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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 115 KB, 1400x1400, david_chang1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10891738 No.10891738[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

David Chang thinks he deserves to spew racist shit toward white people, charge 150 a plate for some allegedly fusion inspired fried rice, rip off the cuisine of Asian cultures he's not even from, and be above criticism?

Maybe he should go back to where he came from if he thinks his Korean heritage is so great.

>> No.10891752
File: 1.83 MB, 1024x1365, ff_chang-david_tablet2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eat Korean food

>> No.10891756

who gives a shit

>> No.10891774


>> No.10891780

He looks like he has Downs syndrome.
>being a fat Asian person proud of eating Asian cuisine while no Asian person gets fat eating Asian cuisine
How can one person fail so hard?

>> No.10891786

Why are you such a shitty little infant?

>> No.10891788 [DELETED] 

This garlicnigger is a fucking joke.

>> No.10891815
File: 822 KB, 3699x2466, 1490892768881-eggslutsandwich_howto_IMG_9980.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Egg slut. Lol.

>> No.10891824


Welcome to azn-americans.

Did you see how the Asian-American community tried to shame Sony, a Japanese company for cultural appropriation for hiring a white guy to play the Japanese wood flute at e3? An incredibly difficult instrument with less than 300 masters on earth....and he's acknowledged by Japanese masters to be at their level, and is

Literally people were writing articles about how "The insensitive allowance of Sony to let a white guy appropriate their culture is triggering us AZN AMERICANS OF NON JAPANESE DESCENT".

>> No.10891829

hmm imagine one his pubic beard hairs in your egg sandwich

>> No.10891845

>maybe he should go back to where he came from


>> No.10891854
File: 18 KB, 314x360, 1436682790893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10891859

Wow never realized what a piece of shit he is. It makes my blood boil to realize people I liked are fucking backstabbers who hate you for being white. I guess the term is entitlement? Fuck this chink

>> No.10891863

He clearly doesn't feel that way. Spiritual foreigners have to go back as well.

>> No.10891869

Yes. They're less tolerant of than the coastie city he lives in. He might learn how to be thankful for the opportunities he's been given in America and stop complaining about retarded bullshit.

>> No.10891875

My favorite example was when discussing the casting of the recent Ghost in the Shell movie. There was a bunch of fan backlash about the main character being played by Scarlett Johanson and how that was "whitewashing" and those racist fucks should have chosen an asian actress for the role, despite the fact that the creator of the work clearly stated that he had no complaints about the casting and it was even somehow appropriate given that the character was a cyborg and therefore not of "Asian" (or any other nationality) descent at all.

>> No.10891877

God damn i cant stand this pretentious retard.
Ugly Delicious is one of the worst food shows i've seen.
That fried chicken episode can fuck right off

>> No.10891913

I generally dont think about and try to be accepting, but it makes me fucking pissed when these second gen immigrant fucks prove they cant assimilate and abuse the native population that welcomed them. I voted Obama twice but its Trump 2020 for me

>> No.10892049

Any man who disrespects and shames his own mother on camera in front of millions of people deserves to be beaten within an inch of his life.

>> No.10892062

David Chang should change his name to David Ching Chong if he wants to be recognized as asian so freaking much.

>> No.10892081

He did that? If that's true, he's a fucking asshole. I thought Asians revered their parents.

>> No.10892084

He is a half breed

>> No.10892126
File: 46 KB, 750x573, mamma mia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so numb to this shit now I want to punch anyone who doesnt want to pay their taxes, go to work, and shut the fuck up. Remember what that used to be like?

>> No.10892129

He's doing nothing more than asking questions about the social implications of food and how it's perceived in society. The bigger question is, why do alt-right /pol/tards get so butthurt about a guy who wants to explore cultural implications of food traditions? If some of the proposed answers reflect negatively on whites, so what? Are you so insecure you can't handle self-examination when the mirror reflects an ugly portrait in specific circumstances? He clearly states that the issues are far more complicated than to pass simple "you wrong, me right" judgements which is probably what roils the alt-right since that's their entire argument and philosophy.

>These are questions that I’ve been asking myself forever,” says Chang. If anything, we wanted to be as transparent as possible—and most importantly, incorporate other viewpoints, and not to have a definitive answer but to show that many truths are there. If anything, it was to show that empathy is a really important requisite to having a better understanding of food.
>In “Fried Chicken,” for instance, Chang points out that every country has a version of this dish, but also digs into the racist associations it carries in America...When Tran’s father, a pilot in the South Vietnamese air force, came to the States, the K.K.K was picketing Vietnamese shrimpers—but Tran himself is also resistant to accepting immigrants from Muslim countries
>I can’t cast my judgement, he says of that experience. The best thing I can do is try to understand their viewpoints as much as possible. Hopefully by doing it and talking about it, they’ll be a little more open to my ideas—but by no means am I trying to say ‘you’re wrong.’ I think that’s sort of the problem we’re in in the world today: ‘You’re wrong. I’m right.’ No no no, that’s not the case. That doesn’t get us anywhere.


>> No.10892155

Why don't you human filth complain about Italians? You're the genetic mistake America latched onto for these decades. Go die because you're programmable human flesh that hasn't figured out you're programmable yet. Honestly, you were never meant to exist in this evolution. You were engineered by Cambridge Analytica to serve your wealthy betters.

>> No.10892161


He's got goofy slant eyes. Does an Italian have goofy slant eyes? Catch up, you dumbass.

>> No.10892176

>citing Vanity Fair
You're too far gone, anon.

>> No.10892181


The fascists are human children. They don't need to grow up because their children of enough wealth not to be required to work or earn or learn. That's how these groups develop. They're wealth children, then they're poor adults. It's exactly what happened in Germany after the war. They lost their status and became fascist human filth.

>> No.10892187

I love when this thread triggers the really schizoid leftist freaks like this. Always good for a laugh. Enjoy your ban tho

>> No.10892193


You love your little pitty fantasies, yet you'll still die poor or maybe suicide poor. Who knows.

>> No.10892198

Reminder that Trump's approval among Hispanics increased 10 pts in July. Does your little strawman apply to them too????

>> No.10892201

Its funny when asian people pretend to be oppressed minorities in the western world when they are a global majority and in the eastern world are racist and oppressive as hell

>> No.10892208

Do you always create fantasies to make yourself feel better about losing internet arguments? You sound legitimately mentally ill...

>> No.10892211


Stupid people are stupid people. You don't need to be white or brown to be uneducated enough to be a human that can be programmed by propaganda. Don't you remember Germany under Hitler? They had everyone from poor to middle class under their thrawl. The only people that hated them openly was the aristocracy and they knew to keep their fucking mouths shut or die.

You don't know much about human nature or history, do you?

>> No.10892233

Haha gotcha. Nice IP address btw. Let's see how your school and or employer feel about you posting on the internet about "stupid brown people".

Enjoy your life :)

>> No.10892242

That's not even remotely true. A very sizable number of German's hated Hitler and the Nazi's but didn't speak out for self preservation. Do you even know about all the attempted assassinations of Hitler that came from within the Nazi party and the Wehrmacht?

>> No.10892253


I really am talking to a 12 year old. God I hate this website. Dude, read Albert Speers book The Third Reich. Grow up and stop being a fucking internet child.

Then after that read Gitta Sereny's book Albert Speer: His Battle with Truth (1995)

>> No.10892254

>the only people who hated them openly were the aristocracy
>the aristocracy kept their mouth shuts about hating the Nazis
Can you even string together a cogent thought? Only a fucking retard feels the compulsion to associate nativism and anti-immigration with Nazis and the alt-right at every opportunity. And Americans, by the way, are overwhelmingly polled as being anti-immigration. Many of which want to stop immigration programs with few exceptions.

>> No.10892259


I know about all the assassinations. Tom Cruise was shit, btw.

>> No.10892276

>white people can't cook
>Italian cuisine
>French cuisine
>Spanish cuisine

>Asians literally cook dogs, cats, spiders, rats, insects, etc

>> No.10892281


Jesus Christ, they expressed their contempt INSIDE their own social group. Have you not read anything about WW2? The aristocracy looked at Hitler like a blue collar corporeal piece of shit, but they knew he could kill them at the drop of a hat.

Are you not connecting with the idea that opinion and fear of consequences are two different things?

Cowards are cowards. High class or not.

>> No.10892283

Then you should know that Hitler didn't have all of Germany under his thrall. There were many, many good, decent, moral Germans who couldn't do a damn thing about the Nazis without being shipped to the KL.

>> No.10892285

>Americans, by the way, are overwhelmingly polled as being anti-immigration.
Might want to check the facts there...

>> No.10892291

Yup you get one more chance to apologize. Tomorrow will come sooner than you think and it will be too late then. Trust me its worth it to swallow humble pie while youre still just anon

>> No.10892293


You're not a very developed person yet. Get some grounding before you end up sounding this dumb in public.