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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10929898 No.10929898 [Reply] [Original]

rate my carbonara

>> No.10929913

Looks solid, OP. Care to share the recipe you used?

>> No.10929916
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trying to impress my lady friend

>> No.10929925

I just winged it desu, 180g of pasta, some bacon, 3 egg yolks and 2 whole eggs beat, and Parmigiano Reggiano

>> No.10929928

Manila style?

>> No.10929938

You overcooked the eggs. Carbonara is a sauce. This is not a sauce, this is scrambled eggs with pasta.

Not Carbonara/10. Your lady friend should be disappointed.

>> No.10929946

Looks like a decent macaroni with scrambled eggs and bacon, next time use egg yolks mixed with parmesan cheese so you don't end up with a bacon and egg frittata.

>> No.10929974

I was wondering what I did wrong! Thanks

>> No.10929990

When did carbonara become a thing? I've been making this shit since forever, and even just 8 or so years ago, nobody besides serious people interested in food cared or knew about it.

I hate trends.

>> No.10930261

>impressing her with soda

hyuck hyuck she sure sounds like a keeper, Cletus

>> No.10930285

I prefer fettuccine pasta

>> No.10930366

>I hate trends.
dude, carbonera existed before you did, so stop worrying about you're hipster pride and stop giving a fuck about it

>> No.10930374

>No one is pointing out the chopsticks

10/10 b8m8

>> No.10930378

how is your date with your left hand going btw?

>> No.10930393
File: 43 KB, 553x759, 1513565784315.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yikes OP, that is utter garbage. pic related, it's me, judging your attempt. this poster is correct >>10929938 next time you make it, just use 2 egg yolks per 1 serving of pasta, not whole eggs. also it looks like you added the pasta to the beaten eggs over heat. don't do that. it'll stop the eggs from scrambling quickly. once the pasta is cooked and you add it to the beaten egg yolks+cheese, you must work pretty fast so the eggs don't scramble on you. add some of the water you boiled the pasta with to thin out the sauce, about 1/3 of a cup. then use the fat from the guanciale/bacon/pancetta/whatever to thicken the sauce to where you want it to be. boom. perfect carbonara.

>> No.10931248

A bottle of moscato perhaps?

>> No.10931299

How do i make carbonara sauce without the egg becoming so noticeably cooked? Last time i used eggs, thickened cream and parmesan, but it still ended up scrambled

>> No.10931311

As an italian, nice job m8.

Now tell me, how did it taste?

>> No.10931332


The funny thing about this is, it still looks better than all the dry ass crap that's posted on r/food. Carbonara has been thoroughly meme'd to death. Thanks Italy.

>> No.10931445

you scrambled the eggs. Next time try lower heat, it's supposed to be an egg sauce.

don't use cast iron to do this kind of meal, dude.

>> No.10931522


OP, next time, try to leave your pan off the heat for at least 30-45 seconds, then add eggs combined with cheese to the pan where your pasta is. Stir until everything is smooth and sticky. If you think that eggs are a bit runny, you can put your pan back to the stove for a few more seconds until it thickens, but try to not fuck it up and get scrambled eggs.

>> No.10931573


>> No.10931581

>alright honey let's huddle around this children's play desk and eat our meal

>> No.10931585

You are supposed to put cooked spaghetti in pan where you have you fried pancetta but you have to leave it cool down a bit and then add egg and cheese mixture

>> No.10931599

you're that guy from before right? Why care about what these pig goblins think, geez...

>> No.10931608

NEVER use cream. Use a bit of pasta water to prevent the eggs from scrambling

>> No.10931618

Nice 'nara

>> No.10931642

I just wish you weren't a forever alone fatass, saying you are 'trying to impress a lady friend' but clearly it is all for you, with the 2L sugar soda water and your plate for one.
Also get a better camera or at least open a curtain for better lighting.

>> No.10931658


Except it's way easier with a little cream and cream beats overcooked hands down. If that guy can't get it right with cream the chance to do it with pasta water are close to zero. Start with cream, once you got that right try without is the way to go. You dumbass wops are talking people into making crappy food for your muh culture fetish. Fuck you.

>> No.10931692

You must be fucking braindead if you can't even make food without overcooking pasta. The cream makes it too heavy imo and sort of ruins the simple taste of the dish

>> No.10931722

Pasta looks fairly good, 7/10 just from visuals
Sims tier recipe tho

>> No.10931754

that's too much megabytes for my taste bro

>> No.10931775

use room temperature eggs

>> No.10931978

For next time OP

>> No.10932398

It's a simple dish that's easily ruined so people like to make attempts at it. It's been a /ck/ staple forever.

>> No.10932441

DONT cook eggs. Fry up Bacon, onion, garlic, add pasta with little pasta water, combine, turn of heat. In seperate bowl mix egg yolks and parmesian, add pasta from pan and combine. Heat from pasta and ingridents are enough to heat up eggs and cheese, but not to ruin them.

>> No.10932442

The egg doesn't need to be cooked long - the heat of the pasta by itself should do the trick. Also, only use the yolk, not the white.

If you're going to use cream, what I'd do is:
1. Cook pasta
2. While pasta is cooking, fry bacon
3. Towards the end, put half of the cream into the bacon pot so it reduces a bit
4. Put the cooked pasta in with the bacon and cream. If you're really worried about cooking the egg too much, turn off the heat at this point since the residual heat should be enough.
5. Working quickly, mix the egg yolk, parmesan, and remaining cream in
6. Take it off the heat before you get fucking scrambled egg

>> No.10932461
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fuck off retard that's not carbonara

pic related is how you make proper carbonara

>> No.10932475

I specifically said 'If you're going to use cream'. Anon indicated that he wanted to use cream, so I provided a recipe to help him not fuck up.

'Proper' carbonara is made with guanciale and pecorino - and even that isn't 'proper' carbonara, since the dish originated from powdered eggs and canned bacon that the Italians had to live off during WWII.

>> No.10933485

will try this next time thanks.
I didn't impress my friend, but we had a laugh over the italian eggs that I prepared

>> No.10933571

It's a fairly difficult process to get right, just keep at it and you'll nail it sooner or later. If you're simply trying to learn how to master the technique it might be worthwhile to err on the side of the pasta being too cold. You can always cheat a little and put the heat back on.

>> No.10933589

The eggs scrambled and it doesn't look like guanicale or pancetta, nor is there enough pepper and pecorino or parmesan. If you want a carbonara that doesn't look like shit, once you cook the noodles take the pan off the heat for a while until most of the heat has subsided, then put the pasta back while you throw in the egg yolk, cheese, and pepper mix back and stir it thoroughly. Plate it up and season again with cheese and pepper.

>> No.10933592

I feel sorry for her

>> No.10934311

>enough pepper

fucking this pepper is essential to good carbonara

you should be able to see little black spots of pepper all over it

>> No.10934690

goodluck on your date! what's for dessert?

>> No.10934793

If my mother had wheels, she would have been a bike.

>> No.10934828

You guys don't know/care about appearance if you're demanding that black pepper be used in a pale sauce. OP should use white pepper so it doesn't look fucking dirty.

>> No.10934885

E se mia nonna avesse le ruote, sarebbe una carriola.

>> No.10936254

This is my go to sex dish and you did not pull it off

>> No.10936352

Nice omu'ra bro

>> No.10936412

Imagine being this retarded lmao

>> No.10936672


>> No.10936759

but that's fucking wrong

black pepper color makes it better looking, otherwise you have white sauce and white pasta and it looks sickly

>> No.10936814

This i love going and getting teryaki or thai and eating with chop sticks just cause it slows me down and is fun but buying your own chopsticks and eating italian food with it is weebtarded

>> No.10937096

are you retarded

>> No.10937099
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Rate my carbonaro

>> No.10937124

That recipe is bland as fuck, OP. A little thickened cream in the sauce will stop it breaking and will garner you a lot of delicious REEEEEEEEE from /ck/. Some garlic, parsley, basil, chopped capsicum and scallions, and parmesan are a fine addition, too.

>> No.10937162


>> No.10937388
File: 362 KB, 720x806, 1504951517350.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Protip: The pasta shouldn't be on the heat when you add the eggs.
All methods that keep the pot on the heat beyond cooking the pasta result in OP's pic.
You don't use whole eggs, you use one whole + 1 yolk per person.
Beat the eggs with pepper and cheese separately, and pour it over the pasta when it's ALREADY OFF THE HEAT.

>> No.10937394

>Some garlic, parsley, basil, chopped capsicum and scallions, and parmesan
I also enjoy sprinkles and just a touch of whipped cream on my 'nara

>> No.10937401
File: 42 KB, 291x293, 1369517317249.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Some garlic
I swear you can laser-target American posts from their insistence on adding garlic to everything even vaguely Italian.
We barely use the stuff, I don't know where you got that meme from.

>> No.10937467

i'm going to compile everyone's advice in this thread and make the best carbonara ever

>> No.10937490

Fuck off cunt don't tell me what to put in my spag bol

>> No.10937541

bro that's bland pasta with bacon and scrambled egg

>> No.10937567

You turn the heat off and add the eggs at the last minute allowing the residual heat of the pan to cook them slightly, this way you should end up with a glossy creamy sauce covering the pasta rather than fully cooked egg.

>> No.10937597

Fuck I was 2 hours late or i would've posted that

>> No.10937735

>recipe is called "carbonara" named after coal miners
>coal is black
>hurrr use white pepper
Genuine retard here

>> No.10938483



thank you for posting this 10/01

>> No.10938510

Hey guys whats the best way to make the sauce? I've been using 1 egg yolk + 1 whole egg. What difference does it make whether I use just the yolk? What's the ideal combination?

>> No.10939156

i'd say at most go 1:2 white to yolk ratio. Any further weighted towards the yolks and the thing becomes too heavy - there's already the fat from the pancetta/guanciale