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10897255 No.10897255 [Reply] [Original]

>In Barcelona for a trip
>eating at a restaurant and done with meal
>ask waitress for a check please
>waitress acknowledges and walks off
>waitress then sits down to go on break and eat a meal
>after a bit of waiting noticing she is taking her sweet time walk up to her to ask her about my damn check
>looks annoyed and says "im busy right now"

This is why service is shitty when servers don't have to work for tips.

>> No.10897296

I'd say, I would like to pay, or I'm not paying.
record the interaction on your phone. If she still refuses, if she calls the police, you can tell them that you attempted to pay, but they refused payment.

>> No.10897306

$10 says that's pure fantasy and you don't have the balls for confrontation.

>> No.10897316

> "ch-ch-check please?"

>> No.10897319

Welcome to every post in every tipping thread ever. Nothing but edgy kids who have never paid for a meal in a restaurant in their lives.

>> No.10897323

lmao just walk out at that point are you guys for real

>> No.10897336
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>anecdotal evidence from a single bad experience I had means tipping is not retarded
Burger education

>> No.10897341

That's when you get up and leave.

>> No.10897493

I will happily pay a server 10 bucks if they do an amazing job.

Tips act as a direct incentive to give good work or service, this is why a tipping economy for some jobs is a good things. But that makes soys upset because no tip fags hate accountability.

>> No.10897623

>go to America
>served like shit
>waitress demands tip
>shames you on social media if you don't tip them the arbitrary amount they expect
>will physically restrain you if you don't tip

They shouldn't need any 'incentive' from clients, employers must to get rid of shitty employees to stay in business.

>> No.10897639
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>> No.10897906

How do they incentivise anything when they are just an expected part of the transaction come what may?

>> No.10898308

Because they are not a legally required part of the transaction, and can be witheld.

>> No.10898322 [DELETED] 
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So you went into a busy restaurant in a major tourist city, hogged an entire table to yourself as a loner creep, and expected to be treated like a real customer?

Next time, ask to be seated at the bar

>> No.10898377

forgot all about this boomer band

>> No.10898494 [DELETED] 

Who is it? House of Pain?

>> No.10898582

beastie boys

>> No.10898737

>go to get wings with friend
>sit on the bar
>waiter takes age to take our orders
>get order wrong, twice
>takes ages to bring our order
>ask for ticket once ready to leave
>he asks for a 15% tip
>pay and leave without leaving tip

>> No.10898808 [DELETED] 

Sounds flyover as fuck. I only listen to the classics. Selena Gomez. Cardi B. Lana Del Ray. Tried and true.

>> No.10900641

Service in Europe is atrocious. I ask for the check when I place my order, they get really anxious about it but I insist. I don't have 2 fucking hours for lunch damnit.

>> No.10900647

>employers must to get rid of shitty employees to stay in business.
But they don't, the whole server culture in places without tipping is about doing the bare minimum while having a shitty attitude. Coming to America some time, you'll see our system is better.

>> No.10900652

In reality shitty servers get fired because the restaurant wants to have customers.

>> No.10900658

OP never said they were eating alone you stupid roastie bitch cunt. go fill your vagina with cement

>> No.10900677

>they shouldnt need any incentive
okay then
>what do you want.
>here you go.
>here is your bill.
>now get out.
God forbid you have any problems or want your drink refreshed.

> The federal minimum wage for the latter is $7.25, but the federal minimum wage for tipped workers has remained stagnate at $2.13 since 1991, with no adjustment for inflation.
Either take the 5 dollars more per hour for minimum wage or maybe get 10-50 dollars an hour in tips... It's up to you.

>> No.10900702

Not him but you should chill lol

>> No.10902858

>mutt tourist doesn't know shit about the place he's in
>mutt tourist goes to shit places
>mutt tourist acts like a typical entitled mutt
>mutt tourist is treated like shit
>mutt makes yet another tipping rage thread where he acts like an entitled mutt
sounds fine to me desu

>> No.10902863

>making up stories about people eating alone and shaming them for it

>> No.10902886

>you're supposed to just wait for your bill while the server has lunch
look I know different cultures have different customs but fuck that. if that's how barcelona is then fuck barcelona for being objectively inferior

>> No.10902959

The bait is strong in this one.

>> No.10903169 [DELETED] 

Ever wonder why you're alone?
Others don't

>> No.10903295

>This is why service is shitty when servers don't have to work for tips.

No, this is why spics should be put down.

Servers in Japan don't work for tips and they give the best service in the entire fucking world, doublenigger.

>> No.10903315

At my local Mexican buffet the servers are on top of everything during the lunch rush, or at least they used to be. I have not been in years.

>> No.10905185

That's because Spanish are lazy dogs, same as Italians. You wouldn't have had this problem in a better country.

>> No.10905194

thats just one example of a shitty waitress.
Although, I agree that generally service in the US is much better because of tips. Not that I prefer that overall, though. I'd much rather have a completely unfriendly server who just gets my food to me when I want it, than someone who's all smiles and trying to start conversations.

>> No.10905200

ITT: Things that never happened

>> No.10905237

Wait, burgers minimum wage is 7.25 USD?

Lmao @ your country

>> No.10905282

>he thinks servers make $12-52 per hour
Everyone would love service work if that were the case, retard. People still fucking hate it. It's a shit-tier job.

>> No.10905286

thats exactly what I want. except that dealing with problems or getting another drink is literally par for the course service. do you think servers don't do this outside of the US? fact is, servers in other countries are fine. US servers tend to be friendlier, but that doesn't necessarily translate to better service. id much rather my servers dont have to pretend to enjoy working their shitty minimum wage job.

>> No.10905439

>be Muritard
>abroad for first time
>all these strange smells, weird customs, odd foods
>wut do?!?
>stagger in restaurant
>barely able to order
>dunno what this is, eat it anyway
>try to ask waitress for check, actually called her a whore in her language
>feel sick, wanna go home
>start to cry

>> No.10905456

>be tard

At least you were honest about one thing

>> No.10905486

I'm not alone though. I'm nice to reasonable people including a few roasties

>> No.10905508

Barcelona hates tourists. Enjoy being treatened like trash.

>> No.10905542

but then what about the gooks?

>> No.10905555

Waiting for a chad version of this.

>> No.10905595

That only happens in shitty cheap places where you would only go for the low prices not the service quality.

>> No.10905636

>Barcelona hates tourists
Who doesn't?

>> No.10905646

To the point where it has become hilarious. Seriously, they want to change the law so foreigners can't rent properties there because they're blaming them for the raised prices (it's due to greedy landlords) and get rid of all yhe ferries that anchor near their beaches.
Little do they know the only reason that city became what it is today is primarily due to tourism thanks to the Olympics back in the early nineties.

>> No.10905654

This is objectively false. I spent a number of years in Japan and Korea and their service is infinitely better than the US. Shit that would get a korean waitress slapped in the face is standard service in the US. When my gook wife first came here she was astounded at how bad the service was even at nice restaurants. At first she believed they were intentionally insulting her and I had to explain that it was just typical american service. American service is quite possibly the worst in the world.

t. amerimutt who spent a lot of time overseas

>> No.10905661

Gotta agree with you, I understand why a lot of Americans feel their service is so good. It's the same everywhere else

>> No.10905664

businesses in desirable destinations

>> No.10905673

American service may be worse that Japan and Korea (never been there) but it's far from the worst in the world. Try going to Europe.

>> No.10905678

DO THEY (*********) REALLY?!

>> No.10905798


Anyone with brains would go to the canary islands or portugal instead of barca. They are friendly people over there. Barcalona is the shithole of spain.

>> No.10905851

>Not keeping track of how much you owe in your head and just leaving money on the table and going about your day

>> No.10905919

Spain is infamous for slow service, it’s their way of life, not a reflection of poor service actually.

>> No.10905957

>spaniards being lazy
what a shocker

>> No.10906156

Defending Spain and using the term mutt are mutually exclusive

>> No.10906172

>work ethic

>> No.10906183

>country has high unemployment rate
>people with jobs don't even work hard
just let them keep sinking

>> No.10906191
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hah, good one fellow member of the 30 yeard old boomer generation

>> No.10906213

Based fat fingered memeing retard

>> No.10906275
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>*vroom* *vroom*
>saturday morning, mowing my lawn after a hard week's work - no finer thing in life
>*cracks open a cold one*

>> No.10907850

what's with andy?

>> No.10907865

you should have left or attempted to

i've walked out a few times in paris because they wouldn't fucking give me the check. of course the limp-wristed manlets never did anything about it. they probably didn't even notice, honestly

>> No.10907870
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Only because you got some nice digits

>> No.10908129


>> No.10908138

in CA working as a server you get the base state minimum of 11.25/hour on top of your tips. On a busy day I easily cleared $40/hour

>> No.10908142

also it was still shitty and i'm joining the military to get away from it

>> No.10908144

If someone asked me to pay them a specific tip I’d ask for the manager and get his ass fired for being a greedy entitled piece of shit. If the manager doesn’t apologize or gives me shit I’ll leave and not pay, disrespectful idiots don’t deserve customers.

>> No.10908153 [DELETED] 

>Welfare nigger triggered

>> No.10909074

>Ask another employee for the manager
>Point out cunty employee, explain issue
>Pay for meal
>Tell cunt "If you wanted a tip, here's one. Provide decent service and don't be a bitch to your customer. You earn tips for for being a good server, not for just existing."
>walk out

>> No.10909282


>> No.10909550

Catalans hate tourists. She was being mean to you on purpose. You should have gone elsewhere in Spain.

>> No.10909635

>forgets to rip his fedora
why do you even have it if you don't use it

>> No.10910389

>everyone who makes $50 an hour loves their job because wow that's so much money it is worth doing anything for

>> No.10910393

if his fedora wants a tip it should stop being a fucking cunt, it doesn't get tipped just for existing

>> No.10910437

Spain isn't spic country. They're considered WYPIPO. Gohd, the state of Amerimutt iggerance.

>> No.10910463

>spoiled shit sleeping in until 10am plus
>no responsibility
>guyyyyyysss shut upppppp
>what are you making me for breakfast
>ughhhh cereal agaaaaaaain
>god my parents are faggots

>> No.10910485

>calling spaniards white
>accusing americans of having low standards of whiteness

>> No.10910534

>pay and leave without leaving tip

That's illegal

>> No.10910646

fuck you, I genuinely enjoy doing this

>> No.10910654
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You didnt approach her with seriousness or assertiveness.

A withering man at the age of 70 can be assertive, so what the fuck are you, a pussy?

>> No.10910976

Then howcome you’re always broke!?!

>> No.10910981
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>mfw you are too normie to even imagine breaking the rules

>> No.10912707

>But they don't, the whole server culture in places without tipping is about doing the bare minimum while having a shitty attitude.

Go to Japan, faggot. Best service, cheaper and better food, no tipping.


I'm Canadian you triple doublenigger.