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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10935259 No.10935259 [Reply] [Original]

i miss her bros

>> No.10935291

I watched a video she was in from 2 years ago and holy fuck did she get fat. She was way more attractive in 2016.

>> No.10935316

She fuckin sucks, isn't that amazing, isn't that attractive.
I don't understand the autistic fixation you have with her.

How does it feel to beta orbit a mediocre youtube star who will never know or care who you are?

>> No.10935319
File: 33 KB, 342x295, 1530702447892.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did she finally die of obesity related heart disease? She was hanging in there for awhile and looked bretty good after the doctors had to strap her to a table upside down and shake all the fat out of her lungs. Afterwards though they editted her videos to remove her obnoxious diabetes wheezing but she was still putting out quality content

>> No.10935335

Post link what happened she and the tubby from America's test kitchen were my fav women tv cooks

>> No.10935337

mebbe she stopped making videos cuz u guys couldnt stop being creeps and horndogs...

>> No.10935362

she died in a car wreck you insensitive ass

>> No.10935373

she lives in hippieville she doesn't drive

>> No.10935383

>Not allowed to call my idols fatties.

You can fuck right off. I watch and respect them more than you do.

Implying people who know their shit in the kitchen are hot or skinny... This is the dumbest shit I've seen on ck

>> No.10935384

If she caught wind of some autist obsessing over her on a Sudanese hand lotion forum I don't blame her for quitting.

>> No.10935389

Get your hit at 1:38

>> No.10935407

I'd like to miss her, if you know what I mean.

>> No.10935410

Do you mean that she's still around and will probably be featured in a video within the next few weeks?

>> No.10935412
File: 385 KB, 1920x1080, brad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's always so goddang thicc in the background

>> No.10935425
File: 4 KB, 250x180, 1531591003925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just realized when they zoom in on the corn in the bowl you can see she isn't even wearing nonslip shoes she is wearing super colorful joggers or some shit. And the people here think she is a chef or pastry chef of some kind holy shit /ck/ really is full of fat fucks that know nothing about food or the industry

>> No.10935431

No I mean I wish she was dead

>> No.10935455

You ever wonder why all of Claire's videos states that she attempts to make something while Brad's videos simplys says that he did make something?

>> No.10935458

that's a horrible thing to say about a nice lady

>> No.10935459

>hot or skinny.
sure, shes not those so i'd expect her to be far more talented for the attention shes getting.

not hot, not skinny, not talented

really just a very mediocre person, so what's the point?

>> No.10935486

>She fuckin sucks

i enjoy this.

they could hire a chemist who knows the food industrial processes, but it'd be less entertaining.