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10894110 No.10894110 [Reply] [Original]

Who here eats whatever they want and stays thin?!

>> No.10894115 [DELETED] 

used to. then I turned 30

>> No.10894122

I do because I've dieted in the past and counted calories then so now I just have a general awareness of how much I'm eating and what my limits are

>> No.10894124

I would fuck both of em. I just hope neither of them get any skinnier, or fatter.

>> No.10894166

>quit soda and sweets
>never snack outside of parties
>drop to BMI 17 and stay there since
wa la
fatties who say they eat very little usually just don't count their calorie bomb coffee drinks, soft drinks or snacks as food

>> No.10894176

Not me.
t. land whale

>> No.10894182

I just turned 30 and I still eat whatever I want and stay thin

>> No.10894192

>Women think this is how metabolism works.

That fat one probably went home and ate a whole cake and the thin one probably ate nothing else the whole day

>> No.10894213

One has succulent small breasts, and the other big milkies.

>> No.10894216

Exactly lmao ..
what sucks though is being thin for a male and a woman is different.

>> No.10894237

I have 2 friends who used to say this shit. It's all fucking bullshit. I took a 2 week trip with them and noticed that they just don't eat and when they do, they eat childrens portions. You people are fucking delusional.

Like, I ate 2 double cheeseburgers and a milkshake today, so OOOH I CAN EAT ANYTHING I WANT AND WONT GAIN WEIGHT. Maybe if you'd eat like an adult person, you would. It's just what you are used to, nobody breaks the laws of thermodynamics.

You people are the same as the 400lbs fatsos claiming that they eat 1500 kcal worth of salads a day and still can't lose the weight. Bullshit, delusional bullshit.

>> No.10894246

Kek, depends what day of the week it is?

>> No.10894250

2 double cheeseburgers and a milkshake is a lot of food

>> No.10894254

i used to. then vodka happened

Don't do EtOH, kids.

>> No.10894263

I hear it has a lot to do with microbiome. I also hear that your microbiome has the capacity to control your mind to make you prefer foods that it prefers

>> No.10894274

I drank vodka since my teens, and I'm about as chunky as I was back then. It's probably age for you

>> No.10894282

I hear you have a set weight that your body craves be at and you won't be happy or healthy til you balloon up to 280 lbs and maximize roll capacity

>> No.10894288

or the fact that a liter of vodka a day is an extra 2000 calories void of any nutritional value

>> No.10894292

I eat whatever I want but I am not thin though people consider me to be. I'm almost 40.

>> No.10894295

Yeah, for 1 meal.

>> No.10894296


>> No.10894301

>a liter of vodka a day
you have bigger problems than being fat

>> No.10894304

For you

>> No.10894323

yeah. I'm thinking a short pier is the best answer

>> No.10894378

I can, but I also don't want to eat like a lardass.

>> No.10894390

Your time will come shortly. 30 was like a fucking cliff

>> No.10894447

No I would still be hungry.. but calorie wise it’s too much food for a day

>> No.10894853

No it isn’t you retard. Count the calories

>> No.10894868

For me it was a big nothing. Maybe 40 then.

>> No.10894956


>> No.10894967

I do.

>> No.10894999

Me. All I want to eat is plain ice. I love it! I could eat it all day and never get tired of it.

>> No.10895007
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I eat plenty of vegan semen yet manage to stay a size 2. Go me!

>> No.10895019

Only because what I want is usually not a lot of food

>> No.10895022

I'd rather the right desu. She could dom me and smother me with her breasts

>> No.10895059

you're a big guy

>> No.10895124

I think I fucked my digestive tract from chronic alcoholism or I got cancer. Eating normal and drinking, still barely maintain my weight.

>> No.10895163

It starded for me when I got older than 25.

>> No.10895204

I eat whatever I want translates to I eat until I'm satiated.

>> No.10895206
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>maximize roll capacity
real life confirmed to be dark souls

>> No.10895269

>1 can of soda per day
>only snack on vegetables
>eat as much dinner as I want because I am not drowning it in grease

Luckily I never had a sweet tooth to begin with so no snacking really easy for me
Never had any weight issues with this.

>> No.10895321

M or F? I want to be clear about my near future

>> No.10895328

>Drinks a can of soda a day
>Thinks he's healthy

>> No.10895353

I do.

I eat whatever I want, just in small portions. I go to a fast food place, I order one medium sized burger and fries and drink, and that's it. I want pancakes for breakfast, just two or three regular sized pancakes will do. I want lasagna? Just one plate. Small portions is everything. It blows my mind when I see people ordering two or more burgers at a fast food place. Or when I see people who had a full plate getting seconds, thirds, or a fourth helping. Are you seriously still hungry?

Plus I go to the gym four times a week.

>> No.10895369

he says he's skinny, not healthy
but I recommend quitting soda, it's empty calories and doesn't even taste that good once you shake the habit

>> No.10895380

>Water is just empty calories, anon.
>Dies of dehydration.

>> No.10895395
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>water has no calories and is necessary to live
>soda has shittons of calories and is not necessary for anything except getting fat and worsening your overall health
truly makes one ponder...

>> No.10895414

>water has no calories
>The first, the small calorie, or gram calorie (symbol: cal), is defined as the amount of energy needed to raise the temperature of one gram of water by one degree Celsius at a pressure of one atmosphere.

>> No.10895417

So it has negative calories.

>> No.10895436

low fat intake is the key to maintaining a healthy body-weight. The body likes to store fat by default.

>> No.10895440

Not if you consume warm water

>> No.10895449

>lol we don't need carbohydrates guys dey killin you foo
>dies of malnutrition

>> No.10895453

>stores fat by default
No it doesn't you idiot. It stores fat because you consume carbs. Get rid of carbs and your body will consume the next thing available: fat.

>> No.10895477
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>it's just carbohydrates dude, you need these to live
>2 litres of soda a day are totally necessary to live I swear

>> No.10895489
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This, now I have to actually exercise.

>> No.10895496

>Can't drink a 2-liter without becoming a blob
Toppest of keks

>> No.10895534

you gotta cut soda out completely, it's awful and makes your breath smell horrible

>> No.10895568

>cutting soda is hard
try cutting out beer or wine

>> No.10895572

>sugar water makes your breath smell horrible
Are you kidding me? It is just sugar and water basically.

>> No.10895577

This thing has a dick.

>> No.10895578

That's easy. You just have to ruin your life and accept you're powerless over alcohol.

>> No.10895579

I feel kinda shitty that my wife can't eat like I can when she's the more active one desu, she's always been pretty thick so she's careful. 30's hit her metabolism hard af and she was a chubber even as a kid. I just turned 37 and mine doesn't seem to have slowed down yet, feels good. My dad was a tall slender dude too.

>> No.10895738

>Who here eats whatever they want and stays thin?!
Fuck you

>> No.10895989

I eat whatever I want and stay thin because I don't have a compulsion to eat too much and when I do I bodily feel like shit

>> No.10895994

Maybe you need to toughen up. Or are you a woman?

>> No.10896035
File: 51 KB, 620x376, worlds fattest man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck, I forgot that the peak of masculinity is expanding your tits with soda and pizza past the point of nausea

>> No.10896164

>be me, fatty, always been a fatty
>live with ectomorph bf
>we order a pizza (square cut)
>I eat 2 pieces and 2 breadsticks
>he eats 6 pieces and 3 breadsticks
>I drink my alcohol with very little mixer to avoid calories
>he drinks alcohol mixed with lots of soda and juice
>I count calories, avoid high calorie carby items when possible (obviously some cheat meals like pizza here and there), always have 3x servings veg every day
>he will eat a whole loaf of bakery bread or a whole box of triscuits, half dozen cookies, etc in one sitting
>he always buys a sugary impulse-buy drink at the store
>I very rarely do
>I work a very physical job where I'm on my feet walking and carrying heavy items around the building all day
>he works a somewhat physical job where he stands all day but doesn't do much walking/lifting
>we both go to the gym 3x/week doing the same lifts and cardio
>I weigh literally 100lbs more than him
We've been living together on a similar lifestyle for years now and nothing has changed. Why me? Fuck people who can eat whatever and stay thin.

>> No.10896195
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Either this is b8 or you're shit at counting calories. Either way made me reply.

>> No.10896201

It's not bait.
I know that I'm not magically gaining weight or magically fat, I know I eat enough that makes me fat and maintains my fatness even through the exercise, but my point is that some people can eat even more and have no fatness problems. I read that it has something to do with gut flora in skinny people being more likely to pass along calories you don't need or something.

>> No.10896202

Lmao btfo

>> No.10896225
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what do you mean "You people"???

>> No.10896239

>but my point is that some people can eat even more and have no fatness problems
Or some people are just shit at counting calories.
Unless you're a midget and your boyfriend is a giant, you shouldn't weight that much more than him.

>> No.10896251

Where do you get your double cheeseburgers and shakes from?
Those three items would all be 2000 calories from the places I’d go

>> No.10896257

Go to the doctor please

>> No.10896272

Please do some research ... maybe that works for you but it’s not universally recommended anymore. Low fat diets do not work

>> No.10896280

Lmao.. why ?:(

>> No.10896289
File: 122 B, 168x168, download (3).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always been naturally muscular (5'6 150lbs), so I burn calories like mad. I've gone through phases where I had a shit diet but my physique never changed.

>> No.10896304

Men genetically have more muscle , therefore their bodies burn more calories. (Also men can be taller in height, which also means they burn more)..Women tend to hold onto fat because we need to make babies etc. like 2 slices of pizza and 2 breadsticks is enough calories for a whole day for most women. It’s unfair, ik

>> No.10896311

This thread is making me rethink my expectation that most people on a cooking board were thin because they knew how to cook and ate well

>> No.10896315

>Men genetically have more muscle



I hope you get banned.

>> No.10896326

sure, you eat what you want, but the only reason you stay thin is because you only want to eat a little. if you ate as much as any fattie does you'd be a fattie too

>> No.10896339

well I’m a woman
So in case some retard actually does bash on it , it’s fine

>> No.10896354

>well I’m a woman

Then you're a sellout, right wing Trump blowing cunt trying to say men are stronger then womyn.

You are a sellout to your gender, bitch.

>> No.10896360

jesus christ I think I have a new fetish

>> No.10896366

pretty sure semen is an animal-derived product and therefore not vegan
unless you're using like almond semen or something

>> No.10896383

>Who here eats whatever they want and stays thin?!
*raises hand*
*also raises his gfs hand*

>> No.10896443

If it is given with consent then it is still vegan, retardedly enough. Animals can't give consent though so drinking donkey cum for example isn't vegan

>> No.10896551

>used to. then I turned 30

Same :(

>> No.10896570

> If it is given with consent then it is still vegan.
Animals can't give consent though so drinking donkey cum for example isn't vegan

This might be my favorite vegan mental gymnastics quote of all time.

>> No.10896569

fuck off, you degenerate tranny

>> No.10896575


wait... vegans are this ridiculously stupid, are they?

>> No.10896584

Me. Well, until I hit 40. Now I'm getting a beer belly and man tits.

>> No.10896598

Girls, you're both pretty.

>> No.10896602

>Girls, you're both pretty.


>> No.10896620
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>> No.10896635

>almond semen
how has noone exploited this niche yet?
we already know most vegans are fags so there would obviously be interest in this kind of product

>> No.10896757

Bullshit. I bet you classify yourself as an endomorph

>> No.10896765

>look at me i have a gf!
>are you proud of me guys

>> No.10896991

>be me
>john sakars
>realize semen isn't vegan and I shouldn't allow it to escape my body
>staple my urethra shut
>every time I ejaculate I dip my fingers in almond semen and jam them up gf's vagina
>bladder fills up with semen

>> No.10896993

>2000 calories
>Over your daily calorie limit

>> No.10897200

i mean you have to be a gym rat to go much above 2500 as a man.

>> No.10897254


>> No.10897279

Yeah you're lying to yourself and not counting some food. My wife was trying to argue this with me till i checked the credit card and noticed 1-2 smaller vending machine cravings a day. "It's only a small bag of chips" etc.
Put the work in and lose some weight.
Stop putting oil or butter on your veggies.

>> No.10897284

Here let me explain to you why you are wrong, very slowly so you'll understand

>> No.10897292

That's possible. It's also possible that the other anon eats very little whenever he/she is not around you.

I had friends in college who would claim they could eat anything and never gain weight, but if you paid attention you'd see why: sure, they might have a fast food binge and eat a ton of shit....but the next day they barely ate 500 cals.

>> No.10897309

I do for diner but I have oats, milk and fruit during the day. I also lift but that's no punishment.

>> No.10897322

Lol hey Marcel.

>> No.10897324

Females hit it earlier, that's how most girls end up like the one on the right or well on their way to that shape and form.

>> No.10897329

>like 2 slices of pizza and 2 breadsticks is enough calories for a whole day for most women
It was only about 700 calories, and they are square-cut small pieces of pizza, not full on pie slices.
Anyway, we're the same height. It doesn't make sense that I would weigh so much more at the same height and activity level, unless his body just doesn't use the calories he eats. That's the endomorph/ectomorph/mesomorph debate, what makes different body types different?

You can't even read, you just came in this thread eager to bash on some fatties to make yourself feel better. I acknowledged that I consume enough to maintain my size, I said that already. It's just that my boyfriend eats more and weighs less at the same exact activity level. Take your head out of your own anus and read next time before you start posting.

>sure, they might have a fast food binge and eat a ton of shit....but the next day they barely ate 500 cals
If a skinny person eats 3,000 cals one day and 500 cals the next that's still 3,500 cals, which is more than two day's worth of skinny people calories. If dieting literally worked all the time for all people the exact same way, there wouldn't be a dire problem with obesity, but it doesn't because many different elements factor into it, including type of calories, hormones, and metabolism.
Yes, CICO. However, calories in are not the same for all people for the same foods, and calories out are not the same for all people across similar activity levels. So much more factors into it than using google to tell me how many calories might be in XYZ item.

>> No.10897340

>So much more factors into it than using google to tell me how many calories might be in XYZ item.
Only one thing factors into it:
Eating fewer calories than maintenance. Simple as that.

Restrict your calories then see if you lost weight that week. Did you? Great. Keep doing what you're doing. Didn't you? Restrict some more then try again. Repeat until you reach a healthy weight.

>> No.10897354

>If a skinny person eats 3,000 cals one day and 500 cals the next that's still 3,500 cals, which is more than two day's worth of skinny people calories

Yes, though it seems my example was poor and you're missing the point. The point I was trying to illustrate is that it's your overall consumption of food that matters. Just because someone gorges themselves in your presence doesn't mean they do that for every meal.

>> If dieting literally worked all the time for all people the exact same way, there wouldn't be a dire problem with obesity
Dieting always works. The problem is that many people do not follow the diet for one reason or another. They might not count or measure their food accurately. They might cheat and eat foods they are theoretically not supposed to eat, etc.

Smoke and mirrors. There have been several studies done now which conclude there is very little variation in metabolic rate among humans. Sure, you might get rare outliers, but claiming that every overweight person is an outlier is as absurd as claiming every kid who loves football is going to be a millionare star player one day.

>> No.10897365

>whatever they want means they can eat anything
>preferences can't be different
what a retarded question

>> No.10897368

Calm down, and relax!
>you just came in this thread eager to bash on some fatties to make yourself feel better.
Actually not, sorry if you are triggered. Did you read what i wrote?? I replied to you since my wife did this same thing, it's in your DNA to make excuses for your behavior and wonder why nothing is working out.

>> No.10897385

I do, but not in any amount I want.

>> No.10897392

i eat what i want
i dont want to be a fatty so what i want to eat is different

>> No.10897393

I'm 28 and I would be thin if I wasn't an alcoholic. That's the really the only reason.

>> No.10897413

You can easily eat whatever you want as long as you are reasonable with how MUCH you eat.

>> No.10897455
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I just eat handfuls of veggies the same way I used to eat chips and now I'm dropping pounds.
I just liked the crunch.

>> No.10897476

What's missing from the right picture is all the chocolates, cake and other sweets she eats later in the day as 'snacks'.

>> No.10897519

the feast beast strikes again

>> No.10897584
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>mfw burst into treats

>> No.10897592
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Um, no, sweetie.

>> No.10897713

>There have been several studies done now which conclude there is very little variation in metabolic rate among humans.
Post them and prove it then, because I can post many studies that prove the exact opposite.
Here's one, where they found that the number and kind of bacteria present in the stomachs of mice, especially as babies, had direct and substantial effects on the total body fat of the mice. Specifically, they raised one group in completely sterilized surroundings, so that nothing could upset the natural flora, and another group normally. The first group was much thinner. They then grew cultures of bacteria from the second group of "fatty" mice and supplemented the first group of mice with them, so that the two groups were largely the same. The skinny mice gained some weight, but ultimately were found to have lower body fat than the control mouse group, even when fed substantially more.

Here's a very long one with a lot of great information on different hormones and the way they affect your ability to gain or lose weight, hunger levels, fat placement, metabolism and many other dietary and health factors.

Your turn, go on. Post a study that supports your point. Faggot.

>my wife
I somehow find this incredibly hard to believe, since you're both a tool and an idiot, but maybe if she does exist, she married you for money.

>> No.10897799

See, this is exactly how dieting and counting calories should work- do it for a few weeks or months, then slowly taper down as you just... start to get it. You start to get used to good habits.

Eventually you stop dieting and the training wheels come off and you're no longer a retard when it comes to feeding yourself.

>> No.10897805

to elaborate more on this post- this is exactly why people fail and are unable to keep diets, because they think that dieting means resigning yourself to restrictions your whole life.

What people don't know is that you are the architect of your own consciousness. Tell yourself that dieting sucks- and you'll stop doing it after it becomes too hard. However- if you approach dieting with the right attitude- you'll realize that good habits stick better if you just believe fully in yourself.

>> No.10897816
File: 19 KB, 184x184, 716087c65f349da2bfc34b8d3bde4c6230ae2ea6_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a fattie

>> No.10897819
File: 2.58 MB, 4128x2322, IMG_20170324_044833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do because I want to eat mostly vegetables.

>> No.10897850
File: 15 KB, 480x360, Shanaynay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Being this delusional

Holy shit, man. I'm not the dude's you've been arguing with, but, you gotta let this shit go. As much as you clearly hate the thermodynamics argument, it's true.

The fat on your body didn't fall out of the fucking sky. Period. Some people's metabolisms vary slightly, some even more so. But that doesn't change the fact that eating less will make you less fat. You may need to eat slightly even more less than some people, but the principle is the same. This is why there are no fat people in Ethiopia. It's not a damn coincidence.

Your body can't create matter by magic. If you're gonna deny the laws of physics so you don't have to accept responsibility for being a fat, lazy piece of shit you need to be locked in an insane asylum.

>> No.10897934

nah u a fat shit
jheez how could 2 double cheeseburgers and a milkshake be a child's portion
that's some seriously lard addled thought process der

>> No.10897968

Bacterial in the stomach can affect your weight but you can change the composition of it. Cutting sugar from your diet can completely alter your stomach microbial culture since some will starve and others will live off based on the foods you eat.


Food-related hormones dictate what level of 'fatness' your body wants to stay at, hunger response and other things but you can also change your food hormones by fasting, eating different amounts of insulin responsive foods or just altering the times when you eat


Destroying your body's hormones and stomach microbiology with a terrible diet is not a valid excuse to not lose weight. Your body is the way it is because you told your body it should be that way through your food choices and eating habits

>> No.10897971

The trick is not wanting to eat like a fucking pig, tubby.

>> No.10898012

Or they can exercise and get a few more calories to eat a day. I started lifting and can eat whatever I want, though what I want to eat now is generally healthier than what I would have wanted when I was fat and never moved. Sometimes I have to chug a protein shake just to eat enough calories because at some point I can't stomach any more solid food. Too many people want to eat more than they need without expending those extra calories

>> No.10898058

Where can I find a girl like the one on the right in OP's pic related?

>> No.10898070

>The fat on your body didn't fall out of the fucking sky.
No fucking shit, but I'm not surprised that you didn't read any of what I've already said since you just admitted you were never part of the conversation. Good job inserting yourself blindly where you aren't wanted.
Go back and find any point where I ever said that my weight is not my problem. I said the exact opposite many fucking times. Fuck, I hate illiterate niggers on my fucking board.

The study I first posted showed that even when the "skinny" mice group was altered to have the same microbiome as the "fatty" mice group, they remained skinnier even while eating more than the fatty mice. The biggest factor in determining the weight of the mice in the control vs test groups was whether or not each mouse was RAISED healthy, not whether or not it lived healthy.
In any case, some people are able to maintain a healthy microbiome while eating junk, and others aren't. What's to cause for that? It's almost like MANY factors work together to determine things like weight and health.

While you absolutely may attempt to change your microbiome, dysbiosis is not caused solely by diet and cannot always be reversed. Futhermore, many foods considered "healthy" are actually prime causes for dysbiosis, including eggs, cruciferous vegetables, dairy, dried fruit, and meat.
In fact, dysbiosis can be initiated at birth. Babies born vaginally have a humongous head-start on babies born through cesarean section. Prescription medications, such as antibiotics and hormone related medicines, stress levels, and early childhood illness all have devastating effects on your stomach bacterial colonies. In many cases, if dysbiosis is allowed to reach a certain point, trying to 'fix' your gut flora will make you sick.

You should read more before you go making assertions, because you end up looking like a fool when you're wrong.

>> No.10898085

This is basically the recipe to stay in good shape for the rest of your life, pay attention now and start being health conscientious now while you're younger and save yourself the struggle.
Most people don't put on weight when they're older just because it's that easy, it's the fact that most people never bother to learn about proper nutrition and how not to be a fucking fatass, so when it inevitably catches up to them its already too late to try and lose the weight and simultaneously get into the kind of shape you would have been in if you had just eaten healthy before and kept things in moderation.
Theres definitely a point of no return physically where no matter how healthy you eat and how much weight you lose, you will never look as healthy or as youthful because the years of eating like a fatass have caused your body to break down way faster than normal, regardless of whether you were able to keep the weight off in your youth.

>> No.10898091

Me, and I have to attribute it to good metabolism, genetics, and an active lifestyle, but I must say I've noticed that I don't have some really poor eating habits that others have.

My coworkers drink like 3 energy drinks a day. I bring a jug of water.
I eat 3 similarly sized meals per day. Say what you will about a specific diet that calls for a different number, but I know people that have some very questionable eating schedules.
I rarely eat passively, as in eating a bag of chips while I watch TV. Getting something to eat, even a snack, is usually a task.

>> No.10898094

I would rather fuck the fatty, but neither are in my range.

>> No.10898104

How is cutting sugar from your diet bad for you? WHO considers less than 10% of your diet of sugar to be beneficial and even less is better. Ever consider that eating tons of excess sugar is causing an imbalance in your stomach and reducing your sugar intake is actually fixing it?


>> No.10898113

Maybe for a single meal, at best it's like 1600 calories, a healthy 180-200 pound male would probably still be get malnourished if they only ate that with some snacking in between. I started bulking this past winter and it really puts into perspective how hard it is to overeat, I don't understand why it's so much of a problem for these lardasses unless they're literally drinking half their calories which is what I think is going on.

>> No.10898121

Definitely liquid calories. Soda, 'coffee' milkshakes and 'healthy' juice aka flavored sugar water seem likely culprits with a sprinkle of sedentary lifestyle

>> No.10898138

>he doesn't grill 8 to 10 oz beef patties
>he doesn't make his own wedge fries
Milk shake is pure sugar.

>> No.10898144

>Ever consider that eating tons of excess sugar is causing an imbalance in your stomach and reducing your sugar intake is actually fixing it?
Yeah, I'm sure for people who eat way too much sugar, reducing sugar intake would help. Good fucking idea, Einstein. However, sugar is not the only cause of dysbiosis, and is also not even the leading cause of dysbiosis, so your groundbreaking genius theory fails once again.
And again, I'm not saying all these things are the cause of my fatness, which seems to be all you fuckups can hear or read. I've never even implied that. However, lots of factors fuck over many people with their weight and those same factors favor others who can eat junk food and not gain weight. That is an indisputable fact.

>> No.10898159

Lol nah dude /ck/ is full of fat neckbeards and ham beasts

>> No.10898163

>>I drink my alcohol with very little mixer to avoid calories
Too fucking late for that gay boy.

>> No.10898185

The liberal arts department of your local university, it's like shooting fish in a barrel

>> No.10898189
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My physique is an optical illusion. At a passing glance on the street I probably appear reasonably slender by American standards, but when I take my shirt off I look like an ill and dying E.T.

>> No.10898191

>You can't even read, you just came in this thread eager to bash on some fatties to make yourself feel better. I acknowledged that I consume enough to maintain my size, I said that already. It's just that my boyfriend eats more and weighs less at the same exact activity level. Take your head out of your own anus and read next time before you start posting.
He probably does more work then you as you either think his job is as easy as yours or you dont think he works hard at his job.

>> No.10898199

If I sit on pleather toilet seat and let my ass cheeks suction to the seat, then quickly force one cheek off, will the suction pull the shit from my asshole?

>> No.10898203

Keep telling yourself that your weight is out of your control while you have full control of your legs that could be running or squatting, while you have full control of the arms moving food into the mouth you can't control either. It's a nice illusion to have instead of believing that your body can and will change if you put forth the effort. I was fat for 20+ years, got into obese range and got down to a normal weight range so I guess I had a perfect body that just didn't work for 20+ years

>> No.10898206


>> No.10898211

OP: I love what this thread turned into

>> No.10898257
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>my wife
I somehow find this incredibly hard to believe, since you're both a tool and an idiot, but maybe if she does exist, she married you for money.

Way to deflect from the original argument. Great job! We've all read your "argument/FACTS" but it makes no sense. Argue all you want, you need to eat less to lose weight.

>> No.10898267

Oh I see.. I started to count carb/sugar intake instead of calories & have noticed I don’t have any issues.
Our bodies react strangely to processed food and ive been doing so much research on the calories in and calories out theory & have seen that in order to eat junk food, you have to eat really small portions and not have a sensitive gut.
For all men, they have more muscle genetically..they just burn more calories naturally.my bfs BMR let’s him eat 600 more calories a day than I can (even though he barely moves all day and is shorter than me)

>> No.10898297


>> No.10898315

>as you either think his job is as easy as yours or you dont think he works hard at his job
I worked the same job before that he works now. It's not nearly as physically demanding as what I do.


>my bfs BMR let’s him eat 600 more calories a day than I can (even though he barely moves all day and is shorter than me)
That is so sad. Me and my bf are the same exact height.
>I started to count carb/sugar intake instead of calories & have noticed I don’t have any issues
I totally support keto. I've done it before with good weight loss success. I plan to do it again in the future as well. Are you doing keto-level carb restriction or just in general?

>> No.10898379

These people are just trying to find ways to tell themselves that it's ok that they aren't trying hard enough and it's not their fault. They think that because they put in twice the effort as someone else and only get half the results that it's ok to give up even though for all they know, the other person puts in more efforts that they just can't see. It's all just a circlejerk to tell each other they're not to blame

>> No.10898421

ketosis is NOT a diet strategy. Stop promoting ketosis you freak.

>> No.10898440

It is a diet strategy but most people do it wrong. You're supposed to eat tons of vegetables and a high percentage of fat and some protein to prime your body for fasting but instead people use it as an excuse to eat saturated fats and no vegetables as if it's some sort of healthy diet

>> No.10898457

I tried keto , but it’s not very sustainable for me. I just eat less carbs daily , substituting it for more fat

>> No.10898469

Preaching to the choir.

>> No.10898507

As a former fat person, who constantly has people telling me that I did nothing to achieve it, it's pretty infuriating. I go to the gym 6 hours a week and eat two days worth of food in one day and fast the next day, I usually time this so I can eat with friends and family. Somehow I can 'eat whatever I want and still lose weight'.

>> No.10898535

>>10896289 *Manlet Detected*

>> No.10898550

I'm gonna have to disagree, especially once I dropped beer, I've had to work to gain weight, but I also work out daily. Technically I watch what I eat, but I by no means deprive myself of what I want l.

>> No.10898687

>I eat so little but I can't lose weight


>> No.10898719

So many lardass americans don't understand this and pig out every chance they get.
>uhhhggg yeah gimmie the triple cheseburger with two large fries and large coke
>fuggg barley feel full

>> No.10898738

cancer check time anon.

>> No.10898758

I'm short but I have bulkier muscle than anyone I've ever seen who doesn't lift.

>> No.10898763
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>-t. couldn't tell you anything about keto
I bet you think eating bacon and eggs all day is a suitable keto model. Children, women, and idiots should only speak when spoken to.

>> No.10898770

Looks yummy

>> No.10898777

But you feel hungrier when you have more bad bacteria.. so yeah, it’s psychological.. you’re eating more

>> No.10898803

A shake alone is 800 calories at most places
Then about 600-700 per burger (double with cheese)

>> No.10898874

So anorexic ? Or a beer belly ?

>> No.10898973

You can fix your hunger response. I did about four 36 hour fasts and now my hunger is non-existent. I eat twice a day now and never feel the need to snack or crave most food. I'm still a sucker for kettle potato chips but I always portion it to 1 oz and with a hearty meal. Never as a snack or in large portions.

>> No.10898983

Imagine falling for the calories in calories out meme

>> No.10898990

I have the opposite of this problem and I hate it brehs
>6'4'' 150lbs, cant eat more than 1700 cal a day without feeling sick
>get weird burning/overheating sensation, libido disappears for days
>panic attacks that turn on for no reason
>rapid heart-rate, heartburn, headaches, insomnia
>comes and goes for no fucking reason, I've kept a 5-week food diary and still don't know

I try to eat as healthy as a horse, yogurt and oatmeal and fresh fruit and everything, what the hell am I doing wrong guys?

>> No.10898999

If you need more calories, start drinking it. There's a reason all the fat 600 lb whales are always stocked with soda. Soda is a cheap and unhealthy way to increase calories so if you want something better, try smoothies or even protein shakes.

>> No.10899046

Lmao so true

>> No.10899057

You could have food intolerances or issues with your ability to digest fat. Either of those could make you feel sick after you eat.
Also, anxiety is a big culprit with the symptoms you described.

Go to a doctor please

>> No.10899156

How long has it been since the last fast?

>> No.10899487

Burning sensation in your stomach could mean anxiety for sure.. do you have issues with nervousness etc?.. there has to be a reason you’re getting pains attacks

>> No.10899508

I did my multiple fasts back in April or so. I still had bad cravings for a month for fries for some reason but I ignored them and now I don't crave most junk foods. I still eat them but it's pretty easy to eat small portions and I never let myself eat junk food without something fulfilling along with it, basically I'll have a meal of meat and vegetables with 1-2 oz of chips. I still fast after I socially eat since I'll usually overeat those days.

>> No.10899528

I've got a (you)! Thanks man! I dont care if you think you are short pr anybody thonks you are short. You are you and (you) should be proud of that because nobody else has to. You will and always will be your biggest chear leader. Fuck the rest. Im not a robot.

>> No.10899539

Are you a really heavy guy? I'm not exceedingly overweight,but I have a beer belly, and will sometimes fast for a large portion of the day after a binge.

>> No.10899566

THIS >>10895395
Soda doesn't even taste good.

>> No.10899581

Used to be ~210+ sedentary, no muscle. Now I'm 175 at 5'8" with a decent build. Could lose maybe 10 more pounds of fat but I'm in no hurry, I'd rather gain some more strength.

>> No.10899769

At one point in my life I was eating 5 full meals a day and frequently got desert. The most I weighed was 170, that was when I was 18-19. Now I am 24 and I barely eat 2 meals a day and I weigh that much.

>> No.10900246

Genetics sucks. Also, there're ways of damaging your body that become permanent. So you could even be have great genetics but past life has fucked you up beyond repair. Parents feeding you shit as a kid could be one way to do this.
>I count calories
But not losing weight? I consider counting calories a great diagnostic method for weight loss. It's a brute force method that applies a simple algorithm: 1) accurately measure energy intake 2) accurately measure weight 3) reduce energy intake if weight is not dropping. If you successfully follow the algorithm, you are guaranteed to lose weight. However, you are not guaranteed to successfully follow the algorithm. But life gets in the way of accurate calorie counting. Social life pressures you into eating out. Tiredness pressures you into guesstimating instead of being autistic with the weighing.

Go autistic with your calorie counting for several weeks. Guess your needed calorie intake for a weight loss of 1kg/week. So, ~1000kcal deficit per day. Absolutely no eating out. Zero foods with no nutrition data. Everything is weighed to the gram on a scale. Weigh yourself every morning after taking a piss. Ignore the daily value because it varies. Only compare weekly averages. The reason I suggest aiming for 1kg per week is because it'll be easier to notice in your weight compared to a slower rate of weight loss. Even the weekly averages will have variance in them that'll reduce how much you can trust in the numbers.
After 3 weeks, compare weekly averages. Week 1 should result in a large loss of water weight due to less carb/fiber eaten. Compare weight averages of weeks 2 and 3. Reduce calories further, if the reduction is <1kg. Increase calories, if it's >1kg. Do whatever it takes to accomplish the weekly weight loss for at least 2 weeks in a row, so you can finally see some accurate numbers about your energy intake and expenditure (as your rate of weight loss will tell you approximately what your expenditure is).

>> No.10900334

Same, but mostly only when I drink alcohol. When I stop drinking every day and cut back to once/twice a week I go back to being thin and fit still eating basically whatever I want.
Alcohol man, shit adds so many calories.

>> No.10900342

I used to, but then I found out I was Type 1 diabetic. Undiagnosed, T1's can't get glucose into their cells so they end up in ketosis no matter what they eat... then ketoacidosis. But damn the weight loss was nice while it lasted dropped like 80 lbs in a few months.

>> No.10900355

>a healthy 200pound male
that's slightly overweight, my dude, not counting cholesterol that'll fuck your arteries up later.
1600 calories is a lot. If you work a job and have hobbies where you mostly sit around all the time, like an office job with vidya or netflix after work then that 1600kcal is all you'd use in a day.
If you do some exercise, play sport or have a physical job then you can be looking at using 2500 or 3500kcal a day depending how active you are.

I've been in an office job for the last 2 years stuck in the city so there's nothing except to do except play vidya. I eat about 1200-1500kcal and drink another 1000 in alcohol and I've put on 30kg in that time. My job before this was pretty physically strenuous and I didn't drink much alcohol, like two nights a week. I ended up being skinnyfit. It was hard to eat enough food for me to bulk up short of eating unhealthy shit all the time.

tl;dr drink water, dont drink alcohol, quit the shitty office job for one where you get a good workout and you can basically eat what you want within reason

>> No.10900446
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>One has succulent small breasts, and the other big milkies.

u think they lick each others pusys?

>> No.10900598
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I do, but only because I've grown up naturally eating smaller portions. Like, two slices of pizza and I feel like my stomach is going to burst. I also don't particularly like sweets or fried food in general, and only occasionally crave heavy meals. If I could actually finish a meal like that, I would probably be a lardass.

>> No.10900714
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>wa la

Jesus fucking Christ, ame*icans....

>> No.10900716

It's just an exclamation people make when they present something they've made. It's not the worst thing in the world.

>> No.10900717
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It's voilà, you peasant cunts. It's a french word. Fucking wa la.... jesus fuck. ....

>> No.10900720

No, it's wa la. Voila would sound like a musical instrument in English.

>> No.10900964

>If a skinny person eats 3,000 cals one day and 500 cals the next that's still 3,500 cals, which is more than two day's worth of skinny people calories.
>1,750 calories a day
>more than two days worth
You fucking wot. If i only eat that amount my weight will drop fast as a 5'11 guy in my early 20s. I have to eat at least 2000 cals for maintenance possibly more when im active

>> No.10901000

Fat people trying to explain their inability to lose weight usually don't have a good grasp on calories

>> No.10901035

>Skinny people can eat 3500 calories for two days, more than enough for a skinny person and they can still stay thin
>I'm eating 4500 calories for two days, which is not enough for a fat person but I can't lose weight
>Some people are just lucky

>> No.10901106

Not true. I can have all the sugary stuff I want, and no one complains about my breath. But if I have 1 sausage, and don't immediately brush afterwards, then I can taste my own breath.

>> No.10901156

I don't lose weight because I've developed a dependency. It's like a drug addiction for me

>> No.10901284
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>Who here eats whatever they want and stays thin?!

I do! Now if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go vomit

>> No.10901649

fuck me being at that state would be my absolute worst nightmare, even if I knew that it was my lack of control that got me there

>> No.10902364

I literally pig out every single meal and stay at around ~70kg or ~150 freedom units. Although I'm 21, and skinnyfat.

>> No.10902752

At least you understand it's because of food and not because your body is getting fat from absorbing dark matter

>> No.10903607

>Move to one meal a day
>Count calories
>Still only losing maybe 1 pound a week and often just maintaining

Whats the real secret?

>> No.10903612

>Who here eats whatever they want and stays thin?!
Lots of chatbots.

>> No.10903617

>lift weights
>eat clean
>find good recipes
>you now have to eat so much delicious food that it's still actually difficult to eat a caloric surplus

whoa, I guess you just can't sit on your ass all day and suck down coca cola and expect to remain human shaped

>> No.10903664

1 meal is way too little, you should actually be eating more meals if youre dieting
Most people dont realize you shouldnt drop many calories, just about 400-600. Otherwise, your body will adapt to the lack of food and make your metabolism slower, therefore making you still fat. Thats actually the reason people on weight loss shows usually regain weight, because as soon as they stop the very intense diet and exercise, their metabolism changed so much they need little food to become fat.

>> No.10903790

Keto or fast.

>> No.10903798

Starvation mode doesnt fucking exist and the only number that matters is calories in 24 hours

>> No.10903799

Consider that 1 pound of fat is roughly 3500 calories. If you're at a 500 calorie deficit, losing 1 pound a week is fairly accurate. Just keep chugging along. Ignore the other person, eating fewer meals is not bad, just different. I choose to eat two meals a day because fitting all my calories in one sitting was exhausting and would take me 1.5 hours of straight eating while being uncomfortable, so I'd do it if I could. One pound a week is fine, but if you have some sort of deadline then look into fasting.

>> No.10903806

While you are mostly correct, the timing of when you eat those calories have different effects on insulin and ghrelin

>> No.10903846

>most I ever weighed was 190 lbs my senior year of hs
>get mono
>fall to 150
now I'm almost 21, I'm 6'6", and I'm still a toothpick. i eat a lot and I can eat whatever I want, my weight never fluctuates or anything. my weight stays around 175 now.

>> No.10903917

You're 6'6". You might think you're eating a lot but it'll be a lot for someone who's 5'6". I'm pretty sure you're not eating enough for a 6'6". If everyone around you is short and you eat as much as them, you're under-eating when they aren't.

>> No.10904048

this girl

>> No.10904677

Lucky you

>> No.10904732

drink water
quit alcohol

>> No.10905487

Lucky you

>> No.10906214

Me and im 36 and never been to the gym although i have no muscles and look pretty shit naked but when im dressed i cut a trim figure. I avoid eating sweets and crisp and other shit i just dont have it in the house. Other than that i eat 3 meals a day and plenty of beer at the weekend. 12stone 4

>> No.10906215

So you're skinnyfat.

>> No.10906678

I had a friend like this. Every time food was brought up he bragged about how he ate 10,000+ calories a day. Any time I gave him food he could barely finish it then talk nonstop later about how hungry he was.

Then he would brag about how he fasts for most of the day b/c he doesn't care.

BTW not jealous fatty, I was leaner than him.

>> No.10906700


>> No.10907930

I was recently on a diet cooking at home everyday, and now I’m tired of it. I’ve been eating out everyday and worried I’m going to gain weight. I mainly eat one large meal a day and veggies/random stuff for snacks..
Does anyone eat out everyday?

>> No.10908577

I'm alcoholic, thin and 38. What are you doing wrong?

>> No.10908594


>> No.10908697
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Lift calisthenics and running ta da eat whatever. Lmao at the people who can't do physical shit.