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10919131 No.10919131 [Reply] [Original]

Why are seafood toppings so unpopular on pizza? I think they taste really good together.

>> No.10919179

>seafood toppings
what are anchovies

>> No.10919193

>wasting a perfect crust by covering it with shells baked into it
nothing but hatred in my heart

>> No.10919199

Clam pizza is a thing in New Haven and Staten Island. Definitely delicious.

>> No.10919201

but why not crab, lobster, clams, etc.?

They all taste great on pizza. And only certain people even like anchovies on pizza.

I mean, you would think that with pizza coming from a Mediterranean region, there'd be more fishy pizzas.

>> No.10919215

Anchovies are great but far from popular. The reason so many pizza places keep them on the menu is because they come sealed in a can with just enough for one pizza and have a long shelf life. They can get away with making an anchovy pie once ever 6 months and not worry about spoilage.

>> No.10919225

anchovies are overpowering, but most other seafood would work well

>> No.10919240

I like seafood on pizza sometimes, but I usually get my pizza from kebab places and I don't trust their canned seafood

>> No.10919253
File: 59 KB, 671x462, 1C527658-F9B4-499F-BE8E-DEE9364F4BF7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Staten Island

>> No.10919263

>Satan Island

>> No.10919267

Clam pizza straight from the slums of Shaolin

>> No.10919302
File: 62 KB, 480x540, 06-og.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do they really serve it with the shells like in OPs pic? I assume that they don't and that picture is some kind of Instagram nonsense, dealing with the shells seems like it would ruin the experience?
>t. wants to try clam pizza from Staten Island

>> No.10919333

Shrimp and mayo is super popular as a topping in Japan. I get it every time I go back to visit family

>> No.10919349
File: 99 KB, 250x193, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in general, asia has some interesting pizzas, to be sure

>> No.10919362

Used to go to a place that served shrimp, crab, and scallops on a cheesy white pizza. It was really good but the resturant went under. Wish it was still arround

>> No.10919465
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>> No.10919470

Those are soft shell clams

>> No.10919471

This shit is an abomination of pizza. Pizza should always be able to be eaten, on the go, with one hand. I feel a strong urge to burn that pizza for heresy.

>> No.10919476

Seafood pizza is really popular in Australia.
Mussels, calamari, scallops, prawns and anchovies are common ingredients.
Even Domino's and pizza hut have seafood pizza.

>> No.10919505

Shrimps are popular. Tuna is too but I think tuna in pizza ruins the other tastes in it. All you can taste is tuna if you have it.

>> No.10919534
File: 88 KB, 640x480, LeesClam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. As the other good Anon pointed out it's more like this

>> No.10919557

Because they suck when not fresh. Like >>10919215 said, the one godsend is that anchovies keep for a long time so any decent place will offer them. I lived in NE for half a decade and the seafood is the one thing I'll miss the most. Clam pizza is great - and if you don't know how to eat it you're retarded. Best I can do now is shrimp and garlic, which is a pretty good pizza topping combination.

>> No.10919560

On the boardwalk or in a car, sure. Not at a pizza place that's actually good. You don't have both kinds where you live?

>> No.10919566

where do you try this stuff? It intrigues me.

>> No.10919569

Anchovies remains pretty popular on pizza in Italy.

>> No.10919601

mustaches on women are popular there too.

>> No.10919679


>> No.10919719


>> No.10919739

Not a drop of Italian blood in me, just had the experience of growing up on the coast with a bunch of first and second generation Italian neighbors. Sorry you missed out.

>> No.10919749

One time girlfriend wanted anchovies on the pizza and they actually called back to triple check and make sure we really wanted them...

>> No.10919775

That you Cooze?

>> No.10919783

You wish. Just another Anon of many.

>> No.10919788

Anon made a Sopranos reffrence. Your mobbed up neighbors obviously did not hook you up with free HBO.

>> No.10919792


>> No.10919795

No, but they did hook my underage ass with wine, fireworks and good food. No ill will to speak against them.

>> No.10919878

Clams, shrimp, anchovies, seaweed, what else could be on a seafood pizza? What sauce and fruit?

>> No.10919900


>> No.10922006
File: 38 KB, 520x382, fruttidimare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Frutti di mare (Seafood pizza) in italy is somewhat common

It is served with seafood shells, don't know what your problems are

> This shit is an abomination of pizza. Pizza should always be able to be eaten, on the go, with one hand.

Why are you making this shit up? Pizza, at least this type, is *not* meant as street food

>> No.10922026
File: 227 KB, 1000x666, Frank_pepe_clam_pie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

White clam pie from New Haven is goat

>> No.10922030

This, this and this. While not the most favourite, it's far from uncommon.
Any sort of monkey would be able to remove the shells so i don't see the problem.
The one hand thing is for muricans that have to buy pre cut pizza because they are too fucking stupid to handle cutlery.

>> No.10922274

Is that why European men carry purses? To fashionably collect shells and hold their cutlery?

>> No.10922296

>Is that why European men carry purses?
Where did you get that? Not all europe is like you favourite gay singer or actor

>> No.10922412

There's no point in having shells on there if you're just going to take them off. Fuck off.

>> No.10922416

Sadly our ass isn't as trained as the American one, so we can't fit all our daily needs there.

>> No.10922419

You do realize how those are cooked, yes? If you pre-cook them to avoid putting the shells they will be dry as fuck once out of the oven. But you probably didn't know, you McDonald gulper.

>> No.10922713

Pizza Hut used to put shrimps on pizza, I thought they were pretty good. You could pretty easily replace the pizza sauce with spicy mayo and most seafood will go great with that.

>> No.10922738

>thinks theres only one way to cook shellfish
>thinks putting it on a pizza is the only way
theres other ways to cook them so that you dont have to put fucking seashells on a pizza, dipshit

>> No.10922745

Sure. but what do they have to do with a thread specifically focused on seafood on pizza?

>> No.10922762

>he's so stupid he doesnt understand how seashells arent edible
oh wow its not an act... how disappointed your parents must be

>> No.10922803

Why are you mad? Is it because you're too dumb to remove the shells first?

>> No.10922820

what the fuck are you on about retard

>> No.10922821

>calls you out someone for saying something stupid
>"lol why are u mad??"
anon, when you reply, youre supposed to try to argue against my claims not prove them.

>> No.10922825

you didn't answer my questions and you posted a bunch of nonsense instead. Try again. Hell, one of the questions is a simple yes vs. no.

>> No.10922834

Yes you can remove the shells. The point is there's no reason for them to be there in the first place.

>> No.10922836

Deep post.
>something i never ate nor will ever eat makes me so mad
Imagine being you. You probably get also mad at meat having bones, don't you? Better if someone cleans it up before, possibly pre chewed. That's just more efficient!

>> No.10922840

Shrimp and crab pizza is absolute god tier.

>> No.10922841

>he thinks im obligated to answer his retarded questions
you're too stupid to know how to cook shellfood why would i dignify your posts with legitimate responses?

>> No.10922844

This happened to me once too.

>> No.10922851

>creates a false dichotomy between meat on the bone and shellfish
you do know one goes thru the meat and the other encases it, right? you do understadn the huge difference right? you understand why your retarded post only proves how retarded you are, right?

>> No.10922859

I live in Florida and we used to have this place, Merlin's Pizza and they had a seafood pizza that was so good

>> No.10922874
File: 137 KB, 1000x664, trigger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wew lad, I've seen bots doing more elaborate replies than yours. Get triggered by another dish with shells in it.

>> No.10922877

>you're too stupid to know how to cook shellfood why would i dignify your posts with legitimate responses?
Because one, which isn't even true, has nothing to do with the other.

I'm still waiting for my answers, broski.

>> No.10922879

>he's so stupid he thinks shells are triggering anyone and not the fact that they're included on a pizza
youre not doing a good job of refuting my points about you being retarded, anon....

>> No.10922887

i couldnt give 2 shits what you're waiting for lol. keep waiting.

>> No.10922895

>shells are triggering anyone
that sure seems to be what's triggering you, spergie.
explain yourself in more detail to us poor dumb plebs if we've got it wrong.

>> No.10922898

>i'm not triggered, i just have to compulsively reply to you until i stop breathing, RETARD
Really solid denial game there.

>> No.10922900

I guess you're afraid of answering then.
I guess we all know I win.

>> No.10922906

some of the most ridiculous simple strawman shit ive seen in a while. amazes me how both parties actually continue to smugly reply even though theyre both losers for even continuing the argument

>> No.10922911

>he thinks this is a competition where there are judges keeping track
LOL ask me how i know youre autistic

>> No.10922915

Not even worth a (You). Can't your pathetic brain compute the fact that it's just one guy?

>> No.10922925

When a loser wants to win, the stupid flows like a deluge.

>> No.10922933


>> No.10922934

why would one man go to this length to argue with himself on an anonymous cat racing market?

>> No.10922936

Nah, I already won. There's no point.

>> No.10922941

is this your first day on 4chan or something?

>> No.10922944

Damn, Anon. I had high hopes for you, but it turns out you are just a retard. Work on it, breh.

>> No.10922945

the point is on your cap, dunce.

>> No.10922947

>the loser still trying to get the attention of the winner
pathetic. i already won, i got my certificate in the mail. you lost. i won. everyone can see it.

>> No.10922978

Lobster shells and raisins.

>> No.10922980

Yet you guys just can't stop posting, can you?

>> No.10922988

"yet you cant stop posting", he said in his most recent post reply to me. lol, stay mad loser.

>> No.10923092

Shrimp alfredo pizza does sound pretty fucking good now that i think about it.

>> No.10923102

Don't forget to leave the shells on to trigger spergus maximus here.

>> No.10923155

>he's so autistic he thinks shells belong on pizza
you already lost why are you still here dipshit?

>> No.10923185

Shrimp shell is edible tho, and actually pretty tasty.

>> No.10923206

if you dont make this exact same thread tomorrow with scallops shells on a pizza talking about how sweat scallops are perfect with pizza then im gonna be very disappointed in you, young man

>> No.10923208

>you already lost
You've got that backwards, broski. You still haven't answered any of my questions so I'm clearly the winner.

As for why I'm still here? Well, I like this board. And I saw another opportunity to trigger your shellfish shell phobia....or whatever it is. I can't name it accurately because you aren't answering anything I ask of you, unlike me who replies to your questions with straight answers.

I doubt logic matters to spergie, anon. The mere mention of shells is likely to send he/she into a rage. We haven't figured out exactly why, though. Spergie shitposts but doesn't answer questions posed.

>> No.10923521

Most seafood on pizza just feels like a waste to me. If I'm gonna have seafood I want it by itself. Crab pizza is good for example but it kind of just leaves me wanting more crab. With all the other shit on a pizza I can barely taste it.

>> No.10923614

Judging by the faggotry of this thread, seafood on pizza is lame and nasty.

>> No.10923644
File: 183 KB, 499x450, all aboard the RAGE TRAIN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't give me unprepared fucking food when I'm paying you to prepare it for me!
What the fuck is wrong with some restaurants. I order some seafood pasta and I get a bowl full of fucking shells. I'm paying YOU to do the JOB of preparing the food for ME. Why in all levels of HELL do you expect me to work my way though each shell separately to have a fucking meal?


>> No.10923653


Frutti di mare is one of the most basic and kino of all toppings, you unwashed mongrel.

>> No.10923723

Seafood pizza taste really good, but I'm with you, it is still a waste of seafood. In fact it is generally made with not-so-excellent seafood