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10936959 No.10936959 [Reply] [Original]

Today is traditionally eating grilled eel rice day in Japan.
How often do you eat this fish in your country?

>> No.10936973

wish I could eat $40 of unagi.

>> No.10936974

I can get some unagi sushi, but
>Today is traditionally eating grilled eel rice day in Japan.
what is this now?

>> No.10937024

At Edo period, Unagi do not much sell on summer season when unagi-seller ask to Hiragagennai(He is Inventor).
He said set the flag on your shop and write "doyouno-Ushinohi" Then Unagi much sold.

first word is same "Unagi" and "Ushinohi".
Maybe that is reason of Unagi-day, Japanese people like word game.

>> No.10937036

It's probably the most popular form of sushi in most of the US, owing to the fact that pre-cooked shrink-wrapped unagi has much better shelf stability than say, raw bluefin tuna

You can tell when an American has never had good sushi when they sperg out about how AMAZING unagi is

>> No.10937057
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>> No.10937059


based nip, thanks for the explanation

>> No.10937061

i've only eaten eel once and it was in sushi form tasted great, its very rare to see here

>> No.10937074

I only have eel, pan fried, for Easter. My grandmother insisted on always cooking the Easter dinner, and she knew a fisherman who sold eel for a good price. Easter in my family is a lot of smorrebrod, with herring, pickled beets, liverpaste and eel.
I have never had grilled eel or eel sushi, but I would like to try.

>> No.10937079

Huh, so I fall into that category.

Can you recommend types of sushi that is good? I'm not familiar with bluefin tuna, nor have I seen it listed before.

>> No.10937084
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Why grill them?

>> No.10937089

Sushi is good when sushi is made with top notch fresh ingredients. Also bluefin tuna is a critically endangered animal and I consider it to be morally abhorrent that it's still openly sold for food in grocery stores and restaurants

Anyway, I particularly like amaebi (a kind of shrimp), escolar (even though it is illegal in some places), black cod (an environmentally friendly alternative to freshwater eel), and amberjack

>> No.10937113
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>> No.10937149


>> No.10937159

I usually pick all the raw fish sushi, and leave the unagi sushi out of it because sauce favor and fresh taste don't fit together.

>> No.10937165

never had it

interested to try

>> No.10937232

based chinaman

>> No.10937304
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im Japanese living in Singapore.
I ate unagi with my local colleagues today.
It was long cueue. May be they know this culture?

>> No.10937324
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>> No.10937345
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I am a Japanese living in Japan.
Today, I bought a Japanese eel in a department store. About 50 dollars.
Eels may not be eaten in the future in Japan. I thought so and bought it. It was delicious at its best. But, it is too expensive.

>> No.10937358
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Taiwan eel that I ate about 10 days ago.
About 18 dollars. It is not superlative but delicious.

>> No.10937398
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Here in France it's about 30€ for the whole eel, alive.
For cooked and smoked eel, it's about 30€/kilo.
On this pic it's an eel matelotte, which means "fisherman's eel", it's cooked in red wine with vegetables, garlic and bouquet garni.

>> No.10937409

it's beautiful!

>> No.10937415

I think the eel eaten in Europe is seawater eel. I had smoked eel a few times, it's very good, but not soemthing most of us eat very often, unless maybe you live close to the see.

>> No.10937536
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Little bit off-topic but all fish dishes are usually this wholesome.
Here, it's a bouillabaisse, à classical fish stew from the south of France, Marseille mostly.

>> No.10937562

A local place does a nice unagi don, but it's pretty pricey and a bit cheap with the eel.

>> No.10937575
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Actually they're both, like salmons, european eels travel their whole lives alterning between salt and fresh waters.
But anyway it's a criticaly endangered species so sadly, we can't eat too much or it... It also stores a shitload of heavy metals like lead so it's better to eat it the less often possible.
Bonus pic, eels on the barbecue.

>> No.10937594
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I bought this and put it over rice a few times. It scratches the back of my throat but I really like the taste. Does it taste anything like a grill?

>> No.10937601

We have a couple of dishes with eels here. Mainly 'Paling int groen' and breaded fried eel pieces with french fries and tartar-sauce

>> No.10937605
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pic related

>> No.10937610

Most of the cured/smoked eel is actually some sort of shark, or so i've heard. Not sure if it's true

>> No.10937620

Never had it in a can. The chinese supermarket sells it frozen, tastes like it should, just lower quality than restaurants.

>> No.10937631

Never ever buy "unagi" in an asian supermarket.

You have to look very close at the small print, as most are made in china and taste like rubber or shoe leather.

And the fucking sneaky chinks will even try to use japanese writing or a japanese sounding brand name to fool people.

Only buy Unagi from a japanese store, and even then, make sure you check the fine print. Chinese "unagi" often isn't even eel and I wouldn't trust the chemicals put into those packages. This is coming from a Chinese ex-pat.

>> No.10937661

unagi is the best
don't know where to get it in germany (never even bothered to check actually)
best one I ever had was at this tiny traditional restaurant in tokyo (japanese anon recommended it) and it was pure orgasm with every bite

>> No.10937662

it's also masturbation day in japan
eat your cum

>> No.10937684

do they swim in your stomach

>> No.10937717


Not very, European eels are very much an endangered species, desu

>> No.10937727

Never. Sucks because eel is awesome. Some sushi restaurants have it, otherwise I never see it anywhere. I'm sure there's quite a few restaurants that carry it but I've never come across any.

>> No.10937742

Who do you think I am, richie rich? The chinese one is half the price of the japanese one and tastes the same, I'm not made of money.

>> No.10937744
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I think a good rule of thumb is to never buy anything from a chinese supermarket if you care about your health.

> Thirty Chinese preserved egg companies are being shut down for using toxic chemicals to expedite the egg-festering process

Thirty preserved egg companies are being shut down for using industrial copper sulphate, a toxic chemical, to expedite the egg-festering process. South China Morning Post reports:

Industrial copper sulphate usually contains high levels of toxic heavy metals, including arsenic, lead and cadmium, so is banned for use as a food additive.

The eggs are usually preserved with baking soda, salt, and quicklime for about two months. The process turns yolks dark green and the egg white into a stiff, dark jelly. Using copper sulphate could significantly reduce the processing time while achieving the same effect.


>> No.10937746

>The chinese one is half the price of the japanese

Yeah, you don't wonder why that is?

>> No.10937749

you can buy them everywhere

>> No.10937756

meh I'll take the risk, if I die then that's still a win

>> No.10937761

I order fish whenever I go to a nice restaurant, other than that I sometimes go to the lake behind my house to hook a trout for the frying pan. I don't have a lot of money and seafood from the grocery store is very expensive here.

>> No.10937767

>Also bluefin tuna is a critically endangered animal and I consider it to be morally abhorrent that it's still openly sold for food in grocery stores and restaurants

Bluefin Tuna are not endangered.
No animal that humans eat that sells for a high price will EVER be endangered. We just end up domesticating and farming them.

>> No.10937780

>wait for a hot humid night
>Set up by the river and get the fire started, bacon in my cast iron pan
>Wrap bacon around liver and cast it towards that log by the bank
>Set the bastard on his third nibble because its a pain in the nuts if he swallows the hook
>15 minute fight and here it is, cord around his neck
>Peel the skin, toss the guts, slice the meat
>In the pan with bacon grease and cheap whiskey
Fuck me I miss living by a river.

>> No.10937806

what's the meme with them smelling bad and shit
i had several, most of them in asia, and they always just tasted like boiled egg

>> No.10937826

Where can I get anime sake?
Also, 50 bucks is a lot.
Why do you say there may not be found l sold in the future?

>> No.10937834


If your boiled eggs taste like pi dan, then there's something seriously wrong.

>> No.10937837

they have never had any smell nor unusual taste
maybe the ones in the west are just so rotten they're trash

>> No.10937857

>or so i've heard. Not sure if it's true

That sounds like nonsense to me. Eel is never cured, it's smoked. And it's obviously not a shark, you can clearly see the eel body shape and bone structure.

t. Dane who has eaten countless smoked eels straight from the harbor. Smoked mackerel is great too.

Asian markets carry it (frozen).

>> No.10937862

>that'rr be 200 dorrars
Jiro dreams of profit margins as high as Mount Fuji.

>> No.10937865

>Why do you say there may not be found l sold in the future?
I'm not that guy, but I think he's referring to the fact that wild-caught eels are hard to get in Japan due to the small catch sizes. They do have a massive eel farming industry, though the original Iron Chef has taught me that people look down on farmed eel compared to wild-caught ones as far as taste goes.

>> No.10937871

>Jiro dreams of profit margins as high as Mount Fuji
given how costly his ingredients are I doubt his dream is getting him very far.

Yeah high end sushi is expensive, but when you figure that a good Bluefin costs tens if not hundreds of thousands of $$$ then the price is put in perspective.

>> No.10937884

As far as I know, eels are eaten in Spain, Portugal, and France.

>> No.10937899

Sure, but you're only getting a tiny strip of that expensive tuna, probably around 30-50 grams per piece, and it costs you hundreds of dollars. If their profit margins really were low they would have shown their books.

>> No.10937923

>>it costs you hundreds of dollars.
It, and several other pieces of very expensive fish like it, cost you hundreds of dollars. It's not like you're paying that kind of money for a single piece of nigiri.

>> No.10937925

just use less expensive fish lol nobody's going to notice anyway

>> No.10937943


ex sushi "assistant" here

Never made it to chef, but I can tell you that some fu fu restaurant like French Laundry or Slanted Door has much, much higher margins than sushi.

As the other guy said, the ingredients for high end sushi is like serving only truffles for every course. Expensive ingredients make for very tight margins, and that doesn't include the shit ton of 'spoilage' meaning fish isn't bad, but isn't fresh anymore.

This whole "jiro is rich" meme is pure ignorance. The guy lives in a small modest home.

>> No.10937949

>The guy lives in a small modest home.
because he's a stingy cunt and just about dead already anyway

>> No.10937955



>> No.10937956

he's rich because he has a modest home. also you can't buy big property in japan, you'd have have to built it a long time ago.

>> No.10937959

oh i forgot he's JAPANESE so he's such amazing chap and lives only to serve the BEST and HIGHEST quality sushi because he's JAPANESE

will weebs ever fuck off?

>> No.10937971
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I don't think you realize just how expensive Jiro's level of ingredients are. High end tuna costs around a buck a gram. Could be more. The preferred kind of shrimp (Kuruma ebi)? Anywhere from $30 to $70 EACH if they are wild-caught. And those are wholesale prices.

>> No.10937981

nobody claimed that goofy shit. in nipville you can get anything from high-end to cheap ass sushi.

Even the Japs consider Jiro to be exceptionally skilled and exceptionally pricey. Nobody except you is claiming that durr all japs serve the BEST.

>> No.10938027

>Being this dunning-kruger over raw fish


>> No.10938074

Singaporean here, Unagi is fairly popular here. My family eats it from time to time.
There are also many local food stalls specializing in Japanese cuisine that sell Unagi, they have long queues often times.

>> No.10938079

I heard most cheap Unagi is actually some Chinese eel looking fish that isn't actually an eel.

>> No.10938097

bouillabaisse is amazing

>> No.10938111


Often inported snake head fish, which are very cheap and common.

>> No.10938117
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>> No.10938553

>This whole "jiro is rich" meme is pure ignorance. The guy lives in a small modest home.
Just because someone does not display their wealth does not mean they are not rich, do you think Warren Buffett is not rich?
I'll believe that there isn't a huge margin when they publish their bookkeeping.

>> No.10938783
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this is the only time other than in rush hour that i've even heard of people eating it.

>> No.10939066

>It's probably the most popular form of sushi in most of the US
Completely retarded and wrong.
Salmon and tuna are obviously the best sellers.
Eel is easier for sushi places to serve because they buy it precooked, but consumers don't care about that. Most Americans wouldn't even try eel, it's up there with octopus or squid in terms of out of the ordinary seafood options for Westerners.
Also eel does taste really good, not sure why you're pretending otherwise.

>> No.10939086

I fucking hate fish but eel is nice. One of the only fish that doesn't taste like either shit or nothing.

>> No.10939102

What in the actual fuck?

>> No.10939230

not a lot of sushi in the midwest?

>> No.10939242

You can get unagi anywhere in the midwest.

>> No.10939266
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>it's up there with octopus or squid in terms of out of the ordinary seafood options for Westerners

>> No.10939285


>> No.10939321
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Octopus and squids are weird for Amerifats?

>> No.10939379

Yes, they're not common things people order. Not sure why this is shocking news. Salmon and tuna are the common popular sushi orders.

>> No.10939434

I'm pretty sure it's really normal to have calamari in the US.

>> No.10939456

Calamari isn't rare in the US. It's nearly always deep-fried and sold as an appetizer. But as for calamari on SUSHI specifically? Very rare.

>> No.10939467

Subhumans. Nothing new actually, you are right.

>> No.10939474

Was thinking more in terms of sushi.
Most people don't order octopus or squid sushi.
Probably more people order eel sushi, but that's still not going to be anywhere close to the most popular order.
I'm honestly very surprised anyone thought that was the case.
Philadelphia rolls for example are salmon and that's pretty fucking popular in the US.
Eel's more the kind of thing people order to feel like they're doing something exotic.

>> No.10939528

what about calamari?

>> No.10939535

See >>10939456

>> No.10939538

they die in the alcohol, but yea they might still be kicking a bit

>> No.10939583
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what about it?

>> No.10939590

thanks for the explanation, ESL-kun

>> No.10939599

What do you mean what about it?
Read the post.
You're asking what about calamari, he's saying calamari isn't an uncommon order but squid sushi is.

>> No.10939600

octopus and squid are very common in mediterranean diet, my dear la creatura

>> No.10939608

very neat

>> No.10939610

We're talking about sushi though.

>> No.10939657

what post?

>> No.10939663

The post here:
That was mentioned to you by the guy who made this post:
Are you just doing some retarded trolling thing now? I don't get it.

>> No.10939709
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>> No.10939788

what a fuckin legend

>> No.10939813

this brand is ok

obviously go for something better if you can get it, but for supermarket canned eel it really isn't too bad

goes well as a final lil snack before bed following an evening of drinking; some eastern euros like pickled herring for the same reason

>> No.10939821

lel, first saw this webm as "ping long's lunch:" a meme from /vg/hbg. Did it originate in /int/ or what?

>> No.10939824

What does doyouno mean?

>> No.10939841

non flyover here, we don't think any of these are "scary"


please don't speak for me, Nebraska

>> No.10939846

>do they swim in your stomach
Yes, that's the whole appeal to food like that.
It's more of an Asian country thing for whatever reason.

>> No.10939850

I didn't call them scary.
I'm just pointing out that it's retarded to think eel is the most commonly consumed sushi in the US. That's not even close to right.

>> No.10939911

if I recall some Chinanon said that these videos are part of some Chinese social media (Weibo?) trend where dudes try to outbadass one another with weird chugged frankencocktails

i've seen more including this specific guy, but i don't know anymore than that

>> No.10939915

unagi and manago is rapidly decreasing this is not a sustainable meal

just take that sweet sauce and eat it with beef /chicken over rice

>> No.10939970

oh i see.
it was my first time to eat unagi in Singapore even im here for three years.
Unagi price in Japan is rising a lot recently.
So i think SG price is more affordable.
Why i hadn't been there until now....

>> No.10939980

>unagi is rapidly decreasing
>therefore I should pre-emptively deprive myself of unagi
Never understood this mentality. If it's rapidly decreasing why would you let others have all of it while it's still cheap?

>> No.10939984

Fake news, I guarantee you there will never be a day when you suddenly can't order unagi anymore.
Eel farming techniques will just get good.
You don't just ignore a massive demand like that.

>> No.10940067

i hope they burned that flag after

>> No.10940230

>Eel farming techniques will just get good.
they haven't though

>> No.10940244

We haven't run out of eel yet either.
It's the same deal with crude oil. You'll get results as soon as you need results, not a day sooner.

>> No.10940275
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>learns the term "dunning-kruger"
>whoa I'm so smart!
>immediately misuses it thus creating a dunning-kruger singularity

>> No.10942476

Reading about the elver/eel business up in maine is some interesting fucking shit, everyone in the thread should go look that up. A softball size hunk of elvers can net you 10 grand? People shoot each other over elver trapping spots up there. All because we can only farm eels after that stage of life. Almost everything caught during the migration season is shipped to china to be raised so people are already mechanizing the situation to the fullest extent

>> No.10942490

The risk seems exagerated. My Chinese friends all show in such stores and they are still alive after decades.

>> No.10942502

This happens to fucking much and it never fails to amuse me.

>> No.10943223

It is rarely eaten in the UK despite the memes, most people will try it once and most of those are tourists

>> No.10943258

Why does he cover his bowl in plastic wrap? Is that just to avoid cleaning it later?