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File: 1.89 MB, 3024x1701, homemade sauerkraut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10936568 No.10936568 [Reply] [Original]

What are you guys currently curing, fermenting, brining and whatnot?

I just started a small batch of some very basic sauerkraut. Just tasted it and it's coming along nicely, but has a couple more weeks to go to be ready.

>chop cabbage and put into a large bowl
>sprinkle with a little bit of salt and massage, sprinkle more salt in and massage
>cover and wait 20-30 minutes
>sprinkle more salt and massage, squish it down to release as much liquid as possible and add the rest of your salt and mix it all up
>wait another half hour until it wilts like a motherfucker. then massage a bit more and then stuff it into a jar, preferribly with some kind of weight
>burp/check on the jar every couple of days, making sure that the cabbage is below the water level. if there isn't enough water, add some more salty water.

Shit's not hard, guys. You can also add spices and seeds to add a little more flavor to the kraut, but I wanted something really basic this time.

Also I used to work for a pickling company, so ask me anything.

>> No.10936573
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>opening the jar and letting oxygen in

>> No.10936577

>eating rancid vegetables
>typing out "burp"
reddit-tier bait. this isn't rick and morty, kid

>> No.10936595
File: 50 KB, 877x749, what did you say you little shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys done yet?

>> No.10936610

I added onions and radish to my latest sauerkraut. Shit's so farty it's amazing.

>> No.10936617

I get the onions, I guess, but what does the radish do?

>> No.10936621
File: 351 KB, 1200x1680, gravlax.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also made some gravlax a few weeks ago. Another really simple recipe.

>get a good piece of raw salmon
>make sure it's deboned, rinse with water, pat dry with water towels, lay the filet down on a raised lid tray (there will be water coming out of the salmon and you don't want it to spill all over your fridge)
>cover competely with a mix of large grain salt, sugar and freshly chopped dill
>cover with some paper towels and another tray
>leave for 3-4 days, checking on it daily and draining the water/replacing the paper towels
>when the salmon is firm, it's ready

Then you just cut it thinly and make sure you don't include the really fishy layer of fat under the skin. You can either cut it all off at once or just kind of scrape away when you're cutting. It's not a terrible taste, but does go against the cured salmon taste and can sometimes go a little rancid.

Again, not difficult, takes a little bit of prep and a lot of waiting, but it's worth it.

>> No.10936623

It's rich in some sort of sulphurous compounds, iirc. Adds a deep, funky note to the flavour.

>> No.10936677

>reddit-tier bait.
This is real food. Guess I have to fall for your bait don't I...

>> No.10936682

you were asking for it as soon as you mentioned pickling mate. you cant just say "pickle" and expect to have a serious thread.

>> No.10936684

Not OP here. :^)

>> No.10936706
File: 126 KB, 500x375, 222%20Tsukemono%20-%20Japanese%20Preserved%20Vegetables.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone got a good recipe for lacto-fermented shibazuke?

>> No.10936877
File: 80 KB, 700x701, 1518373710373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you explain to me what the fuck shibazuke, I'd gladly take a poke at guessing what the recipe is lol.

Can you really not handle the word pickle, guy?

>> No.10936883

Jap pickles. Eggplant, or eggplant and cucumber. I've read that it uses perilla leaf and plum wine lees

>> No.10936888

That sounds interesting.

I've been meaning to try just regular pickles but with rice vinegar, seaweed and a little bit of rice wine.

>> No.10936911

i am pickling eggs and hot sausages.

>> No.10936956

Fermented honey garlic a la Brad Leone
Mead (technically a blueberry cyser)

>> No.10936958

I fermented a couple gallons of cukes from the garden and have some sauerkraut going right now that should be done in a week or so. I use 2% salt by weight for the kraut and a 5% brine for the cukes. Going to pick some jalapeno today I may ferment. I did 5 quarts of habanero and tabasco sauce last year so probably won't do any hot sauce this year.

>> No.10936966

Just beer at the moment. But I am hoping to make kimchi soon too

>> No.10936969

Fucking right on, man. Where do you live that you can grow all of these?

>> No.10936994

Im fermenting a big jar 1kg+ of ginger carrots that I made last week. Also a large kimchi that I started two days ago. Pickled some french radishes that I harvested yesterday too. I love having a fridge full of long-life yum yums.

>> No.10937053

The south. We get 3 growing seasons: spring, summer and fall. I'll be harvesting peppers until the first frost which is usually late Oct. I'll plant another batch of cabbages in Aug.

>> No.10937134

Guys, peppers are nearly ripe, and there's a LOT of them.. I'm gonna turn most of them into sauce, cayennes are gonna get dried and powered.. as I'm basically the only one in my family enjoying hot food, I have no reason to do quick blended sauce. So I'm planning to do a fermented style ones. Any good recipes or just keep it nice and simple? I'm thinking chopping them a few times, big jar, cover with basic water salt solution, burp, leave for a few months, blend then really good, mix with vinegar to get more life out of them.. now, I see a lot of people doing mangos, pineapples and stuff like that. Do you put them before fermentation of after? Do they go well with vinegar? What kind of vinegar is the best? Planning to use plain one for Tabasco style sauce, but I also have homemade apple one.. any other stuff like garlick? In the fermentation or after?

>> No.10937214

I've been fermenting noni fruit for a year in a giant glass jar outside. Supposedly it tastes better that it fresh. I can't wait to try the juice. I just hope theirs no residual smell.

>> No.10937243

What should he have typed out instead?

>> No.10937260
File: 95 KB, 534x800, fermentation-airlock-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just made 6 lbs of basic sauerkraut like you op, great on sandwiches and with sausages. for the know nothing retards here, >>10936573 , you have to release gas that builds up in the jar or it might explode; I went to a home brew place in my town and bought one of those airlock things that solves that problem, but for those who don't have one, burping it works too.

>> No.10937282
File: 1.53 MB, 2576x1932, 20171202_170150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorite I made last year was a simple tabasco and garlic. The next best was a habanero, garlic, carrot and tomato. If you use fruit make sure it's fully ripe because I added a mango thst wasn't ripe and it was dissapointing. You put them in with the peppers at the beginning of fermentation. I added @30% apple cider vinegar after fermentation to keep them shelf stable but you could use plain white vinegar too.

>> No.10937354

Yes thank you! One more thing, can I pick peppers as they ripe and put them in a freezer, so when enough ripen for fermentation I do them all at once? Habaneros just started a week ago and I don't know should I pick up ones that are now orange and ripe for a week to preserve them, or just leave them on a plant and pick everything up when enough ripens for a full jar of sauce...

>> No.10937442

I make 1 quart at a time so I let them ripen and pick when there are enough for that although you could certainly freeze them. They do well in the freezer.

>> No.10937476

Thanks for the info man! I think I'll do a liter at a time, maybe trying different recipes and pepper mixes...

>> No.10937503

I've got some vinegar pickles going (half just dill + garlic, the others with a mixed pickling spice).
I also started a fermented hot sauce last week: Peaches, mangoes, and habaneros. Smells great so far but it's not done yet.

>> No.10937648

Does fruit induce too much of it's flavour or it's just the sweetness? Doesn't sugar from fruits turn into alcohol?

>> No.10937851

I've made 2 batches of sauerkraut, first one was great but the second turned out like shit. I think a big problem was that my supermarket doesn't have good cabbage, and I'm going to get the next head from a farmer's market.

I've had more luck with lacto-fermented cucumbers. I've been putting on a new jar of those every week and they always turn out great.

>> No.10937893

>Does fruit induce too much of it's flavour or it's just the sweetness?
You get both flavor and sweetness. You can control the flavor by what kind and how much fruit you use.

>Doesn't sugar from fruits turn into alcohol?
If you fermented with yeast then yes. But hot sauces are lacto-fermented instead. They are fermented with lactic acid producing bacteria, not alcohol producing yeast. It's the same idea as yogurt, kimchi, or sauerkraut. No alcohol is produced, just lactic acid.

>> No.10938122

Bottled some kombucha today, fellas. Been making my own for about a month now, it's pretty good shit.

>> No.10938551

What do you mean it turned out like shit?