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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10924563 No.10924563 [Reply] [Original]

Okonomiyaki from Sweetness & Lightning :3


>> No.10924571

redditing with redditor

>> No.10924573


>> No.10924577

numaling with numale

>> No.10924615


>> No.10924624

Now this queer is encroaching on my weeb lifestyle. That's great, just great.

>> No.10924683

>Cucking with soyboy
End your life.

>> No.10924707

How new are you? You can't link outside of the site this way.

>> No.10924795

Jesus that looks like shit. How does this dude get views? He legit can't cook for shit

>> No.10924833

>How does this dude get views?
He appeals to normie "geeks" and "nerds" on purpose, is exceptionally physically attractive, has a pleasing voice, and can follow basic cooking instructions well. He makes shit content but it isn't hard to see why he is succeeding.

>> No.10924843

That describes like 20 other YouTube channels.

>> No.10924858
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>> No.10924883
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>> No.10924906


>> No.10924913
File: 113 KB, 1280x720, 2345676543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree with everything else but no, he is fucking not.
t. gay dude

>> No.10924917

>western Worcestershire sauce instead of the jap style
>crunchyroll sponshorship

>> No.10924949

In your personal taste sure, you're not into him. There are other people in the world who aren't either. But he is considered an exceptionally attractive person by the majority of people and that majority average is what matters when talking about why millions of people watch his videos consistently.

>> No.10924984

Alright getting past the channel, how good of a recipe is this to follow, or should I just look for a different one?

>> No.10924994

not sure if youre just pretending to be retarded or if you truly are being retarded

>> No.10925022
File: 751 KB, 674x674, 'exceptionally physically attractive'.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im not seeing a source on that. You think I meant to me personally? He is average at best. You think when he walks down the street people turn their heads? He is scientifically decent, not even close to 'exceptional'. You could do a basic symmetry test and find that out but since you would rather pull 'majority' out of your black hole of an ass its not like I would expect you to actually stop and think before you delude others thoughts with your useless un-though out opinions. But you know what ill fucking do it for you, im sure youre used to it by now. Others doing everything for you, pathetic mess you are.

Ill ignore his ungroomed hair, and focus on the clear issues with his basic structure. Dumbo ears, receding hairline, baggy eyes, misshapen dimples, awkwardly wide nose and also lopsided, yellowed teeth. Not even six feet tall, clearly using his disgusting face hair to cover up a weak chin or awkward cheek bones.

He is as average as they come. You wouldnt even look twice passing him. Again, you are right about everything else but you are a fucking moron going around babbling bullshit if you call im fucking 'exceptional' at fucking anything. Most of all his physical appearance. Why do you think he doesnt do face cam?

>> No.10925053

His beard is usually more groomed with that, he doesn’t have ears that are larger than normal nor do they stick out, he’s bald so it kinda doesn’t matter if he has a receding hairline you can only see when you scrutinize him, the nose is fine, and the teeth might use some work

I must say, that’s just an awkward picture of him

Not the anon you’re responding to, not even gay, but he looks fine and you’re just making assumptions about his jaw or chin because you have a clear distaste for him.

>> No.10925059


>> No.10925064
File: 293 KB, 1280x993, 1524345955840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he looks fine
Im glad we agree, if you want to keep sucking me off feel free to but I alread have a boyfriend and he is cuter then you.

>> No.10925067

don't ever post this faggot on my cooking forum again. you're lucky I don't bill you for the time I spent watching that video

>> No.10925069

>exceptionally attractive
i dont think you know what this word means

>> No.10925073

I’m sorry
I meant


>> No.10925075

I think it's actually 90% his voice. Say whatever you want about it, but that voice is just incredibly soothing.

>> No.10925079

When is Babish going to settle down with a nice girl and have children?

>> No.10925100

looked tasty to me.

>> No.10925103

Reminder that /ck/ only hates him because he got super popular.

>> No.10925106
File: 53 KB, 600x817, 87998087857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>His beard is usually more groomed then that
I said id ignore that but I was talking about his eyebrows, dumb breeder fuck
>he doesn’t have ears that are larger than normal nor do they stick out
Sure, if he had hair, maybe.
>he’s bald so it kinda doesn’t matter if he has a receding hairline you can only see when you scrutinize him
>scrutinize him
What the fuck do you think im doing giving him a fucking reach around? Are you blind? I can see his hairline from here, its shit.
>the nose is fine
yeah I agree, its fine
> that’s just an awkward picture of him
I looked through several, he looks the same in all of them. If I couldve found a full front profile to use I would have, he looks worse in those.
Really? You dont think him having no pictures online without the hair doesnt tell its own story? Ok, fine. He is fucking retarded and is hiding Supermans jawline under some pubes. He truly is 'exceptional'.

>> No.10925110


>> No.10925138

you act like editing a visually satisfying cooking video is easy. Babish is popular for legit reasons, and /ck/ is just jealous they didn't think of it before him

>> No.10925161

>tune in for another episode of /ck/ hates on a harmless dude for no reason

>> No.10925168

he's a literal demon and he watches anime

>> No.10925174

In every other picture of him his eyebrows are fine
I hardly know ‘er

That’s not how ears work, if they stick out then they stick out. Seeing more of the ear doesn’t mean they stick out.

>I can see his hairline from here as I literally scrutinize him
Hairlines ln bald dudes aren’t something that are easy to see if you’re just walking past him, what you mentioned earlier

Every other picture of him he’s way more groomed, he has to be, he hosts his own show and appears on others

And yeah, let’s take your assumptions at face value. You don’t like the dude so he’s probably even more ugly like you want him to be.

Don’t be a faggot, faggot

>> No.10925177

No, I didn't act like that. He is very good at editing an easily digestible cooking video which is a talent. That doesn't mean his videos aren't shit though.

>/ck/ is just jealous they didn't think of it before him
Babish is not the first one to think of a concept like this first at all. He just took what other people have been doing for decades and slanted it towards 'geeks' in a very simple and uninventive way.

>> No.10925207

He’s talking about the idea of slanting food towards geeks
Even though it’s not even about geeks specifically, literally all of media which includes non geek shows

>> No.10925215
File: 316 KB, 600x466, 1526208421593.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Seeing more of the ear doesn’t mean they stick out.
Yes it literally does. Dont argue with me if you dont even know the basics of fashion or beauty.
>Hairlines ln bald dudes aren’t something that are easy to see if you’re just walking past him, what you mentioned earlier
Hey you know what is noticeable passing him? The only three things that matter.
Guess what? He is average or worse in all of those. He isnt six foot, he doesnt have an 'exceptional' face, and his build is as average as they come. Youre arguing different? You would argue against fact? You think I care about this clown? I am being scientific. He is by the literal definition of the word average as far as our species go. You wanna prove me wrong then show me the study that proves being short, minimal, and average makes you as you put it 'FOIIIIIIIINE'. Otherwise fuck off.

>> No.10925246

Having ears that stick out isn’t the same as having ears that are seen more easily
Even if you take the meaning as literally as possible you’re still a dumbass because that doesn’t prove your point

>only 3 things that matter
>above average face
>above average build
>average height
I’m sorry, I forgot that all gay dudes are hulking behemoths with perfect skin
Which is why you’re using anime reaction images that you definitely didn’t have saved on your computer because you use them often instead of socializing with normal people outside

>you think I care about this person that I am literally debating people about
>I don’t, which is why I’m talking about it
>I am being scientific, which is why my opinions are being put on blast by everyone who responds to me
How embarrassing for you

I’m willing to bet you’re just going to fuck off because you’re upset your opinion aren’t immediately agreed with

>> No.10925273

Not him but face height frame is literally everything. You're coping because you're gay and the only reason people go gay is because they're shunned from their family or suffer other mental illnesses. Recognizing an aesthetic male physique takes a trained eye and I wouldn't expect a promiscuous homo to consider these things. Plus, anime is more beautiful than 3d. Anime is a system of idealism. go check out the fictional food thread and guess where most of it comes from. That's right. Anime

>> No.10925291
File: 2.53 MB, 1280x720, 1516488698794.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Youtube e-celebs aside that show is probably my favorite /ck/ anime of all.

>> No.10925312

your biases indicate an extremely repressed homosexuality, congrats on coming out in 10 years !

>> No.10925353

Who cares if it's not Emmy

>> No.10925414
File: 460 KB, 3072x2304, 1510632924722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Youre perspective is an odd one. You come into someone elses conversation and act like the be all end all. You have yet to prove anything. Your apology was not needed, its clear you dont know what face, height, and frame mean and would rather speculate on a culture you know nothing about, that has nothing to do with that.

Your point was he is 'FOIIIIIIIINE' yes? Define this for me so I can prove you wrong factually. Your opinion interests me because it is wrong. Contrary to what your elementary school teacher told you, there is such a thing as a wrong opinion.
>images I use often
are you new to this board, anon?

>> No.10925478

>exceptionally physically attractive

go to bed babish

>> No.10925480

fuck off reddit

>> No.10925591

There is literally nothing wrong with babby. Stop being whiny contrarian bitches.

>> No.10925789

no one that makes these kinds of posts can ever explain what looks bad about it without a bunch of vague descriptors, watch

>> No.10925810

you really have to be an autist to enjoy watching shit like this

>> No.10925832

Wtf is a Babish?

>> No.10925847

Babish is that white stuff you get under your foreskin after not washing.

>> No.10925852

Based Hung-Aryan

>> No.10925923

no thats smeagle

>> No.10926089 [DELETED] 


>> No.10926095


>> No.10926115

Babish is when you used to be a fat kid.

>> No.10926152

Jump cuts and voiceover using high quality microphone. As long as you have those two elements, you could make videos about paint drying and you'd still get thousands of views.

>> No.10926154

Cringing with Babish

>> No.10926193

didnt even use the right sauce. okonomiyaki sauce should be black, not red.

>> No.10926261

Are there any good food YouTubers at all

>> No.10926266


>> No.10926267

Oh yay. The weekly circlejerk thread.

>> No.10926283


>> No.10926315

Why do japs love mayo so much?

>> No.10926320

Their mayo is way different than hellmans.

>> No.10926329


>> No.10926380


>> No.10926462

>looks like shit
That's exactly how okonomiyaki looks, it's a street food, unless you're saying all okonomiyaki looks like shit, in which case your problem is with the food not him

>> No.10926482

>those knife skills
Hasn’t anyone told him by now how it’s just a matter of time before he chops one of his fingers? I cringe every time he chops something. Look at the way he holds that cabbage.

>> No.10926512

>okonomiyaki is street food

>> No.10926568

>binging with (((babish)))

>> No.10926625


>> No.10926684

Shel Silverstein.

>> No.10926765

not watching your eceleb shit, ever, but okonomiyaki is like the saltiest thing ever, much prefer visiting the weeb shop to buy the flour and then doing it at home so I don't have to sather the sauce all over it.

>> No.10926786


>> No.10927271

Friendly reminder that these blatant advertising threads are against the rules and to report any thread you see with a jewtube link in the OP.