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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10931977 No.10931977 [Reply] [Original]

I've read recently that there are so many people who are healthy just from eating meat. At the same time all doctors are like:
>muh vitamins and cholesterol
Has any on here tried it?
I started a challenge for myself for the next month and see how it affects my blood test results.
I wrote about in more depth here:

>> No.10931984

yes. im doing it now, have been for a while.

>> No.10931987

Can you suggest some recipes or explain what you east mostly?

>> No.10931989

Colon cancer from all the acrylamides.

Better eat it raw, like the inuits.

>> No.10931996

There are no recipes. just fresh meat, fish, some eggs and water. eat when hungry, drink when thirsty, that's it.

>> No.10932003

Just make sure you eat plenty of organs. They're not technically meat, but you need vitamins too.

>> No.10932009

I doubt blood test changes will be significant in just a month.
Curious, will you still drink coffee, alcohol, and use plant-based spices and hot sauce?

>> No.10932024

The anderson family have been eating steaks for 19 years, do not consume any organ meats and are doing perfectly fine health wise. I still include liver because I like it but I don't think it's necessary.

>> No.10932027

I will drink some coffee now and then. Regarding alcohol I'll try to avoid it, but if then pure vodka.
No hot sauce, but probably a bit spices now and then.
I agree that a month is probably too short period to get a legit result for the blood test. Maybe I will make the period longer if I like the results.

>> No.10932053

read owsley "the bear" stanley's words, he was a carnivore for 50 years, he details everything about it.


he was also the first clandestine to manufacture large quantities of LSD which is pretty cool.

>> No.10932064

Maybe you should try fermenting blood.

>> No.10932179

No I'm not retarded. Feel free though.

>> No.10932184

>I am ignorant therefore you are a retard


>> No.10932190

What do you hope to gain from this? Just curious

>> No.10932193

How's the shitposting going today? Is the (You) rate good on /ck/ compared to other boards?

>> No.10932216

Can’t do it. I use Kratom everyday and if I slow my digestion system at all it feels absolute terrible and old Kratom sits in my G.I inducing nausea and intolerance

>> No.10932224

>I use Kratom
Dude how can you stomach the taste?
Even when I put it in capsules to not taste it, every time I burped i'd get that DISGUSTING taste in my mouth making me wanna throw up. Shame though because the effects were nice

>> No.10932227

dude you are a fucking retard if you think anyone but the dad in that family eats nothing but meat

have you ever actually had a family?

>> No.10932242

You just get used to it. Taste depends on the strain also. What helps is to mix it with cold water, mix, drink it, drink some more cold water and swish it around and swallow.

You could also toss and wash, which works very well. Anyway, try OJ, you don’t really taste it.

>> No.10932245

Nah, there's no getting used to it. In fact, the more often I tried it, the harder it was to keep it down. It got worse and worse.

>> No.10932261

How do you prepare it? Still using caps?

Drown it with water after you injest it

>> No.10932264

I haven't taken it in years because the urge to puke was bigger than the nice effects I got from it

>> No.10932300

The mother does also. I don't know about the children.

>> No.10932303


I just checked and his children also have been eating zero carb since they were able to eat solid food and are doing just fine, so suck my dick vegebitch.

>> No.10932319
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I am building up to it. I've been visiting butchers and spent about four hours yesterday roaming around to local hunter/butcher markets (I live in rural Michigan). Most all source beef/pork that eat soy so I've decided I need to hunt my own meat and will this august, in the form of waterfowl.

I was vegan before it was cool from 2004 to 2010 and then pescitarian from 2010 to 2014. GMO and poor capitalistic choices at consumer expense hurts us all. People are seeing benefits from carnivore/keto not because they are super healthy, but because the foods excluded are so harmful.

>> No.10932320

It goes away, but don’t get hooked. I used to be a night owl and focus the most when I’m sedated and tired. So I can function on another plane when I take Kratom. Only reason I use

>> No.10932358


and because it's a completely different metabolic state that comes with it's own set of benefits.

>> No.10933004

Not really sure yet, but if any of this is true then most people in the world eat total garbage right now.

>> No.10933051

wife is on keto and lost 50 ponds and all of her bloodwork came back improved across the board

>> No.10933104

Did she achieve keto with just meat?

>> No.10933106

>from meat
you are a retard.

>> No.10933117

You can still get vegetables like lettuce and cucumbers when you go keto.

You just have to make sure you stay lower than 20g-50g (depends on the person) on the carbohydrates.