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File: 67 KB, 1000x562, soju.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10886145 No.10886145[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>studying abroad in Japan
>some Koreans invite me to play a drinking game
>people form a circle, they pour a bunch of random alcoholic drinks into a bowl in the center.
>dont understand the rules, but loser has to take a shot, DIRECTLY from the bowl
>by the time its my turn, 4 people have already drank from the bowl and put it back
>one kid even lapped it up on his turn, putting his tongue in it.
>my turn, i refuse solely on sanitary reasons
>next day, all the koreans think im some kinda faggy fagface mcfagerson

koreans are disgusting

>> No.10886173

Well you are kind of a faggot. There’s enough alcohol in there to keep it sanitary, you missed out on some camaraderie

>> No.10886180
File: 141 KB, 450x530, scared_bitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh cooties
funny it doesn't seem to bother your kind when it comes to never washing your hands, never bathing, always wearing your street shoes indoors, etc. I wonder why?

>> No.10886193

asians are fucking disgusting, go figure
also have you ever heard the expression "when in rome"

>> No.10886199

would you snowball soju from some random korean guy (male)?

>> No.10886200

Saliva is nastier than dirt, you fucking gook.

>> No.10886202

I'm not American, anon.
Those things don't describe me at all.

>> No.10886218

>pour a bunch of random alcoholic drinks into a bowl in the center
>loser has to take a shot, DIRECTLY from the bowl
You've never played Kings?

>> No.10886241

Probably you felt gross about it because of them being a different race

>> No.10886249

OP needs racial bias training.

>> No.10886257

Why are there Koreans in Japan?

>> No.10886263

For comfort.

>> No.10886267

When Japan conquered Korea, a bunch of them wound up moving to Japan. They live as second-class citizens, unable to attain actual citizenship, even if their great-great-great-great-grandfather was born there.

>> No.10886271
File: 25 KB, 624x448, 1437599053401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10886273

Because it's your own dirt

>> No.10886278

OP is clearly just an alt-right racist.

>> No.10886279
File: 59 KB, 940x471, passportless.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why are there sikhs in wisconsin
>why are there arabs in rhine-westphalia
>why are there chinese in surabaya
>why are there anglo saxon europeans in gauteng
>why are there shiites in bahrain
Probably the lizard people made it happen to confuse you

>> No.10886286

Koreans in Japan are a hilarious thing. You have this group of people that the homogeneous Japanese cannot tell apart from their own if they (the Koreans) speak fluently enough and adopt Japanese names.

Then those on the Japanese fringe blame all crimes and serial murders on Koreans posing as Japanese people.

>> No.10886290
File: 120 KB, 800x500, GG_andthe_GeeGees.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually, if they were cute korean girls like the Gee Gees, i wouldnt mind. id even ask them to pee in it before it got to me, and if their tampon accidentally fell in, i wouldnt say anything.

>> No.10886292

I didn’t think Japan tolerated race mixing. The risk of “oh no... my grandson has a slightly different slant”

>> No.10886297

>refuse to drink in a drinking game
>wonder why people think you're a fag
Must be some complex Korean cultural thing we just don't understand...

>> No.10886306

That's not really race mixing is it now

>> No.10886320

This is a very common drinking game btw.

>> No.10886328

God damnit what the hell is wrong wit u

>> No.10886348
File: 13 KB, 500x500, 98679789087098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there are people who dont do this?

>> No.10886356

>that the homogeneous Japanese cannot tell apart from their own
Stuff that neve happened. Koreans have a very distinct square shaped face, the japs dont

>> No.10886362

>so autistic he cant play a drinking game

>> No.10886365

Kim, they are disproportionately responsible for crimes in Japan. And even when they disguise as Japanese they will always put Korea first. It's natural to hate them.


>> No.10886388


>> No.10886389

I'm not asian and I can tell koreans and japs apart with 95% accuracy. You're talking out of your ass.

>> No.10886429

>has never left their countries let alone met another Asian person

>> No.10886445

>they are disproportionately responsible for crimes in Japan

Gee it's almost like being excluded from Korean AND Japanese citizenship make them ideal candidates for criminal organizations or something.

>> No.10886461


>This is a very common drinking game btw.

I've lived in Korea for four years now and never played this game or even heard of it. Regardless you're probably a massive puss weeb that choose Japan instead of Korea. By the way, Dokdo is Korean.
And you're a faggot that can't drink.

>> No.10886463

I used to visit my relatives in Korea very often when I was a child, but I'm now hesitant ever since I visited as an adult. Everyone forces you to drink tons and they don't accept "no" as an answer.

Alcohol is a blight in Korea's culture and I'm glad I left a long time ago.

>> No.10886472

>the virgin jungle juice
>the chad Bacteria Bowl

>> No.10886473

Asians are all over the place. I fucking need to spray for them to keep the numbers down.

>> No.10886477

Korea is the Ireland of asia, there's a ton of korean drinking games, dont be surprised if there's some you havent heard of.


>> No.10886520

Bro as a full sized white man I would have drank them all under the table. How dare you not represent.

>> No.10886543

Frig off, immigration is always wrong.