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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10879974 No.10879974 [Reply] [Original]

What the fuck guys?

>> No.10879975

get woke, go broke.

>> No.10879976


>> No.10879978
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>> No.10879980

They tasted bad anyway. I'm stoked on the "organic burgers" coming soon to theaters!

>> No.10879984

about to learn something they should have learned is Biz101
Dollars to donuts it was a woman's idea.

>> No.10879988
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>> No.10880000

ahahaha Costco hotdog shills BTFO

>> No.10880005
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>> No.10880029
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Less animal cruelty. Vegans win. Mfw.

>> No.10880071
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>Vegans were right all along

Nobody "wins" when you murder innocent animals needlessly. I hope more ignorant people realize this.

>> No.10880081

nigger we need meat to survive

>> No.10880114


You are one ignorant nigger. No, you do not need meat to survive. Go read a book sometime.

>> No.10880124

For me it's because killing is pleasurable.

>> No.10880126

a meat would eat you to survive.
read it in a book

>> No.10880134

You don't NEED it, but you won't reach peak health without some animal product in your diet either. Lab-grown meat is a better solution than trying to turn everyone vegan anyway.

>> No.10880161

Some people literally do though. Some people cant be healthy on a vegan diet.

>> No.10880195
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they also got rid of the chocolate frozen yogurt
i’m so fucking mad desu

>> No.10880204

I remember being so pissed when they replaced their soft pretzels with churros

>> No.10880208
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And the berry sundae. Absolutely seething.

>> No.10880228
File: 34 KB, 496x600, A10ABC95-83DA-4D6B-8026-E9A58F816A3C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>replacing pretzels with churros
>getting rid of polish dogs and adding some beaner tofu salad
>getting rid of frozen yogurt and adding stupid hipster fruit bowl shit
and they say white genocide isnt a thing

>> No.10880247

>tfw you live in the US and have never even seen a costco

>> No.10880258

It's not my fault I'm hungry and that heffer tastes like beef

>> No.10880259

Vegans hate the Polish.

>> No.10880456
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As long as they aren't cutting out my fav kimchi I'm good.

>> No.10880463

Who doesn't tho?

>> No.10880517

>Get rid of hot dog
>Introduce vegan options
>Nobody eats the vegan options
>People just get a hotdog somewhere else
Congratulations on winning

>> No.10880541

The hot dog is still there, dipshit.

>> No.10880553

the unlawful premeditated killing of one human being by another.

>> No.10880571

Trimming loss leaders from the menu.

>> No.10880594


>> No.10880608

Welcome back, serial shitposter.

>> No.10880611

they still have hotdogs. desu I don't know wjy people are so pissed about removing a slightly different meat in tube form item in favor of something like a burger

>> No.10880626

Where do you think your mom gets your tendies?

>> No.10880650


>> No.10880658

How do they make a profit if they lose money on the food they sell? Makes no sense.

>> No.10880665

that shit is low fat trash, you should feel bad for liking it

>> No.10880670

They're trying to get members and get them in the door more often to shop.

>> No.10880690

All Costco profit is generated from membership fees. The products in the store are at cost and some items are below cost.

>> No.10880726

uhhhhh no sweetie

>> No.10880735
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>> No.10880739

look up black friday and loss leaders

>> No.10880743
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will poland (food) ever stop being exterminated

>> No.10880754

well, you tried

>> No.10880785

Our brain size exploded literally because our ancestors started eating cooked meat.
Read a biology book you dumb nigger.

>> No.10880828

None of those explicitly makes food healthier

>> No.10880839

churros are the bomb, yo!

>> No.10880848

Turkey-provalone master race coming thru.

>> No.10880928

i had to look up what this meant

>> No.10881691

>vegans win
now that's an oxymoron

>> No.10881711

Common misinfo my dude. You know like with tempeh or tofu or chickpeas there is power muscle in or out. Sometimes you bite the wad and it's like damn I'm wet. Meat behind the vegetable meats in front.

>> No.10881732

What the FUCK is a polish hot dog? There are hot dogs, and there are polish sausages. There is no such thing as a polish hot dog.

>> No.10881776

This is what soy does to your brain

>> No.10881913

>Polish dog removed for vegan bullshit.


>> No.10881927
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>> No.10881940

jesus christ, liberals suck. Why are they doing this to us

>> No.10881960

vegchads win again lol

>> No.10881973

was it even good? I always just got the hot dog

>> No.10881981
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Yes. But now you won’t be able to experience it

>> No.10881984

When will corporations realize that you can never appease liberals? Give them an inch, and they'll bitch that they can't have a mile. McDonald's stops frying their delicious fries in beef tallow, and they still bitch that a part of the additive to their fry salt contains dried beef bouillon. It's a metaphor for every liberal argument in history, a tactic straight out of Saul Alinsky.

>> No.10881987
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How the fuck do I cook a brat so that it comes out like pic related? Texture, snap, with a bit of crunch?

>> No.10881998

Some fucking cunt is doing this just because they saw /pol/ likes to post tge picture to taunt europoors.

>> No.10882057

its the same filling but not with a proper sausage casing, its just pressed into a weiner shape, so they can't truly call it a polish sausage

>> No.10882093

Okay look at it like this, you have some meat and you know what it weighs and you put it on the scale and it says what it says on the packaging minus the packaging but it's okay you don't care cause your not going to eat it anyway. That is what it is like being a butcher and a vegan.

>> No.10882114

We have them up in leafland, all over the place.

>> No.10882118


>> No.10882119


>> No.10882194

brush lightly with olive oil

>> No.10882221

Low and slow baby, low and slow.

>> No.10882222

That’s gone my friend, it was the hotdog toppings...

>> No.10882238

There are little to no hotdog stands where most people live unless you go to Jew York.
Some people go to Costco JUST for the hotdog.
Step outside of a Costco and you have 54 McDonalds waiting for you

>> No.10882250

Bring water to boil, reduce to a simmer, dump hotdoggos.
Buns are lightly steamed

>> No.10882270

There's char on it, and it's a brat. You blind, drunk retard.

>> No.10883849


>citation needed

>> No.10883855

He cited biology books, retard.

>> No.10883905

>"uh just read a book, sheep"

>> No.10883907

Why is he so tired?

>> No.10884046
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I agree with >>10880735 , that's complete bullshit, many of the items Costco sells are priced much higher than outside Costco. At the one near me, Costco sells a huge bag of Sunkist "sea-cured" lemons for $10. I can buy the same number of lemons at a local grocery store for $5. Costco also sells eggs for about triple what they cost in the grocery stores (because Costco's eggs are "ethically farmed", whatever the fuck that means).

If Costco isn't making outrageous amounts of profit on that stuff, then their management is a bunch of fucking retards.

I still have a membership because their prices on certain basics are far lower than anywhere else around me -- cheese, peanut butter, and of course their rotisserie chickens. But you have to be very careful about what to buy there or else you'll get anally raped.

>> No.10884075
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>costco is becoming cheaper and cheaper about handing out samples
>removing hotdogs
what the fuck i hate costco now

>> No.10884083

>all lemons come from the same place, sold by the same company, and priced the same
>cage-free eggs should be as cheap as factory farm eggs

also i dont know what costco you're going to because i can still buy the flats of dirt cheap eggs at mine

>> No.10884098

Punishment for making Hilary "sell" her book in your store.

>> No.10885006

What the fuck are you on about. Do you have a learning disability?

>> No.10885022

That feel when traditional american fare will completely die out in your lifetime

>> No.10885152
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Vegans should be gassed.

>> No.10885157
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>> No.10885161


>> No.10885163


>> No.10885164

Welcome to England

>> No.10885168

Why the fuck do vegans ruin EVERYTHING? What kind of fuckass company thinks its a good idea to cater to a niche mental illness??

>> No.10885169

the ones that want to go broke.

>> No.10885170
File: 78 KB, 533x476, Grief.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>At Costco, where the American Dream is sold in bulk, you can buy a bathrobe, a new set of tires, a 7½-pound jar of steak seasoning and a 36-roll box of toilet paper. And while you’re prowling the aisles for giant containers of food, you can eat: The brand’s food court has a cult following for its steep deals on snacks and fast food.

>But there’s trouble in bulk-discount paradise: The brand is removing a fan favorite, the Polish hot dog, from the menu. The store is replacing it with such healthier fare as acai bowls, which proves that people who run the Costco food court have no idea why people come to the Costco food court. It certainly isn’t to get a refreshing acai bowl after buying a 100-pack of frozen chicken nuggets or a drum-sized container of chocolate-covered pretzels.

>A Polish hot dog is kind of like a regular hot dog, but in the language of the Internet, it is thicc. It is technically a kielbasa. Business Insider reports that a backlash to the Costco menu changes has begun: Fans have been expressing their displeasure on social media, and a Change.org petition was gathering signatures to bring the dogs back. The changes have been rolling out across stores nationwide, and some ditched the Polish hot dog weeks ago.

>> No.10885175

>The Costco membership population is rapidly progressing through the five stages of grief right now. Denial (“How could you do such a thing? #boycottcostco”), anger (“Vegans out here ruining Costco”), bargaining (“I just wanna talk to whoever made the executive decision to get rid of the Polish hot dog”), depression (“Costco removing the polish hot dog sounds like a nightmare but it’s reality. I’m speechless.”). They haven’t yet reached Stage 5: acceptance.

>Anyway, don’t panic: The regular — skinnier — all-beef hot dog will remain on the menu for $1.50. The Polish hot dogs will still be sold in bulk, the Seattle Times reported. Representatives from Costco have not yet responded to a query from The Washington Post about whether the outcry on social media could persuade the company to reconsider.

>But even the company’s top leaders don’t seem very convinced that the new health-focused menu will be popular.

>“This new plant-based protein salad, I know that excites you,” said chief executive Craig Jelinek at a shareholder meeting, according to the Seattle Times. “But it is healthy. And, uh, actually, it tastes pretty good, if you like those kind of things. I tried it once.”

>> No.10885185

>tried it once
kek. obviously shit.

>> No.10885229

Where is this dude from that the regular is skinnier?
The actual literal only difference between the two dogs is that the "Polish" has pepper in it. That is it. They are the exact same size and the exact same ingredients minus the pepper.

>> No.10885239
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must have never had one and it writing based off of testimony

Pictured: Costco beef dog

>> No.10885245
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pictured: polish dog

>> No.10885250
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>And, uh, actually, it tastes pretty good, if you like those kind of things. I tried it once.”
Kek what a great sell

>> No.10885249
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cross section. Both 8 inches long, both approximately 1 inch diameter

>> No.10885262

>We're not coming for your foods!
Vegans are cancer.

>> No.10885264

I told my friend about this and he's going ballistic. I feel kinda bad now. Apparently he's mad cause Costco is trying to get that hipster demo (which they never will) while ignoring their core demo (poor people and immigrants), down to how they organize and layout their stores.

>> No.10885444
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meh this is a berry sorbet, doesn't taste like acai at all. my costco added a soy based al pastor salad, why aren't you all more triggered by that?

>> No.10885471
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>> No.10885478
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tears aren't vegan you absolute tard

>> No.10885486

So let me get this straight. A store that sells literal pales of butter is axing their hotdogs in favor of more healthy vegan option?

Like having an obese doctor telling you to lose weight.

>> No.10885489

>Like having an obese doctor telling you to lose weight.
still good advice

>> No.10885580

This just sounds like a defeated man who has to apologize after his wife threw a tantrum in the store.

>> No.10885594
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Prove it

>> No.10885622

The little guy on the left is correct. I don't give a fuck about animals. After 3 years in social work, there's too many suffering humans for me to worry about.

>> No.10885662
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Yet you pay to house mental disorders and cause amputations. You're a great person.

>> No.10885663

>If you care about animals

Why would you assume I do? They're fucking animals. Sure I'm against being unnecessarily cruel to them because what point is there, but I'll still eat them.

>> No.10885681

The US meat industry directly employs between 800K and 1M people depending on where you find the numbers, and that image is treating ~100 injuries per year as a big deal instead of the decimal point statistic it is.

>> No.10885698

Let's see some numbers for the "defense" industry.

>> No.10885757


very telling.

>> No.10885825
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>> No.10886327

They aren't adding a burger though. They're adding a grey, soulless soy patty on a bun and calling it a veggie burger.

>> No.10886338 [DELETED] 

Is that complete retard that was arguing the hot dogs weren't loss leaders still here?

>> No.10886345

Epic false flag le reddit.

>> No.10886390

This. Probably is barren as well and felt the need to make everyone elses life miserable too.

>> No.10886394
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>This new plant-based protein salad, I know that excites you. But it is healthy. And, uh, actually, it tastes pretty good, if you like those kind of things. I tried it once.

>> No.10886548

If you don’t have pale skin, blue eyes, and blonde hair, you aren’t white.

>> No.10886595

Polish dogs were the only thing I enjoyed at their foot court. Though I haven't eaten one in years, so I have to wonder if they haven't been selling well. They wouldn't cut a good seller just for health reasons. Not when 90% of their food is pure junk to begin with.

>> No.10886780

Please be fake news

>> No.10886801

Damn... here in AZ my Costco lost theirs around 3 months ago. Guess were were the guinea pigs.

>> No.10886827

i only eat meat because I want the animals to suffer

>> No.10886831

yes, as i understand it the all beef dog remains at same price and availability, which was the one i went for anyway.

>> No.10886839

luring ppl in with cheap and tasty food court encourages most folks to get memberships, and that is where the money is at for them.

>> No.10886841

When the pizza and churros are cut, I will riot

>> No.10886872

Same here. they have those bs feel good 5x markup (dyed) brown eggs, or i can get 150 extra large eggs for anywhere from US$20 to once they were even fucking 9 bucks. i made by weight like 10 lbs of egg salad, then sealed it up with my foodsaver i bought from costco for 1/2 regular retail.

i've never spent less than 3-400 dollars when i go, but i'll be damned if i dont feel like i get my money's worth.

>> No.10887247


BJ's is poor people, Costco is upper middle class

>> No.10887577

I can taste the cruelty.

>> No.10887846

Calm down you subhuman scum.
You can only be white if you have white hair, white skin and fiery orange eyes.

>> No.10888062

>We have a popular item that makes customers happy and remember their experience here.
>Whelp, time to get rid of it and replace it with some hippy garbage that people will hate.
>What could possibly go wrong, PR wise?

>> No.10888090

fuck them desu. polish dog was literally the only thing besides the chicken bake that i ever got from the food court

>> No.10888144
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They're still going to sell the other $1.50 hotdogs, I don't really care.

>> No.10888182


>> No.10888324

I like animal products, fuck you

>> No.10888721

its a big sausage

>> No.10888741

Dr Allan Grant told me.

>> No.10888828


>> No.10888845

>not wrapping a brick in a polish flag and throwing it through the food court's window

>> No.10888915
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You got blown the fuck out. Dumb nigger.

>> No.10888917

Childhood beatings are a good start. Make sure she doesn't brush her teeth. For the texture, have her work in the fields with no sun protection.

>> No.10888943

tasted the new burger, it was absolutely horrible. the meat is reminiscent of frozen Salisbury steak, but more disgusting.

>> No.10888946

it pretty much tasted like a fatter stronger flavored hot dog.

>> No.10888956

It's a shame they still serve flesh on the menu instead of replacing it all with healthy, ethical options, but this is a step in the right direction. Good job, Costco!

>> No.10889089

but destroying plants with machines, chopping them off alive while the other plants will k ow their faith is ok? We just know animals are not automatrons, maybe plants have feeling too!

>> No.10890203

It literally 90% relies on the sausage you use, you can boil a good one and itll still have a nice snap

>> No.10890334

a polish guy I knew once mentioned hungarians have a huge bro-boner for poles, I don't really believe him tho
>white trash, alcoholics and wellfare leeches' suffering is more valid than animals
I'm not a vegan but know your work is fucking useless

>> No.10890468

I don't murder them. I honourably challenge them to a duel to the death.

>> No.10890487

>Animal byproduct

>> No.10890837

Whats your opinion on bilions of bees dieing from pesticides to keep up production with increasing demands of vegan trend ?

>> No.10890885


It cant really be true anon. Tell me youre lying. I have to see for myself and if its true it will be the last time I ever enter a costco. Ill have to buy a kirkland trail mix bag to last me the rest of my life.

>> No.10890913
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>Whats your opinion on bilions of bees dieing from pesticides to keep up production with increasing demands of vegan trend ?


There is ZERO scientific proof that mass use of glysophate pesticides kills bees! In fact, bees love glysophate & how much our pesticides can produce healthy flowers!

Glysophates are 1000% safe as found by our studies! Don't believe those republican lies!!!

>> No.10890965

Copypasta worthy shitpost

>> No.10890984

I like to brown mine in a cast iron pan then pop them under the broiler for a few minutes

>> No.10890988
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The churros are great you actual fag

>> No.10891004
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What's your opinion on a majority of animal husbandry animals being cows which in factory farmed practices have trophic levels of around 4% thus using most of the world's resources to feed and process?