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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10882372 No.10882372 [Reply] [Original]

Keto general

>> No.10882406

yeah all I do is drink vegetable oil

>> No.10882501

i miss carbs

>> No.10882504


>> No.10882832

Avoid maltitol and vegetable oils else you're good. I'm on ZC and my cheat days consist of regular keto eating

>> No.10882844
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wrap in a low carb tortilla

>> No.10882846

Keto is a fad diet

>> No.10883457

My roommate is on this diet. Since he started he's become less social and more irritable. Are there any Keto friendly treats I can get him to cheer him up?

>> No.10883482

On Keto for 6 weeks now and I have learned quite a bit.

I always knew it was horrible when I would just down slice of pizza after slice and wouldn’t stop til I was crazy full, then 30 minutes later down a few more. I learned I was doing that bc all those junk carbs weren’t satiating and lacked any real nutrition. I always heard that but it never fully clicked.

It’s not about self restraint, it’s about what you’re used to and addicted to.

Overloading your body with sugar and carbs makes you feel like crap and it’s way too easy overloading even by accident.

It’s really sad that Americans were taught fat made you fat and low fat was better although that was just code for more sugar and we didn’t know the truth.

I actually can live my life at a healthy weight and my efforts will make an impact towards my goals.

Losing weight and inches is fun and addicting in itself. You get those high highs and low lows.

I can barely remember what I ate this past week. There was no reason to constantly eat all that junk to satisfy my cravings in the moment. I won’t remember 95% of the things I ate. Maybe super special occasions. Just not worth it. I’m much closer to eating to live than living to eat now.

What have you guys learned since doing Keto?

>> No.10883541

You mean cabbage leaves.

>> No.10883665

I made Keto Connect's chocolate ice cream tonight. That shit is un fucking real.

>> No.10883691
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God I hate the future.

>> No.10883708

Beef jerky

>> No.10883736

A bullet

>> No.10884023
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>> No.10884029
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>> No.10884037
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ahh yiss

>> No.10884050

Melt some coconut oil, add pure cocoa powder, stir, pour into a tray, then refrigerate until hard. Cut slab into suitably sized bars and serve.

>> No.10884069

Lettuce-wrapped bacon cheeseburger. Tomatoes are kind of high-carb for keto, so I don't know what else to put on it. More cheese, I guess.

>> No.10884078
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oh yeah

>> No.10884080


Gross. The keto mind cannot be tempted, we are superior to carb dullards

>> No.10884100
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Diabetic (type 2) here. I've been doing keto for a year and a half to control it. My baseline blood glucose has been creeping up even though I've been fairly strict about not eating carbs. A year ago it was around 90, now it's 115. I tried a resistance test (take some glucose, measure periodically to see what the curve looks like) and I'm basically not metabolizing that shit AT ALL now.

What the fuck can I do to stop my insulin resistance from progressing? How the fuck do I stop this?

>> No.10884136

ask your doctor you retard

>> No.10884411
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Made this keto friendly peanut butter cheesecake last night for something a little sweet.

>> No.10884422


>> No.10884453

OK, then. I'm going to leave this thread open right here so everybody knows my motivation when they find my body.

>> No.10884463

>asking the autistic hoard on a Taiwanese cat wrestling forum for actual medical advice
Talk to a doctor anon.

>> No.10884470

>peanut butter
>keto friendly

>> No.10884564

A fat diet*

>> No.10884572

I learned that I should stick to a simpler diet and exercise more so I don't end up a fat fuck and have to do this shit again.

I also learned I hate almond milk.

>> No.10884589
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I don't really care much about keto one way or the other, but I've noticed it really triggers people on /ck/, I assume because fat fucks feel personally attacked when the subject of watching what you eat comes up (muh genetics)

Keep up the good work ketobros, and stay triggered, fatties

>> No.10884707

One of the worst things about keto is the 'community'. I don't socialise much, but now that I have added some keto groups to my facebook I am bombarded with stupid repetitive questions and pettiness on a daily basis. Their favourite is saying things are 'not keto', like peanut butter, making people sad because now their contribution to the group has been invalidated by some soccer mom who can't fucking work with macros and must just label items 'keto' or 'not keto'.

>> No.10884881

All social groups quickly become toxic, it may as well be written down as an iron law of groups. Fortunately keto is easy, so no need for socialization and group support like the AA fags, just swipe the recipes and move on and let the betas and bitchy cunts be betas and bitches to each other.

>> No.10884889

>I assume because fat fucks feel personally attacked
It always seems to be the vegans that get triggered by keto, but they may well be fat vegans. And of course vegans get triggered by damn near everything, so then getting g triggered by keto isnt particularly special or meaningful.

>> No.10885263

Read these:




>> No.10885277

I got kicked for a group for defending someone that posted a picture of their lunch, which included a small piece of pumpkin and that "SHOULDN'T BE POSTED BC IT'S NOT KETO". After that, I just lurk some sites and don't commit. Too many idiots.

>> No.10885322

That's what happens when you look for meme diet recipes.

>> No.10885339

Look for any recipe and the same happens because thats how google algorithms work.

>> No.10885411

Lost 62 pounds on lazy keto (only counting carbs), and reached my goal weight. Continued doing keto and still lost another 10 pounds even while lifting and forcing myself to increase my calories. I had to take a week vacation from keto to get my weight back up. For weight loss keto has got to be the easiest diet ever, and this is an opinion of someone who did the traditional CICO low-fat diet, lost a bunch of weight, then gained most of it back.

Also, after doing keto for nearly a year, my HDL rose and my LDL fell from my pre-keto cholesterol test. If you're worried about cholesterol, don't be.

I have a friend with type 2 diabetes, and he and I started keto around the same time. His blood tests now show he's not classified diabetic. I don't know how this works, but I was amazed.

The online keto forums are incredibly dogmatic. Anything that isn't "keto" is met with insults and bans. Once I posted a picture of a meal I had that included a candy bar for dessert, and even though I was under my carb limit for the day (20g), the pitchforks and torches came out. Keto is super simple and easy, but people have to feel special, like they've achieved something spectacular simply by not eating sugar and starch.

Just lurk the forums for good recipes (most are overly complicated shit), and count your carbs.

>> No.10885654

I reside in a third world shithole. The nearest competent doctor is a seventeen hour flight away, you asshole.

>> No.10885683
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Thanks, much appreciated!

>> No.10885708

Post a new recipe for me to try this week please.

>> No.10885793

well, fad or not it's working for me

>> No.10885865

I'm doing keto OMAD (roughly) and my meal is after I get home from work in the morning. Today, I ate a bunch of chicken thighs seasoned with salt, pepper, hot paprika, poultry seasoning, and Crystal hot sauce, and pan fried in butter. Fried up two small zucchinis as a side. This diet is fucking easy as shit. Been eating like this for 2 weeks and I'm down 25 pounds.

>> No.10885995

I made it a couple days ago. Did it with liquid Splenda and it turned out OK, nothing fantastic. Does anyone have other recipes to try?

>> No.10886117

i was never even something resembling fat but ive been doing keto for a few months now. before that i was eating seagan for like a year (not for any ethical reasons) and continued as seagan keto for most of my time doing keto. anyway i went ham on carbs and dairy and everything i missed for like 10 days and i must have gained 30 pounds. been back for 2 weeks and its going away but what in the fuck. i was never fat but do i have to eat like this forever now or i get fat? anyone else have this happen.

also this could be because i was eating like 6k calories a day probably during my cheat week and a half.

>> No.10886179

Not gonna lie, the corner of my mouth almost twitched up.

>> No.10886209

Accidentally ate nothing but keto foods yesterday. I'm gonna die now, right?

>> No.10886216

yep, sorry

>> No.10886581

What do keto bros think of zero carb/carnivore diet?

>> No.10886591

It's almost like eliminating all the processed garbage from your diet causes weight loss. Huh?

>> No.10886592





Gay faggot wannabe vegan general

>> No.10886623

>look at me
Ok now what?

>> No.10886646

Your mother is a whore

>> No.10886986

bunch of extremist obsessive weirdos.

you don't need to go full keto, just cut out all refined sugars and minimize simple starches. So no white or enriched flour. I eat whole multi grade sprouted bread now, and not a huge amount.
The hardest part is realizing that 95% of condiments are mostly sugar. Goodbye ketchup, mayonnaise, and any kind of dipping sauce or salad dressing

try not too eat too many potatoes

>> No.10886992

you can't eat lots of sugar on keto faggot

>> No.10886994

lol fat vegans are my favourite people to hate on

second favourite: malnourished vegans

>> No.10887789
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i want something salty and cheesy, any recommendations ?
also no meat cuz im out

>> No.10887832

I suggest salt and cheese then

>no meat
There's a rabbit right there

>> No.10887838

make queso fundido and dip roasted brussels sprouts in it.

>> No.10887987

There's an extension chrome called Recipe Filter then just gives you the recipe right away.

>> No.10888003
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This is what I get from McDonald's when I'm. On the go.

>> No.10888012
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>mostly sugar
might want to read the label again

>> No.10888032
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>eating low-fat soybean-oil containing mayo

>> No.10888634

What are some good exercises to do while on keto? I know higher-intensity stuff can be a bit of a wash with the glucose deficit.

>> No.10889225

what gun?

>> No.10889306

i really wanna eat carbs, fuck keto

>> No.10889698

Actually, hight intensity for a short time. Good for stimulating the human growth hormone as well.
There are some exercises on youtube, follow what you consider best for your body/goals.

>> No.10889729

>Lost water weight
>Thinks the diet is working
Stop embarrassing yourself

>> No.10889730

Only when you stop assuming second hand information is true just because it's the thing you want to believe.

>> No.10889731

unshaven hipoint

>> No.10890142

>Low fat mayo
>had to add sugar to goose flavor
>still virtually no sugar
Yeah buddy mayo is totally verboten on keto cause it's so loaded with sugar.
Here have some full fat mayo - also no sugar.
Its fucking hilarious that a vegan understands keto and mayo macros better than ketofags, which just proves that keto starves the brain and causes brain damage.

>> No.10890166
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>> No.10890590
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>> No.10890594
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chocolate covered bacon bits

>> No.10890600
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keto cookie mixup

>> No.10891376

He probably used erythritol you mong

>> No.10891411

That's not a gun, that is clearly some sort of key

>> No.10891551
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>he thinks his opinion matters