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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10903973 No.10903973 [Reply] [Original]

What do you faggots like to eat whilst camping?

>> No.10903978

my father's cum

>> No.10903981

meals or snacks?

>> No.10903992

A lot of bbq meats and potatoes

>> No.10904027

mountain house freeze dried meals
boil some water, dump in bag, eat after a few minutes

or meat cooked over an open fire

>> No.10904040

Trail mix, jerky, grilled hot dogs, smores, all the classics

>> No.10904043

Trail mix
Spaghetti (with meatballs, lots of meatballs)
Sandwiches (meatballs, cured meats and cheese

>> No.10904064

Depends on the area. I always bring pemmican as a backup, but otherwise i fish usually, sometimes trap rabbit. But i also dont like bringing perishable foods with me in summer

>> No.10904066

tin foil dinners and dutch oven cake mix cobbler

>> No.10904070

Hobo stew

Root veg, butter, shitty steak/ground beef, chopped and wrapped in foil. Throw that in the fire and let it bake.

>> No.10904173

Sauce for picture?

>> No.10904175

Your Name. Fantastic film.

>> No.10904178

Banana Juice, OH!

>> No.10904186

Kebabs in a Hungarian BBQ rub we came up with. Will give recipe for a reply.

>> No.10904188

You mustn't comment on this websight. You simply mustn't!

>> No.10904220

Maize fufu. Just cornmeal and hot water. Mashed with mortar and pestle.

>> No.10904242

I usually just bring canned meats, canned soup, dried fruit, nuts, and protein bars.

Corned beef is fucking versatile, but sardines are probably the easiest if you don't want to cook.

>> No.10904249

If you're a homo/woman.

>> No.10904261

>flyover reporting
It's ok to have feelings. Honest.

>> No.10904264

This guy knows what's up

>> No.10904267

Whatever I ate the previous night. I like to recycle my meals and pack light when I'm camping.

>> No.10904275

Sausages, hot dogs, kebabs, canned soup, sandwiches, s'mores, lots of pre-packaged snacks like chips, candy, jerky. It's also a good idea to make a lot of boiled eggs and homemade granola bars beforehand so you can eat something quick without needing to cook it over a fire.

>> No.10904277

Pot brownies, jerky, pretzels, nuts, raisins, beers, peanut butter and bread,skittles for the sweet tooth and water lots of water.

>> No.10904318

My camping trip is normally also a fishing trip, so I eat the fish I caught that day.

>> No.10905287

If I'm camping near a road with family
hot dogs
If I'm camping where I have to hike in for miles

>> No.10905328

tube steak

>> No.10905347

I don't camp too often since my job already involves manual labor in the wilderness all week, but here are some of the foods I bring for lunch innawoods. I honestly don't eat large amounts though, because where I live the humidity is 90% everyday and over 100 degrees.
>oranges and other fruit so no trash is left
>dry cereal, mostly captain crunch
>Mix of almonds, roasted pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, and dried papaya
>Homemade electrolyte potion made with chrysanthemum tea (helps lower body temp), lemon, honey, and a pinch of salt

>> No.10905830

Bbq ofc.

>> No.10905836

how long? you can just toss the meat raw with the veggies and it'll cook?

>> No.10905848

>how long?
Until it's done. That depends on how hot your fire is and how thick your pieces of meat/veg are.

>>you can just toss the meat raw with the veggies and it'll cook?
Of course.

>> No.10907447

Bugs, worms I dig up, if I'm camping near a fishing spot with a dumpster I'll eat all the fish guts that people throw away, pine cones.

>> No.10907456


>> No.10907509

Some hyperautistic kid in my boy scout troop got a spoon and ate an ant hill once

>> No.10907546

That was me

>> No.10907619
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My campmate's cum.
>camping overnight witj your family
Kek it doesn't get any more autistic than this

>> No.10908274
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>> No.10908327
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>break the pasta in half

>> No.10908385

Eggs and Bacon on Toast
Coldcut sandviches
Meat, meat, and more meat.

>> No.10908393


>> No.10908399

Logan bread.

>> No.10908463

enjoy your colon and pancreatic cancer.

>> No.10908519

Got a blackstone griddle, birch bender buttermilk pancake mix is legit the best I’ve ever had.
Obligatory Bacon+eggs hash Browns
I’ll bring a polar cube with 40lbs dry ice (frozen foods and ice cream)and a deep fryer. Just blanket the top it will last all weekend in a cool dark spot.
Grill cheese leftover bacon
Foil packets stuffed with baby red potatoes carrots onions celery and steak +herb butter cooked on coals.
Sausage and pepper skewers
I like red, green can eat a dick
Ramen from a Jetboil or MSR reactor stove. Just as good on the beach.
Peanut butter jelly banana Nutella sandwiches. I swear I’m 190 lbs
+1 for Dutch oven cobbler

>> No.10908603

Gotta go some time Boomer. Might as well go out on your own terms.

>> No.10908612


>> No.10908614
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>> No.10908653

I think homo pie is more your speed.

>> No.10908666

Looks like Jack's juicy chicken

>> No.10908690

Backpacking food for me is hummus wraps, jerky, oatmeal, and trail mix.
Car camping is literally anything.

>> No.10908780

Just marshmallows, they're the only things I look forward to.

>> No.10908786

primarily fresh fish or game taken during the trip
mountain house

>> No.10908793

Lentil soup (dried vegetable mix in the bulk section is great for this and so light)
Oatmeal with butter and brown sugar

>> No.10908811

If you woke up as a girl, you'd grope your own tits.
Don't deny it.

>> No.10908890

I'd do a hell of a lot more than that, nancy boy.

>> No.10908945
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You guys just don't fucking know how good this shit is.

>> No.10908979

I wanna go camping with you desu senpai

>> No.10911125

fpbp uwu

>> No.10911273

>he doesn‘t burn his local wood area down while larping out the anime yuru camp
canned stuff.

>> No.10911281

Day 1 frozen sausages with packet condiments on bun
Day 1+ nearly expired MREs that I steal from my friend who gets them free from doing whatever he does in the reserves

>> No.10911301

I super recommend frozen day 1 things though, steak and sausages bundled up so that by the end of your hike or canoe trip they're thawed but still cold and then you have them for the first dinner

>> No.10911352

'gers and dogs, lots of Bud Light

>> No.10913147


>> No.10913812

Wanna go camping together

>> No.10913849
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>> No.10913857


>> No.10914303

used to cook pad thai first night. dont even know why. lunch was often pbj and pesto pasta. gf liked to fancy things up a bit. now, idk

>> No.10914416


>> No.10914431

maybe cause your gf was a stupid cunt lol

>> No.10914515

Depends on how long I'll be out.
If I'm home before nightfall I'll just bring trailmix, jerky and shit like that.

If it's a weekend I usually bring some sort of canned foods

>> No.10914686

going to watch yuru camp now
8 pack of Bush beans, 1 kg bag of peanuts, and half a flat of Gatorade is maybe 25$ and more than enough food for a weekend

>> No.10914974

I reply

>> No.10915094

I bring granola bars, granola, jerky, pancake batter, coffee. If I'm feel like spending money I'll buy a french MRE and get real comfy.
Sometimes I go out to the beach and dig up clams with my hands and feet so I cook those; I bring a pot with me always.

>> No.10915096


>> No.10915130

That's a cute camper

>> No.10915394
