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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10931360 No.10931360 [Reply] [Original]

How do I pick a nice olive oil /ck/?

Realized bertolli is the whore of EVOO and tastes like shit. But theres also so many brands to choose from.

What do

>> No.10931376

Just pick a reasonably priced California brand.

>> No.10933131
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>> No.10933132

this one is p lit

>> No.10933516

>italian olive oil
>writing in french
I wouldn't but it.

>> No.10933560
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This is the brand I use. I buy it because it's Chilean, and Chilean olives are great because Chile has a similar climate to the Mediterranean, while being far away from the jew Italian mafia.
I like it a lot and it's not too expensive.

>> No.10933603
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buy one with this logo OP and you'll be fine

>> No.10933621

Make sure its extra virgin, as well as cold pressed. When olive oil is exposed to heat, light, and oxygen, the valuable nutrients in the oil begin to oxidize and it will begin to lose its fruit flavors.

>> No.10933670
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Just logic it out. Do like 10 min of research online and try a few different kinds. You should soon be able to identify one that you will consider your go-to brand.I really enjoy pic related. It's like $6 and it has a very good taste. Like have it on some bread and it's great. Use it in cooking and everything.
On a side note, y'all gonna laugh, but the rachel ray brand olive oil is pretty damn good too.

>> No.10933680

a number of years ago, I purchased a bottle at a local grocery store of all places, and it was the best EVOO I ever had. Very bold and peppery, dang near cough-inducing, the way I like it.

I have never yet been able to find another bottle like it. Even tried ordering from cali growers who say theirs is robust and peppery. No, it wasn't.

Can anyone suggest where to find the really good stuff? (buttery need not apply)

>> No.10933688
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>> No.10933699

if you don't like buttery stay away from Ligurian and other northern italian olive oils

>> No.10933720

>rachel ray brand
>buying any product with a fucking celebrity's name attached
Not even once.

>> No.10933734

guy fieris salsa tastes good but it has the consistency of the mush at the bottom of a kitchen sink

>> No.10933771

>rachel ray brand olive oil
I remember reading an article about olive oil being tested and 2 out of 3 samples of her oil failed to qualify for actually being extra virgin. Don't buy her shit, she's a marketing gimmick. Probably doesn't even use her own brand so why should you?

>> No.10933774

I think if the product is good, then the branding doesn't matter.

>> No.10933785

>falling for fake news
Kidding... but I tried it once when it was on sale and it was good. I've bought it a few times again.

>> No.10933799

>.5 Rachel coin has been deposited to your account

>> No.10933801
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do keep in mind that the olive oil industry is a big scam
so called experts routinely fail blind tests, oil marketed as virgin or extra virgin a lot of the time plain isn't, the oil is often cut using cheaper oils like sunflower or similar, oil is marketed as Italian olive oil when they just import pressed olives from Spain and bottle it in Italy for the extra marketing potential of the more prestigious country, etc. etc.

basically this business is fucked, the labels meaningless and you should probably just buy whatever works for you

>> No.10933825

I won't lie, I go cheap when it comes to olive oil for everyday cooking for myself. I was poking about for something nicer in my local store and came across Colavita. It's a good middle of the pack choice and doesn't come across too heavy on flavor. If you want a little buttery try Rao's, if you want lighty/grassy try CA Olive Ranch.

That being said, there are whole websites and awards based around ranking and rating olive oils. You kind of have to be the judge of how hard you want to look, how much you want to spend, and how important it is to try it before you really commit.

Newman's Own, my sweet summer child.

>> No.10933862

>Newman's Own
They have a lot of good products but they're definitely an outlier for celebrity branding

>> No.10933901
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didn't realize he made food

>> No.10933905

I agree, but I pointed them out to show that some companies get it right. Consumers shouldn't buy things -just- because there's a celebrity on the label, but they may also miss out on some decent stuff under the pretense of avoiding all celebrity marketing.

>> No.10933945

Giada and Batali legit make good pasta sauce in jar form, almost as good as Rao's

>> No.10933953

I like the cheap olive oil. its cut with something so you get the flavor and a higher smokepoint

>> No.10933956

Protip: the best olive oils will be labeled by region, not just country of origin

>> No.10933977
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I'm actually wondering now if /ck/ can determine "the best" or at least a very, very good olive oil. Like say, money is no object. Is there a brand that is just awesome? I'd assume something from Italy?

>> No.10934014

this is pretty much true
even in italy, you cant trust the oil at the market
you have to buy directly from the producer and even then you cant be that sure

>> No.10934322

You don't actually get a higher smoke point with that. It still smokes and burns at the same temperature, it's just diluted so you don't taste it as much.

>> No.10934376
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I just bough a big ass bottle of pic related. It's delish.

>> No.10934436

All California no imports
California olive ranch is fine

>> No.10934510

infused olive oils i wanna try them they look tasty AF

>> No.10934587

Basically anything bought in a normal store outside of Italy is almost certainly garbage, buy it from small time farmers in southern Italy. For a pretty good price/quality compromise, find one that does those premium runs that get immediately all bought by the Chinese, and buy their normal products.

Now, I realise that's not easy for non-Italians, so you have a few options:
>find a store that imports Italian products (they will have a ton of pseudo-Italian garbage made specifically to shaft people who don't know any better, so do your research)
>at any time where a friend or family is in Italy, have them bring back a couple of 5L cans

Oils from Abruzzo tend to be strong, look for those. The above still applies.

t. Italian