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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10914767 No.10914767 [Reply] [Original]

ITT we post food related job stories that have the following:
1. Made you go WUT
2. Go bonkers
3. Laff your ass off

>> No.10914783
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>the premiere of that 70s show is closer to the 70s it is to 2018

>> No.10914802
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The scene in this episode where Donna says "Hey Eric I just bought a new bikini but I think it might be too small, could I model it for you?" and he can barely respond is one of my favorites in the series. He's struggling so valiantly between his work ethic and massive horniness for his GF.
Early series Eric is so much better than the dumbass he evolved into.

>> No.10915187

selfish bump

>> No.10915190
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all that time in fast food pushed eric to the brink

>> No.10915261

> 1. The guy who got canned for showing up to work drunk 3 times in a row.

> 2. Being left on the line by myself with all the tickets while the other Cooks we're wondering about doing who knows what.

> 3. The time the chef snuck up on me and stuck a leaf of lettuce in my pocket and I walked around with it hanging out of my pocket for like 10 mins.

>> No.10915264

Sounded like bullshit, but it's true. I'm personally happy to be further away from that cultural black hole than ever.

>> No.10915304


>> No.10915460

>night shift at maccas
>two faggots standing in line start to fight
>they get kicked out

>4AM at maccas
>guy standing in line with his gf breaks up with her
>she mutters "20 years and you just leave me like this" and breaks out in tears

>> No.10915500


>> 3. The time the chef snuck up on me and stuck a leaf of lettuce in my pocket and I walked around with it hanging out of my pocket for like 10 mins.

Holy shit, this is hilarious.

>> No.10915503
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>Washing dishes at a small cafe
>Raining heavily all day
>Boss and coworker come back to the kitchen
>Watching security footage
>Guy ran inside
>Slipped like a cartoon character stepped on a banana peel
>Dashes to the adjacent exit like it didn't happen

>> No.10915521

>1.customer ordering a cheeseburger without anything on it, they just wanted a meat patty with cheese
>2. hindu owner had her brother take over as manager and pretend to know how to run a business so was giving constantly retarded orders while never actually working
i quit after a few weeks of this shit when his punjabi ass kept trying to mess with my time card thinking they could avoid paying overtime
>3. entire hindu family above get detained by authorities. IRS tagged them for tax evasion, immigration noticed they had been in the country on expired visas for 10 years. all assets were seized, the burger joint i worked plus multiple hotels, and they were imprisoned followed by deportation
made me laugh but this is why so much of the country hates h1b

>> No.10915534

shoo shoo australian

>> No.10915551
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Growing up as a nerdy white dude (still white), I idolized Eric for his relationship, friends, and weed smoking. At least I have one of those now

>> No.10915575

you don't have weed steve, that's catnip you've been smoking

>> No.10915581

Happy to see Topher Grace doing something again, since That 70's show his career stagnated and he never really hit it big, in Spider-Man 3 he was a joke.

Hope this helps him out, I just liked eric so much I wish the actor a comfortable life.

>> No.10915588


all that vanished capital :/

>> No.10915592

same here...

plus my name is eric

>> No.10915593
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>> No.10915603

You’re a fucking idiot.

>> No.10915628
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been working at a panera bread for about a year now, one of the top busiest in the nation too. we tend to get a lot of angry old folk

>around 6pm during a dinner rush
>taking an older womans order
>she's asking what temperature the soup is at, how thick it is, yadda yadda, stuff no one else would ever ask
>manager over hears and answers it all
>she finally orders chicken wild rice soup
>10 min later she comes back up with her soup
>she demands to see a manager because there weren't enough carrots in the soup
>told her the soup comes pre packaged and frozen, we can't really control that kinda shit
>starts yelling at us and other customers about it
>threatens to end my job and get her lawyers involved
>manager comes over and tries to solve the situation
>manager started yelling back and both of them are making a scene
>they're trying to be louder than one another like complete tards
>customers in line start leaving
>older woman ends up throwing her soup away, demands a refund, asks for the store number, and ends up getting her greasy hippie husband to start yelling at us and harassing other customers for not joining in
>they finally leave an hour later

>3 weeks later that manager was fired
>myself and one other cashier were being questioned about the situation
>we were told it was our faults because we didnt give them an enjoyable experience

really fucking hate my job sometimes

>> No.10915728
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>3. The time the chef snuck up on me and stuck a leaf of lettuce in my pocket and I walked around with it hanging out of my pocket for like 10 mins.

So simple, but so very amusing.

>> No.10915733

Shoulda just chopped some carrots up and tossed them in there, dangus.

>> No.10915773

we offered that and she denied because then they would be crunchy and "hard to chew"

>> No.10915784

>lunch break
>still have my earplugs in because the fryers and the timers and people are loud
>old black guy follows me out a few minutes later and sits down with me
>starts talking about his life, past jobs, his wife, something about a casino, taxes
>can't hear 85% of it
>he gets really sad at the end and touches my shoulder before walking back in
>hum wistfully and nod in return

>people dumping food and gross liquids in my fucking dishpit soapy water basin that takes ten minutes to drain and fill when there's a trash bin right there goddamn it

>niggas acting like solid snake trying to sneak in bites of chicken tenders when the managers and customers aren't looking
>nigga tries to forcefeed me a tender while I'm swinging a fry basket
>he coated it in buffalo sauce and cajun fry spice
>pretty good but it smears all over my cheek
>he wipes it off with a stolen dinner roll and tries to cram that in my mouth too

I would miss my job if my last three months of it weren't strictly de-boning chicken in a fetid ex-dishpit.

>> No.10915888

Sounds like you're just trying to inconvenience the customer now.

You need to learn how to make the customer's experience as pleasant as possible, seeing as how you're in the service industry.

I don't want excuses. The customer is ALWAYS right.

>> No.10915890

>he's a dish pig
oh lawd am i laffin

>> No.10915909
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Not him but being a dish bitch is a pretty great job for what it is. At least where I worked.

>> No.10915929

this gave me second hand anger

>> No.10915958

Poo in loo

>> No.10915965

Been thinking about doing pizza delivery to earn some extra cash, does it pay a lot in tips?

>> No.10916053

Working at a Chinese food joint was a great experience. It was hard and tiring but made me appreciate cooking and working.

>1. Made you go WUT
Some nigger tried to rob us once. So the thing is we are a small store, i.e. the kitchen is directly behind the counter so everyone can see everything. The guy came in with a gun, the cashier screamed and ducked under the counter, I saw the gun and ducked like a pussy, but the owner/head chef saw the gun and immediately threw the knife in his hand at the robber. The robber flinched and dodged so owner kept throwing kitchenware at him until the robber ran off.
Shit was crazy and talking to the cops was a trip because the owner started screaming in broken English and Chinese and I had to translate

>2. Go bonkers
Same owner got some crazy standards that are hard to follow at times. He's cheap as fuck so sometimes if I overserve even one slice of beef he gets mad as fuck. If I prep the ingredients off he gets mad as fuck.
He gets mad as fuck a lot

>3. Laff your ass off
Owner took no shit from no one. His food is good but dodgy at times, but he will cut a bitch if people complain. The one thing that tick him off is allergies. This one time, someone came in with a seafood allergy and asked us to not put shrimp in the fried rice. Owner got mad as fuck again and told the cunt to fuck off and called her a lily livered loser until she cried.

The place closed down after a nut allergy situation, but lols were had and I did get some good working experience.

>> No.10916069

They're the same FUCKING thing you stinky poo

>> No.10916091

The Punjab is mostly Muslim. Some Sikhs too. Hindu is a minority religion in that area.

>> No.10916107

Oh my god a customer ordered meat and cheese soo crazy

>> No.10916128

Poo in loo

>> No.10916165

1. Get called out of the kitchen to help a waiter talk to a family about what potential allergens might be in the food. Customers claim to be "deathly allergic" to egg. When I mention one of the dishes they were considering contained mayo and egg wash used in breading they say "oh, that's OK".

2. Customer orders chili. Asks the waiter to make it "5-star hot". Mofo even leans his head into the kitchen yelling that chili had better be hot the way he's used to having it "at his favorite place back home" and "don't hold back, you can't make it too hot--I love my hot chili". We make it hot, but not absurd. Customer sends it back whining "I didn't think it would be so spicy", and threatens bad reviews everywhere. We have is ID on file for his bar tab....fucking Cincinnati.

3. Hanging out behind the restaurant on break. Prep cook is leaning on the bumper of a parked truck smoking a cig. Pissed off shebaboon comes out of the restaurant, obviously pissed about something that happened inside. Yells at the dude leaning against the truck bumper, screaming obscenities and raving about "how you shouldn't touch other people's property". Dude apologizes and gets out of the way. She-baboon gets into the truck, and slams the gas as she's backing out of the space....right into a brand new (paper plates!) $90k Corvette which she didn't notice driving by when she decided to back up. She-baboon starts screeching again. Dude starts quoting her verbatim "you shouldn't' touch other people's property...etc". Cops show up. She's claiming it was somehow the Vette driver's fault. 4 of us witnesses, and our security tape, prove her wrong. Then she's screaming about it being a "setup" and "racism" while the cops are talking to her. Turns out the reason why the cops were there so fast was management just busted her trying to pay with a stolen credit card, so needless to say we keep mocking her about "you shouldn't touch other people's property".

>> No.10916167

My parents never explained to me that they were smoking weed, so I didn't get what was going on when they went around in a circle in the basement. I thought it was just some weird quirk of the artistic direction, where they go around in a circle and tell jokes I didn't get lol

>> No.10916169

Now the baboon is really mad and we start to go back inside. She gets up and takes a swing at a cop. That was a mistake, as I think they were all waiting for an excuse to get physical. Turns out she had 3 outstanding warrants.

>> No.10916174

Formerly little Ceaser's chef
> when people called me not a chef

>> No.10916480

I had a gypsy with his thirteen buddies pull a samurai sword on me in a waffle house and try to rob the store. I disarmed him with a chair, kept him in the store while the cook called the police and his buddies all ran off.

The cops took him out to the curb, let him call his parents, and when they drive up in a hummer thirty minutes later they just let him go scot-free.

The regional manager of the waffle house came in drunk with his family. The whole time he threatened to fire me unless I bring out pie-which there was none. I called the store manager told him what was happening and asked if he could unlock the freezer. He told me I was on my own and for the next fifty minutes the regional manager just shittalked me constantly while telling me to bring out the pie and his wife just looked at me like I was an crash accident victim. I called the state manager, who got him fired after he organized an investigation, and reviewed the store footage.

>> No.10916559

Did you get to keep the sword?

>> No.10918066

>letting faggoty old people push you around
God you're a fucking pussy

>> No.10918181

Ahh the classic pocket salad. One time we got a guy with lettuce, black olives, tomatoes and shredded cheese before he noticed, then he got mad because his keys were wet

>> No.10918191


>> No.10918251

Damn that dish pit looks like heaven. I wasnt the dishwasher but in both restaurants I worked at, the dish pit was crammed into a narrow hallway with barely enough room for one person to walk through, and good luck if the dishwasher was working which was like 85 percent of the time

>> No.10918257

>called her a lily livered loser until she cried
My sides

>> No.10918260

Just drive uber or lyft, and carry a gun

>> No.10918277

I worked at this oyster bar in a high end grocery store. Aside from shucking oysters, we served beer, wine, and Bloody Marys. This dude started working there who was a total alcoholic. He'd come in reeking of booze. He spent a lot of time in the back, obviously drinking from the bottle of vodka we kept. We probably would've ignored it if he was cool and could still get shit done, but dude couldn't shuck one oyster by the end of the shift and kept telling these shitty jokes over and over again. He also couldn't get fired for alcoholism cause the grocery store was unionized and saw that as a disease. We started keeping strict track of all our booze so he would at least get fired for theft. One day he came in and this other idiot at the oyster bar was so stupid, right after saying "let's be covert with this!" he took out the bottle of vodka and marked a line where the liquor was right in front of the alcoholic guy. Of course this tipped him off that he was being watched, so he didn't drink anything that entire day. On the way out after his shift, he had a seizure in the revolving door. The next day he came to pick up his check with a broken nose and broken ribs. That was the last we ever saw of him.

>> No.10918729

The customer is ALWAYS wrong

>> No.10918785

>Driving around people either too stupid/poor to get a car or randoms from out of town for maybe 10$ an hour if you're lucky
This sounds like a terrible fucking idea
>But you have a gun
You shouldn't be putting yourself in a position where you need a gun and you can't shoot people for vomiting/spilling shit in your car.

>> No.10918825

Nah the cops took it.

>> No.10919196

If you are implying being a delivery driver is safer, you are wrong https://youtu.be/nWBRTfLkzNs
Also, others put you in the position of needing a gun you cretin. Best to be prepared

>> No.10919258

>This youtube video with 2000 views will surely prove that being a delivery driver is dangerous
>Half the video is people crashing and the other half is people of a certain enthnicity robbing, typically at the store itself
Have you ever considered not living in the ghetto. Having a gun for self defense is totally understandable, but when you allow strangers to get in your car and be behind you while you have to focus on the road, a gun will do you no good. Not to mention if others put you in a position of needing a gun, why the fuck would you actively allow hundreds of "others" in a car with you, retard.
Not to mention Pizza delivery drivers get paid just as well if not better due to tips and the added benefit of not driving drunk people around.

>> No.10919512

I didn't realize the number of YouTube views correlated to validity. Also did you even watch the video? Literally every single driver was robbed or killed while on a delivery, with one guy being carjacked outside his store the exception. But he was also going on a delivery. Are you a pizza driver or something? At least with uber you can make your own hours and just drive off if it seems sketchy instead of being at the behest of some 'customer is always right' chain. I have known a bunch of people that make extra cash driving uber or lyft or even as a full time gig. Delivery drivers, not so much. Having a gun just seems like a no brainer in either situation.

>> No.10919726


>> No.10919734

Show bob and vagene

>> No.10920012

>hostess shows up late
>obviously on drugs, nodding out at the host stand
>goes out back for a smoke
>puts cigarette in trash can
>starts a fire in the can
she actually kept her job for like 3 months after that lmao

>> No.10920062

I guess this falls all under all 3 criteria.
>4th of July this year
>I'm a pizza delivery guy
>drop off a pizza to a guy who didn't order it
>guy notices on the receipt that his neighbor bought it
>tells me that his neighbor must've bought it for him because his son died
>my brain can't process this so I go into normal routine and tell him to have a good one
>hear a very sad thanks as I leave
>cringe the drive back

depends on your location and how many orders you get per day. I average about $30 a day, but that's because a new chain opened up near us so it has been slow. Otherwise I make around $50 per day.

>> No.10920079

>trying to inconvenience
...by not having reheated soup with more carrot?

>The customer is ALWAYS right
Pretty sure these dbags were just looking for a way to sue. Who the f*ck freaks out that hard over soup?

>> No.10920109
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This happened right before I started working there
>small breakfast cafe
>lady orders pancakes
>new cook makes the batter incorrectly, pancakes are dry
>lady takes one bite
>unscrews the caps on all the syrups on her table
>pours, like, 4 bottles of syrup on her table and leaves

>> No.10920115

The old fashioned trouser taco, a classic

>> No.10920141

I worked for a place similar to a Dave & Buster's, but not in food, even though I had to have my health card and shit. I was in corporate, and a marketing manager, but was based out of this location. Every once in a while, I'd come out and authorize a refund, a free game card, whatever.

Two weeks though, some idiot scheduled me as the opening manager. So I'm trying to open tills and shit from my old retail experience, and this cook tells me I need to come check the kitchen and hands me a checklist.

>Don't know what shit is
>Don't know how to check oil temperatures
>Don't know if we're supposed to microwave anything
>Don't know what a reach-in is
>Don't know anything besides someone is supposed to be 21 to drink
>Literally cook 3 burgers

As far as I know, no one died, but I got stuck doing this for two weeks with no idea of how to make sure our food was safe. I filmed some of it for social media but they determined they didn't want to show it.

>> No.10920187

Uber gets tips. And you say that as if taxi driving hasn't been a thing for the past millennia and every time a taxi driver gets in a car they die.

>> No.10920629


>> No.10920631

you're a cook, don't let making bread with cheese and meat goto your head. I was a cook too


>> No.10920632

Love when my girl gives me a foodjob

>> No.10920634


>> No.10920672

your girlfriend's footjobs are not that great.

>> No.10920696

I never say "have a good one" in real life but I automaticlly resort to that when I am delivering

>> No.10920745

>breaking up a 20 year relationship in a fucking McDonalds

>> No.10920880

the amount of times i've seen people sperg out over not being referred to as "Chef _____"

>> No.10920926
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>Worked part time in Chuck E Cheese
>Cooked, Cleaned, wore the fucking suit
>Get done with a birthday party and have to do the walk around to all the poor kids who's families could only afford the $30 pizza instead of a birthday party
>It's hot as fuck
>Have a kid hanging off my leg begging me not to leave
>jesus kid, your parents are over there
>Suddenly, I fall over and I'm seeing stars as I hit the floor
>Some asshole teen sucker punched me in the in the suit
>Swarmed by kids and reeling
>Finally drag myself back into the kitchen
>All I see is red and I want blood, loudly threatening to kill whoever did it.
>Not allowed out of the kitchen for the rest of shift

>Some time latet
>Doing the chuck e suite
>Some kids dad slaps me on the back of the head
>Throw off helmet and gloves and push the dude
>Start cussing him out and ready to throw punches
>Bosses swoop in and grab me and other boss tells the dad to leave with his kid
>Somehow, I kept my job
>The girls had to fight the kids for parts of the chucke suit

>> No.10920976

>Working at steak and shake
>I was a part time waiter
>Be three weeks in, going good so far, but "that one customer" finally appears.
>Old fat woman asks for milkshake with no sugar
>Tell her we don't have milkshakes like that
>Gets mad and goes on about how places like this made her fat.
>Dosent cancel order after 30 minutes of complaining.
>Still wants shake
>2 minutes late I was carrying the shake along with a table of 5 food.
>Arrive to table with shake
>Oh shit a wetspot
> I slip on the wet spot and dinner and Milkshake land on fatty.
>Starts to cry and wouldn't stop for at least 40 minutes.
>Before my manager drove her to Walmart to pick up some new clothes.
Jesus fuck, it was 40 minutes of just autistic crying. I quit 2 weeks after this.

>> No.10921031
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I'm the guy from yesterday that you're replying to. Calm down, I was baiting. The customer was a fucking retard and I'm on your side.

>> No.10921037

The virgin "it's not you it's me" vs. the chad "you're going to have to fuck off after this Cheeseburger."

>> No.10921139

Have you ever considered not being a racist asshole?

>> No.10921177

>the customer is always right
I remember when I used to work in a 7-11 my boss laughed right in a ladies when she said that to her. My boss was awesome. Always took my side because she knew I was trustworthy.

>> No.10921198

lmao dude, imagine a kid watching his dad's ass get kicked by Chuck E. Cheese on his birthday.

>> No.10922284

steak and shake has pretty good food

>> No.10922331

>this becoming part of your day over a lack of carrots

>> No.10922463
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>a man of decent weight was eating in the lobby and left wearing different pants
>even though I wasn't paying specific attention to him, he didn't have a bag or anything and didn't go to the bathroom
>zero clue what happened
>work drive thru during the meme sauce epidemic this year
>12+ cars in a row once of people just asking for the sauce
>they get pissed when I tell them they need to buy something to get it
>they order drinks
>HAD to get manager AT THE WINDOW to see if they could because no one has ever asked that
>manager gives up and lets me hand out the sauce
>gave out as much as I could get away with to deplete stock so people would stop coming
>this chubby fat kid was trusted with bringing his familys tray of food to the table and trips on his loose shoe laces
>food splatters on floor
>not a single fry or boxed burger made it out alive
>kid is crying his eyes out like that ginger from drake and josh
>assistant manager thinks he slipped on water (making it our fault) and remakes the order
>still the funniest fucking image of a crying fat kid covered in smashed fries

>> No.10922540

>working at place on campus for students
>server comes up to me
>"Yeah this guy wants a bowl of tomatoes"
>Garnished the bowl with pea tendrils

>> No.10922578

>working as co-op in an Italian place
>one of the prep cooks is always telling me how good he is with his knife
>does the "no look while cut onions" move
>weeks later
>cut his thumb in half

>last few weeks of co-op
>sous chef comes up to me while im blending sauce or something
>"You know Anon, I always act like I like you, but I hate you"
>makes me a steak dinner on my last day

>> No.10922725

>>>Start cussing him out and ready to throw punches
>>>Somehow, I kept my job

>> No.10922813

But you literally let them push you around. Cutting up some carrots and re heating a new soup isn't difficult at all. You're just an idiot who can't give customer service. Sometimes people are difficult. Adjust yourself.

>> No.10923493
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>worked at bojangles
>woman comes in with her daughter
>daughter is clearly mentally handicapped
>the women is around 5"4', she walks with the assistance of a cane, but doesn't have any great labor in walking. She is about as wide as she is tall. If I had to guess she was around 65, but I believe she was younger. The fat has clearly taken its toll on her body
>her daughter is relatively healthy in comparison, she is a little taller and is quite shy. Perhaps she is an adult, maybe not. Certainly no older than 25, no younger than 16.
>her mother orders tendies, fries, and I quote "mashed potatoes because she is on a diet".
>the mother orders the same for her daughter
>at this point I am already pissed off. I frequented the /fit/ fat hate threads and personally dislike burgers who choose to live their lives in excess
>I give them their food and cups and get back to cleaning.
>a short while later the daughter comes up to our counter and asks for some of our sauces
>I just give her a few of all of them because I can see it is quite difficult her to enunciate and she doesn't like to make eye contact with me, preferring to look at the ground.
>Kinda weird because I know we gave them the sauces they ordered, but I guess if she wants them its good for her to exercise her social skills a little.
>Perhaps only a minute later I see her back up and she is filling two drinks.
>mfw I realized she got up to get those sauces for her mom
>mfw I realized she has barely touched her food and her mom is chowing down like a pig
>mfw I realized her mom was sending her to go get shit for her instead of her fat ass getting up and getting it herself

>> No.10923531
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>things get old as time goes by

>> No.10923679

>tfw closer to your death than to your birth

>> No.10923727

>she mutters "20 years and you just leave me like this" and breaks out in tears
That's fucking heartless holy shit. Where do you even go from there

>> No.10924055


This was a long while back so I don't remember all of the details but apparently one of the girls told me of the surprise and shock of seeing chucke throw off his head and what not.

I don't know, I imagine most of them were reeling in horror at seeing a nigger in the chucke suit

I'm probably missing context. I honestly think the only reason I wasn't fired was because I consistantly showed up for about the year and a half that I worked there

>> No.10924071

cant unsee

>> No.10924075
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panera food is soooo good tho bro

>> No.10924444
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I can't think of anything off the top of my head but I've been working as a fry cook at a KFC/Taco Bell with subpar standards/quality for a little over a year now. Ask me anything.

>> No.10924467

>Nigger in the Chuckie suit
Ha I always knew he was black
But really though that's funny, I'm sure not at the time

>> No.10924510

>>people dumping food and gross liquids in my fucking dishpit soapy water basin that takes ten minutes to drain and fill when there's a trash bin right there goddamn it
i feel you anon, nothing worse then running some fresh water just for some 30 year old boomer cook to dump spare rib sauce trays in the water

>> No.10924530

Do you put random shit in the deep fryer to see what cooks?

>> No.10924715
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I once made fried pickles because the store was so dead and I had nothing else to do. No one else liked them but I thought they were pretty good.
One time I was prepping cookie trays for the oven and one of the frozen cookies fell in. My coworker just said "fuck it let's just see what a deep fried cookie tastes like."
It completely disolved into the oil like a minute later.
Not frying per say but one time another coworker and I tried to make a "XXL Mexican Pizza," so just a mexican pizza but with 12" tortillas that we usually use for Crunchwrap Supremes and shit. Idk if you're low standards like us then it's ok but worse than a normal mexican pizza because the bigger one really fucking accentuated the sogginess they all suffer from.
Actually I did think of one interesting story
>working cashier because why not I'm bored lol
>old korean guy comes in and orders an 8-piece family meal
>hands me a $20 as I tell him the price, something like $21.73
>"Oh no no no menu say $20"
>yeah but tax brings it up to...
>"No no no, no pay tax" with wide eyes
>oh great it's one of you assholes
Koreans have been mass-imigrating up here and buying up as much property and land as possible and turning them into "churches" and "nurseries" at the same time so they pay as little taxes as possible.
>fuck this, get my shift leader to deal with him
>go back to my chicken autism corner to make replacements for this guy's 8-piece
And that's why I don't work Taco Bell side.

>> No.10924721

I worked at a pizza place a few years back and these two hamplanets ordered 4 pizzas, 4 cheesesticks, and 50 wings. They took the food to their truck, ate it all, then came in bitching it didn't have enough cheese and wanted a refund. Manager ended up giving them a bunch of cookies to shut them up. I carry them out to them and they're talking about where they should go for dinner. Like all that food was a snack to them.

>> No.10924757
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A few more
>helping on Taco Bell's line because no one's really ordering chicken and fuck are we busy
>lobby's pretty packed too, so lots of people making noise to pack on the stress of the moment
>the floor's wet right where we turn the corner to hand out orders, either someone spilled sanitizer, a drink, or the Freeze machine busted again, I don't remember
>this random mid-60s lady starts bitching at my manager for us not having everyone's food out yet
>and I do mean everyone, she starts acting like some kind of "paragon of the people" and makes sure everyone gets their orders right and hovers over them making sure it's all correct
>bitch do you see how fucking busy it is? wait just a few minutes
>fairly loud but not directed at anyone and quiet enough where it's passive aggressive "OH MY GOD THE FLOOR IS WET SOMEONE IS GONNA FALL" like 3 times
>start handing out orders one after another, making this shit look easy
>get to her order, hand it to her "have a wonderful day" with a shit eating grin
>walk away to go keep working
>she tries to complain some more but just leaves out of frustration

I'll post more in like an hour in the mean time ask away.

>> No.10924982

So you work at those combo Taco Bell/KFC places?

What time would you recommend to go in order to get decently crispy chicken? Half the time I go to the one near me, it’s usually soggy.

Or do you only fry up new ones when you’re running low?

>> No.10924995

Y no date qt tard?

>> No.10925143

>I don't want excuses. The customer is ALWAYS right.
This may very well be the most American post on /ck/. God fucking bless.

>> No.10925192
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Would you like that in Crispy or Original?
Nah but seriously. The only really garunteed time to get fresh chicken is the first batch when we open. Also I don't know how other combo stores operate but taco bell opens at 7 and KFC doesn't open until ten, but there will be chicken right when we open fresh. The way it's supposed to run is every two hours any not sold chicken (it's based on the individual batch, so if it's 2 hour old chicken, not 10 minute old chicken just because the clock struck 12) is to be pulled out, the wings and drumsticks thrown away, the breasts and thighs put into a container then placed in a heating cabinet to unskin, debone, and chop up then freeze for later use in making pot pies. However if it's busy you're not gonna do that, and the Taco Bell people don't care either. But if we are running low then yeah we'll make more, and unless you hate yourself every so often you're going to make more in anticipation for rushes.
Tl;dr: Right when we open or ask for some if you notice very little in our chicken heating cabinet
>ice machine breaks
>guy keeps hitting the thing in frustration hoping for ice
>i'm chilling in lobby on break
>comes up to me with very confrentational voice "hey bro you guys outta ice."
>"yeah man sorry the machine's broken" gothefuckaway
>"got any ice in the drive thru machine?"
>"nah that one's broken too"
>goes uo to the counter to ask for ice
>he gets some
>guess it wasn't broken
>jesus dude fuck off, don't even look at him "sorry man"
Another time
>all in one day
>family of spics orders 3 16-piece meals
>koreans order 20-piece crispy
>just generally a never-ending hell
>don't get out until 12:30 (we closed at 10:30 back then)
>customer is almost always an actual retard who tries to cheat you for free food, doesn't care about basic realities of running a resturant, and a low-life slob

>> No.10925217
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>2 weeks ago
>old lady orders the pesto pasta without pesto and without sundried tomatos
>ends up just being pasta, cream, shallots and chicken seasoning
>gets hungry while waiting for main, orders the pesto garlic bread entree special
>cleaning the deep fryers
>grease gets everywhere, stuck in pores of skin
>takes 3 showers to not feel sticky anymore
>would probably be less bad if i did it weekly, to lazy though
>manager almost fills the 30 year old boomer meme perfectly
>unironically drinks /sips/ most shifts
>rumours start being circulated by front of house that he is a pedo
>gets so serious that he calls a staff wide meeting one morning
>"she was 16, and was therefore legal by that state's standards"
>"i dont want to hear whispers about this again"
>equal parts laughing and confused on the inside

>> No.10925636
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>working at pizza hut
>some older mexican dude starts trying to pick a fight with our cashier because we ran out of cheese and peppers but he thinks we just don't want to give him any
>we show him the empty bucket, still doesn't believe us
>starts getting mad because we refuse to supply him with cheese and pepper packets while his two kids snicker in the background
>threatens to call corporate and complain about us as he leaves

why do people go crazy when there's no cheese and pepper?

>> No.10925649

I'm a slut for their coffee crumb cake.

>> No.10925681

I would hate my job all the time working at Panera. I can't imagine selling reheated prepackaged junk food to retards and being happy.

>> No.10925724

>work at recently opened dunkin donuts
>night shift "baker"
>shift manager never shows up unless there's something to complain about
>writes up people for standing around and doing nothing even though everyone is just waiting for the donuts to "bake"
>one night shift manager shows up to give out write ups and just tell one of the workers that nobody likes him

>> No.10925752

He came on the steak, anon.

>> No.10925774
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Haven't worked food specifically but did do some time in a grocery deli. The fucking unironic boomer meme tier old people that scream like toddlers when they can't get they're shitty cold cuts is unreal. That and botching about how the main registers close to early leaving only self checkout open.

>> No.10925806

I've never worked in the food industry.
Just thought I'd let you know.

>> No.10925921

thanks for letting us know anon

>> No.10926012
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>work at Chik-Fil-A as first teenage job
>on a double because poor and want cash
>manager casually exits from office at around 11am
>"hey guys so can you fill this catering order? it's big business for us"
>order is for 700 sandwiches, without a day's notice or any notice and it's already mid morning
>can only make 24 patties at a time, takes about ~8-9 minutes to fully batter and fry batch
>it's a Saturday so we are in the yellow from 10am until close no matter what we do
>700 FUCKING sandwiches
>gets so hectic we even pull in the HR girl who's fucking one of the latino drug dealer cooks to work the line
>manager steps out for 20 minutes and comes back aggro as FUCK after clearly snorting lots of bad cocaine
>manager leaves by 1pm to go to fucking kid's teeball game, no help whatsoever not even up front or prepping trays/packaging/putting shit in the delivery bags
>comes back in later in the afternoon to berate us for our untimliness

I'm so glad I felt the glory of quitting my first job when they wanted me to stay, fuuuuuuuuck that shit

>> No.10926170

>bagger at grocery store
>guy with dr strangelove german accent comes to my line with a cart full of pomegranates
>would later learn he cleaned out produce's entire supply of the things
>help him out to his car
>his car is a small hatchback filled to the ceiling with pomegranates
>working at mcdonalds
>they hire a retarded guy
>his job is to just clean the lobby
>instead he thunders down coffee, gets hyper, and sneaks up behind people to poke them in their sides while doing this loud goofy bastard laugh
>managers are afraid to fire him and try to excuse his behavior as endearing and "he doesn't know better"
>franchise owner eventually intervenes after customers complain about getting poked and the not-so-clean lobby
>still at mcdick's
>junkie couple have decided our store would be a great place to hawk some pills
>not all there
>customers complain, manager tells them to leave, they come up to the counter to order something since they think that's why they're getting kicked out, offer us pills while they're at it
>get pushed out the door as cops are called
>come up to the drive-thru window and offer me pills just as cops pull up
>tell him they might be interested
>"ya think they like percocets and xannies?" and stroll over to them
>eventually realize they don't want to buy and go on a slurred rant about entrepreneurs being oppressed by big business or some shit

>> No.10926323

>instead of being at the behest of some 'customer is always right' chain
Not a thing with any major chain.

>> No.10927121

probably underage my dude.

>> No.10929036

>a nigger in the chucke suit

A nigger?
In MY anthropomorphic rat costume???

Jk anon, that's a p good story, the kind of shit from a movie or something. Absolutely hilarious that you kept your job.

>> No.10929055
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fuck all old people in general. Tfw a giant chunk of your check allows old people to live

>> No.10929171
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Thank god

>> No.10930288

Have you ever considered not being a faggot?

>> No.10930323


>living in the ghetto
That's not racist you dumbass. He didn't say "I was in the ghetto where the ni**ers live" THAT would be racist. White, black, mexican, they all live in the ghetto you faggot. If you're going to call someone out, at least DO IT RIGHT

>> No.10930676

Redditumblr-tier post

>> No.10930725

ahahahahah worked at that shit show of job for a year and a half, fuck i hate their fucking customers first bullshit, happy i dont work at that dump anymore

>> No.10931119

>we'll have 3 scotch and cokes and a margarita
>oh I actually meant the pizza
Not that bad, I guess. Also the lady who said we should put cameras in the restrooms.

>> No.10931467

How does it feel selling round bread for a living to people who don't know what a grocery store is or do and think this is a good use of their time and money?

>> No.10931614

>Work at mcdonalds, 19
>17 year old comes up to me and hits on me
>She asks for my number
>My manager/roommate sees it, and when she's gone tells me he heard she has chlamydia

>> No.10931622

You unironically sound like a boomer.

>> No.10931629

>1. Made you go WUT
>2. Go bonkers
>3. Laff your ass off
What do any of these nonsense brithong words mean?

Why can't you just spell things correctly?

>> No.10931638

Based and redpilled.

>> No.10931639

Some people really can't handle the spice. My father starts sweating when there's too much black pepper in a dish

>> No.10931645
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>Sounds like you're just trying to inconvenience the customer now.

>> No.10931647

eating spicy food is self harm and therefore, degenerate. getting your kicks from harming yourself is objectively retarded

>> No.10931649

But it makes the boner stronk

>> No.10931652

>britbog faggot, I'm in AMERICA.
>I'm this fucking stupid
Who let you on /ck/?

>> No.10931656

bait is bait but damn I love getting customers like you. Nothing better than telling a weeb that they can't have what they want and knowing they're too weak to retaliate beyond squealing for the manager I sell meth to.

>> No.10931664

to be fair, id get mad if someone was sitting on my car too

>> No.10931667

Serious business I see

>> No.10931690

Give grocery store stories plox

>> No.10931931

>the customer is always right
No you aren't. Even you yourself are a customer, don't bullshit it. when you are the customer or you have a customer, never assume you're right unless you have the facts. I hate that term so much because of asshole customers who can't get it through their head that the price is the price and if you don't like it, get over and buy it or don't. It's not rocket surgery.

>> No.10932989


>> No.10933027

hey i know you have no attention span and/or cant read but he literally said at the very bottom of his post that he hates his job

>> No.10933491

Thats some american psycho tier shit

>> No.10933521

Lifting weights TEARS muscle fibers, but I bet its a nonissue for you.

>> No.10935145

>>1.customer ordering a cheeseburger without anything on it, they just wanted a meat patty with cheese
I'll order hamburgers with no cheese or anything
half the time they fuck it up, sometimes I wonder if it's on purpose just to punish me for being weird and not liking condiments or extra stuff with my hamburger

>> No.10935301

this one really got me

>> No.10935436

Ordering a plain cheeseburger is so stupid that they make it normally because they think you're literally a retard and don't know what you want

>> No.10935461

what show is this?

>> No.10935753

Black Klansmen. New movie, spelled the name wrong.

>> No.10936322

good story anon

>> No.10936345

based lady

>> No.10936356


>> No.10936414

haha i love that image

>> No.10936425

hahaha based and redpilled

>> No.10936528

>1. Made you go WUT
Taking an order, nose itches, touch it with the back of my pen as I'm taking an order, nigger woman at head of table demands a new server because I "touched my face" and my hands were now somehow irreversibly dirty. Same woman ended up getting kicked out later for screeching during lunch hour and refusing to pay her check, cops called and all, turned out she had multiple active warrants.
Unrelatedly, the same place caught on fire from cigarettes outside twice in the six months I was there. The first time, the building was not even evacuated, even as it filled with smoke and the fire department showed up. Old gook bitch manager wanted to gloss over the whole thing.
>2. Go bonkers
The place I currently work has no managers, literally none. Staff just show up to work and do the work all day with the head server taking the role of 'talking to guests' management and the owner checking in at the start of each day. The head server is a senior citizen at this point and can hardly remember protocol for this place she's worked 17 years at. Every day is a new adventure in a lawless restaurant environment; at this rate I just hang on to see where this shitshow is headed.
>3. Laff your ass off
In the spirit of this
>> 3. The time the chef snuck up on me and stuck a leaf of lettuce in my pocket
I have
>that time the head hibachi chef slipped a raw shrimp in my pocket and later at a table I reached into my apron for a pen and everything was wet and sticky
Later I dropped the same old raw shrimp down the back of his little teppan get-up. Usually did ice because there's like ten belts/buckles/ties to get into that stupid thing and the prick got paid $25/hr plus tips so fuck him.

>> No.10936554

So far anon, like yours

>> No.10936609

deep fry a burrito?

>> No.10936629

thats basically a chimichonga

>> No.10936637

>can't even bring himself to say nigger

>> No.10936639

I was waiting on that.
No I didn't want to say it cause I didn't want to risk getting banned on here. Because it's a blue board. However, I did say it so it didn't matter. Shuttup nigger

>> No.10936691

Stupid nigger

>> No.10936708

Are you fucking stupid?

>> No.10937048

>in the ghetto where the niggers live
That would be factual

>> No.10937090

I fucked a bitch in the kitchen of this restaurant I worked at, then I got fired. Does that count?

>> No.10937093

fakts r raysis.

>> No.10937483

If I saw one of my guys leaning on a customer's car outside while smoking a cig, they would definitely get yelled at.

>> No.10937693

Why the fuck does only /ck/ respond with these retarded reactions?

>> No.10937758


>> No.10937775

Sounds like that dude was trying to make sure you were fed

>> No.10937839

>t. Never worked or lived around niggers
People hate them for genuine reasons, anon. Not because of whatever neo Nazi fetishism you types like to think.

>> No.10937854


Yup. I was a bleeding heart liberal through college because that's what I was taught, and then got my first job in Memphis and lived there for a few years... I have to admit, living around african americans did make me much more racist than I was before.

I was robbed 2x at knife point, had my apartment broken into 3 times, constantly get shit on for being white, and just didn't feel safe at all in the neighborhoods that I could afford.

I think the old adage that liberals are sheltered, idealistic kids and conservatives have lived out in the real world is very, very true.

>> No.10937859

Fuck I miss having Bojangles around.
At least I'm not stuck in the Bible belt anymore though.

>> No.10937953

Absolutely based.

>> No.10937996

Realistically fryers should be cleaned daily.

>> No.10938185
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There's a place in memphis, Dyers, that deep fry their hamburgers and brag about never having changed the grease or cleaned the fryer since they opened 100 years ago.

>> No.10938239
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What really opened my eyes to how they act was military experience. I was on a carrier for close to a year, a carrier is pretty much a floating city in just about every sense. All the departments ran by or comprised largely by black was not only typically unproductive but they also enforced their "areas" like they were their own block in the hood. They'd pretty much bully people out of their spaces even if it was a high traffic area between other areas of the ship. Additionally asking them to perform a task related to their job is always met with resistance or a complete run around. They also cater only to their own, I.E laundry schedules/lists would always have their departments as top priority (even if they were admin types that didn't work their asses off up top) and the food workers in the galley would openly allow blacks to skip the often hours long chow line entirely. God forbid you ever call them out and you will be labeled racially insensitive and face military punishment.
The problem with the black community is that they take advantage of everything they can and accept responsibility for nothing while still managing to be the "victim"

>> No.10938613
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mfw racebaiting russians spamming in this thread

>> No.10938782 [DELETED] 

>anyone I disagree with is a Russian

When did the left embrace McCarthyism?

>> No.10939240
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>> No.10939517
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>> No.10939541

found the russian bot
go back to russia, russian bot

>> No.10939833


>> No.10939842
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>> No.10940167
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had a similar experience as your knife friend
>went to an arts highschool
>specifically went there for culinary arts
>big range of skill level for the people who studied there
>kids who thought they were the shit got new knives softmore year
>one aspie got this stupid sharp japanese knife
>came up to me and was like "dude, check out how sharp this knife is"
>showing me how fast he can cut onions
>his knife goes through it like butter
>tell him he might wanna be careful
>10 min later he cuts off nearly the entire nail on his thumb and immediately faints after
>thumb bleeding everywhere
>chefs gave him orange juice, bandages, and a chair in the corner
>nail grew back fully after a couple of months but made fun of him for it until the end of highschool

>> No.10940182

>be 17-18
>work at dominoes
>buy weed from a delivery driver
>smoke in trash room behind building
>do this for like 9 months
>assistant manager buys us 40s sometimes

Overall I had a good experience. I got to do naughty things and make money in a time where I had no financial responsibilities. I don’t smoke anymore but making pizzas stoned was relaxing.

>> No.10940232

This is pathetic, and the fact that you think it's something desirable makes it that much worse

>> No.10940248

I wouldn’t consider desirable at 30. It was fun when I was a teen. I had expendable income and a weed connection.

>> No.10940254


>> No.10940263

Yeah I was very dude weed back then. People grow up though.

>> No.10940276

but you're none the better for it

>> No.10940280

Live and learn.

>> No.10940300

Shut the fuck up faggot I’ll slit you’re throat neck.

>> No.10940681


>> No.10940846

No you fucking leave before I shit in your ass newfag.

>> No.10941145

>Koreans have been mass-imigrating up here
Not sure if living in California or Georgia

or US for that matter

>> No.10941165

>pot pies
I legit thought those woulda been brought in frozen

>> No.10941193
File: 22 KB, 600x706, 1490062416872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got a few from the old folks home, some depressing some funny.

>Gives old lady dinner
>She tells me to take a bite
>Against the rules so I say no
>come back a few minutes later
>She tells me she's not going to eat anything until I have a bite
>she's very hostile, she think's I'm trying to poison her
>Caregivers come and take care of her
>She dies not long after
>Had a dog who I end up taking care of

Anyone want to hear more?

>> No.10941234

Go for it dude. Old people can be funny af

>Be working at Jack in the Crack
>Old woman and husband walk in, nice enough
>They order. She heads to bathroom, he gets table
>Food comes out and he starts eating
>Exits bathroom 20 MINUTES LATER
> Brings fries back bc "she ordered hot fries and these must be old"

>> No.10941261

Worked at mcds as a fairly new manager the year that the teeny beany babies came out. Went from selling 300 Happy meals a day to 3000. No joke. Stupidest shit I've ever seen, people driving 200 miles to get the whole set. We had a 2 toy limit if you didn't order food, 10 happy meal limit. People were ordering 10 happy meals, plus the two extra toys, then throwing the food in the garbage on their way out the door. It was crazy.

>> No.10941282

>just went to McDicks
>sitting in drive thru for almost 5 minutes
>finally said fuck it and got out of line
>went inside
>waited on my order
>the mexicans fuck up 1 guys order
>says "sahdee, hee eez ya keeds meed'ah"
>he leaves
>waiting on my order
>only got an apple* pie and a minute made slushie
>get home check my pie
>its cherry
Its not that I dont like cherry it's the fact that they blame it on traffic. they should not be hiring god damn teenagers to run something this late.

>> No.10941312

>People were ordering 10 happy meals, plus the two extra toys, then throwing the food in the garbage on their way out the door.

People like that should be shot. They contribute nothing to humanity.

>> No.10941371

>Throat neck

>> No.10941388

>only got an apple* pie and a minute made slushie
>get home check my pie
>its cherry
Reminds me of the time last year when I went to my local McD's to get an apple pie and when I got home, found out they gave me caramel instead.

>> No.10941391

Wait, there's a caramel?

>> No.10941436

You guys might not have caramel pie, I live in Australia.

>> No.10941443

Meant to reply to >>10941391

>> No.10941444


>> No.10941458

fuck off indian faggot

>> No.10941465
File: 15 KB, 150x145, 97C39D01-E21B-4E81-B82E-7D1232C647F7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>for 20 years

>> No.10941485

>teeny beany babies
I was about 10 when these came out, still have a few

>> No.10941579
File: 152 KB, 265x334, Silly Yuki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After checking the desserts menu on McD's website, it was actually custard pie they gave me since that's the only other kind of pie they serve here.

>> No.10941685

In less than a day we started asking if they even wanted the food. Most said no. Made everyone's life easier. I was also working the night hurricane Ike went through. We were one of three restaurants open in at least a five mile radius. The police shut us down at about 10 pm because they couldn't get emergency vehicles past the store, and we were between an interstate and a hospital.

Yeah, I'm old, and I've been there a while. And I'm pretty sure those beanies aren't worth shit now.

>> No.10941714
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ive been with my gf for 9 years lmao she can ask if she wants marriage so bad

>> No.10941741

>tfw no coworker to feed you while you are working

>> No.10941760

Who fucking cares, they're all poos

>> No.10941789
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here are some culinary school stories

>In basics lab class
>Go pass the baking section
>See idiot
>Idiot needs to weigh out 15 pounds of flour on a scale with a max capacity of 10 pounds
>what ever it's not hard
>Come back through 15 min later
>Idiot is still trying to figure out how to weigh his flour
>Don't tall him to just weigh it into 2 parts and get back to my own shit
>Idiot drops from class two weeks later

>Same class
>Navy guy student has to bake a tiered cake
>There are two kinds of paddles for our large 20 quart mixers (different brands of mixers between the class and cafeteria but were share the same kitchen)
>Navy guys ends up with wrong paddle in the mixer
>It won't go
>Decides it just needs some strong navy muscle
>He shatters the solid meta paddle in the cake batter

Teacher was a good sport about it and even tasted the cake still

>> No.10941815


>In gourmet class
>We run an actual gourmet service and we design the menu each week which is cool
>We're split up into groups of 2 but my group has 3, I get cool dude and shit head
>Shit head is some guy in his 40s who just did not do any work
>We're on entree station and he just gets a bunch of steaks for his entree
>Never gets on the line with us forcing cool dude to cook shit head's steaks on top of cool dudes entree
>Teacher has to make him help us with dishes
>Offers to do beet chips for me, fucks them up, and then bitches at me for not telling how to make fucking beet chips

>Be me, still in gourmet class
>It's the holiday rush at my part time bakery job so any time i'm not in class i'm working at the bakery
>It's been 3 weeks of this so I'm beat, decide to skip a day of class to recoperate
>It's bread station week which is the easiest week, just have to make dinner rolls and a sauce to go with and my group has an extra person
>Sleep all day
>Come into class the following day to find out my group didn't get any bread out to service
>Turns out shit head volunteered to take care of the bread, and just fucked off on his phone for the entire prep period.

Fuck that guy seriously

>More gourmet class
>I'm expo today
>Moron is on wait staff
>He is slow as fuck, and I have to yell at him to get him to get do anything
>Entree soup is up
>Tell moron to take out to the its table
>Watch him take it out to the wrong table
>When he comes back I tell him it's at the wrong table
>Tell me "you didn't tell me what table to take it to"
>WTF so you just take it some random table then?
>Find out laterthat Moron is the brother of Idiot

>> No.10941827

One more school story

>Be in line to get food at the culinary program's student run cafe (run by 1st years)
>They have a giant window of the kitchen so you can watch them do service
>Watch the grill have a huge flare up and is now basically on fire
>The line does not notice for a solid minute
>Don't bother trying to get there attention because I want to see their faces

Was worth it

>> No.10942952


>> No.10944605

Worked as an overnight baker/cashier, etc. at Tim Hortons.
1.>some guy who sounds as high as possible orders a toasted "Paganini" and "the Powerade that looks like piss". Gave him a panini and a lemon Gatorade, he was satisfied.
2. >lazy old supervisor tells manager she thinks I smell like alcohol and they need to keep a close eye on me. I get really pissed when I find out and confront her. It was just the scent of Adidas cologne I used, her autistic old nose picked up a false scent.
3. >working with my right hand man, old Tim. Tim was a hardcore alcoholic, but he was a great worker and no one there knew he drank. Same lazy old supervisor woman didn't do any of the cleaning or inventory tasks she was supposed to on her shift. She writes out a big list of things for Tim and I to do so she won't look bad. Tim crumbles the paper into a ball, throws it away, and says " We aren't gonna do your fucking job for you."

That was a decent job, we would get everything done quick and I would nap in the bathroom while Tim got down to his classic rock radio.

>> No.10944698

>some guy who sounds as high as possible orders a toasted "Paganini" and "the Powerade that looks like piss".

I think that's unironically the most autistic thing I've ever heard in my life

>> No.10944722

never had a food job but this stayed with me
>be boy scout
>volunteer a lot
>get put volunteering at a food event
>scoutmaster realizes we are being used for free labor
>becomes irate
>get put at a snowcone stall
>getting pretty good at serving up snowcones
>owner is asian lady
>chats up a journalist or foodblogger
>"anon get this nice man one of our snow cones"
>you got it
>scoop it up
>drizzle the topping
>drop the snow cone
>catch the ice ball with free hand
>slap it back on top
>here ya go!
>journalist thanks me and walks away
>throws it into trash can
>owner looks off with thousand yard stare
>tell scoutmaster
>tells me good job

>> No.10945216
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>worked at this sandwich and slushy place in tucson called eegees
>have to mash the slushy drinks in the back cause they come in buckets from the facility
>as im mashing them my shift manager thought it was funny to hit me upside the head with a bag of bannana peppers
>laugh it off then grab a handful of pina colada slush and chuck the ball at him
>the pina snow ball hits him right below his right ass cheek
>left a wet spot there for half the day
>later that day i have a cup of dr pepper next to the register
>go to drink from it and its grainy but not as in ice
>look up and see my shift manager starting to laugh
>realize its fucking bacon bits in my dr.pepper
>i had to stop with the pranks there because it wouldve gotten worse from there

pic related its after i threw the pina snowball

>> No.10945279
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>> No.10945288

my bad

>> No.10945318

>bacon bits in my dr.pepper

Sounds like it could be good, like salted nuts and coke.

>> No.10945327

Did you shit your pants and it leaked down to your left kneecap? Anyway, cute butt, would slam regardless.

>> No.10945328


god i remember serving at a brookdale community. it was my first job and hardened me to any other job i would take. such a hostile, depressing work environment, between the mean entitled people, and the ones who have totally lost their minds. plus 90% of the staff do not give a fuck.

>5 pm, prime time dinner for old people, busy af
>walk past this dude staring at the microwave
>it's set for 10 minutes
>"hey domingo what u doin bro?"
>"this old lady asked for hotter soup. she's never gonna ask for that again."

>there's this old lady that sits alone, caregiver picks her meal for her and leave
>usually she just sits there and goes "oh yeah, oh yeah" over and over again
>if she needs something she screams "PLEASE, PLEASE, OH PLEASE!"
>these are the only two things she ever said
>one night dinner is over, everyone's cleaning up, like 8 pm
>hear "oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah..."
>it's the woman, she had somehow evaded her caretaker and made it all the way to the dining room by herself
>in her underwear
>one of the servers wrapped a tablecloth around her and got a manager to escort her back to her apartment

>> No.10945342

Yeah I became much more racist as well.

I still think the answer falls within a modern day liberal agenda over a conservative one. I'm like a selfish liberal. I like the policies because it makes my life better when I don't have to be around thugs.

>> No.10945350

That was my shift manager the ball of pina colada hit him and melted it was soggy

>> No.10945353

Eric finally got that mustache

>> No.10945359

Lol fuck all the way off. The customer is rarely right, if ever, and whomever says otherwise is either a boomer and/or a colossal faggot.

>> No.10945364
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>I'm like a selfish liberal. I like the policies because it makes my life better when I don't have to be around thugs.
Think long term you soiboi, we're gonna be a minority in 3 years how do you think shitskins will treat us then?

>> No.10945390

The policies also ensure that you will, at least eventually, have to be around thugs.

>> No.10945414

The idea is decreasing the amount of thugs really

>> No.10945422

Well then hopefully there are stable policies in place protecting any minority from unjust persecution.

I say hopefully because if you really think it's 3 years, we should set those policies up now. For some reason, I don't think you want to do that.

>> No.10945456
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Another eegees story

> 20 years old
> working opening shift at 6
> have to take the old oil out to the greese trap near the dumpster
> 6 half-full buckets of oil 6 feet high
> put them on the cart
> go out back and see the ramp and the curb
> ramp is the long way
> dumbass me thinks to myself i can lift it over the curb and make a beeline to greese trap
> instant regret
> those fuckers didnt close the buckets all the way
> oil goes all over the fucking drive through
> i call for my the assistant manager who was the only supervisor there at the time
> explain to him what happened and the look of horror appears on his face and covers his mouth with his hand and says
"Ohhhhhhh Anonnnnn..."
> ask him what do i do
"Just spray it with hot water and get it outta here!"
>all his wut
> do my best to clean it up
> customer traffic is like a U so theres a big U shape of oil from peoples vehicles as the day goes on
> outside the store just smells like old greese
> as the 8am shift people come in they ask why theres oils everywhere
> i look at the assistant manager and he just gives me this smirk
> i tell them im not sure and that i think the morning crew spilled a bunch of oil
> assistant manager contains his laughter as my coworkers pass me in disdain

>> No.10945459


>> No.10945460

>>5 pm, prime time dinner for old people, busy af
>>walk past this dude staring at the microwave
>>it's set for 10 minutes
>>"hey domingo what u doin bro?"
>>"this old lady asked for hotter soup. she's never gonna ask for that again."

I laughed way harder than I really should have.

>> No.10945475

>worked a barista for a coffee shop at a college
>nothing of note really ever happened, you'd think I'd have to deal with snobby students or something but pretty much everyone was respectful to the employees aside from like 2-3 students that never came back

I guess I got off lucky

>> No.10945501

most students just go about their business. even if their order is subpar they don't really bother because they drink coffee for the caffeine, not for the taste or enjoyment

>> No.10945515

They might want to enact different policies that do not empower thugs and thuggery if that's the idea.

>> No.10945560


>> No.10945599

I think the benefits should be greater but the punishments should also be harsher.

Lets give people a good chance to be members of society and really fucking hard time if they choose not to be.

>> No.10945604

Not benefits, I mean tools

>> No.10946052
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>The customer is ALWAYS right

>mfw people order "Soup of the Day, NO ONION"
>mfw the Soup of the Day is fucking French Onion

>> No.10946472

>stable policies
Are you retarded? There is no such thing as a stable law and no guarantee anything enacted now will be law 5 years down the line.

>> No.10946559

based and redpilled

>> No.10946601

>1.customer ordering a cheeseburger without anything on it, they just wanted a meat patty with cheese
My friend does that every single fucking time he gets a burger or sandwich. If we go to a pub he always gets chicken fingers.

>> No.10946952

>inspect restaurant run by mainlander chinks
>the concept of safety or hygiene doesn't exist in their commie minds
>go to take a piss
>toilet is filthy as fuck
>tap doesn't work
>didn't see the toilet bowl but the fishy stench coming from it is enough for me to tell its fucked
>no soap seen anywhere
>don't piss
>surprised no one died from shigella outbreak yet
>turn and ask my more experienced partner what the fuck this shit is
>says it happens all the time, they just need to get scolded for a while and their license threaten before they fix their shit
What the fuck.

>> No.10946959

Sure, but setting a precedent helps.

What are you even proposing? Are you just injecting your angsty point to shitpost? If so good job, I responded.

>> No.10947051

I work at a Panera too. God some of these customers are fucking retarded.

>on cash
>finish taking indian guy's order
>forget to ask for his panera rewards number
>hand him his receipt
>"you didnt ask me for my number"
>stare at him
>tell him he can do it online and that i'm sorry
>"you're ruining my panera experience"
>his kid and i both stare at him in horror

I ended up getting a manager who had re-rang the entire order just so that idiot could get some point towards a dollar off a soda

>> No.10947060

who had to re-ring*

>> No.10947092

I work at a homeless shelter and cooking/serving dinner is part of the job. Jesus, some weird people come through this place.
>that 300 pound woman with the mind of a child who was "deathly allergic to onions, but only when they're sauteed."
>the scary redneck who somehow always brought his own taco bell hot sauce despite not having a taco bell for over 30 miles nor a vehicle. (He was later barred due to jerking off on the porch)
>that senile boomer who stole apples used to periodically clog the toilets with.
>the crazy person who would wait an hour after dinner time to eat in order to see if we served poison. He later somehow fled to Brazil via boat which is weird considering the shelter is all the way up in the new england
There's a ton more if anyone is interested.

>> No.10947110

Did she still order?

>> No.10947160

much interest plz continue

>> No.10947167

excuse the fuck out of us, we who don't like our burgers to taste like mustard ketchup mayo relish onion lettuce tomato and prefer it to taste like a CHEESE. BURGER.

>> No.10947170

>you are ruining my panera experience
Imagine this sentence in an Indian accent.

>> No.10947234

>work at grocery store
>doing some shopping after my shift
>throw my work shirt into my cart
>someone asks me where something is while I'm shopping

>> No.10947245 [DELETED] 

Are you Stan Marsh?

>> No.10947253

>art school

>> No.10947292

>urging whites to be ashamed of their race
>calling anyone else a soiboy
Holy shit this is hilarious.

>> No.10947424

i make cooking videos

>> No.10947436

It's ironic shitposting

>> No.10947555
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Oh god, I guess I'll have to bring out my racially based stories about working food

>work as buser in fancy Greek restaurant in the rich part of town
>A main course dish is roughly 25-40 dollars depending on what you get
>sides are 5-9 dollars etc. to give you a picture
>One day it finally happens
>Usual evening, busing dishes, waiters are happy because tips are good so far
>Hear from the back
>Yea, gimme a table for 13
>Okay, did you make a reservation?
>no, I just wanna table for my family
>usually we only do that much by reservation, but since we have it available I guess we won't turn down the money so they get seated, all 10 of them and their 4 niglets
>that's right, 14 people not 13
>They order a bunch of appetizers and a main course for everyone including 4 orders of chicken wings at 8 dollars for 4 wings apiece
>Are loud, like abnormally loud
>Here them all conversing in ebonics, kids are running around the table, etc.
>Other customers are clearly perturbed, some regulars aren't staying as long as usual
>Get the bill, it's about 300 dollars or so
>See waiter roll eyes at the tip amount, so I look at the computer screen
>20 dollars.....on 300 dollars of food
>They all pile out quickly
>go to bus table and hardwood floor needs to be scrubbed from several spilled drinks
>Waiter is still cursing to himself
>Wait.....didn't they order chicken wings, I ask waiter
>So where are the bones?
>Who knows, maybe they ate them, hahaha.
>10 min later another customer tells us there seems to be a problem with the men's room
>Oh fuck, go in to check it out
>There are all 16 bones in the damn toilet along with 3 cloth napkins that the kids clearly attempted to flush down the toilet
>Use plunger, attempt to get everything out, but it's clear we're gonna have to call a plumber cause it still won't flush
>Next day the owner comes in, tell him about last night
>He responds, "I thought I raised the prices high enough so they wouldn't come here anymore."

>> No.10947585

This man scares me

>> No.10947607

>How could you give your own line cook the slippery keychain, Dominic?!

>> No.10947622

>20 dollars.....on 300 dollars of food
I'm wh*te and I wouldn't have left your faggy little ass a penny. Get a real job, there's a growing movement among all peoples not to tip anymore.

>> No.10947624

I believe everything except the bones part, we chew bones for days, we wouldn't dare toss them in the toilet. Chicken bones are like toothpicks to us.

>> No.10947626

Are you a dog

>> No.10947634

>Black people don't make that retarded WOOF WOOF noise all the time
Well I mean, right now, it's bird noises and chirps but I mean, you've heard of DMX right?

>> No.10947677
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>soup of the day is french onion
>No onions please
>Shove a baguette whole into the soup.


>> No.10947717

A few years ago I worked at a high end sushi restaurant delivering food. Got invited in by drunk qt’s on several occasions

>> No.10947737
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>> No.10947998

>gets $20 for free
>gets mad
the true nigger of the story

>> No.10948003

>Only $20
Do you not know how tipping works? It should have been $75 on a $300 meal, I earned that money

>> No.10948010

TBF anon, tipping is only an american thing. most other countries frown upon this. But I do understand your annoyance.

>> No.10948013

They meant no soy, but got filtered IRL

>> No.10948043

>>that 300 pound woman with the mind of a child who was "deathly allergic to onions, but only when they're sauteed."

I would throw a piece on her and watch what happened for the lulz.

>> No.10948048

>I worked so hard bringing plates to the table
>truly an american hero.
I mean, you could of had an ACTUAL chimp out happen. You're lucky.

>> No.10948104
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Well it's less than the standard but still 20 bucks are bucks.

>> No.10948125

riry river ruser

>> No.10948144

haha, more like Chuck D. Cheese

>> No.10948254

I'm just imagining annon dilgintly working in front of the fryer and another worker trying to been smooth takes a tender and trys to feed anon with out looking he goes in for the kill but instead of feeding anon he slaps anon across the face several times leaving sauce marks panicking at the failled attempts the tendy slapper shoves the tendy in anons mouth stuffing the confused Yelp back down with the tendy gone the tender assulter looks for a "smooth" solution to the sauce issue seeing a dinner roll he grabs the roll and wipes the sauce off but where to put the sauce ladden roll his eyes settle on annons mouth still open from the insertion of the entire tendy his arm moves deftly the motion still in his mind he shoves the roll in with the tendy, anon can't take any more though and starts trying to yell through what is now a carbohydrate gag for help. the tendy diddler unsure of how to respond looks for a trust friend and his eyes settle on another dinner roll annon sees where he's looking sees the second roll linning up for forced insertion and tears start pouring down annons face finally real help comes in the form of the other kitchen workers ripping the two appart things deescalate leaving the tender rammer a new understanding and annon with a new dinner roll phobia

>> No.10948258

i can see im not the only one that has noticed that when a business is owned by blacks, miraculously all the staff is black too.

i hope black pride explode sin their faces. it really is the single biggets influencer in why they are still so poor.

funny that you have blacks on a carrier, considering they cant swim.

>> No.10948317

from domino's, where i worked during uni

>slow afternoon shift
>suddenly some lady comes in
>starts asking questions about gluten free crusts
>tell her we have 10-inch gluten free crusts but beyond that nothing is guaranteed
>starts asking about specific details about the ingredients
>tell her i dunno but i can get the book we keep in the back with all that info
>"no i want to know if YOU know"
>realize where this is going
>demands to know where the "gluten free oven" is so she can inspect it
>lmao what
>tell her we don't have one
>starts ranting and raving about how we apparently legally have to have one in order to serve food
>claiming to represent some celiac union
>tells me we will be hearing from her again and storms out after leaving some papers
>it's a printout of a fucking wordpress blog with a bunch of restaurant rules they obviously made up

i left it on the manager's desk and gave him a heads up about it but apparently she never came back. some people are so deluded it truly is a wonder they have been able to survive this long

>> No.10948327

I remember this one

Get some different stories this shit OLD just like yer mom haha lmao

>> No.10948335

Gluten free fags can change their diet to a shotgun

>> No.10948574

true, I didn't understand it was a smoke circle until *after* college. Also, I don't like smoke circles. fewer than 4 people tossing 2 joints around is fine but more than that and there's always someone who sucks down half a joint or toasts all the green in the pipe on the first rotation.

>> No.10948641

Casual dining restaurant manager here.
1. Some dude went in the lobby with a cup from somewhere else and he kept refilling it with our drinks. He would then proceed to pace around the lobby drinking it compulsively and spilling it all down his shirt with these crazy bug eyes and staring at all of the guests. We figured he was tripping out on acid or something and he wouldn't talk to anyone so we just had the cops deal with it.
2. People swearing at our 16yo front of house staff. I genuinely love telling these people in the most professional way that their behavior isn't tolerated and they need to leave if they're going to be disruptive. I'm in my 20s and shouldn't have to tell a 45yo man to act right.
3. We have a good relationship with our local cops and apparently they kick crackheads out of our parking lot without us having to ask now. I saw a cop pulled up on the camera so I went outside to see what was going on and he said "Oh these people are just leaving, ain't that rigtt guys?" and I turn to see a homeless methed out couple and their dog.

>> No.10948685


that or the guy who acts like holding the joint means he needs to share all his thoughts before passing it

>> No.10948715

>get job taking over some ailing food place for three months
>show up before re-opening, just loitering around, inspecting the place from the outside
>workers stop trickling in, smoking, laffing, looking at me and shooting cigarette butts errywhere
>I ask them nicely to not do that
>their faces when I open the door
>this set the tone for the entire day
>they get dressed while I walk around inspecting stuff
>its a fucking mess, random shit lying around, rotten stuff in fridges, labels missing, stuff broken and dirty
>tell them alright, we are closed today
>they cheer and start to leave
>it doesnt mean you can leave, start cleaning up the whole place
>they immediately start whining about lost tips
>halfassing everything, constantly have to hover around and tell them, "no its not fine" "no, I dont care if you always used to do like that"
>Too much disgusting shit around
>This entire inventory must be purged.
>get back to my office, get on the phone, arrange new orders, repair guys for the broken stuff I have found etc.
>takes about an hour
>go out
>place is empty, buckets of filthy water around
>shift is smoking outside,l oudly complaining about me couple guys have already left
>"wtf we thought you left"
>chew everyone out, tell them to get back to fucking work
>call area manager, tell her how I'm planning to replace pretty much everyone
>"ummm, you cant, we are on a very strict budget"
>she starts yelling at me for disposing the inventory and keeping closed for a day calling me "wasteful"
>turns out she called our suppliers and canceled my orders "I should use what we have" and starts micromanaging my decisions because the faggots have called her and complained
>Face.exe has encountered an error and needs to restart.

Just walked out on that one without any regret. Place shut down a month later. What is with food industry, that attracts the absolute dregs of society?

>> No.10948766

>deliver food for a pricey take-out place
>customer phones in order, and asks me to stop by a supermarket to get some beer on the road
>uhmm.... not sure, but what the heck yeah I’ll do it
>when I get there he gives me cash for the beer and slides me a 100 dollar bill as tip

>> No.10948813

It's not kosher to mix your milk plate with meat.

>> No.10948871

Jesus christ what a shitshow.

I have worked in the industry for a few years myself, and it seems almost as if the food industry attracts the people who couldn’t do anything else here in life (like the military but worse)

>> No.10949010

what's wrong with that? are minorities treated bad or something, anon?

>> No.10949400

He was probably making wine with the pomegranates tard. I had a friend with a pomegranate tree in his yard and some guy his dad knew would come strip the tree every so often and bring jugs of wine like a month later.

>> No.10949476

i had a buddy who would always do this and we started calling him microphone because when he got the joint it was like he was holding a microphone cause he'd talk into it instead of smoke it

>> No.10949514

This. I bought 6 cases one time for making wine and the wh*tetrash cashier's and bagger's mouths were wide open in shock. Dumb wench didn't even know how to ring it up.
>pomegranite wine is goat

>> No.10949518

my sides. moar

>> No.10949551

Lol just do your job correctly bro

>> No.10949572
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>censors white
>calls other people faggy

your not white you're just a cuck. im gonna fuck your wife if tyrone or sancho hasnt helped themselves already

>> No.10949619

We had a guy like that that we'd call Fillibuster.

>> No.10949624
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>> No.10949671

You feel entitled to over 20 percent? Yeah sorry faggot, you are a fucking nigger.

>> No.10949735

but 20 isn't even ten percent of 300...

>> No.10949738
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Yes they are, yet it's still better to be a minority in a white nation than their own so it can't be all that bad, why else would Africans cross oceans and Mexicans jump walls to an evil white supremacy?

>> No.10949753

Good guy drunkard

>> No.10949780

>This nigger is worried about getting banned on a blue board.

>> No.10949808

Laughed right in a ladies what?...

>> No.10949828


>> No.10950260

Change it to "Customer always wins." They're rarely right, but corporate usually makes sure they win because customers are harder to replace than staff.

>> No.10950298
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a timeless classic

>> No.10950339

Is everyone is intelligent and has a degree there still needs to be people in society who work in food and retail and cleaning you know. Were about a century off from robots actually doing all that.

>> No.10950391

I work at mcsticks in Tucson, always see an eegees on my way to work, I always wondered, is it pronounced ee-gees (like geezer) or ee-jees (like jesse)?

>> No.10950524

That's disgusting.

>> No.10950931

so youre obviously new to Tucson then? everyone here says it "ee-jees"

>> No.10950967

>working at dominos as a driver
>no deliveries, so manning the cash register
>Shift manager is on the make line
>homeless woman who has come in before begging for free pizza sits down at a table without buying anything
>manager tells her she can't stay in the store unless she buys something
>Panhandler ignores her
>Manager tells her again, a little louder
>Panhandler ignores her
>Manager shouts at her that she has to buy something or get out
>Panhandler finally gets up
>She comes to the cashier and asks for the manager
>tell her "That is the manager"
>she just leaves
As soon as she was out of the store I burst out laughing. Panhandlers are fucking scum and it felt so, so good to see one that was trying to be a customer service bully get humiliated for it.

>> No.10951107

This thread did better than I thought.

I'll get a 2nd thread read in a bit but I wont start it till atleast 400 posts.

>> No.10951283

thnx. yeh, new to AZ in general

>> No.10951668


new thread

>> No.10952059

Top kek

>> No.10952267

Or teenagers/mentally challenged/old part timers