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10876434 No.10876434 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else never wash out the top of the moka pot? Gives the coffee a certain je ne sais quoi

>> No.10876443

Moka pot coffee is almost as garbage as the people who try to defend it

>> No.10876454

moka is love
moka is life

>> No.10876501

I let it soak in a starsan solution.
I use this product since I am a homebrewer and I have easy access to it.

There is product made to wash them usually available in roaster or coffee shops or even Walmart/Amazon.

Or you could use CLR.

>> No.10876606
File: 82 KB, 660x440, cleaning-basket_xzg4ch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't properly washed mine since buying it 3 years ago, I just wipe it with a cloth under the hot water tap as it begins to heat up and by the time I'm done it's hot enough to fill the bottom part

I think it would be better for the taste of the coffee if it was washed thoroughly but I just don't care and too lazy

baskets used in espresso machines are noticeable better when cleaned so I assume moka pot probably the same, you can really taste the difference in espresso from dirty basket

>> No.10876612

these fuckers are a pain in the ass to wash, which is part of the reason why they are such shit

>> No.10876654

I rinse it out and wipe it with my bare hand

>> No.10876673

the top is the only part that gets really dirty each use and only if you dont wipe it all down when done
The act of emptying the basket requires it being wiped anyway so its always spotless

>> No.10876706

t. anal retentive cleanfreak

it takes about 20 seconds to wash if you're not a freak

>> No.10876838

>these fuckers are a pain in the ass to wash

>> No.10877926

this, i just rinse and rub with my fingers any spot with residue

>posted from ipad at starbucks sipping on caramel frappuccino

>> No.10878140

Does anyone else here use a pizza slicer to cut pizza, then let the marinara sauce dry to the slicer and not clean it, and then use the slicer with the dried marinara to cut brownies in a pan? It gives the brownies a certain je ne sais quoi.

>> No.10878210

Same, only water no soap

>> No.10878214

this doesn't even make sense. the moka pot is only used for coffee, and nobody uses a pizza slicer to cut brownies.

>> No.10878225

>not recognising obvious shitpost

>> No.10878284

you realize you're tainting the flavor if you don't wash it out completely? Enjoy your subpar coffee fucking rednecks

>> No.10878289

yep, and I don't give a fuck


>> No.10878306
File: 27 KB, 450x739, Star Trek Nomad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10878335

Moved from this to french press. Faster, better coffee(or at least I like it more) and less bullshit. There are also more variables that you can adjust to make the coffee different and suit your taste with french press compared to moka pot.

>> No.10879668

>not using the superior aeropress
Lmfao everyone laugh at this guy

>> No.10879795

>je ne sais quoi
In non-faggot doc

>> No.10879807

It's not hard to work out, retard.

>> No.10880004


>> No.10880025

i generally rinse untill its caked, when i properly wipe out the stale coffee oils. It adds nothing unless you like stale coffee, in which case you shouldnt be bothering with mokkas n just get instant.

>> No.10880031

car hole

>> No.10880039

if you buy some coffee machine cleaner like puly caf or cafiza and just let it soak, it dissolves all the oils so you just need to rinse.....no scrubbing necessary.

>> No.10880048

you aint had a good one then

>> No.10881029

I bought one like two years ago and immediately went into a period where caffeine made me sick. I've since come out of it and I have the same moka pot as OP sitting in a cabinet. Does anyone have a good guide on usage? I want to make the best possible moka.

>> No.10881034

>je ne sais quoi
What does that mean?

>> No.10881110

>Put water in bottom
>Put espresso grind coffee in the basket
>Put the basket on the bottom chamber
>Brush off stray grounds from the rim to ensure a good seal
>Attach top chamber, twisting as hard as your little soy-atrophied arms can manage
>Put on burner at medium heat
>When coffee comes out, pour into cup
>Rinse the whole unit, dispose of grounds

Not hard unless you're a literal retard

>> No.10881204


"I don't know what."

>> No.10881237

pro tip

don't press the coffee when you put it on the basket, just fill it and leave it like this.

>> No.10881263

So get a Brikka.


>> No.10881449

Thanks boys

>> No.10882412

what's the purpose of that vid?

>> No.10882489

>je ne sais quoi
You have to be shitting me, god you're a fucking faggot.

>> No.10883073


If you're not an idiot it teaches you about the pressurized version of a fucking moka pot you incredible dolt. One is unpressurized, the other is not. Do you fucking get it yet? This is like talking to toddlers all the time.

>> No.10883083


Why can't you people just self immolate and leave the rest of humanity in peace?

>> No.10883095
File: 92 KB, 1280x720, steel_bialetti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This little cap in the middle of the steel moka pot is one of the reasons that make them infinitely better than the aluminium ones.

This way, the lid can be kept open throughout the whole brewing process without any risk of the brew spewing out and burning you/splashing onto the counter.

>> No.10883103

My aluminium Moka pot has that thing.

>> No.10883109

what exactly is the vid supposed to be teaching about the pressurised version then?

>> No.10883113


crema, you fucking dipshit. It's the entire reason for espresso. Don't you know that? It's like talking to human dice.

>> No.10883114

you sure are upset

>> No.10883118


I'm so upset I consider you an asshole. Imagine how not affected I am. >>10883114

Sorry, I

>> No.10883124


I'm drinking and don't give a living shit about you.. that's what I was typing. I'm watching old tv and teasing you stupid cunts.

>> No.10883133

Bialetti? Cause I've seen even the newer models in store and they still don't have that cap thing to prevent it from spurting out of the pot.
Unless you have a Bialetti Brika like in the vid.

>> No.10883134
File: 296 KB, 1600x1200, portafilter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CREMA. That's the only thing you can get from a Brikka Moka pot, other than that, get a fucking Espresso machine you poverty cases. Want me to line you up?

>> No.10883143

Got any recommendations for a good home espresso machine (that doesn't cost a fortune)?

>> No.10883162
File: 21 KB, 800x600, 820_e0fde676-4138-43fb-a331-1ff2aed22175_800x (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


In fact I do. https://www.amazon.ca/Breville-Café-Espresso-Machine-ESP8XL/dp/B0002VAFWA

That piece of shit mixed with a Breville Smart grinder gives you a good espresso.


If you fuck with the heat knob you can get a very hot extraction into a good portafilter. you have to buy a real portafilter not the squirt version.

>> No.10883190

is that your video anon? why so angry

and it doesn't even state which cup at the end is which, also implying that the coffee poured 2min earlier is comparable to the one poured just now in crema

whatever though, it's a bad vid and idk why you're so angry I'm done talking to you go take a walk outside you might realise there are more important things in life to get worked up about

>> No.10883202


So your eyeballs don't work? One is a moka pot, the other is a pressurized crema pot. Why are you people so goddamn stupid?

>> No.10883211

espresso machine is a total waste of money for what you get

i'd rather a lower quality coffee than pay ridiculous amounts for a home espresso machine, not poor just don't waste money on unnecessary things

as long as it's a half decent coffee and I get my caffeine fix I'm happy, coffee snobs are the worst fucking people and I've been around them at work

>> No.10883217


btw, I'm so angry. Jesus I can't cope with how angry I am. It's almost like I don't give a shit at all. But I am ANGRY!!@! Idiot.

>> No.10883228


180 bucks for a shit espresso machine, 176 for an amazing Smart grinder.

After that you get great coffee every day for the rest of your life. Or spend thousands a year at Starbucks.

>> No.10883245


I know you're not very clever, but have you figured out the numbers yet?

>> No.10883266


>> No.10883787

I am myself, no need for guilt. Who I am is my life and I strive to create a world better for the people around me.

>> No.10883793

Just because it's not as good as a proper espresso. It's good enough for those of use who can't justify owning an espresso machine.

>> No.10883840

Unless it's spotless the coffee tastes like shit.

>> No.10883894

It's Victoria coffee brand one.

>> No.10883903

I got mine from a Chinese off-brand store. I've never seen one without it, to be honest.

But if it's coming out with enough pressure to spurt, you've screwed up the brew, anyway. It should just dribble over the edges.

>> No.10884137


This is someone who fundamentally doesn't understand how Crema is created. There's a reason for the pressure device that Bialleti created specifically FOR THAT PURPOSE.

>> No.10884151

It's not a high pressure at all, and the velocity should be easily lost on the passage up the spout. It's not made to generate steam. This is not a boiler at an electricity station. It does not need to turn a turbine.

>> No.10884175


You fucking people are a mess. It momentarily pressurizes the boiling vessel to create steam that emulsifies the concentrated coffee into a creamy substance. Just like a goddamn Espresso machine.

You fucking people are goddamn children almost all of the time.

>> No.10884182


Have you ever argued with a crazy old woman who has recently shat herself? You're that crazy old woman that needs to be right and patently isn't.

>> No.10884604

I always clean it but i use it only on weekend.
Weekdays im drinking coffee out of coffee maker that my gf never cleans so it tastes like cat piss by friday.

>> No.10884817

imagine getting this angry over a cup of coffee