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File: 154 KB, 376x290, costco-hot-dog-menu-item.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10910899 No.10910899[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Surprise, surprise. Vegans ruin another good thing. See why we hate you "people" yet?

>> No.10910919

Why do you people keep making the same threads over and over and over

>> No.10910924

Fuck vegans.

>> No.10910926

what, you gonna run me over on your mobility scooter? get fucked faggots

>> No.10910942

take it back to facebook you autist, no one is keeping score of the idpol games here.

>> No.10910963

you need a life outside of the internet to know someone makes the same threads repeatedly

>> No.10910979

Quite literally the first I've heard about this.

>> No.10910983

You people will hitch and moan about anything. Nothing is ruined you faggot, you can still get you’re fakebeef hot dog.

>> No.10911035

>One or two people celebrate this, and might even go to Costco now.
>Meanwhile tons of people who already shop there are thinking of leaving.
Another vegan victory.

>> No.10911127

It's a sad day. They should have gotten rid of the hotdogs instead of the Polish; the Polish are far superior.


>> No.10911133

>only option now is kosher which is far worse in terms of animal rights then Polish sausage
Yeah good job vegan fuckers. You just got jew’d.

>> No.10911152

I hate vegans, but I hate liars more. You know it wasn't profitable, so they're replacing it. Period.

>> No.10911173

I’d say the person who needs a life is the jerk who keeps making these, but you know, you’re entitled to your wrong opinion I guess.

>> No.10911189

My Costco just got that new al pastor salad but IT'S MADE OF SOY.


>> No.10911198

I saw a baby with a vegan shirt so I spit on it when the mother wasn't looking

>> No.10911218

imagine being this obsessed with a shitty hot dog

>> No.10911223

>Giving a vegan any nutrients.

>> No.10911241

I don't even use the cafeteria in Costco. I go there, buy my stuff and leave.

>> No.10911249

You must be one of those freaks who goes to stores and doesn't have a panic attack at the self checkout.

>> No.10911276

I don't understand. Why not just dump the regular hotdog instead of the Polish hotdog? Why get rid of the better tasting one?

>> No.10911280

The Polish dog isn't sold at every Costco. The hotdog is.

>> No.10911326

why do you get so worked up about a low quality food service hotdog

>> No.10911340

This thread will turn into a dicussion about 'loss leader' and what these faggots think the term means

>> No.10911414

it makes sense, vegans have higher incomes and will spend more

>> No.10911529
File: 29 KB, 259x377, 9780374537197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT triggered low IQ, low-wage hotdog slurpers

>> No.10911585

Which is why they dumpster dive for organic bread, right?

>> No.10911603

It's a tradition. I don't want them taking it off the menu even if I'll never eat one ever ever again

>> No.10911627

Surprise surprise another obese carnie loser cries because he can’t fulfill his Freudian fantasies of slurping down another weiner

>> No.10911632

Canada doesn't have this problem.

>> No.10911659

Who's the retard who decided this? Getting rid of the dog does nothing but lose them money, no one goes to the cost co food court thinking "I really want some vegan food right now", they go for the hotdogs and pizza.

>> No.10911666

The Polish one isn't 'Kosher' or 'Halal'.

>> No.10911676

what does it say when meathead dietlets get btfo by weak, deficient vegans?

>> No.10911691

aww poor autist can't get colon cancer anymore :'(

>> No.10911692

>discussion about a lose lose business situation (losing on the dogs so you bring in an even more expensive and obscure menu item)
>somehow this makes omnivores BTFOd

>> No.10911894
File: 17 KB, 590x473, veg IQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ethical consistency booming while boomers still eat hotdogs and ground buttholes
>market momentum of healthy and ethical alternatives drive business towards providing supply
>pick the least wanted menu items and replace them and blame the vegans
>make megamoney and meatcucks just cry out against vegans, driving the movement forward
Based Costco is based

>> No.10912068

I would like to see them introduce more savory vegetarian options. Currently the only thing I can have there that satisfies me is the pizza.

>> No.10912090

it tastes the same as the regular beef one

>> No.10912121

the free market has spoken, libcuck. deal with it.

>> No.10912157

>$1.50 for a generously sized hotdog and drink
Costco is the ultimate foodkino

>> No.10912171

...said no one ever

>> No.10912242

>oh, woe is me! I'm so braindead I can't buy a package of cheapass CAFO chemically injected polish sausage, some chemical sugar flour paste "bread style product" and a jar of relish and assemble one myself for a whopping $.75!
>it's the goddamn 1% of the population vegans' fault I'm dependent on megacorporporations for muh pig slop and the megacorporation cut me off
>fuckin' vegans need to be forced to inhale my meat farts for eternity!

>> No.10912254

I will never have another Kirkland wiener in my mouth.

>> No.10912307
File: 16 KB, 200x303, doubt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10912314

i think this has been a long time coming, the costco here in virginia beach hasn't had the polish since i moved here in 2015.

>> No.10912418

It probably doesn't make them enough money to be worth continuing

>> No.10912613


>> No.10912820

That looks fucking amazing. Literally the best food item in the history of the world.