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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10919744 No.10919744 [Reply] [Original]

What do you think about Steve? Is he based?

>> No.10919832

I'd put him onto a tray, if you know what I mean.

>> No.10919841


>> No.10919876

His charms are unspoiled, and he has a nice gusset that would likely hiss if you poked it right.

>> No.10919880

he's nice

>> No.10919885

Steve isn't food or cooking. Fuck off with your e-celeb garbage.

>> No.10919904

>that one muh e-celeb guy that comes into the thread to botch instead of reporting the thread
did yo miss the part where steve tries exotic and vintage FOOD from MREs
kill yourself you fucking faggot

>> No.10919912
File: 51 KB, 413x243, 1526348552783.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Steve isn't food or cooking.

>> No.10919914

I've literally never seen a single link to a video or any discussion of food or cooking in any Steve thread. All I ever see are the same reposted pics like the OP and cock gobbling posts like >>10919876

t. here all day every day

>> No.10919915

nice hiss

>> No.10919943

Let me give you the Steve pill then

>Really Really Old Shit:

>Foregin MREs


>> No.10919949


>> No.10919959

well then... this gay shit must be what you are after. All gay every day.

>> No.10920018

Does he know how to cook?

>> No.10920100

how about the Vietnam ration with the amphetamine pill?

>> No.10920138

Cool guy
Shit fans

>> No.10920148

A shitty version of Nathan MRE

>> No.10920154
File: 1.02 MB, 760x596, 1502803045610.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10920157

Retard alert

>> No.10920225

Not bad

>> No.10920294

FUcking faggots, I've been Steveing before Steve was cool.
The fuck off my wave

>> No.10920444

that was a good video

>> No.10920456

mmm (x20,000)


>> No.10920458

>war food
the cognitive dissonance is strong with this one

>> No.10920540

He also makes some pretty good synth music. I'd recruit him in an industrial band.

>> No.10920547

this one is interesting

>> No.10920748
File: 47 KB, 655x480, 185E8B68-C86B-4EEB-8C14-18968A9539B2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have I got autistic face blindness or is Steve Ross Scott in an alternate universe where he got super into MREs instead of video games?

>> No.10920779

They must join forces.

>> No.10921032

i love steve

>> No.10921191

I love you

>> No.10921196

not even gay and i would worship his cock and let him ravage me

>> No.10921420

Literally all his videos feel the same and he's not very interesting to listen to.
>has a very acidic, wholesome, whole grain, metallic kind of smell to it

>> No.10921719

I like him. One of the few dudes out there who seems to genuinely enjoy doing what he's doing rather than just trying to make easy money following popular trends. My favorite video is probably the one where he had a horribly preserved ration that looked amazing on the outside then got surprised with the ration that looked terrible on the outside but was well preserved on the inside.

>> No.10921810
File: 59 KB, 680x680, 1529962164624.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would love to see him and reviewbrah review a MRE together. Would be the most chilled or most awkward review ever in existence.

>> No.10921830

He’s the Facebook of military ration reviewers.
Absolute normie tier.
Try Nathan’s channel it’s much better.

>> No.10921834

feeding reviewbrah MRE is a waste of MRE

>> No.10921840

>Foregin MREs
No such thing really.
MREs are exclusive to the US military.
You’re one ignorant ‘You Tuber’ really.

>> No.10921842

He's ballsy, i'll say that much. Fucker eats food from the 1950's and still manages to enjoy most of the stuff he eats.

>> No.10921845

People who aren't pedantic spergs use the term MRE for military rations in general.

It's the same idea as "Kleenex" being used to refer to facial tissue in geral, even those not made by Kimberly-Clark, or "Xerox" being used to refer to all photocopies, even if they were made using a different brand machine.

>> No.10921881

MRE can be used universally. Meals, ready to eat. It describes things nicely.

>> No.10921939
File: 277 KB, 469x452, 1517847015506.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take that back faggot

>> No.10921974

Steve is awesome.

>> No.10922206

He's really not

>> No.10922224
File: 82 KB, 237x226, hehgiraffe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw one shitty debbie downer comes to shit up the thread and fails miserably

>> No.10922241

i was really at a loss, had broken up with my gf and was stuck on /b/ shitposting. Decided to get into cooking for something to do, came on here. Thanks to you cunts i love cooking now and whenever i feel down or something i watch steve. His wholesomeness and attention to detail especially in the older videos make me want to try new exciting foods. He doesn't NEED to eat that fucking cookie with rancid peanut but he does it for us.

>> No.10922247


also i sucked off steve at a camping expo in 2015. he has a slightly left curving penis and is uncut

>> No.10922249

show us what you do that is better. I want to be entertained and praise you. If you can't, I will call you names and question your manhood.

>> No.10922273

>show us what you do that is better
Wow you sure showed me, great argument

>> No.10922305


what kind of argument was that? you have just reworded his with no clear answer. It wasn't hard. If you think you are better than steve then show us why

>> No.10922589

Are you legit retarded?

>> No.10923022

Nice hiss.

>> No.10923049

Isn't he a landscaper in Florida as well?

>> No.10923062

The thing that frustrates me is that you just KNOW he has a big cock.

>> No.10923083

Goddamn this thing is so cool.
I'd eject just so I'd have an excuse to play with it

>> No.10923107

>Scopolamine ration
DOD confirmed for /deli/

>> No.10923503

>lives right in the middle of the Florida swamps
Steve being a crazy bayou man seems to make a lot of sense

>> No.10923507

Does anyone have that pasta of the fanfic between him and Emmy? It was unironically kind of hot

>> No.10923511

He is /ourguy/

>> No.10923516

He's really fucking boring and only knows a few phrases that he repeats ad infinitum

>> No.10923517

Go on? Can you give me the URL?

>> No.10923529

fuck you contrarian faggot, Steve has far more talent and respect than you will ever achieve in your entire pathetic life you filthy virgin NEET

>> No.10923542

Contrarian for not liking someone who is boring?
He has talent?
Stop sucking his dick you retard

>> No.10923556

no u

>> No.10923573


>> No.10923774

Prob in my fav five confirmed gay food reviewers

>> No.10923908

hes gay?

>> No.10924146


>> No.10924187


>> No.10924284


>> No.10924291

I don't know

>> No.10924297

Can you repeat the question?

>> No.10924316

I have from good sources that Steve thinks you're all faggots

>> No.10924317

Ask again tomorrow

>> No.10925044

Thats Louisiana, Florida swamps have all of the violence, drugs, and insanity, but none of the charm. It is truly a bleak hellscape here.

>> No.10925517

It isn't just you.
Personally, though, I think he looks more like a chunkier Ian from Forgotten Weapons

>> No.10925520

Looks like a retarded faggot lol