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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 81 KB, 768x384, landscape-1464889991-grocery-store.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10874198 No.10874198 [Reply] [Original]

Horror stories or something always on your list

>> No.10874209

I worked at one.

>> No.10874220

same here

>> No.10874421

I'm sorry

>> No.10874444

>always on your list

>> No.10874741

>not waiting for it to go on sale then stockpiling it

>> No.10875022

>the echoes of a child crying loudly ring through the air
>you get a headache

>> No.10875028

>running into people I know
>small talk with cashier
>asking where items are located

>> No.10875038

I have a couple of really nice supermarkets near me and the only horror story I've got is that one of them stopped carrying Fever Tree mixers.

>> No.10875050

Can't really think of either.

If the grocery store is too crowded, I'll just leave.

Distilling water at home costs about the same as the triple filtering system at the grocery store so I fill my water tanks pretty regularly.

Lately I've been buying generic flavored club soda in cans just to act as a thermal mass in my fridge but then I drink them. Sometimes they're only $2 for a dozen.

>> No.10875087

Explain this thermal mass thing please.

>> No.10875090

I second this. please explain

>> No.10875139

explain the mass please

>> No.10875145

i work at one for freight. on inventory night, this middle aged woman comes in screeching that she left her brand new iphone in the store somewhere and needed help finding it. we all refused, as the manager told us to ignore her bitch ass cause we were on a time crunch. she asked every single employee and customer in the store and wandered for a good 2 hours calling this phone.

she didnt find it at all.

>> No.10875177


>that bitch/asshole who comes to the deli's meat counter section in the prime time and asks for recommendation and suggestions (also, asks for samples)


>> No.10875190


Getting stuck behind a family paying with an EBT card is fun. Something always goes wrong, either with the dumbass cashier or the dumbass customer.

>> No.10875196


he uses the cans as temperature storage, so they help cool food newly added to the fridge.

a simple google search for thermal mass would've told you the same btw..

>> No.10875198

>something always on your list

>> No.10875208

That doesn’t make any sense.

>> No.10875229

I'm guessing you put water in certain places in your fridge to keep the temperature balanced or something equally absurd?

>> No.10875247

>Live in ghetto
>Closest grocery store carries lots of frozen meals and premade shit
>Always runs out of stuff used in cooking with the exception of produce
>Always run out of yeast and flour
>Don't have any fresh basil, but carries tubes of basil/oil mix shit
>People keep bringing their dogs into the store
>You now have to purchase alcohol separately in a separate section of the store because people kept stealing shit
Nicer version of the store is a further drive away, and I'm thinking about starting to go there instead.

>> No.10875258

I fucking hate this, and it's always in the express lane with the old cashier that's learning their job and can't figure anything because their brain is fried from too many coke binges.

>> No.10875260

Lol at least you have a good selection of produce at all times.
I live in an area with a high population of asians and the produce at my store is always depleted by the end of the day.
Sucks because I enjoy shopping at night.

>> No.10875280

>Shop in the day
>Middle professional class white, asian, hispanic, and black people shop, nice experience.

>Shop at night
>Low class black people, ghetto hispanic people, meth head white people and homeless stink up the place, bring their dogs in, slow down the lines with ebt, make the experience worse.

I work long hours so I always have to shop at night unless I do my shopping on the weekends. I shop in the day if I can.

>> No.10875287

I’m right on the border of an excellent neighborhood and basically Compton complete with roof Koreans in the American south. I could take a short trip down the hill to the shitty no name grocery store that always smells of rotting meat or drive five miles to the Publix that is always clean and well stocked.

>> No.10875352

>walk by bulk bins
>Old Chinese lady puts her hand into one and feels around

Never bought from one again.

>> No.10875388
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>> No.10875439


The compressor will work harder and waste more electricity if your fridge isn't full capacity. The cold cans keep the cold from escaping when you open the door so the compressor runs less often.

>> No.10876142

>Shop in the day
>Moms with multiple children running amok causing havoc in the store
>fat people in mobility scooters blocking the aisles
>Undecided people hovering around a product I'm trying to get and have to work my way through them to grab it

>Shop at night
>the only few people that are there are stoners like myself that keep to themselves and get in and out of the store as quickly as possible
Most of the homeless and ghetto folk around here are daytime creatures. Also I've never heard of someone bringing their dog in the store wtf.

>> No.10876163

I'm a normal person so I don't have any horror stories buying food

stop coming to /ck/ for upvotes reddit

>> No.10876173

Things that are always stocked are milk, ground beef, eggs, spinach and salmon. Keeps me feeling healthy.

>> No.10876178

>The compressor will work harder and waste more electricity if your fridge isn't full capacity

I've always thought this was the case but never cared to check or put it into practice. Thanks for the info guys.

>> No.10876192

Sure it does. If your fridge is completely empty and you open your fridge all of the cold air rushes out. You close your fridge and it has to raise the temperature back up to whatever you specified. If you have a bunch of cold water in your fridge and you open it all the cold air rushes out but the water doesn't change temp. You close the fridge and the fridge doesn't have to work as hard to re-cool since the cold mass helps.

>> No.10876193

I've never done that because it always seemed like it'd piss you guys off but that's bullshit.

I don't necessarily know what is good at your shit deli. Most of the time I see you fucks just standing.

>> No.10876196

The power went out at walmart a few weeks ago and they lost 70% of their refrigerated section one friday night.

>> No.10876197

You realize you're also shopping at night and are absolutely one of those annoying people right?

>> No.10876203

I can't stand older asian people. Constantly rude and fucking retarded. At least with old spanish speaking people they try to understand what I'm telling them.

With asians it's like "NAH I DONT KNOW CHING CHONG"

>> No.10876208

Produce manager reporting in . You people are fucking savages .

>> No.10876212

You're absolutely not normal. The average person makes way less than you think.

>> No.10876221

So the dumbass manager didn't have the foresight to move them to working coolers or freezers. Fantastic. They love to promote idiots.

>> No.10876234

>people blocking the end of the aisle with their trolley while they have a conversation
>ask them to move
>they stare at me blankly beause they dont understand english

>child runs behind me and slaps my ass
>swear loudly in surprise
>the mother gives me a filthy look

>live in high chinese immigrant populated area
>baby formula section is nearly always empty because they buy them all to send back to china to sell for bigger profit

>> No.10876245

They might have, honestly. I didn't ask or think that might have been the case.

>> No.10876283

>Go to sprouts
>know they have a fuck off huge salsa selection
>go to get my favorite salsa
>cant find my favorite salsa
>ask stocker the fucks my salsa at
>over by the kombucha
>the fuck
>head over
>theres like 3 salsa
>none my fav
pretty pissed otherwise okay

>> No.10876314
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>walk very slowly around the supermarket
>pick product and spend time reading contents
>put back and walk back in the szme direction a few times
>make cirles around with no idea what I want
>spazzing hand gestures
>walk 20 meters more just to avoid encountering customers, because they might block me and I will have to turn around instead of asking them to move

>> No.10876317

Eggs, milk, bread, beer, wine, coffee, peanut butter, lube, condoms, honey.

>> No.10876323

I'm white and middle class with a master's degree. The other people in the store are 2 standard deviations below average intelligence. I live in the city because I didn't want a long commute to work and there's more stuff to do around here.

>> No.10876330

Make your own. It's not that hard and you can control the flavor.

>> No.10876358

yeah but
fuck that

>> No.10876553
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This is where I go, mostly Russian store. Cheap produce, good hot items. Cheap euro beer.

>> No.10876755

I never buy from bulk bins because I assume someone has done this. I've seen people take fucking bagels with their bare hands and put them back.

>> No.10876810

>the store is crowded
>kids running around
>that nigger that stands in the entrance to bix nood on the phone
>they only have organic version of the vegetables you want
>self checkout is closed, there are 2 cashiers
>your eggs break on the drive back home

>> No.10876821

Shopping late in the evening is pretty cool at an upscale grocery store near me. They have discount salads, fried salmon and grilled meat left at the bar, sometimes sushi and maki. No point in going there at night, though, because the cooked food runs out by midnight and the person at the bar leaves.

>> No.10876839


>> No.10876911

I wish I could buy Big Red, but for some reason stores on the west coast don't stock it at all.

>> No.10876928
File: 5 KB, 225x225, peperage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw work in produce
>it's cherry season
>tfw find wet, slimy cherry pits all over the fucking place all day long
I fucking hate people.

>> No.10877230

That’s not how thermodynamics work my guy.

>> No.10877252

I have a similar experience, but I also frequent /o/ so I know how to drive without destroying the food.

>> No.10877280
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>want some pic related for my meme diet
>not in the salad dressing aisle
>not in the produce section
>not in the organic section
>really don't want to have to ask the jester to help me find it because the last time he slapped my ass
>the regular jester has the day off, his replacement is a qt 3.14 lady jester
>ask her where the paleo dressing is
>"it's in aisle 7, sir"
>mfw the lady jester doesn't go in for any shenanigans and is actually the most professional employee in the store
Sometimes I hate being a white American, I can't even get a female store jester touch me

>> No.10877286

I know that feel bro

>> No.10877292


>> No.10877296
File: 67 KB, 537x527, 9497EF34-C1E6-429E-A1B1-5A6771B93A28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cashier story time, friends

>Be me, cashierfag at Walmart through university
>Normal Saturday, until this old guy comes up
>Something tells me he isn't all there because he's wearing a thick sweater and a winter cap in late June
>Ringing him up
>"These tomatoes fresh?"
>"As fresh as we can get them, sir"
>Takes the tomatoes from my hand and sniffs them
>As long as he's buying them then no big deal
>Takes a bite out of the tomato like an apple
>"No, not fresh!"
>Tosses the tomatoes on the belt and walks out
>Fucking dickhead didn't even buy any of his shit

>> No.10877309

>asking where items are located
If you're too dumb to use signage and logic to figure out where an item is locacted you probably should instead be looking for a responsible adult to guide you back to your wrangler. My annoyance is employees asking me if I need help finding stuff. Sometimes I just browse an aisle but I can't do that without at least 3 stockers asking if I'm looking for something. Leave me the fuck alone.

>> No.10877310

>>the only few people that are there are stoners like myself that keep to themselves and get in and out of the store as quickly as possible
This is why I go grocery shopping 1-2 hours before they close. I want to just go about my business and take my time picking out the shit I want to get. I don't want 50 people to walk by and watch, or even worse, make eye contact, as I'm doing my shopping while I'm high. Late at night generally people tend to do their best to stay out of each other's way.

>> No.10877318

How do anons feel about using the grocery store public toilet?

>> No.10877333


>> No.10877338

Another, I’ll try and remember some other events

>Another weekend shift (I always got thrown on these, it sucked)
>The trashiest looking girl shows up in my lane with a bottle of Fresca and 5 packs of 5 lighters
>Hoop earrings, loudly chewing gum, bottle blonde, spray tan
>I thought these people only existed on TV or in Hell
>”Umm... Don’t you guys have bigger packs of lighters?!”
>I smoked at the time and went through maybe two lighters a month, by loss or by use
>”That’s just the ones we get, it seems.” Shrug off the question and try and get her the fuck out of my register
>She tried to tap, then repeatedly tries smacking her card onto the reader
>”Sorry, no tap” is clearly written on it
>Try to explain that it’s disabled as a security measure so lost or stolen cards can’t be used
>Call manager, he tells her the exact same thing
>Pays and storms off

>> No.10877359

>work at a pharmacy/convenience store
>customers keep swarming inside five minutes before we close
>no cameras in the store so the employees have to confront thieves
>not allowed to tell customers to leave their backpacks at the register
>people occasionally try to steal cartfuls of expensive shit like razors and perfume
>not a lot of items are locked because it was considered disrespectful to the customers
>constantly hear complaints about the rx closing early on the weekend when it’s been like this since the inception of the building

Glad the company got bought over

>> No.10877367

I used to live in a hovel that was so shitty, the Food Lion 15 minutes away had a nicer john. I only pissed off the back porch.

>> No.10877368

Like, science and shit.

>> No.10877370

I work at sprouts

Pro tip

They have no in store loss prevention.
You can literally steal anything from the store. They won't know.

>> No.10877371

I unironically love the jester stories

>> No.10877373

And now some positive stories

>Ringing up a mom and her kid
>One or two price matches/coupons but I’m not bothered
>Ring up total and pay
>Kid grabs a kinder egg
>”Sweetie can mommy see that so we can pay?”
>Kid screams like a fucking banshee
>Scan a kinder egg, pay for it myself and let them leave


>Mom and two kids this time
>Near Christmas time
>”Mommy I want a toy!”
>”I want one too!”
>I can see that this poor woman is just tired and stressed beyond belief and she can barely put up with the kids at this state
>Put on the straightest, most businesslike face I can and tell them
>”You know, I’ve actually been told NOT to sell toys because Santa gave us a call and said some of the toys had manufacturing defects and we need to inspect which ones are safe or not. Could take a few weeks to completely resolve.”
>Kids desist at hearing this because apparently to them cashiers are the ultimate arbiters of truth
>Lady pays up and mouths “Thank you” as she leaves

>> No.10877375

We aren't "just standing"
We are in the middle of an intense internal debate on what slab of meat we want to take out of the cooler, take in the back room and drop on the floor.

>> No.10877381

>frequenting /o/ makes you a better driver
I cant make other people drive better or make them get off their fucking phones

>> No.10877384

Dude don't even try to argue this. An empty space full of cold air will lose temperature much more quickly then a full fridge retaining the temperature in the various foods & liquids inside.

>> No.10877397

Running into old coworkers and feeling shit because they're stuck where they are and you're out of it but you don't deserve to be out of it and everyone knows you're a piece of shit fraud fuck who should probably neck himself.

Also I hate how my shoes squeak on the tile sometimes.

>> No.10877402

>go to walmart today

da fuq niggas?

>> No.10877408

Ah yes, the food store. A favorite of mine comrade.

>> No.10877409

Another, these are all coming back to me

>15 minutes to close, counting up my register
>Always a handful of asswipes that try to cash out with full carts at 11:10
>This one was yet another mom and child
>”Oh shit I forgot my wallet in my car!”
>Leaves kid with me and dashes out
>In less than a minute I go from counting up my till to watching some 5 year old
>Just stand there in complete silence with kid for about 20 minutes
>”Tired?” I ask him
>He nods
>”Yeah, me too...”
>Another 20 minutes go by
>Debate on calling cops because unless this bitch parked in the town over there’s no fucking way it would take her 40 minutes to get a wallet
>Thankfully she comes back in and pays
>Get home at 1 AM

>> No.10877413

>Running into old coworkers and feeling shit because they're stuck where they are and you're out of it

Oh fuck man I know this and it sucks

>> No.10877424

fucking THIS. When I see people sampling cherries and grapes, or shucking corn in the store rather than at home I want to kill them

>> No.10877435

>shucking corn in the store
Sometimes the top third of the cob is all shriveled up and shitty. Why should I pay for that? I only want your finest corn.

>> No.10877441
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>mfw I sample everything before I buy it

>> No.10877492

I won't argue, because I don't get into debates with retards.

>> No.10877506

Management would ravage my ass if I didn't greet customers. They literally have secret shoppers come in weekly.
If I recognize you i probably wouldn't ask though. Maybe just a hello if our eyes meet.

>> No.10877511

Yeah, but I can doriftu around them without destroying my tofu

>> No.10877522

Shut your fucking face, I'm not paying extra for the husk. If your store is stupid enough to leave a trash can near the corn, I'm going to shuck it.

>> No.10877535

>Sold by unit not weight
flyover intelligence at it again. Buy on spesh and it lasts for weeks in the fridge in the husk

>> No.10877542

>store is selling Dungeness crabs for such-and-such per pound but you have to buy the entire crab
>it's an event sale where they punch in the code and weigh it like produce
>unwrap one, break off the legs and claws and re-wrap, ditch the body in the freezer bin

>> No.10877558

>that Christmas story

If true, you're a hero among men anon. I hate hearing the cunt-spawn scream while I shop.

>> No.10877565

I'm coastal and my store sells corn by weight, that's what I meant by not paying for the husk. How was that hard to understand?

>> No.10877577

>lasts for weeks in the fridge
You couldn't be more flyover if you tried.

>> No.10877581

If your store's selling by weight you're getting ripped off from the start. All the stores in my district sell by unit

>> No.10877615

Sound's like you're the one getting ripped off.

>> No.10877620

Good then we can keep bantering, because I enjoy arguing with morons.

>> No.10877624

Come kiss me then, idiot.

>> No.10877629


Is a blossoming romance between two massive faggots forming on this day?

>> No.10877630

It's surprisingly the cleanest looking part of my grocery store, and the decor looks like it's from a fancy restaurant.

>> No.10877640

you're an idiot. the heat sink that is cans of water will help moderate the temperature of the loss air mass holds.

Maybe provide a counter point rather than saying, 'nah dude'

>> No.10877641

Nah, the other guy is scared.

>> No.10877648

Anon, I always knew we were meant for each other.
Hell yeah brother

>> No.10877649

I'm the idiot? Nah dude, thats you when I'm suckin that dick.

>> No.10877655

some guy followed me around and would say "ooh, nice" when he put something in his cart, and "eh, no thanks" when i put something in mine.

>> No.10877656

Sorry senpai, I'm kind of a hoe

>> No.10877658
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>> No.10877659

Reee don't talk to me it makes it awkward to steal shit!

>> No.10877663

It's cool, the brightest flames burn the quickest

>> No.10877668

sweet one dude.

>> No.10877689
File: 64 KB, 167x298, A5F3CD88-F0AE-498F-B83C-5476E01726C2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wal-mart, a multi billion dollar corporation with thousands of stores containing frozen storage, cold storage, perishable storage, security, and emergency lighting requirements.., has no on-site backup power system?
Not sure if clever troll or major corporate stupidity

You wouldn’t troll me so I know the Walton’s must be that stupid.

>> No.10877691

>live in a tourist town that gets packed YEAR ROUND by people who shit all over local life
>in the summer cant even find a single parking space in the grocery store parking lot
>once I get inside it's filled with the elderly and annoying teenagers
>nobody walking faster than 2 steps a second
>groups of 4 or more completely blocking an aisle while they chat
>lines 15 minutes long at every register

and now for my specifcally favorite experience
>leave the store
>remember I forgot something important so I HAVE TO GO BACK
>wade through the ocean of tourists
>stand in line at the self checkout for 10 minutes
>I'm next in line
>at least it wasn't too bad
>one of the 4 self checkout machines is out
>an elderly lady up front is trying to pay with a check
>the guy overseeing this has his hands full with this crazy tourist fuck
>a guy tries to buy beer and has to wait for the overseer
>last self checkout machine is occupied by a lady baging a heaping full cart of groceries
I ended up standing in line for OVER HALF AN HOUR MORE. I'm not even kidding. I was so fucking mad. The cashier guy didn't even step away from the check lady to let that guy buy his beer and he ended up just leaving but his machine was still locked. I ended up waiting for the huge cart lady to finish before I could buy my shit and go.

I fucking hate tourists.

>> No.10877692

I don't why, but your first tale made me remember a time when I was a grocery bagger when I was 16 (am 27 now).
>Family comes in
>Obviously poor (and I was living in a middle class neighborhood at the time with parents)
>Little kids go up to those quarter machines
>Ask mom and dad for quarters but parents say they can't afford it
>Dad has that look that says he's disappointed in himself
>I'm used to annoying kids asking and screaming when they don't get their way
>Kids were okay with what he said and understood. It was two twin girls that were probably about 6 or 7
>We had to wear aprons that had front pockets, and I used to keep my coin change in there so reach in and grab two quarters, turn around quickly and hand them to the kids
>Their faces lit up
>Dad says thanks as he's leaving
>Never did that again (was paid min wage which was like $6.75 back then).

>> No.10877698


>> No.10877701

Even stores that have a massive generator for power situations do not have the coolers hooked up to them.
It's retarded.

>> No.10877711

>small act of human kindness
>never do it again

Can you marry me, anon?

>> No.10877714

>work at walmart
>checking out this lady
>she suddenly stiffens up and says "I got go to the bathroom"
>she rushes across the store towards the bathrooms
>she stops halfway there and stands still
>shit falls out of her shorts and lands on the carpet in front of the entrance
The store manager had to hose it off for about an hour. Walmart policy is that management has to clean up biohazards and shit technically is a biohazard.

>> No.10877747

>Go to stockroom to throw some shit away.
>See two produce monkeys back at the compactor.
>One of them is throwing melons into the compactor chute.
>While the other is standing at the front of it, swinging his knife at the flying fruit.
>Both of them giggling like retards at their fun game.
Apparently there was an "incident" later that day with a few employees, ambulance called, something about a knife breaking, real shame that they had to lose two employees over the whole thing.
To this day I have no idea how you can lose two employees when one accidentally broke a knife.

>> No.10877764

This. Best time to shop is first thing in the morning or right before they close at night. Lunch time, weekends and 3-8pm are the worst times to go.
Also if you go in the morning the bread is baked fresh.
If you go last thing at night the bakery and meat sections have discounts.

>> No.10877770

At my store the bakery doesn't put out anything fresh until the dinner rush. It's bullshit. I cant win.

>> No.10877780

Lol. I used to work produce. Can confirm acting like a retard. We played fruit ninja IRL and also seran wrap baseball.

>> No.10877784

This one time, I saw someone I kinda sorta knew back in high school.
I didn’t know if I should say hi or ignore and pretend I didn’t recognize
If I ignored them then I might look like an asshole
But if I said hi then it would be awkward if they didn’t remember me.
I said hi
The person just looked at me kinda confused and said “hi”.
We walked away in separate directions while building up speed.
That concludes my story.

>> No.10877815

>>”Tired?” I ask him
>>He nods
>>”Yeah, me too...”
Kid knew. There's always 2-3 fuckfaces with carts at 5 minutes past close.

You seriously couldn't do your shopping at ANY of the other 18 hours during the normal day? Hurry the fuck up I want to go home.

>> No.10877831

>return to store I worked at
>recognize somebody
>try to remember their name
>awkwardly maneuver around them from a distance
>decide to walk up and say hi anyway
>"Oh hey Anon how are you?"
>his eyes look empty and bottomless
>make a joke about Russian hackers and excuse myself to take a fake phonecall

>> No.10877860
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Who the hell decided it's ok to leave greens out unrefrigerated for hours on end? They're not even a farmer's market they're a fucking regular grocery store.

>> No.10877866

Any grocery store that actually sells their produce.

>> No.10878094

Corporate is always retarded at these kind of stores. I work at whole foods and they force us to put leafy greens upside down resting on the top of all of the leafs, so they end up looking like shit

doesn't make any fucking sense

>> No.10878152

The thermal mass thing reminds me when I was a teenager trying to explain to my mom why leaving the fridge/freezer door open for a minute won't "let all the cold out" when we have a full fridge/freezer. Pissed me off so much, I started eating mostly shelf-stable foods to avoid being bitched at when I'm deciding on what to eat.

>> No.10878155

The Publix where I live actually puts the veggies up at the end of the day

>> No.10878158

it's still a million times better than keeping them under a mister. Turns cilantro to slime in the bag

>> No.10878166

>Constantly having some bored half awake produce monkey pick up and throw your produce back into the cooler so it is "fresh" every night.
Enjoy your shitty re-frozen fruit and veggies?

>> No.10878180

Not saying it makes it better, just saying I noticed they did that the other day when I went in for some daikon radishes right before closing time. I'm not sure what they do with it in the back, maybe it does get re-frozen.

>> No.10878196

Gonna let you in on a secret.
The only place in the back that isn't a freezer is the dairy area and the dairy reaper will not allow any produce in his domain.

>> No.10878218

mfw in a union cuck store.... the union is shit and just robs us, basically, but it has a couple of benefits, the primary being that it is so fucking hard to actually get fired.
>Same thing happened to me, fat meth head bitch and her meth head son came into my line, 5 minutes past closing.
>Told them we closed 5 minutes ago, it was announced and I'm not ringing them up.
>sign out, clock out (next to register) and tell them to have a nice night
>union, can't force me to work a minute past what I'm scheduled, can't be punished for it.

fucking cunts, cuck supervisor had to ring them up, then 1 or 2 other pairs of cunts, dunno I fucking left the store

>> No.10878238

I remember signing up for a "union" when I worked my first job as a grocery bagger. I worked in a right to work state and didn't really understand what that meant. I was scheduled to work until midnight and then my next shift would be at 5am, and I had to walk home (still a teenager, and parents were asleep). That happened several times, and the fat fuck manager didn't care, and the union wouldn't do shit about it.

>> No.10878251

at least in our case you can ignore any store directives if they don't follow the union rules
>scheduled 8 hours from end of another shift
>show up 2 hours late instead, ignored 3 phonecalls from the store
>tell them I need 10 hours as is union rule
>tfw they covered my shift as I was late 2 hours
>mfw I still get to work because they broke the rules, and I get paid those 2 hours I didn't work
>also, that poor guy they called in not getting paid and being sent home
that said our union is shit, really, but at times you can work the system

>> No.10878668


>> No.10878672


>> No.10878698

My union generates 3.2 million dollars every paycheck in dues and they hang up on you if you call and ask complicated questions related to your benefits.

>> No.10878704

When I get attitude from the deli workers I will stand there for 10 minutes making them grab exact amounts of shit then changing my mind.
Fucking deli workers.

>> No.10878706
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pic related is my special treat when I go grocery shopping

>> No.10878731

My fuckin nigga.

>> No.10878777

Two wal-marts I would go to had bread fresh in the morning around 5:30 to 6:00 AM
the one I live by now puts out fresh bread at god damn 4 PM
but all three discounted raw meat and the prepared food around 5:30 AM

>> No.10878944


>> No.10878950

>but at times you can work the system
Sure sounds like a union job to me!

>> No.10879370
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>go to the commisary
>get a handbasket cause fuck carts
>older asian lady asks tells me to get a cart because the weight could ruin my joints when i get older
>realize she wants me to get a card so i can tip her asian friends at the bagging station
>decline and tell her im young enough and my joints arent going yet
>then asks if im married and if i live local
>i tell her im single and focusing on my career for now and ill get married later
>she looks a bit sad and we part ways

Even if she wants to offer her asian daughter i dont misceginate.

>> No.10879382


>> No.10879438

>hot dogs
>potato rolls
>pork rinds

>black licorice
>dr. pepper (yes I'm agnostic)

>> No.10879448
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>I live in an area with a high population of asians and the produce at my store is always depleted by the end of the day.

I always get funny looks shopping at the asian markets cause of the size of my afro, but it's alright as long as their shit is always cheaper than safeway.

>> No.10879508
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Produce worker here, Produce manager anon was right people are just fucking bipedal animals.

between date and cherry pips i hate having to clean them knowing it's been in some gross cunt's mouth.

Best part of my day is having people ask if we have a toilet and telling them to fuck off I'm not letting you use my employee toilet MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

>> No.10879518
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>that guy who always uses a basket even though it's very clearly cumbersome and he has to keep changing hands

>> No.10879530
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Another great story from working at a Whole Foods

so we close at 9PM, and the bigger one closes at 10. It was around 9:15 and we were pulling and stuff like that, and this guy forces his way through the doors and demands us to help him. I tell him sir, we're closed and we can't serve you. This guy then goes full fucking manchild on me:
>Well, that's why I need you to go get a manager instead
Like I couldn't believe this guy was actually throwing a fit that he couldn't buy something at a grocery store. I went to go grab my manager because I knew she would have ripped this guy a new one, but since I saw a grocery manager i grabbed him first. I was pissed because he let him have it.

I can't imagine being so fucking high on yourself that you will walk into a grocery store after everybody has left and demand service.

>> No.10879532

this one time some woman was arguing that chunky peanut butter that was on sale should be the same price as creamy peanut butter she was buying

this must have gone on for like 20 minutes while I was shopping

>> No.10879540

A group of old ladies crowding around the plums eating collectively 8+ to "test" the quality of them and then buying maybe 3-4.

>> No.10879549
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>little girl keeps slapping my butt and running away
>after the second or third time I look around to try and find her parents
>an employee witnesses it but pretends not to, I approach him and ask if he find her mom or something
>turns out it's a midget in a wig
>nobody is able to catch him because he's too quick and hides in the vents

>> No.10879556

Can't you get arrested for doing that? What the hell.

>> No.10879626

>costco: results found 0

I knew /ck/ was full of plebs

>> No.10879628

I was looking for walnuts once, and it was in the fucking baking section. Also I don't remember where I found unflavored gelatin. Some shit's confusing.

>> No.10879634

What the fuck is at Costco other than shitty hotdogs and 40 pound units of jellybeans?

>> No.10879665

I just got a 8k BTU air conditioner with a energy star rating of 12 for $179. Other than that, I dunno.

>> No.10879717

you should be killed

>> No.10879725

>>pick product and spend time reading contents
>>put back and walk back in the szme direction a few times
>>make cirles around with no idea what I want
That's me

>> No.10879729

The fuck do you need condoms and lube for?

>> No.10879740

I wish they were almost 4 dollars when not on sale

>> No.10879830
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>that customer who doesnt say thank you after you help them
>that customer who doesnt look up from their phone while they walk
>that customer who parks their cart where people need to walk by
>guy with earphones on looking lost
>customer who if only their read the isle signs theyd find what theyre asking for

>> No.10880014

I like a quiet work environment, I’m sure she liked non-screaming kids. Win-Win situation.

>> No.10880026

This. If you can’t find 45 minutes between 7AM - 11PM to buy groceries then I don’t know what to fucking tell you.

>> No.10880033


>> No.10880041

Me too, but I really like my job, plus the benefits are pretty tits.

>> No.10880085

>>that customer who doesnt look up from their phone while they walk
I dated a girl who did this on a trip to Target. On a Saturday. During the Christmas season.
After three collisions I walked behind her and steered her to the earrings and then left her there. Then I turned off my phone. And I went home.

>> No.10880206

i work at a store with a deli that has insane turnover; just seeing how shitty their jobs are makes me respect what they have to go through. they are CONSTANTLY busy; so if you see them "standing around" they're likely just getting a quick breather in because its such shit

>> No.10880225

Saw an n-person lose his shit and scream at a manager when they wouldn't give him a refund for the spoiled juice he just bought. It was Kombucha.

>> No.10880341

She's probably still there you asshole.

>> No.10880436

>Manage to hobble my crippled ass into a mart cart so I can shop.
>Trying to be as low profile as I can because I don't want to be in the store and I don't want to be on a cripple wagon buzzing around the store.
>Having to do everything with my left side because my right arm and hip are fucked.
>Doing well enough until I catch the ire of a trouble haired harpy who instantly takes offence with my existence.
>Constantly demanding I leave the cart so someone else can use it, I don't even need it, I am faking it, etc.
>Cant drown out her unholy screeches as I try to get my few things and leave.
She is drawing a crowd now, including management.
>Her demands change from me to him, demanding I be removed for my crimes of moving around trying to shop.
>"Hey boss..."
>Manager asks if I am doing okay, kinda half shrug and wince.
>"Could be better, the music here sucks."
>The screaming gets louder.
>Boss says he can help out with that a little and tells the banshee she is being trespassed from the store.
>Hear something along the lines of "YOU CAN'T DO THAT!"
>'Actually yes I can, leave.'
>She gets escorted out of the store so she can't see my car when I leave.

>> No.10880486
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Some kid ran into the aisle and blasted shit on the floor while his brother ran right into it

>> No.10880493

I do that

>> No.10881458

Go to an actual bakery, my dudes. They're open fukken early in the morning too, like 7. At most you'll have 1 little old lady or the odd construction worker in the store as well at that time if you're not a fan of crowds.

>> No.10881464

Yea this. Why the fuck don't they do their shopping in the middle of the day when the kids are at school/kindy/daycare?
They're probably """busy""" on Facebook or looking at cakes on Pinterest.

>> No.10881472

"where do you keep your kumsquats"?
>escorted out by security and told not to return

>> No.10881488

Being old must be sweet. You can do basically whatever the fuck you want and nobody can tell you "No" because you can pull the age superiority card. If anyone actually kicks up a stink you just pretend to have Alzheimers or confused and they take pity on you.
Then they go home to their double pensions and house they bought for $10k with a min wage job back in the 50's and drink and smoke all day like they have done when they retired at age 55. laughing knowing that their grandkids have to work until they're 70 then pay for their own retirement.

>> No.10881553
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>have job in grocery store
>Park as far away from store as possible
>Find new scratches and dents in my car on a daily basis
>Tfw worked hard for my car

>> No.10882046


>> No.10882091

I like you anon

>> No.10882122
File: 60 KB, 608x960, 115465B4-9708-4EFD-B0E2-D4B1CA1664DF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's basically autism.

A closed system will require a set amount of energy to change the potential energy content of that system. The cans will require more energy to be spent to cool them the flip side is that they will assist in lowering the temperature of the closed system once the door to the fridge has been closed. Basically you're paying more electricity in order to ensure that your fridge reaches a colder ambient temperature faster when the door closes.

It's similar to an old wives tale but much more autism and undeserved self-importance are involved.

>> No.10882132

>knowing that their grandkids have to work until they're 70 then pay for their own retirement.

I think you mean work until they die.

>> No.10882142

>Then they go home to their double pensions
Not in Germany. Most retirees are in danger of being poor as fuck

>> No.10882147

I literally cringed when I read this post

>> No.10882153

I'm a retarded poorfag and I've had automatic jew payments for retarded things that I don't need taken from my bank account just before I go to buy groceries twice in the last month. The pretty girls at the checkouts were nice both times but its unbelievably embarrassing.

>> No.10882185

your loss man

>> No.10882189

you got troll'd by the mall goblin bro

>> No.10882198

Gonna call bullshit on that. I used to occasionally be a janitor at one and the bathrooms were usually a fucking nightmare. The ladies often being far worse.

>> No.10882202
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People who don't pass down the checkout dividers when they're out of reach for others to use are such cunts.

>> No.10882284

>Waiting in checkout line
>Two people in front of me
>One getting their stuff rung up
>Next person just plops their shit on the end of the belt, despite there being multiple feet of room ahead of them
>Right on the fucking end
>Have to wait for the belt to move forward so I can start placing my own shit on the belt
>Because this fucking faggot

>> No.10882288


>> No.10882301

>wont scoot their shit forward*
The mere remembrance gets me so mad I posted early

>> No.10882314

This is the result of regular anal sex......disgusting!

>> No.10882334

>paying for Fever Tree branding

>> No.10882336

Used to work stock and QA at Food Lion a couple months back. Stocking was pretty chill and good work. QA is just a fancy name for janitors but I preferred it over stocking. Got a few stories for you lads.
>Be me, working janitor shift
>Spend about an hour cleaning store and running through checklist
>Spend rest of shift in janitor closet watching animu
>Go check on bathrooms every hour or so
>Checking bathrooms last time before clocking out for the night
>Open ladies room and immediately assaulted by a godawful stink.
>Sigh and take a breath before going in.
>Check first stall, nothing...
>Open cripple stall and find the culprit
>Some bitch had shit her panties and left it right in the bowl and it had somehow smeared all over the seat.
>Gag a little and run to my cart for gloves and a mask.
>Double bag the offending underoos and immediately run out back to dumpster.
>Spend 15 minutes scrubbing the whole stall down with industrial shit that made my eyes water.
>Finish up and go to front to clock out.
>Bro tier manager runs into me and says good night and asks how my shift was.
>Say it was fine with a straight face.
>Walk home, still haunted by that stink

>> No.10882388

Should of kept and sold the panties bro, ez money

>> No.10882408

Nah bro, these things were caked it shit. No way I was even gonna hold on to them longer than I needed to

>> No.10882463
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I don't put a divider down because I like the watch the women in front of me start to become paranoid that my items are going to be rung up with theirs.....their reaction is priceless.

>> No.10882484

Another janitor story, this one is shorter but creeped me out
>Running through aisles with floor machine one evening
>Essentially a giant floor mopper to the unlearnt
>Up one aisle I notice a path of red drips
>Probably some shitty kid with a melting popsicle.
>During summer so this shit happened a lot.
>Clean it up and start following trail
>Leads me through 2 more aisles and ultimately leads to the bathroom.
>Notice the red is too dark to be from popsicles...
>Go inna mens room and see urinal filled with bloody piss, some even going down the front.
>Cringe for a solid 15 seconds before blocking off mens room and bolting to get the manager.
>Any blood outside the meat department is a biohazard and needs to be reported immediately.
>3 aisles and the bathroom are blocked off while I scrub them top to bottom.
Worst part is that isn't even the worst one I've got. The other 2 janitors have stories of their own but I never bothered.

>> No.10882904

>Grocery shopping one evening
>Day was hot as hell, wearing shorts
>Nearly finished, in the freezer section deciding on peas VS sprouts
>Obvious single mother and its hellspawn walk into the other side of the aisle
>Glance over, nigglet locks eyes with me and dons a shiteating grin
>like a bolt of mulatto lighting this little shit runs over and digs it's fucking teeth right into my calf
>fucking whore laughs, "oh, he does that sometimes, it's nothing"
>resist the urge to punt this tiny pre-felon into the thots tattooed face
>remember old /ck/ pasta
>shes trying to brush me off like it's all a joke, J'vylqrow is still grinning.
>Calf is bleeding a little, I reach down with a look of horror and look from the little shit to the big shit back and forth like it's end of the world
>"I'm HIV positive. He's probably going to die. I'm sorry."
>She goes from zero to a crumpled heap of bawling in .05 seconds, he just looks like he doesn't know what's happening
>Leave my cart, walk out, go to the place down the road that week

>> No.10882955

it's not /ck/ pasta, it's older than 4chan. it's from someone on IRC

>> No.10882999

I guess you really do learn something new every day. Saw it here a few times years ago.

>> No.10883036

Any time im in a walmart groacery, there parking is allwayse shit, there selections are shit, and overall have such a horrible atmosphere. I know the folks who work there are doing there best, but I can see there glassy eyes of one too many whale beaching themselves in the chip aisle.

Its why I try to stick to stater brothers, the one i went to usualy perks me up every time im there, only problem with it is trying to weave through the croud because they know that this place is 100% less shit than WM.

>> No.10883040

One time i was leaving food city and it was dark out and i bumped into the homeless native american guy and i was so caught off guard that all i could think about was that scene from muholond drive. I had a panic attack like no other. Almost blacked out from terror. God damn this is giving me chills just thinking about it

>> No.10883045

>muholond drive
Mulholland Drive?

>> No.10883052

I love that movie

>> No.10883058

Yeah whatever.

>> No.10883454


I know the feel, but at the same time most of my old coworkers who wanted to get out of there did eventually. Most of the ones left over either didn’t mind it much or were probably scared of a new, unfamiliar job (which I also understand).

>> No.10883479

When I was a bagger for literally a week before I got fired manager forgot I requested a week off for surgery somehow even after he wrote it down and acknowledged it 3 weeks before. I was part time and would forget peoples bags and give other people more groceries. For instance, if I forgot your Eggo waffles, i'd give someone else free Eggo waffles instead.

Also, fuck the bags, they are actually IMPOSSIBLE to open when your bagging a fuckton of groceries, makes me feel incompetent as hell.

>> No.10883484

>Go to the store to pick up an easy dinner
>Decide on a submarine sandwich since it can last me a day and a half
>No subs in the cooler
>Ask deli to make me one
>Guy looks a bit irritated but I chat him up a bit and becomes friendlier.
>Tells me they're out of the private select slices so he'll have to give me Boars Head instead
>no objections here
>best $8 I've ever spent on a single sandwich
Be nice to your local deli worker and they'll treat you well.

>> No.10883511

I feel like this could be upstate new york

>> No.10883522

>stop at some grocery store in the middle of nowhere to get some roadtrip snacks
>As i exit my car i see a woman that had to be over 400 pounds waddling towards the entrance wearing blue yoga pants thats are so stretched out they brcame transparent and a thong
>i see things no man should ever see, but I began to giggle
>get back in the car and begin laughing my ass off and gagging at the same time

>> No.10883569

The power demands for those coolers is incredible.

>> No.10883590

If elder care had taught me anything is to lern how to breathe through your mouth and not look directly at it, no thoughts, just cleaning it out the best you can.
Anyway have a storytime before I go to bed, its nothing much but its okay.

> Go to SB for afew months.
> the local workers know me by now.
> get the same shit every time, get out in record time.
> Dont fuck around, when its my turn I put my items on the line at sanic speeds, card ready, bags out, ready to go.
> get invited over to the 15 items or less section once or twice since they know me/know i get my shit done quick.
> Once get invited over when I had a full cart, lines in the other ques obsenly long and for some reason they open up the 15 first and not the others instead.
> whatever, come over, have afew other people behind me que up.
> some sighs and groans at my cart, whatever, load that shit up, card out ready, im done within a minute or two.
> Casher makes a quip of 'Haha its okay folks, we invited her over'
> look up, see the que finaly.
>most where moderately surprised.
> everything is great, pay up, say bye, im out.

>> No.10883621

>Worried about her nigglet having HIV now.
Obviously she doesn't know shit about her spawn.

>> No.10883622

that depends on the place/country
>shop in the day
>grandmas, moms, and college students at all times
>shop in the night
>can't because it's fucking closed everywhere

>> No.10883629

I always figured the several isles of basically freezers with constantly opened doors was energy efficient.

>> No.10883632
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>me and friend stop at Wal Mart on the way to a party
>we were in a hurry, my uncle called us while we were on the way and asked us to get some chips and cookies
>head to chips and cookies aisle
>surprise surprise, not one but two landwhales on scooters (they were a couple) are next to each other in the middle of the aisle and clogging it worse than their arteries
>we grabbed the cookies at the end we entered then headed towards the chips on the other end
>fatties are very slowly creeping up the aisle in unison, each one scanning every square inch of their side
>politely ask them to move so we can get by
>they totally ignore us, keep discussing what snacks they see and which ones they want
>ask again, this time a little louder and firmer in an attempt to break them out of their junk food trance
>ignore me again
>OK fuck these fat assholes, I tried to be nice
>loudly say to my friend "Which one do you think will win the race? I got $5 on Big Red" (the girl was wearing a tarp-like red shirt)
>that got their attention
>each of them gave me a dirty look and the guy called me an asshole, but they stuck to their mission of scanning for and acquiring junk food
>they didn't go any faster or let my friend and I pass so I narrated their food choices until they were at the end of the aisle and I could get my chips
>"Double Stuff Oreos are an interesting choice to pair with Code Red Mountain Dew, but I trust their gut...You can never go wrong with Little Debbie, solid choice there...Flaming Hot Cheetos AND Puffy Cheetos, now that's a savvy veteran move right there"
>they called me a few more nasty names while I was doing that but kept on chugging along
>friend was simultaneously mortified and suppressing laughter
That was during my edgy asshole phase but fuck me if it didn't feel great to be an asshole to people who deserved it instead of biting my tongue

>> No.10883666

>chip-and-pin is now standard for pretty much anything that isn't a prepaid/gift card
>card terminals can't read the chip half the time due to becoming so worn out

>twitchy woman in the parking lot comes up to me and asks for money so she can buy gas
>where have i heard this one before
>offer to pay it for her
>she gets irritated and goes off to look for someone less wiser
>go back inside to tell a manager
>see a cop car pull in just as i leave the parking lot

>> No.10883728
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>first day on job at grocery store
>first job ever
>20 minutes into my first shift
>"Hey Anon, we need you to clean something up in the bathroom..."
>oh boy
>here we go
>"...But it's not what you think..."
>go into bathroom with sanitation equipment
>open stall door
>someone was fucking doing HEROIN in the stall
>left behind needle, can cut in half with black gunk melted in it
>no junkie in sight
>what the fuck
>clean up mess
>walk back out after drug stuff is gone
>older cashier spots me
>"Welcome to the work force!"

>> No.10883747

HEROIN! I honestly can't believe it. Literally shaking right now. Brb, going to pat support doggo.

>> No.10883750

Well at least it wasn't something dangerous like blood...
Seriously your management is fucking retarded.

>> No.10883929
File: 11 KB, 275x275, 6b3ae54d39e11fecc73cf235a2ee6048-275-275.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Im also a produce manager

>> No.10883933

How much do inventory people have to deal with customers at stores?
I am applying for an inventory job but Im scared they will try to put me on a cash register

>> No.10883941

I have no horror stories because I go around 11pm when there's only 5 other shoppers and self-checkout is still available. Shit it so cash. Just play a podcast or something and buy your stuff.

>> No.10883943

Get that imposter syndrome looked at

What the fuck

>> No.10883947

>guy comes into where I work
>asks to use the bathroom
>looks like a junkie
>wearing a piece of rope for a belt
>can see a belt in his backpack
>tell him he can't use the bathroom
>asks why not
>because we don't want people shooting up in our bathroom
>gets angry and defensive
>tell him if he doesn't leave I am going to have to call the cops
>he leaves
>comes back the next day and asks to use the bathroom again
>repeat the entire ordeal
>comes back the next day
>I tell him I will be with him in a moment
>go into the back and phone the cops
>get into the whole cant use the bathroom thing again
>cops show up
>take him away
>never see him again

I will assume he is going to stab me one day.

>> No.10883952

I should've opened this thread before I fapped

>> No.10883962

This. The only time I go shopping during the day is off-peak hours at stores with particularly good produce/meat at decent prices.

>> No.10883971

Not at all, you're there to count shit forever and think where your life went wrong.
This is according to a buddy of mine.

>> No.10883989

work night shit at wal mart, we have this cage (~6x6ft, ~15ft tall) that we had to toss the seran wrap and skid/pallet wrap in, makes the night slightly more fun

>> No.10884015

am i the only one who asks for slighty vague amounts [usually 'about half a pound'] to make things easier for deli workers

>> No.10884020

In England that would mean the benefits are not good.

>> No.10884031

They call it a syndrome, but in most cases it's valid self-assessment. Success is rarely the result of merit.

>> No.10884034

not them but wouldnt 'x is THE tits' be positive?

>> No.10884036

i do a similar thing, i always say "give or take" to give so they don't need to waste their time making a measurement on the dot

>> No.10884070

I do that, especially when it's something stupid to weigh like sliced pepperoni.
At that point I just go by the best form of measurement known to man.
>"Just put a hand full or two in the bag."

>> No.10884096

Got a story, this is probably the most fucked up one I could think of.
>Working janitor shift at Food Lion in Johnson County, TN
>Aka the meth capitol of the south
>Plenty of junkies and plenty of crazy shit, enough to give Florida a run for its money.
>Anyway, sweeping through aisles and see sketchy, nervous looking junkie girl in medicine aisle
>Whatever, prolly trying to score some cold medicine
>Keep sweeping but notice her have mini freakout and bolt to bathroom
>Figures, junkie needs to shoot up
>See this shit about 4 times a week so nothing new
>About an hour later I go to bathrooms to wipe them down and polish shit
>Reach womens room and start taking trash out
>No needles but bent wire hanger with blood on one end and fuckton of bloody tissue
>Bunch it up and toss it in garbage cart and move on to tampon boxes.
>Now for those who aren't privy to such knowledge, womens rooms typically have small bins on the wall specifically for tossing bloody tampons. Idk why they don't just use the garbage can but I didn't get paid enough to worry about it.
>Anyway, go to empty bin and notice bloody bundle of tissue, about the size of a grapefruit.
>Idk what the fuck compelled me to check this out but I will never forget what I saw to this day.
>Fucking psycho junkie bitch had given herself a botched abortion in the stall and tossed the fetus in the tampon bin, hoping nobody noticed.
>Throw up and bolt the hell out of there to tell the manager.
>He comes back to the bathroom and pretty much does what I did when he saw it.
>Goes and calls the police and tells me to clock out and go home.
>Management gave me a week off to get over it.
>Pretty much spent the week playing vidya and getting high but it still scarred me.
>The only people who know are myself and two managers at the shop.
>Put two weeks notice in a month later.

>> No.10884103

You weren't the only thing to give up after two weeks.

>> No.10884118

not bad, could work on the wordplay, 7/10

>> No.10884179
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>> No.10884235

Fuck off micropenis chang.

>> No.10884243

Shut the fuck up Nazi they had it coming. They should fuck off and die to make room for the new Germans.

>> No.10884336

sympathy reply

>> No.10884356


>> No.10884679
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I worked in a local store (small chain, probably 15-20 across 2 states) throughout high school and when I was at home for the summer from college, starting as a carry out, then stocker, and last two years as dairy manager. That was about ten years ago now and I can honestly say it was the most fun at a job I've ever had.

>Fluorescent light bulb fights in the back room
>Free/heavily discounted food from the hot case, could bring home two dozen wings for like three bucks as long as didn't go to head cashier to be rung out.
>Managers liked me so I would help set hours after closing for alcohol, vendors always gave us free beer/booze for helping
>Built forts in the back with toilet paper/paper towel boxes
>Take cases of baby food and just fire the jars at the wall in the back for fun
>After making bales ride the bales down the ramp on pallet jacks, which was stupid but fun
>Whoops, this is damaged, might as well snack on it
>Received first bj ever in the bakery cooler from a 2/10 but congrats on the beej
>Was usually the one who got to take deliveries to the old people who couldn't come in and shop, would dick around driving the van to and from

I had to pick up a kid's shit once though; I initially thought it was dog shit right in the entrance but no, some little kid shook it out similar to this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HkT9OqkJGwM

Pay sucked but met lots of good friends and had a good time.

>> No.10885254

I worked at two, first one was a IGA, it was really cool actually, the employees were nice, even the higher ups were pretty chill with the baggers. Craziest thing i can remember is this.
>Day starts normally
>About 1 hour after i started my shift one of the supervisor tells me:
"Anon you should go help the boss in the entrance, it looks serious.''
>So i walk over to the entrance, thinking it's nothing bad, like something fell off a tablet
>The boss is there with the butcher holding a guy on the floor
>The dude was clearly on drugs
>The butcher starts punching him on the back, wonder why
>Turns out the dude had bitten him on the wrist, there was blood almost everywhere around us
>In the end it took four of us to maintain the dude until police arrived
>Meanwhile the dude, who had glasses, was asking us ''Where's my glasses?''
I think what happened was the butcher saw the guy stealing a pack of meat and they started to follow him to the entrance and shit hit the fan.
I kept working there until i moved to another city, there i started working in a Metro, and it was fucking shit compared to the IGA. In fact i left after a month on the job, couldn't stand all the shit in and around the store. I might work at another one if i can't find anything other than that, but this time, i'm not going to be a bagger.

>> No.10885508

If people were good to me, I helped them. If people were assholes, I fucked with them, that’s all.

>> No.10885973
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>> No.10886005

I work at a grocery store and I'll shop after my shift because of the employee discount and saved gas money, I usually take like 30 minutes to relax and then anywhere from 10 to 45 minutes to pick out a few items, someone usually says "you're still here?" when I check out even though this has been the pattern for 8 months

>> No.10886010

Russian groceries are God-tier

>> No.10886022
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>ruins your shopping experience

>> No.10886025
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You know all those items you take care in intimately prepping, cleaning off, and ensuring that they aren't dirty because your parents told you they might have sprayed pesticide on them or a rat could have peed on them in a warehouse?

The negligence of most grocery stores goes above and beyond that. Your food items sit next to mop buckets or drainage sinks where people empty mop water, and get splashed with filth from other broken (usually expired) food items on a daily basis.

Hope you aren't a germaphobe anons.

>> No.10886085

You forgot about all the produce that sits right next to the wet waste compactor that sits in the hot sun all day and is full of rotting food and meat.

>> No.10886134

I work at a grocery store and I'm the kind of peon that has to clean everything on top of bagging, but all the actual horror stories seem to happen to other people
the cashiers all tell me it's not great being a cashier because people disrespect you but I haven't seen much of that, and when people come through with a complaint I genuinely feel bad for them
either way I'd much rather deal with someone unreasonable than shovel recycling again

>> No.10886151

>t.deli fag
Lies! Deli niggers don't do shit but steal all the shopping carts, leave their disgusting slimy garbage right next to (but not into) the dumpster and get the city called on us (forcing us to spend our whole shift cleaning instead of making product)

>> No.10886162

kill jester

>> No.10886190
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> be me, working at grocery store as my first job
>theres this cute girl Im crushing on
> she works on the cash]
> starts making faces at me
> sweet. I think she likes me
> shes actually getting robbed and is trying to get some attention

my autism was maximum that day

>> No.10886191

I was a cashier about 15 years ago, it wasn't too bad. I was always stoned and constantly fucking up people's change so my register would always be short or over at the end of my shift. The worst things were
>got scammed by like 3 different people with the "i gave you ___ and you only gave me change for___, gimme the rest of my change.
>stoned and young/naive so fell for it every time

>closing time
>elderly lady stumbles in, at least 70
>sobbing hysterically
>two busted eyes, giant bloody scrape on one side of face, fat bleeding lip, various bloody cuts and scrapes on arms, clothing torn up
>call police and ambulance while sitting her down with some ice packs
>some young hooligans knocked her down and stomped her out while robbing her

>quit the next week

>> No.10886230

mah nigga
I grew up near an IGA and now I work at a different Spartan brand store (SpartanNash now)

>> No.10886240

>unable to recognized distressed facial expressions from genuine ones

You're definitely on the spectrum.

>> No.10886262

Me too

>> No.10886288

>Get hired at a grocery store
>during the interview tell my manager "I won't be able to work this week because im going on a vacation"
>He says, "Oh alright anon, yeah thats fine, just put the request off a week before"
>Watch him write it down
>Work for 3 weeks
>Put in my request off form a week before
>Wow anon, well you know schedules are already finished and you never told me
>"B-but I did tell you"
>I'll see what I can do anon but no promises
>Don't come in for work for that entire week and get a call that im fired
>went to college and got my degree instead of working a shit tier part time job

I thought the whole "Grocery stores are terrible" shit was just a joke, but holy shit they really are. Getting yelled at even when I was a responsible human being is actual garbage.

>> No.10886398

>Being old must be sweet. You can do basically whatever the fuck you want
Except not piss your self a little bit every time you cough or hear a loud(ish) noise.

>> No.10886409

>thermal mass in my fridge
I lie in florida,before a hurricane hits (a few days) I stock my fridge.
Even buy those cheep ass freeze pops.Move them to the fridge as soon as the power fails.
I've been without power for two weeks,shit sucks.

>> No.10886419

then why is every poor person,that is not a politician,poor as fuck?

>> No.10886442

no store does that you retarded ape

>> No.10886715

>work in the Deli frying chicken
>get hit on black women alot

>> No.10886721

I went to some weird kind of market store thing off the main highway on the shithole island I live on, and they had canned goods that expired in 2006 there, and I went last year. Nearly every packaged good was 3 or 4 years expired. It was fucked.

>> No.10886725

I know this post is ironic, but the very same socialist programs that support the refugees is what's fucking over rhe retirees, because social security is unsustainable.

>> No.10886731

Open fridge door, whoosh air flys out, cans don't fly out. Fridge stays colder and uses less energy.

>> No.10886732
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>> No.10886736

>go to grocery store
>hordes of old chinese people who speak no English crowding the aisles just standing there
>can't move past them
>say excuse me and they just ignore you
>take forever at the till because they keep saying in the most broken english that the price tag was cheaper so the poor highschooler cashier has to keep calling for pricechecks
>they decide they don't want half of their cart so they just leave it on the belt
>talk way too loud in their hideous tongue

Fucking disgusting insects. I hate Canada so goddamn much

>> No.10886756

Just pretend I posted a brainlet wojak.

>> No.10886762

Back you go.

>> No.10886799

I've seen yellow and green trash cans next to the stand of corn specifically for husks.
But yeah, probably sucks for the workers.

>> No.10886818

I work at one, it's not that bad, banter with the regulars is based, especially the al/ck/s

>> No.10886832

I work at one. I just got a management position for just being there the longest.

>> No.10886833

Human feces is by no technicality a biohazard. Bodily fluids are like the #1 red flag biohazards.

>> No.10886834

Those same Asians, are the same ones who roll up with like 2 carts, and have 500 dollars worth of shit and pay for it in cash. They are the fucking bane of every cashier/baggers existence.

>> No.10886843

the hot air is actually going inside the fridge.

>> No.10886845

Everyone does that. You're not special

>> No.10886883

Sup fellow Michigan anon

>> No.10886951

>ywn be a woman

>> No.10886974

It is literally no different than using a debit card i have never seen an issue

>> No.10887087
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Hehehe good you stupid fucken Nazi.

>> No.10887606

I don't believe you, and you should have gotten a "yes" instead of a "we'll see" before going on vacation
that said I had a shift switch going recently where the other person said they talked to the manager who approves stuff like that, and I notified two other managers that were on duty, and I left a note at the request of one of them that we both signed and that the manager said she'd definitely give to the other manager
the next day the manager that actually can approve shift switching apparently had no idea about all of this
it's not grocery stores, it's that you can only trust people so far, not because they're bad but because they can be dumb

>> No.10887706
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>this guy shucks his corn at the store

>> No.10888850

>worked with retarded emo kids who were my own age
>shitty dead end job for 5 years, they were proud of this
>would scream at me if they found out i had my phone on me
i hate this fucking city i need a job that's not occupied with retards

>> No.10888867

I cant stand fatasses in scooters. Leave those for the people who actually need it. Maybe if you didnt use the fuckin scooter you wouldnt be so fuckin fat and gross. I say this as former fat guy

>> No.10888873

Probably not as much as the chest frozen section with no lid

>> No.10888876
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I just accidentally stole a 28 pack of nestle pure life water bottles from Target because I forgot to scan them at the self check out.

>> No.10888892

Did anyone else?

>> No.10888982

I'm going to Wegman's tomorrow. What should I pick up?

>> No.10889061

What are your favorite grocery stores? I like Whole Foods, but PCC Natural Market is usually filled with more pretentious, arrogant people. I like QFC, but I hate Safeway (especially the one I’m closest to). Winco is a store that attracts almost entirely poorer people and there is nothing particularly nice about the shopping experience there but the super wide aisles and lots of cashiers help immensely in keeping everything running smoothly and less irritating. Safeway attracts low and middle class AWFUL people. The store never keeps enough lines open, the cashiers are clearly tired of their jobs, the parronage is obnoxious and tacky and the aisles simultaneously aren’t wide enough to accommodate for it. Fred Meyer has narrow aisles but they keep lots of lanes open so things go smoothly.

Some ears are practically rotting at top. Maybe i won’t fully shuck them but you have to check that you are getting good product.

That’s very sweet of you anon

I had this happen not too long ago. Did the same thing, offered to run my card for her to put some in her tank
>oh, uh, thanks I’m going to go check around and I will come back.
>walks off

Not if “tits” implies “worst for British slang

Gross and sufficiently horrifying.


I was in the middle of yawning and this made me laugh to myself.

I’m glad you were able to help her and she was ok. It’s bad enough to rob an elderly person but to assault them too? Stuff like this makes me worry for my parents and my church people.

Unfortunately this. People make mistakes and you should have been absolutely certain before you went on vacation or skipped it or gotten it in writing or asked more than a week prior and gotten a confirmation or gotten it straightened out then with a reminder that it was discussed in the interview.

Did you ride a scooter?

>> No.10889083

Thats why you park in the back or a side street, tardo

>> No.10889181

fuck off and learn something about personal space. i hate you fucks up the person in front of you's ass like crawling up their shitter is gong to get you checked out faster. the cashier moves the belt in like 2 seconds with the push of a button, retard.

>> No.10889195

how about they treat you well because its their job and youre paying money

>> No.10889221

I heard this story secondhand but it was still pretty funny
>From 2100-2200 our store only has one cashier, an office worker, and a floor manager
>Cashier is a 17 year old named William, office worker is a 30-something Chad named Andreas
>Visibly drunk man stumbles into the store
>He approaches the beer cooler
>Andreas sees this from the office on the security cameras
>He leaves the office, reminds William that it's against store policy to sell alcohol to intoxicated people, and goes back into the office to count money or something
>Man brings 36-pack of beer up to William's register
>"U-u-uh s-s-sorry sir but it's illegal to sell alcohol to visibly intoxicated people"
>mfw "drunk" man is actually a tard who looked drunk because of his tard mannerisms
>"I have a disability, I AM NOT DRUNK!"
>"This is so offensive, I need to speak to a manager NOW!"
>Andreas does a Chad stride out of the office to the register upon hearing the tard wailing
>"Your cashier made fun of my disability! He said that I was drunk!"
>Andreas, with a straight deadpan face, stares him in the eyes for a good few moments
>"I'm sorry, what do you want me to do about it?"
>This angers the tard
>Andreas is still completely calm
>"Yeah... no, you aren't going to do any of that."
>Tard storms out of the store, never to be heard from again

>> No.10889222
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when I'm feeling down I go to the grocery store and buy myself a couple cans of sardines and take it home to eat. it reminds me of when I was younger and innocent and liked pretending to be a cat

>> No.10889232

I pretended I was a pelican diving down into the ocean to make a catch.

>> No.10889333

>Be me, working at Food Lion
>Late at night, probably 9:30 or 10:00
>A family walks in and sort of linger around near the entrance for a while
>One of them, a female in her 30's, goes to the bathroom and the rest of the family leave the store
>Several minutes pass
>Two teenage girls walk in and ask where the bathroom is
>I direct them to the restroom, one goes in while the other goes to find an item
>A few minutes later, the teenager who went to the bathroom comes up to my register (there were no other customers in the store, so I was just standing around) and tells me that someone has pissed all over the floor in the women's restroom
>I thank her for notifying me, her friend buys something, and they leave
>Call up the manager on my walkie talkie
>"Uuuuuuuhhhh yeah we have a customer report that someone... had an accident in the women's restroom"
>Manger goes in to check it out
>He comes out with the 30-something woman, who is stumbling around and is soaking wet, also clutching her head
>She apparently had a seizure, fell and hit her head, and then pissed fucking buckets all over the floor
>Manager offers to call 911
>She refuses and stumbles out of the store
>QA cleans the piss up and we go about our normal routines
I have no idea what happened to her, or why her family just fucking dropped her off in the grocery store in the middle of the night. I also don't understand how the teenager noticed the piss on the floor but not the woman having a seizure and knocking herself out.

>> No.10889397

>>can't because it's fucking closed everywhere
I can't count the all nighters where I really wanted something from the shop but nothing was open. That's life when you don't stock up on food

>> No.10889508

old indian women who can't speak english literally just standing infront of an item you need

>> No.10889522

>The Wrestler

First thing that came to my mind.
Thank you.

>> No.10889551

Might've just seen piss leaking out from underneath the door

>> No.10889563

stop being so female

>> No.10889582

His memory isn't very good anyway

>> No.10889590

an odd thread...

My local grocery store was invested with starlings. Fucking Birds swooping around and chirping all the time

They've been trying to kill them for weeks, there's still one left, cheeky fucker

>> No.10889602

My parents disowned me and I am in my countries army as a "lone soldier", and so the army gives me 150 shekel a month at a grocery store. I've been doing ok so far but does anyone have any shopping effienecy tips? It's kind of tough living on my own

>> No.10889674

>female in and out shopping
you be a trap or something women take forever shopping

>> No.10889683

What country are you from?

>> No.10889690


>> No.10889724

I am not too sure of Israel's food, friend, but cheap canned vegetables (corn), and lots of rice have got me through rough years.

>> No.10889741

But I wanna eat good not bare bones

>> No.10889750

she wanted money for crack anon

>> No.10889754

As I said, I don't really know of Israel's food, but here in the country of Florida, canned meat on top of noodles/rice is a good choice. If you are trying to avoid the carbs, you can roll with raw produce pan fried in cheap cooking oil, or fake butter. Answer me this, what do you like to eat?

>> No.10889757

Right now I just eat a lot of grilled cheeses and scrambled egg sandwiches, but I like to eat meats. Canned meat is an interesting idea I will try to search.

>> No.10889762

You got the sesame seed paste right? Try that with fried eggs and carrots; or green veggies with a side of canned meat you mince up and bake with breadcrumbs and cheese.

>> No.10889815

Not that guy but nah, make your own. Try it.

>> No.10889835
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>2012ish, shitty teenager
>had shawarma or greek that day. Don't remember.
>love the food but can't really digest it
>If the meat is even A LITTLE undercooked, I get diarrhea.
>like, the liquid shit kind where your asshole burns afterwards.
>stomach starts to rumble, was driving with my bro that day.
>we're stuck in traffic and no where to go.
>I can't wait until we get home. I tell him to pull over to the closest store.
>It's some run down Asian supermarket.
>I sprint to the washroom.
>washroom is filthy, garbage overflown, cracked toilet seat, etc..
>after like half an hour I finally finish
>no toilet paper anywhere.
>only this towel hanging on a pipe right under the sink.
>there's a bottle of cleaner fluid next to it.
>whatever fuck it, I'll just shower when I get home.
>It was so fucking cold and damp. Had to fold it multiple times for multiple wipes.
>anxious standing there for like an extra 10 minutes debating on whether or not I should throw it out or leave it for the janitor to find it.

I ended up throwing it out but fuck I wish I could say this wasn't real.

>> No.10890032
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it is (you) who is the retard

>> No.10890231

I fucking love this shit but it always makes me break out in a really hot rash on the backs of my arms, it's really strange. I'm not allergic to shit except for something in storebought Kombucha

>> No.10890380


They charge by the ear, not the pound dipshit

>> No.10891052

Did you get to keep the girls?

>> No.10891089

Similar story:
>young (5 yo) boy and his dad in the aisle
>boy repeteadly telling the dad that he needs to use the bathroom
>dad keeps telling him to hold it
>after a couple minutes of this the dad walks out of the aisle
>kid stays behind, squats down and starts straining
>dad tells the kid to follow him
>kid keeps straining
>dad, not realizing that his son is intentionally shitting his pants in a grocery store, asks him to move
>kid screams out “I’M DUMPIN!!!”
>dad just stands there, staring in disbelief
>son finishes dumping and then waddles over to his dad