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File: 168 KB, 600x900, shoyu-ramen-1OPTM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10933158 No.10933158 [Reply] [Original]

>literally impossible to get real raman near me
>closest shop is tens of hours away
What do I do, /ck/?
Is it possible to make good ramen broth without and extreme amount of effort?

>> No.10933181

fuck yeah. start with any stock you want and simmer it with green onions, cilantro, ginger slices, jalepeño, shitake mushrooms, garlic, lime, soy sauce, chili paste, and maybe sesame oil and mirin. Separate the solids from the liquid. I could drink that shit all day.

>> No.10933192

Making good ramen broth takes very little effort. It takes TIME, sure. But it's all hands-off. Just have a pot going (or use a crock pot if you're super lazy) while you are doing other things.

>> No.10933205

>soup is haaard
gb2 ur vark thread u babby shitter

>> No.10933237

Yes, but you'll need to get over some American anxieties about ramen to make really good ramen. A few tips:

-the "msg is bad" meme is stupid. You want to boil chicken bones for 8 hours? No? Ok then truck it down to your local asian market or asian super marker aisle and grab yourself some msg. Learn to love it and use it.
-You're going to need ingredients you can't normally get at a super market, so I recommend either finding an asian market or buying online. Dashi, sake, chili bean paste, and sesame oil are are necessary components of a traditional shoyu broth.
-Don't neglect your toppings just because you got lazy after caring about the broth.
-Buy good quality alkaline ramen noodles.

Ramen isn't a dish that is easy or requires little effort. The fabric of ramen is essentially learning to build flavors and layer them correctly.


This recipe isn't bad, but you're going to want to add in MSG and more garlic than asked for to get that really authentic taste.

>> No.10933242

The problem with not making proper stock is that the shortcuts fuck you over on texture.

Sure MSG tastes good, but it gives you a shitty watery stock. You need a meat-based stock for the gelatin. That's easily as important as alkaline noodles.

>> No.10933244

Also carrying off my post to say that anyone telling you it's not hard hasn't made it correctly and probably never will. While yes, most of it is hands off, you have to be sure that you're not just throwing whatever the fuck into the broth and just hoping for the best. You need to constantly taste, taste, TASTE. If something tastes off, really consider what it is that does. Don't just add more salt to a bland broth thinking that it'll cover up the lack of flavor.

>> No.10933247

>You need to constantly taste, taste, TASTE
So it's like any other cooking. Gotcha.

>> No.10934385

>taste your stake while cooking it

>> No.10934408
