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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 66 KB, 620x350, Olive-Garden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10912130 No.10912130 [Reply] [Original]

Can we get an Olive Garden thread going bros? Probably the yummiest restaurant I know. I go maybe twice a week.

>> No.10912137

Pasta is literally one of the easiest things to prepare properly, even cu/ck/s can figure that one out.

Why eat out for spaghetti? You wait longer and pay 4x as much.

>> No.10912166

I enjoy the limoncello long islands and the eggplant parm

>> No.10912175

The amaretto martini things are good to, also the black tie mousse cake.

>> No.10912184
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I uses to love Olive Garden before I learned how to cook. Everything they make seems so mediocre compared to what I could make at home. Not that I hate it now, but it's not worth putting on any kind of pedestal.

>> No.10912188

It's more about the fancy atmosphere than the food for me. They play jazz music and the waiters are all in black. Definitely a nice treat.

>> No.10912193

I get steak and alfredo. It's worth it just so I don't have to clean my stove after frying a steak. Those little oil spatters are annoying to wipe up.

>> No.10912213

Aw yes the 6 oz. Sirloin with fettucine alfredo and parmesan crusted zucchini! Perhaps with a nice refreshing Italian Margarita to wash it all down!

>> No.10912226

It's a pretty good social gauge to go with new people too. Do they have a hard time in a tight parking lot, do they snag a ride and get drunk there? Do they sit at the bar while they wait, go for a smoke, play on their phone, sit outside? Are they an appetizer person, do they fill up on in imo the worst free bread on earth? Are they ordering a nice wine, a mixed drink, or a coffee? side note OG coffee isn't the worst ive had in a chain. Are they a slothenly fuck that goes for a tour of Italy, a promotional dinner, shellfish in a flyover state? Do they want to split dessert, get a coffee Irished up, split the bill?
You can size a person up in Olive Garden. Also if they mention anything about it being a "nice place" rather than the diner the lowest common denominator chose to eat it you're safe to leave and never speak to them again

>> No.10912263

I feel like you've worked at one given your well thought out response.

>> No.10912279

im not what you'd call "conventionally employed"
I like to drink and people I know like eating olive garden

>> No.10912483

Every single time I've been to an Olive Garden, no matter where it is, the noodles are overcooked. Without fucking fail.

>> No.10912774

what happened to pasta pass anon?

>> No.10913481

Nope. Apple juice.

>> No.10913550

They use too much salt.

>> No.10913575

Their meals are pre-prepared and they heat them up, this is common practice for most chain restaurants.
t. Olive Garden Employee

>> No.10913612

I ate at the Olive Garden for the first time last week. Breadsticks taste like Domino's Pizza's near identically, salad was boring and had giant spicy peppers in it for no reason, and the food was incredibly bland, overcooked to fuck, and overly salty. 2/10 at best.

>> No.10913690
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>> No.10913693

>pasta overcooked

It's more than that, they have no texture, it's just mush. It's like it was boiled twice as long as it should have been, then frozen, then defrosted, then microwaved.

>> No.10913699

Yes, spicy as in having a noticeable heat to it. It's about as mild as a spicy pepper can be, but it was really out of place in the salad, and they were really big, like a solid 2-3 inches long

>> No.10914776
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I'll never forget the time my mother found part of a condom in her pasta.

>> No.10915302

Bigger than your dick I bet.

>> No.10915316
File: 43 KB, 541x499, FB_IMG_1531676606648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me n my buddies always truck on down to Olive Garden to watch the big game

>> No.10915395

Never ending SSB was good when it was like $6 + tip. I always felt so fucking bad making them bring me 2x servings of each, then tipping like $2 because I was broke.
This is how I feel now.

>> No.10915443

i like to go to olive garden when i think about killing myself. makes the pain go away

>> No.10915447

i wish i could work for the marketing department of olive garden or whoever owns this company and ask them to do their immersion research language better. its awful. just a pointer - this is 4chan. you can literally say anything you want and the goal is to speak your mind anonymously. dont act like facebook fags

>> No.10915468

I only go to Olive Garden for their lasagna, it's better than what you would get from buying your ingredients at most supermarkets for $20 and lasagna takes like 4 hours to make, and don't forget how much there is to clean up afterward.

>> No.10915469

I like Olive Garden, go maybe once a month.
It makes me feel like James Bond eating in some super fancy European restaurant.

>> No.10915478


holy fuck guys, just stop already. enough shilling

>> No.10915513

anon are you a prostitute?

>> No.10915597

the only 4 real cu/ck/s on the board
olive garden is shite and it doesnt even exist in my country

>> No.10915959
File: 243 KB, 660x883, wake up son.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wale up!! Chicken Parm is not easy to do on your own - Eggs, Bread crumbs, Flour, it's messy. Olive Garden's Chicken Parm is legit.

>> No.10915978

WTF are you on about? chicken parm is easy as fuck. And it's only messy if you're some kind of klutz. Put your breading ingredients in separate bowls or plates and there is zero spillage. Even if you did make a mess, why do you associate cleaning up a mess with "not easy"? What's hard about wiping up some breadcrumbs or spilt egg?

>> No.10915980

>What's hard about wiping up some breadcrumbs or spilt egg?

its more difficult than clicking refresh on instabook

>> No.10916029

Why are you being such a little cunt? It's completely unwarranted

>> No.10916035
File: 54 KB, 645x729, durrr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you have to filet the chicken breasts to the right thickness then beat them down on the counter a bunch of times. Then coat them in flour, dip them in egg then dip them in bread crumbs. You have to use several dollars worth of oil and the temp has to be just right. I hope you didn't forget to preheat the oven to broil the mozzarella and parmesan cheeses on the chicken once it's done in the fryer. Of course you're cooking pasta and heating up some marinara. Even if you're using canned marinara, this whole process is not easy. I will call Olive Garden and have them do this for me because I'm not a poorfag, and it'll be ready wthin 10 minutes.

>> No.10916043

>I will call Olive Garden

I don't believe you can actually manage such a complex task like using a telephone.

>> No.10916046

I think your'e confusing "it takes a little effort" with "difficult". none of the steps you mention are hard or require special skill. Let's go step-by-step:

>>you have to filet the chicken breasts to the right thickness then beat them down on the counter a bunch of times.
OK, so super basic knife skills.
>>Then coat them in flour, dip them in egg then dip them in bread crumbs.
Standard breading. A child can do that.
>> You have to use several dollars worth of oil and the temp has to be just right.
Standard deep frying. And you can re-use the oil, BTW (never mind the fact that cost has nothing to do with "hard")
>>I hope you didn't forget to preheat the oven to broil the mozzarella and parmesan cheeses on the chicken once it's done in the fryer.
Why would anyone forget pre-heating? Is that something you consider "hard"?
>> Of course you're cooking pasta and heating up some marinara.
Heating stuff on the stove is hard now?

>>I will call Olive Garden and have them do this for me because I'm not a poorfag, and it'll be ready wthin 10 minutes.
I'd rather do it myself. I'd be done eating by the time you'd even be back from the store. The money saved can be spent on better ingredients which will blow olive shitter off the map.

Anyway, it's one thing if you're lazy and don't want to do the work. But don't assert that it's "hard". Just say you don't want to put forth the effort.

>> No.10916054

No. I'm a student that likes to drink
also chicken parm is so easy. My secret is skipping the hard parts. I put parchment paper on a sheet pan and lay a bed of chicken fingers (the good big buffalo ones from Costco), pour marinara and throw a handful of shredded mozza on top. 25 minutes ezpz throw out the parchment paper and clean ups done. chicken parm for the whole family

>> No.10916057

>live in a fairly multicultural and wealthy part of my city
>go to Olive Garden with some friends
>nearly everyone there is white
>more than half are morbidly obese, and frankly few aren't overweight
>soccer moms everywhere - literally, I see lots of kids in sports uniforms clearly after a game

All the memes are true

>> No.10916060

what are the hard parts?

>> No.10916061

>Olive Garden is the only place that you can order Chicken Parmesan

Even if it was super hard to do (which it isn't), you know what place has it better? Literally everywhere.

>> No.10916070

the cutting, the breading, the making a sauce, making a side

>> No.10916072

An olive garden employee told me that most of their entrees are prepared by 'chef mic'

>> No.10916076

Going this friday.

I've never really been to a fancy place ever, what do I wear? I was thinking either suit or just jacket + dress pants?

>> No.10916078

Go fuck yourself faggot

>> No.10916079

>>slicing a piece of chicken with a knife is hard
>>dipping chicken in egg and then breadcrumbs is hard
nigga, that takes zero skill and less than a minute to do.
>>making a sauce
dumping stuff in a pot and heating it is hard?

jesus christ, I wonder how it is you can survive in the world at all if those things are "hard" in your mind. Where does tying your shoes or brushing your teeth fall? somewhere between "unimaginably difficult" and "nearly impossible"?

>> No.10916084

Part of the joy is preparing it, you slothy loathsome fat man

>> No.10916086

I tuck my laces but I DO brush my teeth

>> No.10916115
File: 25 KB, 405x405, 1531701452249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've made Chicken Parm plenty of times and got great reviews from family and lovers.
>I'd rather do it myself
t. poorfag
Not an argument. Preferences are subjective. Me, I like Olive Garden's Chicken Parm. It's even sometimes better than my own that I whip up when i have lots of time to waste. I've tried from a half dozen other restaurants.
>Part of the joy is preparing it.
Only if you're trying to impress friends, family, or a lover.

You faggots simply have too much time on your hands. That's why I strive to be successful, so I can have other wagecucks do the work for me when I'm not in the mood to waste time and clean up. Stay poor.

>> No.10916257

this has to be one of the worst threads i have ever seen on /ck. fake outrage/fake bantz/fake everything. if this is how olive garden wants to improve their sales by pushing microwaved shit lasagna, then they really need to figure out their target demographic. just stick to soccer moms via facebook ads promo offers. Fucking retards. You retards are like those tv shows that try and mimic 4chan.

I can see you sitting around the meeting table while youre sucking each others dick "ok guys this is how we are going to speak on 4chan lulz. make sure and say nigger and faggot and mention xyz product". you guys stick out so badly because you are coming across as fake.

if you work for a marketing department - please fucking unironically neck yourself. this isnt pol, stop talking about your shit restaurant, no one cares

>> No.10916275

>Only if you're trying to impress friends, family, or a lover.
You said it yourself: preferences are subjective. I enjoy cooking for myself, it's a great way to de-stress from work.

>>You faggots simply have too much time on your hands.
Says the guy posting on a Bhutanese marquetry forum.

>> No.10916705

get back to the kitchen, sweetie

>> No.10917022

Whoa settle down there big boy. Maybe a quartino or two of our signature Porta Vita Bianco white wine blend would cool you off? That would pair nicely with a shrimp scampi and our famous house salad.

>> No.10917034

Honestly the chicken parmigiana is possibly the worst thing on the OG menu. Low quality chicken breast, not that flavorful.

>> No.10917089
File: 45 KB, 553x492, you-funny-guy-i-kill-you-last.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10917099

Or just eat cock salad

>> No.10917105


>> No.10917111

Pasta condomcini

>> No.10917117

Might want to understand what that word means before you go throwing it around like the fucking retard you are.

>> No.10917120

he's good gauge of how shit Olive Garden is date tried to open one in Sofia the capital of Bulgaria it failed within a very short time and since has changed owners many times basically it's a franchise like McDonald's and McDonald's also has a very hard time trying to keep restaurants open in Bulgaria because the food quality is far far worse than any home-made shit people can make for less than the dollar that they earn each day

>> No.10917132

Faggots paid to advertise their fucking brand. Simple

>> No.10917154

>this is what retards think.

>> No.10917523

why dont you and your marketing team quit your jobs and go work at mcdonalds. you guys suck at this. i bet you guys even planned the fake argument to bump the thread and to appear authentic. you guys totally miss the point of 4chan. its not to name drop items, run negative ads, or subvert subconscious ideas with product placement. just be yourself, openly talk about shit. i bet you guys held a meeting on "native ads"

fuck you you fucking faggot nigger dickhead. i hope olive garden burns to the fucking ground. the food is horrible and its obvious its just microwaved. start targeting soccer moms and fat lard asses that go to golden corral you fat stupid inbred college intern lazy liberal faggot retard

>> No.10917683

I thought it was an Siberian Woodburning Forum?

>> No.10917817


>> No.10918256

And it's so easy, too.

>for me its the five cheese ziti, the best restaurant pasta

Bam, boom, marketing on /ck/ done.

>> No.10918548

Sips were originally a pretty gud marketing strategy because they did seem to connect with their demographic. However, they succeeded so well, the sips threads are now just the imbecilic converts.

Boomer restauraunt marketing is a waste of money, no subsequent generations will accept it. These boomer sitdown places are on their last gasp.