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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10926915 No.10926915 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.10926917

spinach is good in sone instances tbqh, like in an alfredo sauce or on a pizza

cant stand it raw though

>> No.10926955

Are you five years old?

>> No.10926958

Spinach is awesome my dude, raw or otherwise. Now broccoli, that's some nasty shit

>> No.10926981

Spinach is awesome, one of the better tasting leaves desu.

>Now broccoli, that's some nasty shit

>> No.10927014

I concur

>> No.10927028

>been calling rabe brocolli rob brocolli for like a decade

am I a fool?

>> No.10927030

spinach is great in soups and stuff like that
it really absorbed the flavour nicely

>> No.10927138

Fuck off, mate, broccoli is great

>> No.10928460

The only disgusting vegetable is cauliflower

>> No.10928477

Yeah, don't hate, or become irate

>> No.10928511

By now it is just a sugar leaf
Might as well eat donuts.

>> No.10928610
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>reading my reply

>> No.10929215
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>> No.10929322

i can't make chicken soup without it.

some don't like how it can get slimy in soups, compared with kale, etc, but i love it.

great raw in salads and sandwiches
great cooked either sautee'd by itself or on/with eggs or in soups/stews

I do hate spinach-teeth though. Not getting green stuff caught, but the gritty feeling. Not to mention I had a fucking kidney stone once, and I'm convinced it was in large part due to spinach.

>> No.10931007

kill your stupid self op fuck you clown

>> No.10931079
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Brocoli is fine, same thing for brussel sprouts. The reason why they're so much of a fucking meme is how people cook them. You have to boil them or else they're gonna taste like shit.

>> No.10931161

I fucking love spinach on pizza especially if its a white sauce pizza

>> No.10931440

Pan-browned broccoli is amazing

>> No.10932136

Boiling it just takes out all the flavour
They'll only taste good then if you drown them in salt

>> No.10932142

spinach is fine raw. why anyone would ever cook leafy greens is beyond me though.

>> No.10932147

nah, cauliflower is some nasty shit.
tastes like a fucking dumpster fire.

>> No.10932992

I make spinach spaghetti to die for.

>> No.10933060
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>Be me, a grown ass man
>Living in dorm with other grown ass adults
>Start cooking fresh broccoli
>These manchildren fucks freak out because "bruh broccoli is sooo gross XD 100"
>Contemplate murder

>> No.10933084

Fry those fuckers up, don't drown them.

>> No.10933151
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>tfw the only food you have a problem with is white mushroom
Feels bad man

>> No.10933164

straight fucking retard

>> No.10933194

I like steamed brussel sprouts with some salt. That’s how I like my broccoli too, if it’s by itself.

>> No.10933403
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>There are people who don't boil brocoli

>> No.10933412

salt & vinegar brussel sprout chips. life changing. peel all the sprouts apart into leaves, coat in apple cider vinegar, olive oil, and salt, and bake in a single layer on parchment paper for like 8 minutes at 350.

>> No.10933415
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>he doesn't make delicious and healthy salads with spinach

>> No.10933856
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>Not stir frying it along with an assortment of other vegetables plus garlic, ginger, soy sauce, and oyster sauce.

>> No.10933879

straight fucking faggot

>> No.10933884


>> No.10933899
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Everything tastes great if you cook it the right way. If you hate something, it probably wasn't cooked right
Put raw spinach in a salad or sandwich, or cook it up for a dip or in a quesadilla or something
Chop brussel sprouts in half, salt/pepper/olive oil and roast those tasty bitches in the oven
Lima beans are great cooked with some pancetta, anything is great with pancetta, all beans are good with pancetta
Take the broccoli and chop it up real fine to easily dispose of it in the garbage can because broccoli is fucking garbage and ruins anything it touches, then go buy some cauliflower which is a million times better than broccoli and won't make you want to kill yourself

>> No.10933963

bought a bag earlier and chopped them up in a hand-crank processor to add to my dinners over the weekend

usually cook a bunch of spinach leaves in my stews/chilis but this will be the first time doing it this way so shall see how it goes. seems like could be a good potential business idea if I was that way inclined

>> No.10933970

Not boiled, steamed. It comes out soft and sweet

>> No.10934007

Steam from the steamed broccs we're having. Mmm! Steamed broccs!