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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10874774 No.10874774 [Reply] [Original]

>gf has pallet of a child
how does one deal with this?

>> No.10874789
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>> No.10874790

you can buy larger pallets

>> No.10874791
File: 917 KB, 2970x1836, IMG_20151120_125632_edit[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy her an adult sized one.

>> No.10874794

Cut her legs off so she'll fit.

>> No.10874796
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lift her into a higher plane

>> No.10874798

pallets are stackable

>> No.10874803

This is bait. Right?

>> No.10874809


>> No.10875658

kids food is usually cheaper so just be happy about it man>>10874789

>> No.10875679

Get a cute trap gf. Traps are more refined being they are the best of both genders.

>> No.10875685

Kill her

>> No.10875712

I know people are trying to turn this into a funny reddit screencap but I have the same issue. I don't want to break up with her because aside from her palette she's a keeper

>> No.10875729


>> No.10875731

>pallet of a child

a kid so fat he has to be carried around on a pallet on a forklift.

>> No.10875750
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I mean, why does her palette affect you? My wife and I don't like the same music, but it doesn't bother we; we just don't listen to each others' music at home.

Likewise, if we don't feel like the same food, we don't need to eat the same food.

This doesn't feel like it's a real issue unless you are determined to make it an issue.

>> No.10875751

throatfuck her until she pukes

>> No.10875754

because you don't HAVE to listen to music together but If I'm cooking for her and she won't eat 90% of what I make unless it's fitted for a 6 year old. I'd like to just cook one thing and see that she enjoys my cooking. It also makes going to fancy restaurants hard

>> No.10875766

>I'm cooking for her
>she won't eat 90% of what I make

Sounds like you aren't cooking for her, you're cooking for you or cooking *at* her (idk if that made sense).

Sort of like complaining that someone didn't like the gift you got for them when you were not considering what they liked, only what you liked. "Why didn't she like this bowling ball I got her?" when you bowl and she doesn't.

>> No.10875769
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Then let her make her own fucking tendies while you have red wine braised goat shanks or some shit. Just be ready with the insurance when her shit diet causes obesity and diabetes later in life and you get stuck with the bill and half-assed landwhale pity sex once a month

>> No.10875836

Exactly how common is this? I have the same issue. Gf eats like a retarded 5-year-old. Won't eat anything that isn't loaded with sugar, meat, cheese, salt, or empty carbs.

Makes it really hard to plan meals that aren't hamburger helper. Bitch can't even eat anything that's been seasoned with peppers or onions.

>> No.10875846

Pretty common because women are mentally children pretty much until menopause and only ever get to teenager levels of mental awareness after that

>> No.10875863

Maybe you should get an adult girlfriend, Muhammad?

>> No.10875878

stop dating children

>> No.10875885

I feel your struggle but I would recommend trying to meet her halfway. Try your hand at blander dishes and see if you can't introduce new elements over time.

Are you guys still in your late teens / early twenties? Some people don't develop their tastes until their mid-20s or later.

>> No.10875905
File: 103 KB, 320x415, jopjoj .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can’t spell
>dates retarded womanchilds
absolute shock

>> No.10877103

>makes a thread so he can deliberately mis-spell palate
You’re everything wrong with this board you shitposting fuckhead. Go die in traffic.

>> No.10877941

Honestly what kind of idiot unironically dates a roastie? You deserve everything that comes to you.

>> No.10877946

Just shove her head into a bucket of cold water until she promises to try new foods. Worked for me.

>> No.10878046
File: 38 KB, 612x408, palette.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buy her a different palette then. this one is nice

>> No.10878051

who else would be dumb enough to get with OP?

>> No.10878909

maybe don't date children

>> No.10879008
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>> No.10879019

She's going to end up like that obese woman who could only eat cheese on freaky eaters if you don't put you foot down op

>> No.10879020
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Tell her to become a summerag and to make her pallet more edgy

>> No.10879030

based and redpilled

>> No.10879033

>I deserve 15$ an hour!