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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10871599 No.10871599 [Reply] [Original]

>Cow, Pig, Lamb, Chicken and Fish
"Yeah that's okay to eat"

>Dog and Cat
"REEEEE WTF that's inhumane."

>> No.10871604
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Your a fag

>> No.10871609
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is dog or cat any good even

>> No.10871612
File: 58 KB, 1229x1160, lQGT6xM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one tastes like pussy and the other like god but backwards so are you a holy man or a straight man anon?

>> No.10871621

Point me towards a cat farm where the meat of its animals gets strictly monitored for the sake of edibility and lack of disease. Your mother's bedroom doesn't count.
Further proof that frogposters are brainlets.

>> No.10871632


>> No.10871634

I'd eat cat and dog. Not my own dog but I'd try it.

>> No.10871646

It makes perfect sense if you think about it. you know, with your brain.

Dogs and cats were not traditionally eaten for two reasons:
1) they are carnivores. Thus they are impractically expensive to feed.
2) they have better uses that require them to be alive: killing vermin and working in various ways.
....so it's not hard to understand why people eat cows, pigs, etc instead.

Then you had multiple generations of people growing up accustomed to the system of "human eat piggys, kitty eat the mice". Pretty simple stuff really, nothing to get your frogbrain worked up over.

>> No.10871655

This Pepe image is so off-base it's painful. Frogposters are far too beta to ever throw a punch.

>> No.10871659


yeah anon. some things are our friends, and some things are our food. this is kind of a basic distinction we begin to make when we become sentient.

>> No.10871667

>Cow, Pig, Lamb, Chicken and Fish
eats not meat

>Dog and Cat
eats meat

open and shut case.

>> No.10871708

dumb rationalposter

>> No.10871710


>> No.10871715
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Based. But I'm not a brainlet.

>> No.10871718

>eating carnivores
It's okay anon, not all of us have functional taste buds

>> No.10871724

The idea of dogs and cats as "friends" is a very new thing in human history. Think "slaves" not "friends". Very few dog breeds have their origins as "pets". The vast majority are/were working breeds: herding animals, guards, tracking/retreiving/baying game, etc. FFS we even used to have a dogbreed whose whole purpose was to run in a giant "hamster wheel" to rotate a spit for cooking meat--alas, today the "turnspit dog" is extinct.

>> No.10871734

ew, farmed for it's spit?

>> No.10872813

A lot of retards in this thread letting their emotional attachment to their pets blind them to reality.

>> No.10873222

No one cares if it's dog or cat they just caer if it's advertised as something else (like chicken) but then it's actually cat. Also dog and cat meat tastes rubbery. Trust me I've had it

>> No.10873247

Aztecs literally raised chihuahuas to be eaten.
Did the world a favor desu senpai

>> No.10873253

it is an arbitrary line to be sure

>> No.10873402

>Frogposter is dumb
And all is right in the world

>> No.10873411

>What is tuna

>> No.10873436

desu I would like to try Cat and Dog but I don't know how to make it and its hard to get the meat legally where I live.

>> No.10873467

>animals that have been raised for generations and bred specifically to be livestock are okay to eat
>animals that have been raised for generations and bred to be our companions are not okay to eat
wow this is so hard to understand

>> No.10873471

Its hard because OP has autism, and we must be patient with him

>> No.10873474

>Not selectively bred for meat
>Selectively bred at all
Evolution brainlet spotted

>> No.10873483

I've heard that coyote is disgusting but mountain lion and bobcat are delicious. My hunting instructor said that mountain lion is the other white meat.

>> No.10873501

Great argument fuckface
What retard bred ur mum

>> No.10873505

There is nothing humane about cats and dogs because they are animals not humans.
Also, people think all cats and dogs are like their pets, that's why they freak the fuck out about what people in other countries do.
I just wouldn't eat dogs and cats because they are very unappetizing to me.

>> No.10873510

Mountain lions are all muscle and you can't eat that shit.

>> No.10873516
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>> No.10873539

> He posts that fucking frog
> That frog wants to hit you
> Fuck off frog poster....

>> No.10873541

>The virgin has never tasted pussy.

>> No.10873679

>they have better uses that require them to be alive
This, and functioning as companions can be viewed as a job as well. It's the same reason we don't eat horses in the US as they were historically far too valuable as transportation and farm workers to be eaten except in starvation situations.

>> No.10873682

This. Also you should generally not eat meat from predators.

>> No.10873685

Why? Too much pollutant buildup?

>> No.10873722

Sometimes I wonder how other animal taste like, I'm tired of beef and pork

>> No.10873859

>Pigs eat damn near anything you put in their trough
>Chickens will eat insects or other small vermin like mice
>Fish eat other fish constantly

>> No.10873866

>you can't eat muscle
what the fuck do you think most meat is?

>> No.10873874

Dumb frogposter

>> No.10874498

desu eating mammals is degenerate, everything else is fair game
Its fine to eat fishes, insects, reptiles and birds though. Fishes are dumb and cannot feel pain, reptiles and insects are scheming bastards who'd do the same to you in a heartbeat. Insects cant even feel pain either. Birds can feel pain, but they are cruel creatures, they'll kill and cannibalize one of their own if they're hungry, so kill them swiftly to minimize suffering.
Most mammals are quite intelligent and have complex social structures and emotions. Even cows and pigs which many people eat for meat are very sociable animals who are excellent pets who'll look and worry about their owners, unlike reptilian or insect pets

>> No.10874542

Then get off your ass and go hunt during the hunting season.

>> No.10874670

>a pig wouldn’t eat a human first chance it got
t. Retard

>> No.10874683

Birds are mammals, prove me wrong.

>> No.10874693

Animal class for mammals: mammalia
Animal class for birds: Aves

>> No.10874696

Farmed dogs can be alright. Cats are exclusively carnivore tho

>> No.10874703
File: 46 KB, 640x610, 2860f7e0c708b2182d08828d089cb75b--pet-pigs-baby-pigs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like cows or pigs!

>> No.10874706

That's not proof. They're mammals with wings

>> No.10874707

Domesticated mammals simply emulate that. They have no concept of worry or any emotions.

>> No.10874709

Fact; Both humans and dogs have adapted to each others needs because of a mutualistic relationship 10,000's of years old.

Cat's are arouns because they LOVE murder, and humans like vermin murdered. If you're a vegan with an outdoor cat, you deserve death

>> No.10874733

Sapient you utter retard.
Near everything you think of as alive is sentient

>> No.10874769

I almost got my ass kicked cause i ate horse (farm town)

>> No.10874814

W R O N G and he was correct. Look it up.

>> No.10874848

carnivores are not usually good eating. the meat is usually greasy and stringy. also, dogs and cats have other uses beyond food, unlike most birds, ungulates and fish. speaking of, why is horse/donkey/mule meat so taboo?

>> No.10874930
File: 28 KB, 350x408, server.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it isn't in europe, we even eat bunnies

>> No.10874951

W R O N G and you're both incorrect, while sapient anon is correct. Why do you think we're called homo SAPIENS you fucking mong

>> No.10875088

My cat rips so many bird throats and lizards up

>> No.10875240

>carnivores are not usually good eating. the meat is usually greasy and stringy.

we eat plenty of carnivorous fish though and its no problem at all

>why is horse/donkey/mule meat so taboo?
same reason as cats adn dogs: because they are primarily kept around for other reasons and have other primary uses.
>cats are kept because they keep pests like mice and rats in check
>dogs are kept because they can guard stuff and also help with hunting
>horses are kept to ride and pull carts
>donkeys and mules are kept as a poor man's horse

>> No.10875261

Isn't that horse in that pic, though?
We used to eat that a lot back in the 80s and early 90s here in DK actually. Good meat as long as you don't overcook it. Very lean. A little sweeter than beef but otherwise comparable to cheaper cuts of that.

>> No.10875325

we normally dont eat predators

>> No.10875557

This is objectively wrong as any dog owner knows full well. Are you Muslim and a canineophobe by any chance?

>> No.10875827

t. Can’t even put two sentences together correctly

>> No.10875911

>The capacity to feel, perceive or experience subjectively

How many peer reviewed papers would you like about E.coli and Arabidopsis perceiving their enviornement and reacting accordingly?

>> No.10876024

Nah, birbs are reptiles.

>> No.10876051

birds don't have tits

>> No.10876077

no live birth of young they have eggs