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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10928081 No.10928081 [Reply] [Original]

What do we call it now? Coconut cream? Coconut juice? Coconut cum?


>> No.10928090

Coco nut

>> No.10928096

Coconut milcc

>> No.10928100


>> No.10928111

Calk, sister of Malk.

>> No.10928112

Fucking good. Nothing pisses me off more than
>Be cooking with friend
>Hey man, you have milk?
>Open fridge
>It's fucking retard nut juice
Yeah thanks bud, I didn't want my food to taste good anyway.

>> No.10928117

car milk

>> No.10928128

Because dairy industry is making less profit over time and they think this will fix their problem. You know, because the FDA is supposed to be used for that.

>> No.10928134

>has friends who keep cans of coconut milk in the fridge
Sounds to me like your friends are stupid. Usually people who keep stupid friends are equally stupid.

>> No.10928152

I assume that anon was referring to almond milk or cashew milk.

As for coconut milk, I keep most in my pantry but some in the fridge. Why you ask? Simple: it's nice to have it cold if I want to whip up a quick dessert.

>> No.10928154

>Be making a sandwich at a friends house
>Hey man do you have butter?
>Open cabinet
>It's fucking retard nut spread
Yeah thanks bud, I didn't want my food to taste good anyway.

>> No.10928164

Where's the nipples on a coconut tho

>> No.10928181

This would make sense if retards like you were trying to use peanut butter to make a roux.

>> No.10928189

Cooking is for women.

>> No.10928199

It's literally called "butter", which is a dairy product.

>> No.10928213

>Coconut cream
Will probably be banned too, but generally that name is used for something with a high fat percentage.

>> No.10928215

And you're literally called "male" that doesn't mean you're any less of a loose floppy pussy.

>> No.10928222

>He thinks calling it "coconut milk" is an attempt to deceive people
>He believes people are so stupid that they would be unable to tell the difference between coconut milk and cow's milk.
Maybe you should stop projecting your own lack of intelligence onto other people.

>> No.10928233

Coconut pulp or juice you don't call orange juice orange milk.

>> No.10928243

We should also sue Ben and Jerry's and Haggan-Dazs for selling us frozen desserts with ingredients called "cashew milk" and "almond milk". I thought I was consuming real cow secretions, but I am very upset now that I know I was deceived.

>> No.10928245

Except I never once implied that you fucking retard. I implied that coconut juice is shit at being real milk despite incels like you seeming to think it's a valid replacement.

>> No.10928251

That's not even the right context for that buzzword redditor

>> No.10928252

>incels like you seeming to think it's a valid replacement
Have you ever considered that it's simply used in completely different foods? I wouldn't put milk in a Thai curry and I wouldn't put coconut milk in my cereal. Stop being such an idiot. This aspect of life is really not that complicated to wrap your head around.

>> No.10928256

Why are you here? The restaurant industry is a heavily male dominated profession.

>> No.10928264

That's true about almost every profession. There are some outlying professions which are obviously more likely to be female. However, more men work in general than women.

>> No.10928267

>He pretends I said more things I didn't say
Be sure to drink your Soylent and watch Colbert :)

>> No.10928278

Women don't belong in a professional work environment like a restaurant back of house Anon what the fuck is wrong with you? Women chef's create vegan/Instagram menus that are all just trend chasing

>> No.10928284

High Fat Coconut Serum

>> No.10928290

I literally quoted the thing you said. Are you denying that quote is accurate? You specifically stated that you have a problem with people thinking that coconut milk is a valid replacement for milk. I responded by stating that I do not consider it to be a valid replacement. Your argument was based on a straw man fallacy. Are you actually mentally damaged or is English a second language for you?

>> No.10928292

based FDA BTFO of vegcucks

>> No.10928298

>allowing yourself to be bribed/bullied by the dairy industry is "based"
Cool story

>> No.10928309

>Well I don't think this retarded thing, therefore no one does!
Yes I frequently defend retards that I don't agree with too. I'm glad we have this in common.

>> No.10928329

Then what would we call car milk?

>> No.10928352

coco nutmilk

>> No.10928356

Orange juice isn't white and creamy. White creamy substances are always known as milk, like dandelion milk

>> No.10928361

It would make more sense to keep calling car milk car milk and call coconut milk coconut car milk

>> No.10928519


Fuck yeah, I hope they go with juice

>> No.10928923

Brand™: Coconut-derived milk substitute

>> No.10928926

"the beverage formerly known as coconut milk"

>> No.10928959
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>> No.10928969

i am unironically triggered as fuck from this

>> No.10928988
File: 389 KB, 540x516, 1531353067021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This never happened. You totally invented this scenario yourself and presented it as an example of something that would theoretically upset you if it did occur. With that in mind, why do you feel the way you do, to the extent that you're willing to make up these crazy stories?

>> No.10928994

Coconut miwk

>> No.10929004

Coco miwkies

>> No.10929037

Dairy industry

Yet ketoniggers will scream “muh sugar industry said in the 60s it wasnt so bad, dat means milkies is good!!!”

>> No.10929047

so when are they gonna ban the term "peanut butter" for not being real butter? Iceburg lettuce doesn't come from an iceberg. Hotdogs aren't made from dogs. There's gotta be a way to get around this. Maybe name it "CoconutMilk" (it's one word with an alt+255 in the middle

>> No.10929337

The problem is that the dog industry doesn't have a financial interest in what terminology is used to describe personal-sized compressed logs of protein and fillers.

>> No.10929459

Just call it milк. The к is the Cyrillic "ka" instead of a regular k, which makes it a different name.

>> No.10929464

Or cock milk (also known as baby batter)