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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 23 KB, 810x519, Dog-begging-stand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10881575 No.10881575 [Reply] [Original]

*eats the same thing for 20 years*

>> No.10881606

Nigga you a dog, you be dead in 15 tops

>> No.10881627


>> No.10881634

dogs don't real

>> No.10881635

just grate some cheese on top

>> No.10881641

I'm usually really strict on never feeding pets anything but pet food, but once they start getting old I feel bad and actually do give scraps.

>> No.10881654

Too pure for this world, no bully plz but puppers have top notch tastes we just tell them no and give them kibble they always beg for patrician tier foods and never complain if the steak is over cooked

>> No.10881663
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My pupper gets a few treats every day in the form of bits off of my plate, but yeah I've had her on the same dry dog food for a few years.
I never over feed her, in fact I weigh it out.
She eats it faster than a hooker will give you the AIDS.
I love my pupper.

>> No.10881672

>dumb pupper

>> No.10881678

awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww hes so cuteeee

>> No.10881680


>>i love my pupper
>feeds her the animal equivalent of McDonald's everyday for 3 whole fucking years

kys my man. Switch that poor animal to a raw food diet ASAP, there's still hope for the innocent creature.

>> No.10881692

>eats his own poop sometimes
truly, this pupper's refined palate deserves a seasonal menu of organic, gourmet dog food with a wide variety of flavor profiles.

>> No.10881696

why does reddit think its "cute" to call dogs and puppies "puppers" and "doggos" ? It's cringey as all hell.

>> No.10881704


my sister in law literally cooks chicken and veggies for her dog on a regular basis, that fuck face eats better than I do

>> No.10881705

The same reason /v/ says vidya. Because they're too retarded to know the patrician taste of vidja.

>> No.10881706

Dear Fifi,
Yes, I still cook for Sky King, perhaps more than ever, when I'm in San Diego and last week when my wife cleverly smuggled Sky King into Manhattan. The minimum meal here in New York City was ten or fifteen chunks of Jewish rye fried in oil over high heat; the heat is then set to low and five eggs broken over the bread and scrambled with it. I fed him no dry dog food on his visit to New York, but I certainly do so for convenience in San Diego. On the other hand, I possess several means in San Diego for cooking large amounts of animal flesh; my article in the February Vogue will tell you how I roasted a pretty large pig, plus lambs and a kid. Sky King eats very well when I'm in San Diego and in a cooking mood.
No, I haven't done further veterinarian research. I certainly intend to. I wonder if a Golden Retriever's ideal diet is really much different from that of a pig. My book editor would like me to look further into the matter.
I had considered calling my second book, The Man Who Cooked For His Dog, and Other, etc., etc. I still wish I had.
With best wishes,

>> No.10881707

doggo is cute :3

>> No.10881713


what kind of idiot doesn't love doggos and puppers? don't embarrass yourself on the internet anon

>> No.10881716

Nah man, she is the ideal weight for her size. Plus she loves it. Im good.
You'd have to tell me anon. I've only read it here. I don't use reddit.

>> No.10881718


>he finally called out the doggo/pupper reddit meme

thank god, thought i was alone when the migration hit us and everyone started saying this

>> No.10881720

So does mine. My "houseguest" (long story) gets cooked for every night that's usually beef, rice, and peas. I'm sometimes cooking this fucker dinner that I'd eat and I've only had a liquid dinner of beer since 5 o'clock.

>> No.10881723
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>tfw I spend 100$ a week just to feed my 2 mutts

>> No.10881727

I used to cook chicken for my cats every day but they actually liked the cat food better. Works for me.

>> No.10881730

"Cooking for dogs" brings back old times. At one time we had an old English sheepdog who ate cottage cheese and stewed meat over kibble. I used buy him frozen blocks of ground meat sold as pet food at a neighborhood butchershop. Because I prefered the meat at another shop, I bought our family meat from a different butcher, so the only thing that I would ever order at the first shop was our weekly 5 or so pounds of pet food. The butcher would look over the counter at my rosy-cheeked 3-year old and shake his head. I know that he was convinced that I was feeding the family pet food! :biggrin:

>> No.10881733


>she loves it

Are you 100% absolutely positive that she "loves" this dog food? Like you've evaluated every possible scenario where she would choose chow over raw food and in every one of those scenarios she would devour the chow, right? You've went down this decision tree in assuming this, correct?

Because I find it hard to believe that a dog would enjoy hard brittle shitbricks over a proper carcass, my based RetardBro.

>> No.10881741

>tfw dog of 16 years died about a month ago

Miss you regal. That being said, I was a firm supporter of giving her bones, excess fat and gristle. As she got older I supplemented her dry food with unsalted broth and trimmings. Her last month she barely ate so I resorted to hand feeding her chicken and rice.

All dogs go to heaven, right guys?

>> No.10881742

Pet owners are cringe

>> No.10881751


>he was never loved as a kid so he doesn't know how to love something else.

You should start with yourself anon. I just pmed you so we can talk about your faggotry.

>> No.10881755
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looks better than kibble but honestly bro you don't need to buy specially-prepared raw food from overpriced companies... I mean if you can afford it go ahead.

>> No.10881756
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I'm not saying she wouldn't, but she's happy with what we buy her and I'm happy saving the money.
She has a good life and is well fed and well loved.
I'm not going to over feed her and let her get all fat either. I know she'd love to eat heaps more, but I love her enough to want her to remain healthy.

>> No.10881760

>loving yourself
The only reason I don't off myself right now is because others love me.

>> No.10881766


>> No.10881769

I too enjoy looking down on others for arbitrary reasons.

>> No.10881773
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>20 years

>> No.10881781

Anon I love you, but you should still kill yourself

>> No.10881789

omw! be back in 5!

>> No.10881791

My parents' lab lived to 23 and died when my mom backed over her in the truck.

>> No.10881809

yep, protein, rice, peas or carrots, what a world.

>> No.10881813

my neighbors dog fucking loved carrots rip kiko the husky

>> No.10881824


my sister in law's dog is also a husky. people treat them better than human babies

>> No.10881828

Spoiler: it was on purpose.

>> No.10881862

>everything I don't like is reddit
I've only ever seen it on here. Pretty sure it started on /s4s/.
If you don't like cute things you might as well get the fuck off the internet and go back to reading your newspaper old man.

>> No.10882329
File: 356 KB, 800x909, dog2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my smart dog won't eat her dog food until 2 minutes before bed time, all through the day we'll feed her scraps and good shit, then once it's time for bed she'll stuff her face with her dog food because shes know she won't be having gourmet shit until the next day.

>> No.10882355

I can't imagine a doomed fucking existence eating kibbles every day. I lived with a couple of dogs whose owners did that shit to them, and it was clear the dog would only eat it because they were fucking starving. No wet or meat type food ever, including treats.

My grandma cooks individual meals for her pets, which is over the top, but come on, let the fucking thing enjoy its existence from time to time.

>> No.10882381

>have fed my dog table scraps for six years, supplementing with a bit of kibble
>he's never had any health issues and is extremely smart and well-behaved
>girlfriend feeds her dog kibble almost exclusively, with a bit of wet food
>her dog is obese and really fucking dumb (especially for a yellow lab)

rly makes u tink :DDD

>> No.10882383

you never see the cans of peanut butter she has the dog lick off her diseased cooter

>> No.10882474

>don't feed your dog anything but pet food

I don't have a dog but I'm suspicious of this practice because dog food has been shown to be a shit product several times and the stuff is even less regulated than the supplements industry for humans, which is an absolute scam zone. Dogs didn't evolve to eat kibble anyway, I'd just research what dogs naturally eat and feed them that which is probably just about anything, similar to humans and rats. Just give him the healthy stuff and avoid foods that can randomly kill them. If that means he technically dies a couple years earlier than a dog who eats laboratory made dog soylent then whatever, I'm not going to make my dog the equivalent of some obnoxious californian kale fag. I have heard that if you do this they will develop bad behavior because they want your food, but there must be a way to circumvent this with proper discipline.

Dog owners tell me what is wrong with this position.

>> No.10882513
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d-delete this

>> No.10882555

There's a special place in hell for people who don't let their pets enjoy things from time to time. Your grandma sounds like a sweet lady who will be greeted by a dozen dogs in hell when she dies.

>> No.10882565

trips newfag

>> No.10882566

my dogs get their very own cupcake on their birthdays because I rule.

>> No.10882579
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If you don't at the very least surprise your pup with a frosty paws every now and again you're a terrible person and shouldn't be allowed to have a dog.

>> No.10882587

I don't feel good bros

>> No.10882596
File: 223 KB, 1500x1211, crymoarfag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>make fun of people with food allergies
>get new dog find out he has food allergies

>> No.10882632

>owning dogs in the city

Why do faggots do this? You can even tell which owners are straight or gay, solely based on the kind of dog they own. Normal guys own regular sized dogs. The fags own tiny rat-looking chihuahua things.

>> No.10882642

the virgin country boy with a german shepherd who runs his property

the chad nigger with a pitbull illegally kept in his apartment that mauls a cracker 7 year old

>> No.10882655

>living in a city
This tells you everything you need to know.

>> No.10882667
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>both dogs 10 years old
>one has growths on him that might be cancer
>other has mutated tumor nipples
>both pretty lethargic
>both still play like puppies when they want to though
>give them canned stuff but surprise them with higher-end treats from specialty stores on occasion
>never known a dog that's lived longer than 13 years
Living it up while we still can.

>> No.10882677

>he doesn't run with his dog

>> No.10882686

I never own dogs of the same age anymore. I like to space them at least 3 years apart.

>> No.10882687

>hyuck hyuck that there city slicker

What the fuck’s that supposed to mean, Cletus.

>> No.10882690

>tfw dog can only eat dry kibble from a certain brand if not he'll vomit
Kinda feel bad for the lil guy. I give him milk and fish treats from time to time though, he loves that shit.

>> No.10882701

Citycucks are useless faggots who are incapable of doing anything themselves. You're helpless.

>> No.10882715

based roof girl

>> No.10882720

he said "dogs dont real"

>> No.10882724

I bring my good boy to a fast food place every once in a while and get him a hamburger from the drive thru

>> No.10882729

Well we got one from outside a supermarket and eight years later we were given an older dog. Coincidence that they're about the same age now.

>> No.10882730
File: 136 KB, 704x1108, FCE4A6BD-4454-43D0-89D5-40BDE53878F8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sleep tight, pupper

>> No.10882744

I hate to be "that faggot" but aren't those really bad for them? Or is it like with humans where it's okay in moderation?
My dad used to order small vanilla lattes from Starbucks for my dogs and I always wondered if that fucked with them at all.

>> No.10882760

Yeah, you are a faggot. Giving a dog hamburgers everyday is a horrible idea, but every once in a while, like on their birthdays, isn't bad. The worst that will happen is they'll get diarrhea from the grease.

>> No.10882771

>My dad used to order small vanilla lattes from Starbucks for my dogs and I always wondered if that fucked with them at all.
That is actually much much worse than burgers. What a retarded amount of sugar to feed a dog.

>> No.10882787


I love animals just as much as the next person, but this shit makes me cringe hardcore

I mostly hear it from people who treat their pets like a child and act like children themself

>> No.10882791

I've said the same thing, but he just says "oh well they like it haha"
Hasn't done it in a few years though, thank fuck. The worse now is a tiny dip bowl of vanilla ice cream.

>> No.10882819

you can spot morons by how much they care about the breed of someone elses dog

i dont even have a dog and i certainly couldn't give a single fuck what breed of dog someone wants to have, if they're happy and the dog's happy who fuckin gives a shit, not my life

>> No.10882836


It's a retarded amount of sugar to feed a human.

Dog'll live though. As long as you don't give them chocolate covered raisins it's not really a big deal. It's only a problem if you make it a regular thing- 99% of what they eat should be real dog food.

>> No.10882837

get a load of this content well adjusted loser with a reasonable outlook on life

haha faggot!

>> No.10882885


Nah you're doing it right. "ALL RAW ALL MEAT" is a fucking meme. Probably spouted by the same folks that are still on "YOU JUST GOTTA BE A PACK LEADER BRO".

That is, people who don't own a dog but still unaccountably think they're experts at it (or, shitty dog owners)

>> No.10882893

You're a good owner.

My ex worked at Starbucks and had a dog and would always give her a puppy cone from the drive thru, which I think was just whipped cream in a cup, but the pups went crazy for it.

>> No.10882939
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How can I really be sure that my dog loves me?

>> No.10882948

Die and see if he stays to mourn

>> No.10882986

they also eat their own shit
how patrician is that in your world?

>> No.10882988

>owning a small dog

Gay as fuck

>> No.10882997

>not having a gay lady lapdog to curl up in bed with you
I mean, he can't sic an intruder when the sheriff kicks in the door, but he's a sweetie pie.

>> No.10883006

I don't want a sweetie pie. I want a goddamn dog.

>> No.10883047

>being this self-involved

>> No.10883128

my aunt is the worst, she got a dog recently and doesn't want her precious baby eating the "cheap" dog food I feed my dogs
my dogs just graze all day, and the poor things she would take their food bowl and put it where they can't get it so her dog wouldn't eat their food

the hilarious part about that is all the dogs hate the expensive bullshit food she buys, including her dog which is why she was always eating the cheap food instead.

now here's the extra bullshit part, she feeds her dog human snacks constantly, its a total double standard, she even once came home with a hamburger from burgerking for her dog
its all a lie, she pretends to be a good dog owner.
she pulled the same shit the other day when she went to a bbq and brought quinoa salad and vegan potato salad
then she comes home with wings and loaded nachos for herself after. She just wants people to think she's healthy and inflicts her bullshit on them

>> No.10883137

That's your misfortune. Unless i want a hunting, herding, or guard dog it's the same as anything else but with less feeding and less shit to clean up.

>> No.10883142

I thought that started here. I don't hear normies say it.

>> No.10883149

I live in Japan anon. It would be cruel to own a large dog with my small back yard.
We go for walks twice daily and to the park and the dog park every weekend.
If I owned a large dog it would be cruel.

>> No.10883161

>ctrl f
>0 results

It's like you guys don't even love your pets.

>> No.10883173

it definitely did not start here and it's almost exclusively used by normies

>> No.10883210

Well exclude me from your super elite group anon.
Calling my doggo a pupper is fun.

>> No.10883225
File: 1.90 MB, 3286x2432, IMG_20180531_145457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

r8 my doge

>> No.10883230

Too old.

>> No.10883232

Your dog is cold and alone. Scared.

>> No.10883237


>> No.10883238
File: 354 KB, 1280x960, IMG_20180626_195708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what she's still great

>> No.10883241

Eh, would snuggle.

>> No.10883247


>> No.10883248

looks like a good girl.

>> No.10883256

That's a great doggo you have there anon. Fuck the haters. They either never had a doggo or their doggo never liked them because they are clearly cunts to their own puppers.

>> No.10883257


ascended tier

>> No.10883267

They only do that if they are in fear of their owner.
t. Dog trainer
If your dog eats his own shit you are the animal in the house. I hope you die.

>> No.10883279
File: 141 KB, 608x832, IMG_20140128_125218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you. She might be on her way out but I love her. She's a few years younger here.

>> No.10883283

how can you be this oblivious?

>t. Dog trainer
ahh ok, nvm

>I hope you die.
level of reasonable discussion I'd expect

>> No.10883286

That's nice, honey.

>> No.10883293

not him, but I hope all of you die

>> No.10883304

Fuck you, anon. Reminds me of my ex's dog, and my ex was a fat cunt who I only stayed around with because of her good girl pupper.

>> No.10883307

thanks grandma

>> No.10883319

You want to fix her Coprophagia, ask yourself why and when it started.
99% of the time the dog wasn't drained correctly so then started eating its own excrement to avoid the beatings.
Is this you? If yes, please read more about this common issue and stop beating your dog. If no, please ask me what your next step should be.

>> No.10883330

How do I drain my dog correctly?

>> No.10883333

'Train' clearly dumbass.

>> No.10883340

That doesn't answer the question I asked...

>> No.10883346
File: 191 KB, 480x480, delusion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did you just assume my dogs gender

you're also replying to me like I mentioned anything about my dog and also like I asked for your help

lol, think I'll start beating my dog now so it eats it's own shit and I can save lots of money on buying food thanks for the tip

>> No.10883360

You wouldn't be so defensive if I wasn't correct.

>> No.10883392

Buy them chicken hearts and serve raw. Good for them and cheap.

>> No.10883494

I've legit thought about this and wondered how horrible it must be. Then I'm too lazy and stingy to do anything about it.

>> No.10883524

Carnivores have far fewer taste receptors than humans so I doubt they really mind that much.

>> No.10883742

how can dogs be real if our eyes ain't real ?

>> No.10884156


>> No.10884161

Thanks for the suggestion, I'll have to give that a try.

>> No.10884162

Uh. Why don't you eat chicken or some other meat with vegetables on a daily basis?

>> No.10884163

dogs have been eating human table scraps for thousands of years, 'dog food' is a pretty fucking recent invention. pretty sure the pup will be fine.

>> No.10884186
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My pupper goes bin diving at every opportunity.
I don't need a leash at the park though. She is smart af.
Only picks fights with the stray cats bc they run away lol.

>> No.10884222

>I don't need a leash at the park
I'd skullstomp your dog without hesitation if it moved aggressively towards me

>b-but my dog wouldn't move towards you

put your fucking dog on a leash if you care about it's wellbeing, or if you really care about your dogs wellbeign take it out where there aren't any people or other dogs and it can run around freely (you won't do this though)

>> No.10884225


I don't believe in dog food. I just give the dog leftover foods and some other items consistently.

Simple feed for the doggo consists of two eggs scrambled, half of a grilled chicken breast or an equivalent amount of older leftover meat of any sort, sliced up, some peas and potentially other vegetables if they are available. To keep it interesting i will hit that with small amounts of herbs and spices.

I avoid feeding him things dogs should not eat, like raisins, things heavy in onions or garlic, etc.

>> No.10884227


>> No.10884228

Jesus. Learn to train a dog, you absolute retard.

>> No.10884232
File: 75 KB, 501x600, 6-100081-1-1429726011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>live on a farm
>feed dogs scraps
>they are happier than most city living dogs because they go out everyday and roam freely while working productively
>roasties who cant have a baby will rage at me for not feeding my dog raw organic meat everyday while keeping their dog inside and sleeping on their bed everyday

>> No.10884238

Looks like a very good boy

>> No.10884240

Did you see the pic? She only approaches if called kindly wanting a pat.
I'd not take kindly to an aggressive pitbull running at me, but Jesus anon, look at my pupper. You think she will do anything other than lick you to death?

>put your fucking dog on a leash if you care about it's wellbeing, or if you really care about your dogs wellbeign take it out where there aren't any people or other dogs and it can run around freely (you won't do this though)
If my pupper never leaves my side unless people want to pat her. If you did anything to hurt her, I would enjoy beating the shit out of you.
Aaaaand don't start some internet bullshit where you tell me how tough you are. You think you are tough looking at my pupper and how you could defeat her? True you could kill my dog, but the fact that you even think about how you would enjoy doing that tells me the type of 'human' you are.
Make a move at my dog and you are not going to finish the day any other way other than in a hospital. Faggot.

>> No.10884256

take your dog into a situation with lots of other dogs and humans without a leash and you are the one to blame for anything that happens to it

how selfish can you be, retard

>> No.10884263

>but my dog is harmless and friendly
this is the argument violent dog owners use because they are so self involved they cannot accept any self responsibility

>> No.10884264

You are just making yourself look even more stupid now.
The park I take my dog has a large 'dog park' where all the dogs run around together off of their leash. Ever heard of such a place.
I take her there every sarurday and Sunday and no one has tried to stomp on my dog yet, let alone threaten such a thing.
Only you. I just wish you could come outside and threaten my dog while I in hearing distance.
....what fun I would have with your face.

>> No.10884266

>mom dogsits dog
>gives him wet food every single day
>he won't eat dry food when I get back
>give him dry food anyway
>he goes on hungerstrike for over a week
>come back from store one day and make a big show of opening up a "dogfood" can
>he's wigging out wiggling and running in circles
>it's actually a can of "chili"
>I eat it squatting slav style in front of his food bowl
>I am not bluffing dog I will let you die
>the look of devastation in his eyes when he didn't get his wet food right before he looked away
>come home the next day and he's finally eaten a third of his dry food
Thanks mom.

>> No.10884271


>> No.10884272

i think you're doing the right thing

>> No.10884287

I would go to that park and stomp every dog's brains out. Nobody could stop me. I would be within my rights. It is too threatening.

>> No.10884291

i can feed my 13kg dog raw for 25€(~29$) a month

>> No.10884298
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My inlaws do that but she still loves her dried food once she gets home.
I know she is spoiled when we drop her off there because whenever we visit they super over feed her.

>> No.10884302

>>/b/ summerfag. You truly knocked all of the edges off of my city.
So edgy.
Your parents must be so proud.

>> No.10884304

I'm not exaggerating. He wouldn't eat for over a week and I wish I noticed earlier so I had an exact count on how long his pity party dragged on.
For the rest of his life he never ate a full bowl of dry food in one sitting. Never again.

>> No.10884305

They are, but they don't know about my shitposting. Only about my career in heart surgery.

>> No.10884310

Getting a bypass isn't a career buddy.

>> No.10884311

Just fucking die lil shit

>> No.10884312


stop putting clothes on your dog

>> No.10884315

I wish they all lived that long.

>> No.10884318

Top fucking kek.

The troll is likely only 12, and trying to be edgy because her dad died of heart failure at age 60.
Her last memories are of how she told her father how much she hates him. That's why she is so edgy.
She deserves pity.

>> No.10884322

Fuck you. She is small and it's fucking cold in Japan. Plus she looks extra cute in clothes.

>> No.10884350

>It's fucking cold in Japan

>> No.10884355

I give my dog any unseasoned meat scraps, some vegetables, rice and left over eggs in her food bowl.
She can only eat breakfast after I've had breakfast and she only gets her dinner bowl after my wife and I finish dinner.
You need to do this for them to understand their place in the family "pack" hierarchy.
Adding scraps to their dinner does help their diet as long as it's food they can process and you're not chucking random junk in there.
Never give a dog food from your plate or whilst you are snacking.

>> No.10884363

I've been here long enough anon. Just my pupper feels it worse.

>> No.10884365

my brother would beat the dog and it never ate its shit

>> No.10884376

Fucking wrong.
Females do it instinctually to create a clean environment as a maternal instinct.
It also smells like food to them, especially young puppies who can't process everything in their food very well and there's still a lot of protein in there.
Add pineapple chunks to their food to make it unpalatable to them and they will stop trying to eat it.
Most bitches grow out of it in the first year.
They might do it on a very rare occasion if they still occasionally poo inside over night.
they will still eat animal shit outside because they smell high amount of proteins.

>> No.10884383
File: 279 KB, 1024x768, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Never give a dog food from your plate or whilst you are snacking.
I'm sure you have your reason/s for saying this, but I enjoy eating together. She does too.
When I feed her twice daily i tell her to sit wait etc which she complies to fully. I even fake shoot her and she fake dies albeit with her tail wagging wildly, but. She loves it, knowing she gets to eat even more food soon.

>> No.10884391

That's totally unproven. Just a theory by some nuts who want an excuse to eat shit.
If you want to eat shit anon, just go ahead, no need to justify yourself here on /ck/ no less. Most of us here cook like shit. Why so insecure?

>> No.10884394

When ever I cut up a rotisserie chicken I like to give my dog the scraps. Scraps + soft dog food because he has a serious underbite.

>> No.10884397

That's because the poor thing was never fed enough to go poo.
Where do you live by the way. Personal address is fine.
Asking for a friend.

>> No.10884401

>ITT, people projecting onto their pets

>> No.10884419

Trying to be reddit tier pathertic.

>> No.10884424

Fair enough, it sounds like you've still established you're in charge and she knows her place if she's not challenging you for food.
A lot of people don't establish dominance correctly so controlling when your dog eats as a pack of wild canines would is normally the easiest way.
I've visited a lot of friends and their dogs sit and whine and beg for food when we are having a meal because someone keeps giving them food during dinner times, then they sit and complain at the dog for begging...
Our girl just wonders about playing etc. as normal whilst we eat, when we put our plates away she then comes over to sit with us because she recognises she's allowed to, if she's hungry she'll then start whining for her food because she knows we've finished our meal and she's allowed hers, also we're then free to get up and prepare her food bowl.
My sister does the same with her dog, he comes and put's his paw on your lap when he realises you are finished because that's how he asks for food.

The most important factor is, if you can take you dog's food bowl away whilst they are actively eating from it and it's still got a load of food in, and they don't challenge you, then your dog is well trained and respects you.

I might sound super strict, but we give our dog a load of attention, grooming, cuddles and kisses etc. She live a very comfy lifestyle and is constantly very happy.

>> No.10884426

Why do dog people project so hard on their animals?

>> No.10884427

We'll soon see what PETA has to say about that, you fiend.

>> No.10884439

Cute dog, bud.

>> No.10884442

Ignore this fag.
If you can't even train a dog you don't deserve to have children.
You clearly deserve both. You are doing it right. Dogs are to be loved but not at the expense of being walked all over.

>> No.10884446

I don't go on reddit so I don't know what they say. But I here girls say pupper irl all the fucking time and it irks me.

>> No.10884449

Don't fucking respond to yourself just to agree with yourself. It's 100% obvious every time.

>> No.10884454
File: 1.26 MB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon. I got the first pick of the litter when they were all 6 weeks old. Her three older brothers and two older sisters were twice her size but she is the one who jumped straight up on my lap and was just happy to be there so she came home with me without any other consideration.
It cost me $2.5k to fly her to Japan, which is more than it cost for my ticket but zero fucks given. I love her to death.
Pic related is her watching my wife leave for work a few days ago. She understands a lot of shit that goes on around her.

>> No.10884457

Top fucking kek.
Being this triggered thinking that more than one person can train a dog/love their dog.

>> No.10884464
File: 861 KB, 2570x1935, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry *fixed.
Also yeah sorry for shitty haircut. I do myself with cheap clippers.

>> No.10884466

because it's another living being they can control and have power over, no matter what happens the dog will always be under them and within their control

>> No.10884473
File: 807 KB, 1536x2048, 32077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nigga you a dog, you be dead in 15 tops
There are some herding and working breeds that live to 20 pretty often. Off the top of my head ACDs are one of them, worlds oldest was ~30.

>> No.10884474

kiss your sister?

>> No.10884479

great food & cooking thread

>> No.10884480


how do you stop them from eating dog?

>> No.10884484

Oh lawd those are two cute puppers. Extra cute with the same head markings one generation on?

>> No.10884487

You are not even trying to bait anon.
Or are you literally this retarded?

>> No.10884489

asians eat dogs

>> No.10884490


>> No.10884495

You should stop internet now anon.
Or google Japan + dogs.
Or better yet, stop Internet now. Just stop.
Fucking dumbass.

>> No.10884497

The blue one is 6 and was born in georgia, the puppy is a chocolate they thought was a red from NY. The markings and colorations cant really be controlled in a meaningful way, otherwise people would be making a fucking mint on chocolate and purple heeler breeding.

>They dont appreciate the occaisional /an/t colony popping up

>> No.10884500

Look like he struck a nerve. It must be true. I bet she secretly enjoyed it too. Dont believe those fake tears she shed. She never loved that dog. She doesnt love you.

>> No.10884502
File: 17 KB, 361x408, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All Americans are fat!!!
All Asians eat dogs!!!!
I know because the world taught me this!!!!

>> No.10884509

Still, cute af. I just want to give them both heaps of cuddles and enjoy the puppers puppy breath.

>> No.10884514

I only know they put cats in jars to make bonsai out of them. I don't know they do shit with dogs too

>> No.10884522

>never enjoyed dog sashimi

>> No.10884537


>> No.10884540
File: 3.10 MB, 3036x4048, IMG_20180628_065230-3036x4048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That puppy breath went away when he started getting offal in his diet. In a couple months going to be teaching him to flush and retrieve small game. Fucking love rabbit but all thefarmed ones here are more fat than rabbit, its kind of terrible

>> No.10884543

>cans of peanut butter

wtf am i in canada?

>> No.10884549

The government here brought in this horrid man-made disease to kill all of the rabbits. I remember hunting them as a child though.
Your young dog is cute as fuck anon. So jelly right now.

>> No.10884566

old dogs are cute too

>> No.10884571
File: 1.50 MB, 3036x4048, IMG_20180629_111930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That they are, the older dog is my wifes though. The pups mine so 90% of the pictures are him.

We have a ton of farmland out here with great brush lines and some acreage out in the woods so Im mostly excited for game birds and rabbit. I really want to do spanish braised rabbit again.

>> No.10884588

I hated skinning and gutting the rabbits so much, I never ate them as a child. I know they must taste spectacular but my mother usually cooked them whole and seeing this poor skinned rabbit in the big pot made me feel kinda guilty, and not very appetising.
I envy your tastebuds because I am sure your memories of eating rabbit are amazing.

>> No.10884595

>cooked them whole and seeing this poor skinned rabbit in the big pot made me feel kinda guilty
if you can't eat an animal as it is they you shouldn't eat it at all, fuck you.

>> No.10884597

>I hated skinning and gutting the rabbits so much
I stopped hunting as a teenager because of the skinning and gutting. I enjoyed it so much thats all I got put on, deer had to be field dressed though, half those retards would blow out the heart and leave the liver. See if you can find a local butcher than stocks it, its a great way to break up the monotony of venison pork and chicken

>> No.10884605

rabbit a shit, enjoy your bone shards and 3 scraps of tough, gnarly meat in exchange for hours of work

>> No.10884615
File: 441 KB, 1536x2048, 140B1E03-1BC7-4A76-AF18-2E0D5714BD9D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wet food for cats is decently priced and there’s tons of different recipies, also give him raw cuts every night of what I’m eating, he seems pretty happy

>> No.10884616

I know this is a dog thread but I have a cat and I kind of feel bad feeding it shitty dry food all the time. What else can I feed her? I've tried wet food a couple of times but she wasn't that into it

>> No.10884618
File: 15 KB, 259x194, images (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats why you get a string of bunnies my dude, so you can have 15 scraps of tough meat and a fun morning running the dogs.

>> No.10884623

imagine a cats life before domestication

now imagine the comfort of having food laid out for you every single day, your cat doesn't give a fuck stop projecting

>> No.10884626

I was fucking 8 years old.
You will be a great mother someday I am sure.
Yeah now when I go hunting, there is so much game, we just take the best cuts or often nothing at all. (Eg: Male goats are a nuicence and stink to high heaven because they piss all over themselves daily.)
When we return two weeks later it's all skin and bones so zero shits given. The farmers appreciate it because the goats, pigs, deer, kangaroos are just taking away from what little there is for the cattle so it's a win/win.

>> No.10884627
File: 1.08 MB, 1181x1772, 608c60539c3f03b775c14831931e66e430c639f7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't feed his pupper glucosamine and fish oil supplements
It's like you want your pupper to get arthritis when it's older

>> No.10884631

Now there is a pack of happy puppers.

>> No.10884635

You are correct, I am projecting my fear of eating Cheerio's every meal for the rest of my life onto my cat

>> No.10884637

You forgot the .jpg hook and the fish in black and white with your bait anon.

>> No.10884641
File: 81 KB, 830x623, Protect-your-dog-830x623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yeah now when I go hunting, there is so much game, we just take the best cuts or often nothing at all.
We take everything most years, but its the american NE so sometimes we get passed down tags to blow out some populations, deer are getting up to 3+ tags a year now and rumor has it boars are going to be on the docket soon. I might go south for a (correctly bred) pitbull if I can get into regular hog hunts

>> No.10884654

Glucosamine is not bait fag it works

>> No.10884659

Just be careful not to get too attached. Last time I was at my barbers, he was all kinds of messed up because his favourite hunting dog had just had her guts ripped out by a boar just the weekend prior. She died in his arms on the spot.

>> No.10884670
File: 286 KB, 1411x993, pitbullsdead2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10884671

Realize I'm late, but that wasn't me (old-ass doggo anon). I think that guy was saying my mom was like "just fuckin die you little shit"

>> No.10884680

In typical shortsighted fashion, nogs sacrificed obedience and the fear of people to make them better at killing each other. You go south and find a heritage pit for boar hunting, you toss one out from any old shelter itll kill the boar then turn around and kill you for touching it.

Or I could just get shelter pits and ship them out unarmored. Thatd be a way to deal with both the pit and the pig problems, killing two birds with one stone in one of the bloodiest, most spectacular fashions

>> No.10884684

Why is this on /ck/ and not on /an/?

>> No.10884685

Or you could do that lol. Just don't losses a neck in the process.

>> No.10884701
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>Implying I wont leave the victor/survivor to his pile of dead hogs and bretheren in the woods when we get done
Boar tastes like shit and pits are practically free at most shelters

>> No.10884726

Nah, I buried her in the backyard. She's decomposing and dead, but at least she's not an edgy faggot like you

le downboated for bully :D

>> No.10884772

because /ck/ roasties need a safespace to talk about their pets

>> No.10884800

It did start here. Getting dickered and kittered is a /ck/ staple thread and has been for at least a year or two now

>> No.10884804

10/10 would pet

>> No.10884812

You seem cool.

>> No.10884824

Fuck off illiterate dumbass

>> No.10884825

My take on the whole situation is that its a Tumblr spinoff of the doge stuff that originated here >5 years ago

>> No.10884833

Dogs are so fucking stupid I wish I could smash a puppies head in with a shovel. They bark, wine, and are in general just unpleasant to be around. They follow you more closely than your own shadow; and will constantly annoy the living hell out of you if you don’t put them in their place. Like I said, I wish I could smash my parents dogs head in

>> No.10884834

Why do you shave her fur and then have her wear the sweater? Wouldn't it be easier to grow out the fur?

>> No.10884860

sorry, my dogs beer

>> No.10884863

You can try feeding her wet food and switching up the flavors, or small portions of greek yogurt, bits of raw meat, sardines, or cat treats. Some cats like weird things like tomatoes or olives so that can also be a treat every now and then. Some cats are also autistic and only love to eat the same food for each day!

>> No.10884871

Why don't you move out of your parent's house?

>> No.10885100

Because he'd miss the dog. Don't forget some people need hate in their lives just like some need love.

>> No.10885173

The sweater is a wife thing. (Japanese) but I admit they have grown on me.
She is half Pomeranian so I clip her hair bc, well, half Pomeranian.
I might add, just just has this sick personality. She thinks everyone is her best mate. Loves everyone.

>> No.10885276

humans should unironically star doing this, save for special occasions

>> No.10885313
File: 1.39 MB, 2448x3264, dog7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>20 years
I fucking wish.
Mine is 9 and I'm seriously thinking of buying her a little cart so I can wheel her around because she's getting too old for real walks.
Not at all sure she'll make it to 10.

>> No.10885449

I seriously hope you faggots are putting a splash of water in your dog's "dry food" and giving them scraps. Might as well be niggers the way some of you seem to treat your dogs.

>> No.10885460

only legitimate excuse

>> No.10885461

mine usually gets some meat juices or something on hers so it smells like people food.

>> No.10885466

dogs are best after they worn out from playing to their hearts content

>> No.10885481

this is 4chan, not reddit

>> No.10885509
File: 206 KB, 681x990, Penal_Legion_Troopers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's pretty metal.

>> No.10885528

My parents golden gets no food from their plates whatsoever, they feed him dry food every day. He does get the occasional piece of fruit, he loves bananas and apples, but only 1/8th of the fruit. He also gets a small bowl of no fat yoghurt or an egg every other day.

>> No.10885542

>this is what cat people actually believe

>> No.10885547

>says the anon projecting so hard on dog people
You're a chick, aren't you, pumpkin.

>> No.10885551
File: 366 KB, 1632x1068, Скотоводы-и-земледельцы.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>from fresh hunted meat leftovers every day to the pathetic modern dog """"food""""
>a large population stuck in apartments most of the days
>the little time outside is often unnatural urban areas
>mental issues increasing = more animal abuse

poor dogs

>> No.10885552
File: 503 KB, 1080x1920, Snapchat-409528590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gj anon
I fucking hate small dogs but you are doing the right thing. You are the person small dogs were meant for.
Cheers, it's my dog. He's elderly now (12) but he's still a handsome beast.

>> No.10885572

you are the dog owner equivalent to beats a by dre headphones owner

>> No.10885585

Labs/retrievers are so cute

>> No.10885588

that's how he gets to live to 20, son.

>> No.10885664
File: 455 KB, 495x587, pup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my doggo
She enjoys cucumbers, tomatoes, and hanging out with dad.

When you come home, does dog wag tail?

A very good boy.
Paws perfect for nibblin.

You sound like a dumb bitch. Id attack an assaulting dog. Anyone would in self defense, ya fucking dingus.
You know what? I actually am happy I dont have anger in my life the way you do.


UGH <3

>> No.10885691

How are you living, anon?

>> No.10885726
File: 100 KB, 1334x750, Your_Pupper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My dog could kick your "pupper's" fucking ass.

>> No.10885731

That's a good dog name, stealing it for future use.

>> No.10885755

Yeah? That's what soy is for you. an all-encompassing nutrient. You eat it, why can't your pets?
I guarantee feeding your pets soylent will come up within 2 years. A big thing. They already exist but not on a soylent level

>> No.10885764

>getting charged 3x as much for meat that would otherwise be thrown away for being unsuitable for human consumption

>> No.10885792
File: 376 KB, 403x672, 1486937924030.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>give dog shitty brand dog food
>it lives for 15 years and is happy every single day
>give dog overpriced raw meat diet
>it lives for 15 years and is happy every single day

>> No.10885869

I hate you and your kind. Pets don't need any "sir" or "queen" names. It's especially worse when they're titles WITH names, "admiral blank and blank", you don't call them that when you're at home, it's just for looks.
Human names/titles don't fit. There's another billion names out there, name them something else.

>> No.10885905

>>tfw I spend 100$ a week just to feed my 2 mutts
don't americans eat a shitton of food tho

>> No.10886000

>I hate you and your kind
Seems like you're getting a little worked up over someone liking a word as a dog's name.
It's not even a title though. It's an adjective.

>> No.10886009

>>give dog shitty brand dog food
>>it lives for 15 years...
Pretty unlikely m80. Shitty dog foods are known for being the dog equivalent of living entirely on soylent. It certain provides nutrition but in the worst possible way

>> No.10886038

who fucking cares, there are always a million dogs in shelters who would be just as happy to eat dry food

>> No.10886044

>giving a shit what people name thier pets
Who the fuck cares?

>> No.10886126

>but there must be a way to circumvent this with proper discipline.
Never give them food from the table. Either put some in their bowl before you sit down or make them wait until after you eat. If they try to beg at the table ignore them. Just never show them they'll get food off your plate before you're done.

>> No.10886166

im asian so cooking with dogs brings back memories

>> No.10886233

>>roasties who cant have a baby will rage at me

This is weird thing to bring to up.

>> No.10886248

>Used to eat weird shit like paper when I was like 12
>Start having dreams where I eat literal dog shit off the ground
>Have not eaten non-food objects since
Thank you subconscious for the tough love wake-up call.

>> No.10886261

Start doing it yourself, it's easier than you think

>> No.10886294

My jack lived to be 19

>> No.10886319

have friend pretend to attack you
see how dog reacts

>> No.10886344

I only feed my puppers dog food in an emergency. I do not trust the garbage that is in it. I cook him fresh foods everyday, chicken, rice, veggies fruits etc. He is a 12 yo Lhasa and is spry af. He has never fluctuated in weight more than one pound his whole life.

Great info on this site.


>> No.10886412
File: 40 KB, 300x199, a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bf is a vet, has always cooked for his pets, until recently when he bought his own practice and works 70+ hours a week. He'd start again if he had the time, balanced fresh food will always be more healthy than processed food. I personally feed raw

>> No.10886451


>> No.10886470

I feed my doggo dry food in the morning, bc I'm in a hurry. He devours it happily.
He gets dry dog food in the evenings, too, but I mix it with some hot water and a nice portion of whatever meat and sauce I'm having for dinner.
He seems to enjoy that too.
He always has his head on my lap while I'm eating dinner bc he knows he'll ge more food to eat.
I love puppers!!!

>> No.10886568
File: 1.16 MB, 2560x1440, 20160717_153328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The first 6 years or so we fed her typical dry food but she started developing skin allergies so we started buying whole chickens on sale and would make a big bunch of chicken and rice with green veg and carrots and it cleared up. Treats were fruit and chicken livers. Sadly lost her a couple years ago at 16 yo. Fucking devastated us for weeks.

>> No.10886663

About half of what you and your single mother eat, fatty.

>> No.10886740

the japanese don't eat dogs, dipshit. that's like saying that they eat snails and frogs legs in germany.

>> No.10887048


>> No.10887076

it's a multiplatform phenomenon, i've seen it on youtube and shit

besides everyone knows the patrician word is "dags"

>> No.10887091
File: 106 KB, 634x683, 1521916781060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some people buy expensive purebred dogs... they want to maintain the quality of their investment.

>> No.10887092

I like to feed my dog a little bit of pretty much everything I eat when I'm around her so that she can get to experience lots of different tastes. We also bought a biltong maker so we can make her her own treats

>> No.10887111
File: 19 KB, 202x249, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being this new

>> No.10887233

i'm sorry anon i wish you well!

>> No.10887257

>eats all kinds of shit his owner never even finds out about and has no control over
>eats literally anything he can find
>owner only finds out if doggo gets sick

>> No.10887265

thanks for the reasonably sized image. you must be super experienced at the internet.

>> No.10887266
File: 140 KB, 1000x833, amerimuttvalor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Owning dogs is for people who are to pathetic to have kids. I dont need to make up for my lack of balls and low sperm count by buying a dog.

The only people who are not "cringey" or that i dont think have low sperm count, are people who have dogs that thhey take out to hunt with be it Bow, gun, Javelin, or even a sling.

Dog owners are the equivalent of the poeple who say "Trhank you for your cervix!"

>> No.10887276

They also eat cat shit like it's a delicacy.

>> No.10887303

/v/ straight up defends the shit it hated in 2012.

>> No.10887385
File: 225 KB, 632x947, IMG_20180630_1433359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pepper eats mostly dry food but will sometimes get something special for dinner, and gets treats all the time as long as she's being good.

>> No.10887416

seek help

>> No.10887449

underrated post

>> No.10887617


>> No.10887636

Glad someone finally said something. It's not just that they call them that, they personify them and make them talk in this weird broken english that they find hilarious.
It's something I would expect from a 12 year old girl

>> No.10887689

What a cutie!
Looks like a sweetheart.

>> No.10887695

>something that literally makes you zero returns and will depreciate to nothing in approximately a decade
>good investment
dude get a fucking shelter dog

>> No.10888069

>I live in Japan anon
Stopped reading there.

Fuck J*pland.

>> No.10888586

Purebred dogs are garbage and full of health issues.

>> No.10888690

my girlfreind has a dog and she wants to move in with me, but i've told her all this time that I'm allergic to dogs (I'm not, it's just so i don't have to drive to her place ever). she says she loves it but she loves me more and she's going to give it to the pound soon because no one she knows will take it.

I'm seeing someone else and I'm thinking about moving overseas without her, but I wouldn't mind her moving in for a while because then I could save some money. I think she expects we'll have kids and i'll ask her to marry me but I have no intention. I honestly don't give a fuck about the dog but I know she's going to be angry, it's her fault though right? I never agreed to anything long term really with her.

>> No.10888715
File: 36 KB, 158x142, 17F2D4E6-320A-43DC-A572-98BA7EDD855E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Am a vet
>Feed dog only Ol Roy and other garbage tier dog foods from Walmart to my golden
>Lives into Teens
>All other male vets feed Ol Roy and scraps too, joke that it pickles the dog
>All male vets have healthy, old dogs
>Female vets feed top tier shit to their dogs
>All get terrible adrenal diseases and fuckin liver disease

>> No.10888817

Cute cat anon

>> No.10888818
File: 34 KB, 273x398, cheezburger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10888823
File: 28 KB, 758x480, 236248358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this CIA code-talk or something? This sounds like a coded message

>> No.10888889

dude just tell her not to drop the dog, you can pretend to have allergies for a few days then get accustomed to it. I actually am allergic to cats but it goes away with exposure.

>> No.10888904

I would laugh but that's clearly at cat killer.

>> No.10888905

When men start acting like women. These are interesting times.

>> No.10889000

>Tries to be edgy because he's too stupid to understand what anon meant
>Isn't even dead dog anon
What do you look like irl? Post body next to a sack of potatoes for comparison

>> No.10889012
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>> No.10889227
File: 39 KB, 500x750, D21B5713-5B62-4487-A05E-9061D733F05B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you guys think of the dogo argentino? Is it a good dog breed or is it a shitbull? Is it safe around children, infants?

What are the differences between having a small pupper vs. a big dogo?

>> No.10889249

pitbulls are not inherently aggressive

>> No.10889270
File: 104 KB, 620x420, bojack-horseman-recap[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love dogs, and hate to say that some dogs shouldn't exist, but that dog looks mean. Dogs, more than any other animal in existence, were bred to serve humans and be our friends. Why do we keep around mean dogs? I know it's not their fault, but seriously, why not just stop breeding mean dogs and we can all have goldens and shit.

>> No.10889277

All dogs have the potential to snap at any moment, especially when approached by children who do not know how to handle them with proper respect. The difference with pitbulls is that they hold on hard to whatever they bite and shake it, usually until it's dead if it's something small like a child.

>> No.10889285


>> No.10889291

There's no such thing as a "correctly bred" pitbull.
They ate bred to kill other dogs.

>> No.10889292

That "snap" is a failure on the part of the owner to properly train their animal.

>> No.10889299

>pretending that pit bulls were bred for anything other that dog fighting

You pit-mommies are the worst.

>> No.10889316

You fucking lying piece of shit.

>> No.10889324

Pitbulls are bred to kill.
When they snap they kill.
They are bred to snap

>> No.10889446

No, absolutely not. They're animals that run on instinct that can overpower any training. The difference is pit bulls have stupidly strong jaws and "HAVE NEVER DONE ANYTHING LIKE THIS11!!" more than any other breed.
At least when a tiny dog has an "episode" it's not strong enough to do damage.

>> No.10889700
File: 2.49 MB, 2976x3968, 15313040297991082858996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>its cold in japan

youre fucking retarded or youre a lying cunt its summer atm stop putting clothes on your shitty pet

>> No.10890031
File: 965 KB, 1836x3264, P_20170705_145951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cat niggers assemble

>> No.10890052


>> No.10890120


>> No.10890149

big if true

>> No.10890234

another example of Reddit beating a long dead horse

>> No.10891064

>Living past the age of 5

>> No.10891069

Would pet.