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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10881129 No.10881129 [Reply] [Original]

What the hell is wrong with hotfags?my brother gave me a slice of pizza with pepperoni on it yesterday and I'm like dude wtf I can't eat that shit

>> No.10881132


>> No.10881134

i dont even want to bump such a retarded fucking thread
you mean the pizza was too hot and it burned your tongue or some shit?

>> No.10881153

It was too spicy you nigger

>> No.10881154

Best thing to cool your tongue off after spicy pepperoni is a nice cool glass of car milk.

>> No.10881157

i still dont understand, what about the pizza was spicy?

>> No.10881182

the 'ronis. pls do keep up

>> No.10881184

>car milk
cars don't have titties.

>> No.10881187

>i dont even want to bump such a retarded fucking thread
Then use sage.

>> No.10881311

sage hasn't been announced with a blue anon for like fucking half a decade, guy

>> No.10881504

pepperoni doesn't have any "real" peppers in it though, it's just colored with paprika, which is made from non spicy peppers.

>> No.10881762


>> No.10881772


>> No.10881815

I'm not asking what you mean by blue anons I'm asking what blue anons have to do with anything. It doesn't matter if his sage was announced with blue since by saying he didn't want to bump the thread he implied that he was begrudgingly bumping it. Which makes it pretty clear he didn't sage.

>> No.10881816

not him, but are you retarded
>i dont even want to bump
implies he's not saging

>> No.10881826
File: 721 KB, 812x902, jejfla.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your newfag is showing. Did you come here from Reddit or are you just clueless about how blue board culture works?

>> No.10881829

that's a lot of words anon, calm the fuck down

>> No.10881837

I'm just explaining what I meant.

>> No.10881847

They do, you just have to get in there and find 'em

>> No.10881856
File: 952 KB, 500x281, 1367509485339.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also I'm honestly disgusted by the fact that cock chugging retards like OP can bait /ck/ with such retarded bait.

Actually kill yourself OP, this is the most shit bait I've seen this week. Then again I avoid this dumpster fire of a board because the mods and jannies don't give two shits. This board went to shit durring the 2016 election and it's just gotten worse. The fact that shills post here when they're not shitting up /pol/ just makes the problem worse.

>> No.10881858


>> No.10881866

>a lot of words
Fucking milinials

>> No.10881868

>when the Redditor thinks that "le cringe collection memes" are a witty retort to getting told

Fuck off, I'm fucking sick of you people, you ruined 4chan.

>> No.10881870


>> No.10881883

This has been a shit bait for years, newfag. And yet you're still here, didn't know, hit reply, and came here to type that half-paragraph.

>> No.10881887

>when the massive faggot thinks calling everyone who he doesn't like reddit is a witty retort
Fuck off, I'm sick of you people. You ruined my secret club.

>> No.10881895
File: 153 KB, 800x600, 10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the fact you think people ruined your safe space when it's been fucking 4chan the whole time. It fascinates me.

>> No.10881896

To be fair, both of you are insufferable.

>> No.10881904

Fair point.

>> No.10881908
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>> No.10881914
File: 57 KB, 276x256, 1500964599849.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This has been a shit bait for years, newfag. And yet you're still here, didn't know, hit reply, and came here to type that half-paragraph.

Nice English there, ESL.
>>when the massive faggot thinks calling everyone who he doesn't like reddit is a witty retort
>Fuck off, I'm sick of you people. You ruined my secret club.
Nigger, you /r/thedonald types ruined 4chan by thinking the whole site is /pol/.
>I like the fact you think people ruined your safe space when it's been fucking 4chan the whole time. It fascinates me.
Nigger, how new are you?

>> No.10881930

>Nigger, you /r/thedonald types ruined 4chan by thinking the whole site is /pol/
Nobody mentioned politics ITT. What the fuck are you talking about. I hate /pol/faggots too but there's nothing remotely /pol/ about this thread.

>> No.10881936
File: 59 KB, 600x474, 357960553936ce504cad056c84b8b374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so mad

>> No.10881962

>calls someone else ESL because brain can't comprehend basic English

>> No.10882537

>>been a shit bait for years
>despite this not actually being a thing for the two years I've spent lurking /ck/

I dunno, when you fuck up stuff like tense like that, I just assume you're either a non-native speaker, a dumb flyover or an inbred hick from the South.

>> No.10882546

Is this the designated shitposting thread?

>> No.10882626

>offensive towards ESL fags
>"Nigger, you /r/thedonald types ruined 4chan by thinking the whole site is /pol/."
Is this the famous false flagging I've heard so much about?

>> No.10882633

Imagine being some chink worker slave chained to a factory machine churning out Chop Suey Specs

>> No.10882637

this made me laugh, would make a great subject for a film about a capitalist dystopia

>> No.10882647

Epic thread

>> No.10882648


>> No.10882659

Do you want me to post car porn? Is what life has come to?

>> No.10882660

reread, there are two sentences there kiddo

>> No.10882674

Just KYS now

>> No.10882700


this will kill you (and that's a good thing)

>> No.10882829

It is nice how nobody even dares to steal my food.
No matter how hungry they are, my food is safe.

Only problem is I can't get food from the local pizza place anywore since they don't have the good stuff.
Best they did was stuffed pizzabread with jalapenios and tabasco.
You could only taste the sour tabasco, it was pretty bad.