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File: 30 KB, 458x458, Iced Latte.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10872212 No.10872212 [Reply] [Original]

Alright, Lets get this started. Best coffee? My personal favorite are plain iced lattes with whole milk.

>> No.10872243

Black or ur gay

>> No.10872261

Personally I'm a fan of french roast, but Guatamalan is close second. My favorite heritic coffee beverage would have to be an Americano, but that's just shitty esspresso and I'd much rather a giant cup of esspresso, which is absolutely kino.

Cream in coffee is delicious, but fattening. With good coffee it's sinful because it ruins the texture. Sugar was never really my thing but I retried it recently and I can see how people like that. Whipped topping is for females.

>> No.10872284

>a giant cup of espresso
you don't really "get" espresso do you?

>> No.10872292
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>> No.10872307

Yup, pretty much. But I expect a certain amount of caffeine throughout the course of a day, and genuinely love regular coffee.

>> No.10872316
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>> No.10872317

good goffee :ddd

>> No.10872321
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>> No.10872437

Double shot of espresso, no sugar because I'm not an onion

>> No.10872442

Earl grey, plain.

>> No.10872459
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coming through homoniggercuckoldfaggots

>> No.10872508

Found the American

Just texture regular full cream or low fat milk with a steam wand and you get a nice thick, velvety frothed milk to add to espresso.

>> No.10872523

>reduced fat

>> No.10872529

try it before you knock it

>> No.10872534

Whatever you call equal parts very strong coffee and cold milk.

>> No.10872535


>> No.10873163
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>> No.10873296

I'd say iced white chocolate lattes, true flavor + refreshing on a summer day :)

>> No.10873795


>> No.10874002


>> No.10874092

>best coffee
Best SO I've had is either blue mountain or kona.
Best blend I've had is Caffè Kimbo Gold.
Best bang-for-the-buck I've had is Melitta Italian roast (think they changed their name to European roast). It's routinely on sale for $2.49-$2.99 per can and there are often $1-off-two coupons in the circular.
>iced with milk
Where I'm from originally, that's kinda the traditional coffee we have in the morning cuz it tends to be hot as fuck there. It's a 4x strength brew poured over ice. The ice dilutes it to triple strength or so. The ice is strained out and milk is added. Most people strain the coffee into a shaker and add sugar then shake it up to dissolve before pouring out into a glass and adding milk. It's good.

Hi. I appreciate your enthusiasm, but I wanna point out that 'French roast' is not a particular type of coffee. Any coffee can be French roasted, including your Guatemalan. What estate is your Guatemalan from? I haven't liked Latin/South American coffees I've had (except Kimbo, which is sourced from Brazil, and Bonka, which was from idk where) but am always willing to try something new.

>> No.10874245

https:// onyxcoffeelab.com /collections/coffee/products/colombia-la-palma-lactic-sidra-pre-order-only

poor fags get out

>> No.10874288

The only milk that belongs in coffee is car milk.

>> No.10875209

iced latte master race huehuehuehue

>> No.10875293

For be it's a black cold brew.

Hot coffee sucks cock. It tries to dictate your life to you with it's bullshit drinking schedule. I live life on my terms, coffee, not yours.

>> No.10875411
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I'm going to start working on cold brews soon. Seems pretty simple so long as you strain it properly and get the mixture right. After that I need to make sure I have a good syrup. Thinking about making my own caramel syrup or might just be lazy and buy it.

>> No.10875464

t. Doesn't have a rancillo

>> No.10875617

i actually sell cold brew in orlando florida...

>> No.10875623

syrup is really easy but if you do good cold brew no reason you need to be sweetening it

>> No.10875626
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Damn, you caught me

>> No.10875820

If its pre 12pm, I would probably go for a cappuccino. After 12, stick to espresso.

Lately I have been enjoying cold brew. Black, strong, no ice. If I go somewhere that does Nitro coffee, Ill have that.

>> No.10876068

Post 12 pm iced latte mainly because I have class before I can get coffee

>> No.10876390
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coffee instant type 1

>> No.10877051


European here. Espresso only. No milk, only 1 sugar.

You fags are weird with all those non-coffee abominations youre slurping all day.

>> No.10877070

>chilled coffee with milk is an abomination
Pull your head in you melodramatic fucking cock polisher

>> No.10877096


It is. Sorry you have to learn it so late in your life.

>> No.10877115

If milk is so is sugar you hypocritical faggot

>> No.10877466

Where at? I live there and love cold brew.

>> No.10877473

>from the continent that consumes the most dairy >complaining about dairy consumption
>puts sugar in it anyway

>> No.10877544

hmm well don't really want to associate my business with my personal shitposting on 4chan but we're a pop-up that does mostly cold brew so you can probably figure it out through some instagram searching

>> No.10877556

You guys both live in Florida like broken human beings, though.

>> No.10877597

yeah but I get to bang your waifu at disney springs when she's on vacation.

>> No.10877628

Errybody knows you go to D'Antonio's at Disney's failed Celebrations planned commune when you wanna bang momses.

>> No.10877644

Just made french press with shitty Starbucks beans and poured kaluha, almond baileys and a bit of heavy cream in it. Alright I guess as a dessert coffee

>> No.10877694

Europe confirmed fags

>> No.10877807
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This shit, black.

>> No.10878267

omfg shut up no 1 cares dude

>> No.10878551

For me, it's Keurig french roast poured into a cup full of ice cubes mixed with two tablespoons of sugar and a tablespoon of chocolate syrup and also some almond milk mixed in


>> No.10878555

Checks out.

>> No.10878557

i'm a 5 year old when it comes to coffee. i just try out a bunch of different creamer flavors from the store and i don't care about the coffee itself

>> No.10878565

I prefer fresh coffee, two spoons of cream and two spoons of sugar. The adjusted as I refill the mug. Lets me experience a varied cup of joe throughout the process. I do like black coffee though and sometimes don’t fiddle with the coffee after the intial sugar and cream runs out.

I really only like this set up or black coffee desu. Unless it’s iced, then I just take it as is.

>> No.10878770

This post gave me a nice hiss.

>> No.10879858

I’m a starbucks double sugar heavy whipping cream three bean frapuccino gayboi mcpoopoopants kinda guy

>> No.10880165

Straight into the garbage, followed by your awful opinions.

>> No.10880897

Sure, a dessert for alcoholics. Get your life together anon, your family doesn't deserve this.

>> No.10881079

Tanzanian peaberry. But most Ethiopian cultivars are top notch, as are Colombian.

But hands down Tanzanian peaberry produces my favorite coffee. As far as brewing since OP is a pleb, 3 minutes with the standard tablespoon for every 4 ounces of water with a few stirs during brewing. I'm partial to 200~ F water since its tedious to get out a thermometer and watch a pot climb to 190 and pull immediately.

>> No.10881095
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>> No.10881101

and why shouldn't it be cold?

>> No.10881205
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Tasty creamer > tasty coffee

>> No.10881308


>> No.10881408


>> No.10881410

You seem ok

>> No.10881614

>>chilled coffee with milk is an abomination

>> No.10881632

>he fell for the coffee without sugar meme

>> No.10881649

Americano (two espressos, two squirts of hot water, two sugars, two genders, two terms)

>> No.10881694

What the fuck is car milk?

>> No.10881867
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>What the fuck is car milk?

>> No.10881874

forced meme. ignore

>> No.10882075


>> No.10882214

lol no. foxtail is garbage.

>> No.10882594

Fuck off, it's clear you are just criticising anything that isn't your personal preference without any foundation in reality.

>> No.10882679

Unironically this because I love their frappes, when I make them at home they just arent the same.
I like their beans too. Nothing beats a cup of straight black coffee with nothing else but ice. I ahvent had hot coffee in years.

>> No.10882851
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Drink black coffee like a man.

>> No.10882920

caffeine pills and coffee flavored chewing gum

>> No.10884796

cowboy coffee. cowboy coffee with condensed milk. Iced coffee with condensed milk. Don't eat your next meal or you become big boi

>> No.10886846


Or I could drink beverages how I like them and not be a fucking pussy about it just because some likely-manlet needs to say something to boost their fragile nit picky woman like attitude.

>> No.10886859

I fucking hate iced lattes. No matter what kind of milk you use, they always taste like shit. I can understand condensed milk or heavy cream, and I in fact used to drink my coffee with those back before I started grinding my own beans, but fuck me lattes taste fucking nasty.

>> No.10886879

>I fucking hate iced lattes. No matter what kind of milk you use, they always taste like ike shit.
>I can understand condensed milk or heavy cream
The problem's definitely on your end.

>> No.10886882

I like my coffee like I like the race of the muscle bound men who I pay to sexually ravage my wife each and every single night.


>> No.10886988

No. They are objectively bad. It's watered down coffee with a tiny bit of creaminess. Heavy cream is OBJECTIVELY better because it's much more fatty and creamy than any milk.

>> No.10887013

I'm sure your """"""objective""""""" opinions would not be shared much

>> No.10887029

Double espresso long

Not sure if this is a real thing, but when I make them myself I make a double, extract it twice and top it up with hot water for a fucking fantastic black coffee.

>> No.10887305
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>> No.10887388

Looking at that makes me want a baileys vodka.