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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10914122 No.10914122[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw the junkie in pic related dies
>normalfag roommate is distraught by the news
>he marathons episodes all day
>i never cared for the junkie, he seemed like a tryhard hymie
>years of chronic bullposting ruined my social life, so have nothing better to do but hang with muh roomie
>its the charleston episode
>episodes begins, cue the pretentious monologue about some city he's spent only a few days in, thereby making him an expert of said city
>i scoff
>roomie becomes clearly irritated by my jeering throughout the episode
>"what's your problem, anon, don't you like bourdain?"
>wait to respond, stalling for time, because I don't want to somehow offend him, since he's liberal
>"uh, not really, roomie. i think he's a sellout and don't care that he died. why don't you put something else on, anyway? it's not like you ever really knew the guy. why do you care?"
>roommate seems confused, unable to understand how someone couldn't feel sorrow for bourdain's death
>"you're an asshole, anon"
>decide i don't want deal with this, so i get up, but before leaving I say, "bourdain's a fucking jew that's subverting you to liberal propaganda, you impressionable faggot"
>roommate stares at me in horror, mouth agape
>i walk to my room and slam the door shut and start blasting music

Why do normalfags love this guy?

>> No.10914128

I don't love him, but you are actually an asshole.

>> No.10914134


>> No.10914144

>before leaving I say, "bourdain's a fucking jew that's subverting you to liberal propaganda, you impressionable faggot"
Yeah I doubt "bullposting" is what's killing your social life, you fucking moron.

>> No.10914146


>> No.10914149

I thought it was a pretty funny story, for what it's worth

>> No.10914165


This is the boring version of why inhumans need to be strung up. I'd guillotine you in a second.

>> No.10914168

he said no one would understand our love
I was a young indian boy of only 13 years
he said he wanted to learn how to cook from me but then he put my penis in his mouth
I was like "ok" and let him finish up
desu it was a solid 7/10 bj but since it was my first it was 10/10

>> No.10914171

Definitely bait, but everything that happens in your life is a result of your own actions.

I don't care for the guy either but I don't get triggered when other people watch his show or talk about him. You definitely have some mental issues, seek help

>> No.10914214

I was expecting op to get in one little fight and his mom got scared and said you're moving with your auntie and uncle in Bel air

>> No.10914230


>> No.10914234

that doesn't make sense. why does bourdain being a jew make anon bad?

>> No.10914243


>> No.10914253

post it to leddit, fag

>> No.10914257

>muh joos
>muh libruls
What a keen and incisive intellect

>> No.10914332


>> No.10914354


>> No.10914361


>> No.10914364

Bourdain was redpilled

>> No.10914367

get the fuck off this board and back to your shithole

>> No.10914369


>> No.10914436


>> No.10914449


>> No.10914470

get the fuck out /pol/

>> No.10914536

>makes posts every day about Bourdain's death
>has the audacity to ask why others are obsessed
you're the only obsessed person I've seen lately, senpai. is this how you grieve for your lost hero? kys fgt

>> No.10914562

You think you're hot shit, don't you OP?

>> No.10914575
File: 97 KB, 500x500, boomer couple.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

leave bourdain alone
he went to china
what did you ever do
you probably never banged asia argento before she was 40 like harvey winestein did

>> No.10914585

How could you betray me like this, Nicholas

>> No.10914594

Unironically based.
Bourdain worshippers are the true transgenerational boomers.

>> No.10914616

explain the prison walls?

>> No.10914678
File: 57 KB, 240x249, troll thread y'all.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10914781

How autistic are you, OP?

I'm guessing very.

>> No.10915068
File: 13 KB, 640x640, 1529591993536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10915397

Based and redpilled.

>> No.10915436

Shillary had him killed. Never forget.