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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 302 KB, 1275x1697, Correct-Food-Combining[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10930455 No.10930455 [Reply] [Original]

Boys I'm in a tricky situation.
I need to make a tasty dish using Kielbasa while obeying this god damn chart.

I had an idea making a one pot meal using vegie macraroni and but that's all I can come up with so far

>> No.10930481

>grill kielbasa
>eat with mustard

>> No.10930483

This is retarded

>> No.10930495

So everything is poor or fair unless it's a protein and green veggie or starch and green veggie?

Got it

>> No.10930548

No, it's a food combination thing.
I don't know what's up with it.
I'm cooking for someone who's doing this for like a month...

Actually mustard is perfectly okay, so yeah.
But I'm looking for like dish ideas

>> No.10930556

What, a grilled sausage with mustard isn't considered a dish?

>> No.10930566

That picture is very accurate. I'm glad it recommends not to eat flesh.

Fruits should be eaten by themselves because they digest so quickly.

t. brainlet

>> No.10930570

Cabbage is sort of a green vegetable, just make some sauerkraut or boiled cabbage to go with the sausage, add mustard, wa la!

>> No.10930573

What's the end goal here?

>> No.10930577

what in the fuck is this chart even trying to say
it has arrows saying "poor" and "good pointing to the same goddam thing

>> No.10930584

>flesh foods

>> No.10930586

Healthy and proper digestion.

>stupid faggot has no reading comprehension

>> No.10930597

>combining meat and potatoes is a poor combination
Literally every single culture everywhere in the world has a combination of starch and meat. What kind of hippy nonsense is this ridiculous chart?

>> No.10930602

you really think the majority of people have any idea of what they are doing

do you really think most people live healthy lifestyles and arent sick and dying

>> No.10930610

To what end?

>> No.10930614

Do I think mankind has been feeding itself for hundreds of thousands of years without a gay little chart telling them how to do it? Yes.

>> No.10930616

Clean and healthy digestive track, and not carrying 10-20 lbs of dehydrated fecal matter inside you.

>> No.10930617

We're all dying. The sooner you accept this the sooner life gets fun.

>> No.10930625

Southerner here to solve your problem.
Grill or pan fry the kielbasa and serve with a spicy brown mustard.
Serve with two side dishes: Field peas and snaps (another protein and a green vegetable) and some form of greens (collards, turnip greens, mustard greens, or a combo).

>> No.10930627

Oh I get it, you're retarded.

>> No.10930628

>10-20 lbs of dehydrated fecal matter inside you.
>people actually believe this

>> No.10930629

But fruit doesn't digest quickly.

>> No.10930640

Mankind hasn't had to deal with modern agriculture and GMOs destroying our natural source of nutrients. You can't be this fucking stupid.

You either choose a paradigm of life or death.

nice argument

>he hasn't done a salt water flush
do one and prove me wrong, faggot

please don't tell me you are actually this stupid. fruit is 70-90% water.

>> No.10930649

>Being afraid of GMOs
You could have saved us all some time by just saying up front that you're an honest-to-goodness retarded person.

>> No.10930652

I haven't done a salt water flush but I've reamed out your mom's asshole and no dehydrated shit came out

>> No.10930656

It's like you are trying to feed right into the kike agenda. Use a little critical thinking into why perverting Nature could harm us.

that's cause she's done a salt water flush you mongoloid

>> No.10930667

OP here.
This is a brilliant combination. I've been overthinking this whole thing.

>> No.10930674

So what? White bread has hardly got any water and you'll digest it a hell of a lot quicker than an apple.

>> No.10930680

white bread will not digest quicker than fruit

processed glucose vs natural fructose, hurr muh white bread

>> No.10930730

Explain how white bread spikes your blood sugar faster and harder than fruit if it isn't being digested more quickly.

>> No.10930752
File: 192 KB, 731x757, 1516897542585.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of autism produces such a chart as this

>> No.10930763

>digits off by one
As I said, I'm here to solve your problem.
If you need to save time or are not a good cook, you can use the Margaret Holmes brand of canned Greens and Field Peas & Snaps.
They are available at Walmart.
The traditional garnishes diced vidalia onion and hot sauce for the field peas and "pepper vinegar" (e.g. Texas Pete brand "Pepper Sauce" that has whole green tabasco peppers and vinegar).
We would traditionally serve that type of meal with jalepeno cornbread (even if your chart says not to).

>> No.10930773

Add sauerkraut and a bit of red wine. The chick will love you long time.

>> No.10930798

because it's poison and you're body is reacting appropriately, unlike fruit which is our natural diet. a spike in blood sugar is not an indication of faster digestion. you're essentially pouring a cup of refined sugar into your mouth.

>> No.10930823

>a spike in blood sugar is not an indication of faster digestion.
What does it indicate then?

>> No.10930827

>perverting Nature could harm us.
You mean like what we've been doing to vegetables since the creation of agriculture, you drooling fuckup?

>> No.10930831
File: 174 KB, 697x768, 1524518051560.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bread = refined sugar

>> No.10930850

The International Foundation for Nutrition and Health. They are insane

>> No.10930883

white bread is mong

that's exactly what i'm saying kike

>> No.10930895

>The primary building block of human civilization is part of the jewish conspiracy to meke me have bad poops
simply stunning.

>> No.10930927
File: 37 KB, 229x238, 1447817721239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>banana doesn't pair well with citrus fruits

>> No.10930931

Before the 19th century everyone was farmers growing their own food and trading it with each other. It was all organic and full of nutrients due to healthy soil.

Now all the food is grown by monsanto-esque corporations who spray the foods with heavy pesticides. If you decide to buy organic it's more expensive, and usually still has pesticides.

Where am I wrong? Prove it, faggot.

>> No.10930937

What's wrong with pesticides.

>> No.10930938 [DELETED] 

20th century* lol I cucked myself

>> No.10930943

they are why you have the same iq as a fucking rock

>> No.10930949

Anon, what's wrong with pesticides. Your argument is based on the assumption that they are bad. I want you to clarify that part.

>> No.10930955

>"GMOs are bad"
>"Because I'm scared of corporations and pesticides"
You forgot to say anything about GMOs, idiot.

>> No.10931002

they are known endocrine disruptors, they are toxic to human development and lead to many diseases including cancers.

I'm not here to convince anyone, i'm here to share information so responsible anons can do their own research.


>> No.10931078

>linking to a dude who went to yoga college and has no scientific background
What's it like being in a cult, dumbass?

>> No.10931091

>bananas and strawberries
>poor combination
The fresh banana-strawberry smoothie I'm having every morning says fuck you.

>> No.10931107
File: 6 KB, 250x250, bespeckeled pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>flesh foods

>> No.10931143

are you supposed to eat the sin on kielbasa

>> No.10931147


>> No.10932106
File: 175 KB, 1600x1600, 1515384940273.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you really, sincerely believe that the entirety of the human palate can be condensed into something so basic, then you deserve to eat shit, every day, for the rest of your life

>> No.10932117

Do you really have nothing better to do with your day than weakly troll a cooking forum?

>> No.10932278
File: 172 KB, 500x281, 1501378885208.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously OP, how much are you getting paid for dealing with this insane shit? Is it love? Is it 6 figures? Is it prestige?