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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10900209 No.10900209 [Reply] [Original]

>go to mcd
>order a black coffee
>pull up to window
>be careful, its hot.
>like REALLY hot.
>touch it
>its just normal hot
>the whole time they have a super worried look on their face

Why do they do this?

>> No.10900214

Some old fart spilled it on her vagina

>> No.10900216
File: 51 KB, 645x729, C56B3B1E-8785-4A27-B07E-0A6D89F0016A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not understanding the concept of litigation

>> No.10900218

>told something is really hot
>better try burning myself to make sure

>> No.10900229

My grandmother spilled coffee from McDicks on herself and threatened to sue because the coffee was above some hot drink serving temperature guideline or something and it gave her second degree burns. Apparently the suit was actually legitimate though because they settled out of court with her, I don't know how much she got out of it though.

>> No.10900383

On the one hand, people who eat "drive-thru" are human garbage and deserve everything bad that happens to them

On the other, what kind of shit-for-brains puts literally boiling water in a special styrofoam cup designed to keep boiling water at boiling temperature, if it's obviously going to be consumed while sitting down in a fast-moving lurching vehicle? Why do you even need to put anything in a styrofoam cup? That shit is for transporting liquid nitrogen

I hate to "both sides are bad" here, but fuck everyone involved in this discussion

>> No.10900388


>> No.10900469

retarded wojack /v/ posters like yourself have burned their pee pee and gotten a lawyer to sue the company.

>> No.10900580
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hey look its three-for-free

>> No.10901576
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>triggered by memes

>> No.10901587

coffee pots shouldn't reach that temperature, especially when you serve it. the lady who got burned wasn't at fault, nobody serves anything that hot, especially by handing it to another person through a window to a car

>> No.10901654


underaged b&

>> No.10901661

That lady who got burned literally needed skin grafts, but well done MCD for making her sound like a whiny retard

>> No.10901815

The issue isn't that the coffee is hot, everyone knows it's hot. McDonald's was keeping their coffee at an extremely high temperature so people couldn't drink it as quickly and get free refills. This became an issue when a customer spilled it on herself and recieved 3rd degree burns as a result.

>> No.10901826

She didn't just "spill it on herself". She literally placed the cup between her legs and it tipped over

>> No.10901836

She held it between her legs to take the lid off to mix in sweetener/cream, a normal function if you're in the passenger seat of a car getting a coffee from the drive-thru. This and Kitty Genovese might be the two most widely perpetuated fucking misunderstandings.

>> No.10901841

That doesn't sound normal at all. Why would anyone put hot coffee between their legs?

>> No.10901851

it is normal. 'not normal' is not a case, which is why they got paid.

>> No.10901852

>she happened to win therefor she's right

shit argument

>> No.10901869

don't tell me what's a good argument like your empty teacup mind can tell the difference. but i meant it's 'within the realms of normalities,' also imagine mcd blaming the patron for 'holding coffee wrong.' no you can't imagine, because you are a brainlet.

>> No.10901891

Only an absolute retard would put hot coffee in their lap when it can easily spill. Her choice and not McDonald's fault she poured it all over herself.

>> No.10902187

I fail to see the difference between her 'placing it between her legs and it tipped over' vs 'spilling it on herself'. Either way the result is the same.

>> No.10902210

Who the fuck goes to McDonald's for coffee ?

>> No.10902217

it's good 'ffee, you latte sipping faggot

>> No.10902310

Htf does a site like 4chan end up with so many stooges white knighting for megacorporations against individuals? Is it the r/t_d phenomenon? Baffles the mind, that does.

>> No.10902376

Htf do redditors post like this on 4chan and expect anyone to care what they have to say

>> No.10902379

>get hot coffee at the dicks
>they filled it up to the brim
>fucking leaking out through the opening

>> No.10902403

stopped reading right there

>> No.10902418
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>> No.10902455

Because they care about your wellbeing