lazy.

>> No.10939269

If you recount only a few districts, trump would win the popular vote too.

>> No.10939291

Three million people is only a few districts?

>> No.10939299

>fat, dumb and lazy
and proud. God bless America!

>> No.10939339

On its own probably a good thing to punish fatties for consuming excessive amount of cola.

But what about the precedence it sets? What if there's a tax on any and every junkfood? And how much is too much sin tax for an item? Look at how much cannucks spend on beer compared to Americans. What if soda prices triple. That could get really annoying

>> No.10939355
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>boil everyone itt in a giant vat of scalding fanta

>> No.10939366


>> No.10939391

and american's laugh at europe because

>oi m8 where's ya knife liocense

>> No.10939394

>punish fatties
It probably doesn't punish them, though. Fatties in America tend to get government gibs for being disabled, and already get more than enough food money to pay any extra taxes. It just hurts those of us who are skinny and like to drink sweets from time to time.

>> No.10939408

Paying 3 dollars instead of 1 dollar for a bottle of soda if you only buy soda very rarely (if you only buy soda very rarely) like for events or get togethers would not be annoying at all.

>> No.10939409
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how about the government subsidizing healthy foods? That would encourage everyone to eat healthier while also leaving those alone who want to drink their sugarwater from time to time

>> No.10939416

Turn off the Fox News immediately. Everyone knows that fat old Fox News watchers are the ones consuming the largest amounts of soda. They drink it instead of water. Because it's in the constitution that no one should have to drink plain water.

>> No.10939426

>government subsidizing healthy foods
Lol enjoy America slobbering down kraft singles.

>> No.10939433
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Philly is a garbage city. Nobody buys anything of value in the city because the taxes suck and Delaware is literally right there. And there's no tax on sugar itself. So you can just buy it in bulk and mix your own damn sugar water.

>> No.10939436

>Kraft singles do not qualify for the US FDA Pasteurized Processed Cheese[3] labeling. For this reason Kraft labels them Pasteurized Prepared Cheese Product to avoid FDA sanctions.
what the fuck are Americans eating

>> No.10939439

Don't blame others for regulating you if you clearly can't regulate yourself. And before you say 'muh body muh rules', consider that countless individuals like you are contributing to a societal obesity epidemic threatening nationwide health and productivity. No man is an island.

>> No.10939442

“Would you like to donate a dollar to save a landwhale?”

>> No.10939444

I've known more liberals who breathed soda than fox news watchers, who in my personal experience have tended to be thinner and eat healthier (strange but anecdotal).

>> No.10939445
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>mix your own damn sugar water

>> No.10939447

>let's make fat people poor(er)

Fucking big government fascists, hands off my soda RRRRRRRRREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

>> No.10939452

I'm not what you're implying here, but every obese person is a potential tax paying worker. It would benefit everyone if they would recover

>> No.10939461


>> No.10939462

>Americans identify themselves by which biased news channel they prefer over the other

>> No.10939464

It's a byproduct of cheesemaking. It's pure cheesefat

>> No.10939469
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They elected a Russian spy

>> No.10939471
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well that sounds... strange to say the least

>> No.10939480

It sounds like you must have been surrounded only by very rich people your whole life then, and then you had to go to community college because you were megaspoiled

>> No.10939484

Modern Dems are against invasive government regulation.

Anyway, yeah, this sucks

>> No.10939487

Strange, isn't it? The powers that be are complaining that the country is being split in half, yet they are the ones who engineered this. Divide and rule only works for so long

>> No.10939501

>Modern Dems are against invasive government regulation.
Modern Dems just elected another socialist. And that's unironically a good thing. Enough with this pretending to be on the political left bullshit

>> No.10939514

Smoker here, you'll get used to it.

>> No.10939571

Only /ck/ fatposters could think there is anything wrong with this

>> No.10939585

truly he was a first post: best post

>> No.10939619

Reported to your local magistrate for hate speech

>> No.10939625

Reminder that no one gets fat by drinking soda.
That's a fat person excuse to avoid focusing on their real problems.

>> No.10939630

Outta my way. I'm fatposting

>> No.10939632

by drinking soda you're consuming calories, of course you can

>> No.10939634

I already pay $2.16 per 2 liters of soda at target jfc. Time to buy a soda stream

>> No.10939635

Any time I go to walmart I see these landwhales with a small mountain of soda in their cart. You can't tell me they don't get fat from drinking all that

>> No.10939639

also, it's annoying because I only buy diet drinks

>> No.10939643

By eating tic tacs you're consuming calories.
Nobody's getting fat through soda.
If that were the case all the fatties would just switch to one of the many sugar free soda options around now and the obesity epidemic would be solved.
Trust me, I'm a 32 year old hungry skelly who probably drinks more soda than anyone else on this board, it does not make you fat on its own. It's more the fact that you're slathering ranch on everything and eating shit like baconators and foot long chili cheese coneys.

>> No.10939644

>in multiple studies switching to diet soda did not lead to weight loss

>> No.10939647

Do you know how easy it is to just drink sugar free soda instead? The sugar free versions taste just like regular soda now.
Do you seriously think all these fat people would become normal weight just by switching to sugar free soda?
Complete ridiculous, it's just a fat person excuse, like how poor people focus on negligible "savings" from coupons and deals while ignoring their actually significant massive expenses where they're losing all their money each month.

>> No.10939648

>not living in a flyover state
You deserved it

>> No.10939649

If you're a hungry skelly odds are you're just the type who can eat anything he wants and be eternally scrawny. It's anecdotal evidence anyway

>> No.10939651

I'm not trying to lose weight, but I'd rather consume my calories in food and still drink soda which is why I buy diet

>> No.10939653

>odds are you're just the type who can eat anything he wants and be eternally scrawny
No, I'm pretty sure I live in a universe where thermodynamics exist just like everyone else.
Soda isn't the problem, fatty.

>> No.10939656

Sugar free soda is a lie. Every study showed that it made no difference for people trying to lose weight. The makers of sugar substitutes are lying

>> No.10939660

Soda isn't the problem. If it were, all the fat people could switch to sugar free soda and stop being fat.

>> No.10939662

All the people in the studies were on controlled diets as well. They were not eating the same way they did before they went on the program

>> No.10939670

>They were not eating the same way they did before they went on the program
I have no idea what you're saying here.
The sugar free soda made them want to eat more food?

>> No.10939676

No. They were dieting and drinking diet soda. The diet soda seemed to offset any calorie restriction

>> No.10939680

>The diet soda seemed to offset any calorie restriction
What does that mean?
I seriously have no idea what you're saying.

>> No.10939682

Diet soda makes you fat. That was the conclusion

>> No.10939689

Do you have this study?
That makes no sense at all.
How is a zero calorie product going to make someone fat?
That's literally impossible.

>> No.10939701

It's not truly zero calorie. But that's not what was being studied, so that part of it (how is this possible) was inconclusive. I'm gonna try to go back and find it

>> No.10939706

>It's not truly zero calorie
Gonna call absolute bullshit on that.

>> No.10939707

>How is a zero calorie product going to make someone fat?
The product itself does not contain any calories. However, it triggers an insulin response which makes the body more likely to put on fat if you currently have a caloric surplus. That is usually the case since people typically drink soda with a meal.

>> No.10939711

>However, it triggers an insulin response which makes the body more likely to put on fat if you currently have a caloric surplus.
So pretty much my original point.
You need to already be eating too much for it to be a problem.
If you're just a skinny guy who likes soda this is irrelevant.
Nobody ever solved an obesity problem by cutting out soda.

>> No.10939717

>So you can just buy it in bulk and mix your own damn sugar water.

This. All you need is a flavored syrup/juice and carbonated water. It always tastes better to mix your own

I get a rose or lavender flavored syrup off of amazon, mix it with lemon juice and sparkling water and havent looked at premade soda since

>> No.10939721

>people typically drink soda with a meal.
Flyover meter exploded on this one, guys! Needle literally broke.

>> No.10939730

maybe I said it wrong?
I meant to say that when people are drinking soda they are also eating food at the same time.

I didn't mean to imply that soda was a typical beverage served with a meal in general.

>> No.10939748

Philadelphia is filled with a bunch of poor historically economically challenged people. This only affects those the worst, because they spend buy soda regularly, whereas anyone with sense buys maybe one or two 2 liters for a party. Of course the peasants use food stamps on soda, so I guess the tax payers are the real ones getting stolen from. Democrats: fucking everyone over to keep the most morally corrupt few rich through feelgood taxation and horrible accountability of how that tax money is used. Fuck you liberals.

>> No.10939751

In flyoverland, it literally is.

>> No.10939755

Why didn't Philadelphia gentrify like literally every other major city?

>> No.10939759

>The last Democrat party wasn't a real Democrat party. It'll work this time guys, they are on our side!

>> No.10939760

Also I question what you're saying here, because other major cities already had a soda tax, and as I said, they are hella gentrified. It's not the poor it's rich liberals.

>> No.10939763

and the fat epidemic is mostly in flyoverland. Why are you agreeing in the most disagreeing way possible?

>> No.10939767

>How is a zero calorie product going to make someone fat?

legally speaking, something labeled as being zero calories can have calories in it. A lot of keto sweeteners for example dont count calories if the amount you get per serving is below a certain amount. So if you drink a liter bottle of soda, or even just a bottle meant to be split between 2 people, you're taking in calories. Just calories no one legally has to tell you about

>> No.10939772

Except what he said is wrong. Both parties are becoming more politically polarized. Soon it will be all communists and fascists fighting each other in the streets again, 20th century-Europe style. I guess because this never happened here we never learned our lesson, so we will now have to learn the hard way.

>> No.10939773

If the amount is really small (like 5-10 calories) does it really matter?

>> No.10939774

>legally speaking, something labeled as being zero calories can have calories in it.
Do you know what the word "negligible" means?

>> No.10939779

if you're on keto? yeah. 10 calories is like half of your daily quota. Realistically? not really. It depends though. A serving size could be like 6 oz. Most people dont sit down with a 6oz cup of soda even if it IS diet. More common is 12 to 18 oz for a normal sized cup and that adds up if you drink alittle every meal thinking its calorie free

>> No.10939782

>Implying the real fight wont be between authoritarian nationalism and authoritarian globalist socialism
Find me in the woods anons we can hang out.

>> No.10939810

>Euros identify themselves by letting the God elive in their heads rent free.
Why is it always some eurotrash that unabashedly lashes out against Americans? Everyone wants to take a stab at us and talk trash.. Why is that? Why is it eurocunts are mandated to learn English and forced to be multi lingual while Americans only become multilingual out of personal interest? What is it about us that makes euros saltier than a dried sunflower seed spit cup from a prostitute that just finished a rush hour bj chain?

>> No.10939814

Pepsi One had just 1 calorie per 12 ounces.
Diet soda has less than 1 calorie per 12 ounces, not 5-10 per 6 ounces like you're suggesting.
Although either way this is a retarded tangent since even were there to exist some imaginary diet soda that had 5-10 calories per 6 ounces that would still mean if you switched to it from a regular Pepsi you'd be going from 150 calories per 12 ounces down to 10-20 calories per 12 ounces, which would be around a 90% reduction in calories from soda.
And it would still make no real difference because, once again, soda does not make people fat, eating like fat idiots is what makes people fat. Soda's just an excuse fat people focus on to avoid dealing with their eating habits.

>> No.10939843

We've had this in Britain for around a year now. Some brands notably coca cola have kept their recipe the same and raising the price. Coke however has made the standard 500 ml bottle now 330ml and discontinued the 3L bottle

Alot of other brands, like Pepsi and IRN-BRU have changed their recipe to taste more like the diet version so the price doesn't rise

>> No.10939849

It's more about the insulin thing the other anon was talking about. This is still being studied but the real reason remains elusive.

>> No.10939859

Good. This will save all you "muh freedom muh taxation is rape" money people in the long run.

>> No.10939860

Pretty much this. I never drink soda. But I do drink beer, which isn't good for me, and I pay a vice tax on that. Why shouldn't fatfuck soda drinkers pay a tax on their vice?

>> No.10939876

Seattle did this too.

Philadelphia did it to get Mo Money for Dem Programs. So they levied a regressive tax, to help poor people.

>> No.10939881

The sugar tax is 24 times higher than the beer tax.

>> No.10939884

So what?

>> No.10939890

Now compare it to the tax on cigarettes.

>> No.10939904

I'm guessing that just means obesity is a bigger problem than alcoholism these days.

>> No.10939907

You’re being sarcastic, but pricing sugar out of poor people’s hands IS helping them.

>> No.10939916

Alcohol makes you fat.

>> No.10939921

I buy 3-5 dollar one serving bottles of Kombucha and other random soy free shit

does not make a difference in my spending, i don't eat every anyways

>> No.10939923

Except it won't, and they know this.

>> No.10939926

Definitely. Alcoholism affects some fraction of the population. Obesity affects virtually everyone. People who are not obese are the minority.

>> No.10939930

just fyi people on foodstamps can buy soda, chips, and cookies on ebt

t. former cashier/clerk who now serves their country and gets free soda who's laughing now

>> No.10939975

Those are the cheapest things you can buy to eat. Would they still buy them if they were no longer the cheapest things?

>> No.10939982


2 cups favorite fruit
1 cup sugar
1 squeeze of lemon or lime
simmer 20 mins

let cool, add to seltzer.

>> No.10939987

when you have over 300$ in foodstamps i don't think you care about costs unless you somehow needed to cook meat that week.

>> No.10940089
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Stay fucking mad faggots. 4 more years. I could only dream of having a head of state like that. Wanna trade citizenship? Our best performing regions are on par with some of your worst for employment rates right now.

>> No.10940223

Communist bastard.

>> No.10940233

Europe didn't learn any lessons either; it's just that the communists won.

>> No.10940247
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>> No.10940262

He's right and you cant prove him wrong

>> No.10940268

I'll prove both of you wrong by the muzzle flashes of my fucking rifle if it gets to that.

>> No.10940271

Stay fat fatty, hope the gubberment forces you into a camp to keep you away from burgers

>> No.10940277

Flyover fascists, everybody

>> No.10940284

I seriously can’t wait to starve out all the city folk when the second civil war comes.

>> No.10940305
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>he thinks there would be a concentrated effort to intentionally starve large populations of people during a civil war


>> No.10940331
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Careful what you wish for, good ol boy

>> No.10940337

Good. Soda is for plebs and the plebs should be charged extra

>> No.10940346

>you're trying to stop people literally slowly killing themselves with sugar water
>ur a gommie

American "conservatism"

>> No.10940355

Do you understand what population density is? Another dumb trump supporter... Nothing out of the ordinary.

>> No.10940365
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>> No.10940368

That map is fake news

>> No.10940370

>the south thinking it could win a civil war today when it could not before the advent of modern munitions
you realize the entire US military, the most advanced military in the world, will be fighting against you, right?

>> No.10940375

If soda drinkers don't like it they can make their own soda. Same for cigarettes, booze. The equipment to make your own is cheap and widely available, it ain't like you need to find a soda dealer and perform the secret handshake to get access to a sodastream or whatever the fucking thing is called.

>> No.10940454

Cigarette taxes are bullshit though, there's no reason a pack of Marlboro reds should cost more than $5 anywhere

>> No.10940472

>tfw when you have to bootleg fizzy drinks

>> No.10940479

How are they any more bullshit than any other sort of tax?
There's no reason why any taxes need to exist, that's the point of taxes, they're something extra being charged beyond what the product would go for purely in terms of market factors alone.

>> No.10940549

They use the old "think of the children" excuse to extract money out of smokers like squeezing blood out of a stone.
I shouldn't have to roll my own cigarettes like some kind of peasant just because some soccer mom thinks tobacco smoke is going to give little Jayden instant emphysema

>> No.10940691

Secondhand smoke breaks the NAP my dude, it's no different than ripping a fart into another person's mouth.

>> No.10940708

All they gotta do is leave city limits and buy their shit elsewhere.

>> No.10940736

It's already segregated by neighborhood. At most, those who can't afford to live in NYC might choose to work in Philly.

>> No.10941471

Trump didn’t implement this tax dumbass

>> No.10941479

trump is a dumb faggot that has never accomplished anything and is responsible for causing everything i don't like in the entire world. even broccoli

>> No.10941525

>implying he didn't have someone tear up Michelle's garden

>> No.10941542

Once again, the liberal shows their total and complete ignorance of history.

The Electoral College exists explicitly to minimize the effect of population differences between the states and force a president to appeal broadly across the country, not just to a few small cities in a few small states.

>> No.10941689

Hawaii confirmed gayest state

>> No.10941720

You didn't even look at Taxachewsetts

>> No.10941722

good eye

Hawaii confirmed second gayest state

>> No.10941729

god i wanna live in boston some day. smartest place on earth

>> No.10941747

Good. Murica is going to have an insulin shortage if we don't start treating junk food and drinks like cigarettes.

>> No.10941777

>4 more years

are you saying trump is going to be impeached on his second term?

>> No.10941778

philadelphia is held together by graft and scams like these

>parking authority
>sting cars
>cops hiding around every corner waiting to ticket you if youre so much as 1 mile over the speed limit
>(((Pennsylvania Road Authority)))

>> No.10941786

Didn't this happen 2 years ago? And are non carbonated sugary drinks also affected?

>> No.10941793

It's been 2 years, let it fucking go.

>> No.10941801

This is retarded. Americans drank way more soda back in the day before the obesity crisis was a thing.

>> No.10941806

It's not the drinks. It's the lack of self control with portion sizes>>10941747

>> No.10941811

Why do cute Indian girl's toes smell so good?

>> No.10941866

Yes, thank you Mr.Big Boot of the Government, please you taste so good

>> No.10941883

He's still president you absolute fucking retard, and things only get worse as time goes on.

>> No.10941933

Nobody fucking cares.

>> No.10942328

That is actually a great decision.

>> No.10942337

Is it as high as the tax in Seattle?

>> No.10942343

as a fat fuck who weaned themselves off soda, I must agree with this

>> No.10942344

You are mistaking what they say it’s for with what it’s actually for. They SAY it’s for health. It’s ACTUALLY to rob people of more of their money while simultaneously pricing out the poorer people they claim to care about. Richer people can afford the soda tax, poorer people are more likely to drink soda and pay the tax and be unable to afford it. So essentially they are robbing poor people of a basic freedom to drink what they choose. Soda alone doesn’t make you fat. How many or how often you drink it could but that’s beside the point.

>> No.10942360

>Philadelphia is in the UK

>> No.10942365

>Richer people can afford the soda tax
Whether they could "afford" to pay extra for contaminated garbage water in a tacky plastic bottle is beside the point. Well off people just generally don't drink soda at the same level as poor uneducated people, they drink water, or obscenely overpriced fresh pressed juices, or whatever meme-of-the-month beverage their friends think is cool. And they are healthier because of the big picture, not because of one thing. Poor people aren't going to change their big picture through a single pigouvian tax. What may change though is their filthy soda habit, if it can be made more expensive than water, rather than cheaper.

You're just repeating tired talking points from the "grassroots" pro-soda campaign from a few years ago. It was incredibly transparent at the time, and the fact that you fell for it doesn't speak well to your intelligence. It's like saying that a progressive tax on income is going to make people work less. The reason that's faulty logic is because as you make more money less of your cash flow goes to basic non-negotiable needs like food and shelter. And in addition, the kinds of progressive tax changes usually being proposed affect people in the $500k+ brackets and yet are always being ardently opposed by people making like $50k a year, for some reason.

>> No.10942438

Americans are amateurs at taxation, they should go straight to the source and extra tax everything with sugar like in Norway... -_-

>> No.10942481

Yep. Just fucking teleported and left behind a crater.

>> No.10942512
File: 62 KB, 437x437, spacetti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going to Philly is a waste of time, it's the phillyfags that slowly encroach into the counties next to it i fear. GET OUT OF DELCO YOU FUCKERS

>> No.10942533


>> No.10942946

>had to wean himself off soda

>> No.10943772

>Alcohol makes you fat
>Carbs make you fat
>Fat makes you fat
mmm, the vexed and confused hoot of a brainlet

>> No.10944219

Soda IS a problem if its a large part of your daily caloric intake. After I cut out sweet tea/soda and switched to water, I lost 70lbs over the period of a year without any other major changes. CICO

>> No.10944472

Good to know that Philadelphia is on track to lower its obesity rate

>> No.10944509

Cool shit, but most Americans did.

>> No.10944516

I can: it's not the government's job to tell me what to do. Furthermore, at least where I live (Boulder, Colorado) there is no evidence that these types of taxes help, and there is also no evidence that the organizations the taxes go to help either.

Neck yourself

>> No.10944519

the good ones.

>> No.10944520
File: 147 KB, 1242x2208, even chinx laugh at us.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My god. This thread is so full of riffraff I don't know whether to laugh or cry

>> No.10944527
File: 54 KB, 2758x2150, urbanization_us1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the electoral collage exists to explicitly grand disproportional influence to the rural owners of large plantations who configured the early US government to their advantage
Fixed that for you, and the problem has only gotten worse since 1789. What we've ended up with is taxation without representation. Urbanites pay your welfare bux, ungrateful rustics bitch and moan about GOMMUNISM.

>> No.10944529

you got the pic wrong. America put vlad in power, and owns him

>> No.10944532

America put Yeltsin in power. Then Hillory tried to put Putin out of commission. He never forgot it. So he fucked her sideways

>> No.10944535

you have all the understanding of politics of a pastry chef. shhh.

>> No.10944536

Keep those Chitty Bucks rolling in or you will find yourself eating rat cat and dog stir fry in your 100 sqft apartment

>> No.10944540

As if that's less understanding than:
>America put vlad in power

>> No.10944542

we did

>> No.10944549

no we didn't. Turn off the fox news. Get off of the /pol/chens. Stop viewing the Infowers.

>> No.10944553

if you fail to see that america has been guiding the russia for the last 30 years or so.... well, I am not paid to teach retards.

>> No.10944560

It is only lucky that retards are not paid to teach other retards. Phew

>> No.10944565


>> No.10944567

yeah... so you are free to work as a walmart greeter. Go to it Jimmy.

>> No.10944570

weak comeback

>> No.10944571

doesn't take much to abuse the handicapped.

>> No.10944573


>> No.10944580

yeah yeah yeah... i'm rubber, you are a fag.


>> No.10944584

no u

>> No.10944635

if fats had some sort of restraint, humans wouldn't have to suffer

>> No.10944795

delco is pretty trash. a few gems but mostly trash

>> No.10944883
File: 114 KB, 298x476, emma_roberts_24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gay sex

>> No.10944908
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>> No.10946910

this is why I keep returning to this board
godspeed anon

>> No.10947108

Hopefully they'll use that money to fund actual programs for school to teach kids how to not get fat. Dunno if things changed now but when I was a kid the most schools ever taught was sugar=bad veggies=good. Fuck if I knew how easy it was to lose weight by just keeping track of your calories I would've done it way sooner in life and not be a fatty during my teen years.

>> No.10947117

they're doing you a favor. stop poisoning yourself.

>> No.10947257

>weaned themselves off soda
I've heard phrases like this on /ck/ over the years and it always baffled me. Same with "quit soda" or people having a freakout fest over some tiny change in a fast food menu

>> No.10947304

I really despise how left v right in America resorts to associating Liberalism with Socialism, and Conservatism with Fascism. Its like the same fucking shit when Obama was in office "SOCIALIST, SOCIALIST, SOCIALIST", and now its "FASCIST, FASCIST, FSCIS." This shit is a fucking joke.

>> No.10947347

There are over 200g of sugar in 2L bottle of coke. That is like one fifth of daily calorie intake and over 8 times of recommended sugar dose per day. If one drinks more cola, one gets more calories.

>> No.10947358
File: 145 KB, 500x553, wan-we-want-to-kill-black-people-we-want-civil-25919822.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>both sides are bad

>> No.10947366

>Acting like killing niggers is bad

wOaH anon, BUD think before you speak