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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 86 KB, 500x540, 02982-1_BK_Web_RodeoKing_500x540_CR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10888697 No.10888697 [Reply] [Original]

You guys have to help me. I can't get enough of these burgers.

Burgers used to be my favorite food and then I went pesketarian for a few years and then reintroduced meat back Into my diet. I tried different burgers from different chains to see which I liked best. For a while, the Breakfast Burger from Carl's Jr was my jam, but then.... I found her. Her beautiful buns, juicy patties, creamy cheese, Crunchy onions, and oooh the sauce!! The Rodeo King from Burger King! Ooh it was like the heavens opened up and gifted me this delight.

And the BK took it off their menu. Those bastards. BUT! Fret not for they still have all the ingredients and will make it if I ask.

I think about this burger all the time. I work at Panera and daydream of this burger. I'll eat other lesser foods and think of this burger. I'll actually dream of this burger when I sleep. I have no money to purchase said burger, but all I want is said burger.

Will someone PayPal me $7 so I can fuel my hunger?
Please. paypal.me/christoph0639/7

>> No.10888707
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On a side note, I love the used and abused look of the fast food burger. Like a decomissioned prostitute. Not the perfect looking burger seen in ads or the pic I used in my original post, but the kind of messed up burger with the cheese falling off the side and it's all smushed and stuff. The perfect in perfections

>> No.10888714
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I'm going to keep posting rodeo Kings until someone answers my plee. Also, feel free to ask me anything

>> No.10888726
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Burger King closes in an hour... Look at those cripsy bacon strips. I can already taste the gooey cheese...

>> No.10888735
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Report of the Week's Food Review called Running on Empty has done several reviews of the King line of burgers from BK and says they usually smother it in mayo, but that they didn't go overload on the Rodeo King. And where he usually is disappointed in the King burgers, he actually liked the Rodeo King. It's just a very well made burger all around.

>> No.10888760
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Look at this Rodeo King cross section. You can see the flavors oozing out the burger like some kind of nectar of the gods

>> No.10888783
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Does no one hear my pleas for help?

>> No.10888814

The king

>> No.10888849

Everytime I get it near the BK by my house, the man (who I assume is the manager as he's always there late at night) now knows me and tells me they don't have it on their menu anymore, but he still makes it for me. All I want to eat this delicious burger

>> No.10888903
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I needs it brotendos

>> No.10888923



10/10 thread

>> No.10888962
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>> No.10888985

Question. Is it against ToC to make topics asking for donations for fast food?

>> No.10888998

Eat a fucking salad, you fat fuck. Or a chicken sandwich.

>> No.10889009

ya rite lol

>> No.10889028

OP is definitely not allowed to do this, and personally I think it is pathetic. However I hope no one reports the thread because this is the content /ck/ deserves

>> No.10889031

If I Paypal you $7 how do I know you will spend it on a Rodeo King and not just video games?
How do you buy burgers with Paypal?

>> No.10889045

I can transfer the money from PayPal to my bank account and then purchase a burger.

I can post a receipt of it too

>> No.10889048

Whoops, I should have read the rules more. Anyway, let's just talk about burgers more than.

The Rodeo King is truly the God of all burgers. In fact, rodeo/cowboy burgers are just superior in every way. Bbq sauce, onion rings, bacon plus the mayo and melted cheese on the patties topped with a sesame bun is just the absolute best

>> No.10889049

Ok, if you can prove you're real I'll even throw in a few extra bucks for fries.
Do something /ck/ worthy with timestamp.

>> No.10889055

Carl's Jr Double Western Cheeseburger ftw. Its like the 1990s in a burger.

>> No.10889060

BK is closed rn where I am but I can still grab one tomorrow. What along the lines should I do?

>> No.10889064

Ive tried the Western multiple times (the single) and I think the BBQ sauce is too tangy for me. It ruins the burger desu

>> No.10889086
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I wanted to do more but the whip cream ran out. My GF wrote this btw

>> No.10889092

>Tfw devoured a rodeo king every week for two months when they still had it

>> No.10889097

I needs it brotendos

Great thread opee, seriously. It was a good burger

>> No.10889099
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God I wish that was me

>> No.10889103

Draw a picture of a Rodeo King on your belly and the money is yours.
Heck it's worth $15 at this stage.

>> No.10889104
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No one feed this faggot.

Get your ass on keto, you fat POS

>> No.10889112

It was extremely unhealthy even compared to other similarly sized fast food burgers but it made a man like me feel bliss as it got packed away.
Really wanted it to become a staple item but just like Mac and Cheetos it's gone for good.

>> No.10889114
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Wasn't it? I still remember the day my lips first touched the succulent patties of the Rodeo King. I walked into a Walmart and there was a BK inside. They were advertising both the Rodeo King and Farmhouse King. I tatsed both (back then my fav burger was still the Breakfast Burger) and the Farmhouse was good but I was literally addicted to the Rodeo. I spent days and nights thinking about it. All I wanted in life was too eat more of this burger. Everything is so satifisfying and crisp on my tongue

>> No.10889137
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I didn't have room on my belly, it was too hairy. But my chest was too sweaty too. It's super hot in California right now

>> No.10889140

Wow, you've earned it.
Post paypal email and it's yours.

>> No.10889148

Everyone seems to like the Rodeo so I don't understand why the took it off the menu. The Bacon King still stands where the Rodeo once did...

>> No.10889150


>> No.10889151
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Enjoy my fine friend.

>> No.10889152

I personally like BKs deal on the chicken nuggets.

>> No.10889155

Not OP. I posted my PayPal in the original post.

>> No.10889156

Are you gunna post proof tomorrow opee?

>> No.10889157


Thank you!!

>> No.10889166

I shall post proof tomorrow that I purchased a Rodeo King. I can show my receipt and stomach as proof I suppose

>> No.10889170
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>> No.10889208
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>> No.10889214


You must be upset because BK took the Rodeo King off their menu. It's ok cu/ck/s, it will come back one day. I'll keep dreaming

>> No.10889216

So do we have to pay for OC on 4chan now? Even if it's shit?

This is like how amateurs used to make games and release them free just for the love of it, and now everybody makes worse games hoping to get rich off micropayments.

>> No.10889218

is this peak performance

>> No.10889223
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>Enabling fat fucks to gorge themselves

>> No.10889233

People will continue to make good and bad games with and without funding. The years will bring more incidicents like Mighty No. 9, but also great games like AM2R which was free. You have to believe in the system and support what you think is right while keeping an open mind to new ideas.

>> No.10889241
File: 970 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20180711-003237.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They played me like a damn fiddel.

But that's okay. I'm glad I got to entertain you all and talk about my favorite burger.

>> No.10889253

why is your battery so low.

>> No.10889260

senpai that sucks

>> No.10889261


I can't tell if you're a man or woman

>> No.10889452

For a long time in my life, a alot of people couldn't

>> No.10889456

I didn't have time to charge it while I was drawing on myself

>> No.10889459

>"I work at Panera"
I'm so sorry

>> No.10889467

Do American really daydream about hamburgers?

>> No.10889475

OP, are you going to eat every single hamburger this thread pays for all in one go? I'm normally opposed to sending people money for begging on 4chan, but if you're planning to gorge until you vomit I might be persuaded to donate.

>> No.10889505

i cant sleep tonight because of thoughts of burgers

>> No.10889512

>those Stretch marks
>those manboobs
Man, you've became the Rodeo King

>> No.10889528

I'm sorry man I can only do 2 King burgers at once before I get too full. So 3 would be my demise. How fitting though. Death by Rodeo King. Man's hubris

>> No.10889534

Ive become the Rodeo King. I shall rise up against all other burgers.

Watch for me in your dreams tonight. I shall share with you the memories of burgers past

>> No.10889536

I am absolutely disgusted. I'm pretty sure I could eat 4 rodeo burgers.

>> No.10889541

That's a lot of meat anon. Two 1/4 patties per burger. I would burst with Rodeo goodness

>> No.10889565

You gotta train yourself to eat more burgers. By the end of the summer I want to see you eating 6 Rodeo Burgers in one sitting.

>> No.10889566

4 Rodeos Kings is too much to even appreciate the Taste of the Rodeo.

I, for one, always took half an hour breaks between the bites, this way the rodeo king had time to express its flavours more and i could enjoy every bite more through the sheer anticipation of the next bite. The time between the bites would be spent with staring at the burger in deep admiration.

May the Rodeo King be with you!

>> No.10889604


The duality of man in relation to his ideologies of the Rodeo King.

When I first became obsessed with the Rodeos, I would tear through the burgers and dream about what they tasted like afterwards. But why? When I was just eating them a moment ago, wouldn't I just haved savored the flavor then. Then I realized I ate them too quickly and didn't fully enjoy the complex flavors the Rodeo had to offer.

Lately when I get my Rodeos Im always in the present, not thinking about the future or the past, in order to full enjoy and bring out the flavors of my burger. I'll take a bite and set down the burger. I'll move the burger bite through my mouth, allowing every component to slide across my taste buds, fully savoring every bite. I find the burgers tatse even better and leave even fuller this way.

I would love to down 6 Rodeo Kings back to back, but then I would be undermining the true flavor of the burger. I wouldn't appreciate it for what it is. This burger isn't just a meal, it's an experience. And I want to be present for every moment of it.

>> No.10889610

You don't need more burgers, you need some counseling. You need to be institutionalized. This is an unhealthy obsession. You're like a stalker, but instead of stalking a celebrity you're obsessing over burgers.

>> No.10889625

Every person more than 40 lbs overweight should be shot
And that's being generous

>> No.10889638

You sir are wandering the path of the enlightend ones. Time is the mere cage of our existance we bring upon ourselves, blessed are those that live the moment without regrets for that is what makes our lifes enjoyable.

You need a rodeo king.

>> No.10889660
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>That's a lot of meat anon

>> No.10889749

What are you then?
Also, what are your hobbies, beside burgers?

>> No.10889768

Pretty sure TC could just cut a chunk out their belly, rub it down their ass crack a few times and it'd basically be a Rodeo at that point.

>> No.10889873

I'm a guy. I like to play video games, write, watch anime, and maybe cook form time to time. Nothing out of the ordinary. I also just really like burgers.

>> No.10889879
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Similar thing for me but they haven't done these in the UK since Small Soldiers came out, it was a promo burger for that.

So I've been craving for a burger for like 20 years.

>> No.10889978

What was it? The Archer burger?