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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10898906 No.10898906 [Reply] [Original]

I'm on a no carb diet, so I can drop fat for the army. I'm getting really tired of fried eggs. What can I eat/make /ck/?

>> No.10898911

Make mushrooms and broccoli and tuna cans for breakfast. trust me

>> No.10898914

You can hurt yourself doing zero carb, as some glucose is usually needed for brain function. Eat some fruit/veg once in a while ya mong.

>> No.10898919

>too fat for the army

>> No.10898951

So fat a fat body program can't save you?

Assuming you aren't leaf, in which case they'll just kick you out if you can't perform. But just go to the gym like me, use the calories in those fat cells for gains.

>> No.10898959

I'm 5'10 195lbs
They upped the fitness requirements recently. Need to hit a certain BMI


>> No.10898965

I eat lots of apples and blueberries

>> No.10899023

I used to do mushroom spinach omelettes when I was on S. Beach and enjoyed it with a glass of V8. You can also do the Brit breakfast idea of browning an open-faced tomato with that. Something to cut into, bite by bite, is the plan. I adore the mini cucumbers, and just slicing one on top of some cottage cheese, or just giving it a sprinkle of dill weed and salt, or splash of lime and chili. Refreshing.

>> No.10899055

>getting tired of eating
yuropoors aren't allowed on 4chan.

>> No.10899132


These are great ideas, thank you. I like the Open Face Tomato thing, gives you something to dip in the yolk

>> No.10899134

>some glucose is usually needed for brain function
That's not certain; there's been recent evidence that the brain can run exclusively on betahydroxybutyrate, and may actually prefer it over glucose.
But at any rate, the liver is constantly making a shitton of glucose anon, even when you're eating a high carb diet, more than enough to supply the glucose needs your body. You couldn't stop it from making glucose if you tried, and billions have been thrown at trying to do just this. There would be a huge and financially lucrative market for such a thing, since the major problem for type 2 diabetics is the excessive glucose their livers are making.

>> No.10899140

Spinach crab artichoke dip, with parmesan crackers
Hamburger steak with blue cheese
Cabbage rolls

>> No.10899233

>Cabbage rolls
I totally forgot these existed, thank you so much

>> No.10899252

wtf is that cat okay??

>> No.10899287

Jew cock, might as well get used to it now

>> No.10899293

i was served two open face sandwiches but they didn't give me any cutlery so i got up and left

>> No.10900059


>> No.10900088

yes, get in shape so we can save some material on your coffin

>> No.10900864


>> No.10900872


Then thats not zero carb dumbass

>> No.10900883

Not a real thing ketofag. You retards aren't even trying to hide your stupidity anymore.

>> No.10900885

Probably why he's still alive. Low carb is a killer.

>> No.10900886

Then why am i and many others not dead then, havent ate carbs in months and theres others who havnt ate carbs in years, just meat only, feels good. Research gluconeogenesis pleb.

>> No.10900889

I'm aware, but relying on gluconeogenesis for your entire carbohydrate intake is hell for your poor liver. That's why literally no one recommends eating a zero carb diet, not anyone at all, not a doctor or nutritionist or anyone. If you're eating this way to be healthy, it's self-sabotage. Just eat the fucking fruits and veggies. You excuse-making fatties jump through hoops to avoid walking up the fucking stairs.

>> No.10900894

Its not poor for your liver in the slightest. Youre showing your lack of knowledge on the matter.

>> No.10900912
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What's a great meal I can make for my gf who is taking the effort in losing weight?

>> No.10900928

It is absolutely hard on your liver, and you haven't read anything about it if you think otherwise. Forcing your body to derive all your glucose from amino acids is going to prevent the amino acids from performing other tasks, and many amino acids trigger insulin responses similar to carbs anyway, which prevent your body from burning fat stores via ketogenesis.
Furthermore, eliminating all carbs from your diet eliminates all sources of fiber, increases your saturated fat intake, and leaves you woefully deficient in many nutrients.
Do what you want, if you're stupid enough to think you can eat zero carb then you'll just die sooner anyway and I won't have to read as much of your inane shitbrained drivel.

>> No.10900933

Ketosis. Ketones.
>inb4 keto diet

>> No.10900946

Its not hard on your liver in the slightest. You're just making baseless assumptions on what you ‘think’ is correct, provide me evidence gluconeogenesis is hard on the liver or produces any kind of negative effects whatsoever.

>> No.10900948

>hell for your poor liver
Your liver makes enough glucose to run your body at all times. That's it's normal mode of operation, even on a high carb diet - those carbs you eat leave the blood and are converted into fat within an hour, so assuming you eat 3 meals per day you are running off of your liver's glucose production for 21 hours out of the day.
Is wrong btw, there are in fact 2 well-known ways to stop your liver from making glucose: insulin overdose, which doesnt work for type 2 diabetics and can be fatal, and alcohol, which is rarely fatal but causes progressive liver failure. But making glucose for the entire body? The liver doesnt even break a sweat.

>> No.10900962

Not sure what your point is. The only ketone the brain seems to use is betahydroxybutyrate.

>> No.10900966

Also its a minuscule amount of amino acids are used to produce the minuscule amount of glucose required by a small section of the brain, glucose can also be derived from glycerol via fatty acid catabolism which is the breakdown of triglycerides, it doesnt have to all come from amino acids. It also doesnt spike blood sugar as glucagon is present in the blood due to the body being in a state of ketosis, glucagon is the counter to insulin.

>> No.10900990

>it doesnt have to all come from amino acids
I'm aware, but you/the other dude said he/you ate only meat. So there's not going to be enough fat to produce ketones to run your body, it's going to depend mostly on amino acids from protein.
Your body will not reach ketosis if you are eating more protein than fat, so your argument about glucagon is moot. Glucose synthesized from protein will still cause an insulin response that prevents you from reaching ketosis in the first place.

>even on a high carb diet - those carbs you eat leave the blood and are converted into fat within an hour
This is not true either. Your body will burn consumed carbohydrates for energy first. Only excess carbs that you don't need during digestion are converted into fat. Your body should not be using nearly any gluconeogensis on a normal high-carb diet, because carbs are infinitely easier to process for the body than protein.

>> No.10900994

>being this wrong
Your liver doesnt make more glucose on a zero carb diet than it does on a high carb diet. It actually makes a lot less (as in an order of magnitude less).
>Forcing your body to derive all your glucose
Your body doesnt need much glucose. Ince you cut back on carbs the body switches to running off ketones derived from fat instead of burning carbs. Nearly every organ in the body can run off ketones perfectly well, and several are now known to prefer it - the brain prefers ketones, the heart runs nearly exclusively on ketones no matter what diet you're on. The only known remaining exceptions are the eyes and hair follicles, and they just don't need much glucose, a few milligrams per day. Since the liver can make upwards of 500mg of glucose each day without any problem, this is well within its capabilities.

>> No.10900999

Your body is covered in fat, your body will break it down if it is required, i.e if there isnt enough protein available.

Your body will absolutly reach ketosis even if you ate minimal fat, it would make up for what its not getting via stored bodyfat. Gluconeogenesis is rate limited, your body only produces as much glucose as is required at any given moment, its not based upon how much protein is consumed, this is a myth.

>> No.10901027

>Your body will burn consumed carbohydrates for energy first.
Funny guy. Your body will burn alcohol before it burns carbs. By your logic we should all be living on an alcohol diet.

Tests done with radioactively tagged glucose show that the initial blood sugar spike actually comes from the liver. By the time the ingested glucose hits the bloodstream the insulin levels are already high and drive most of it straight into fat though some does make it back into the glycogen stores if you've recently been exercising. Nearly all the glucose in your bloodstream at any given time comes from gluconeogenesis.

>> No.10901062

>ate only meat.So there's not going to be enough fat
Pretty much any cut of meat gets a huge percent of its calories from fat, so unless he's living off boiled skinless turkey breast its unlikely to be a problem. Even the leanest cuts of beef, with all visible fat trimmed off, have roughly half their calories as fat.

>> No.10901925

>meat only
how bad do you smell?