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File: 1.89 MB, 640x360, brad-is-annoyed-by-the-dildo-salesman.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10860820 No.10860820 [Reply] [Original]

Brad looks annoyed and is standoffish throughout the whole video.

https://www.facebook com/bonappetitmag/videos/10159025502015367/

WTF did they do to piss off Brad that much?

>> No.10861102
File: 2.84 MB, 750x1334, 3C03D138-F665-4F29-99D0-38826FF2BAC6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ive cooked for the chef steps guy many times; he gave our restaurant free shit. Hes always very nice idk why beads being such a cunt.

>> No.10861115


>> No.10861117

he's getting forced into shilling an overpriced gadget that already has an entire youtube channel dedicated to shilling it

>> No.10861130

Fuck off with this eceleb shit.

>> No.10861969

maybe the mustache guy tried to hit on brad, and brad doesn't go for that kind of stuff

>> No.10861974

I understand if you were commenting on Reviewautist and Jack but Brad is an actual chef with food tips and recipes. How about you calm your tits, Jethro.

>> No.10861976

Because the chef steps guy is a proper man with a good hairline, good facial hair, tall, outspoken and great muscles. He's everything Brad strives to achieve but cannot. And now that he has entered the BA kitchens, he is exposing Brad as the beta male he truly is.

>> No.10861983
File: 26 KB, 187x207, Bildschirmfoto 2018-07-05 um 23.43.44.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wow brad yer so cool i love yer cool style with yer hat and yer pen yer so cool and that apron is really sexy haha wish i could be you when i grow up yer my idol

>> No.10862525

Do you think they fugged?

>> No.10862535

who are you quoting?

>> No.10862609

To be fair, more people need to start cooking using the sous vide method and even though it sounds like a broken record, I don't know anyone who actually uses one aside from myself.

>> No.10862633


>> No.10862651

ChefSteps Joule has the same cooking performance as Anova's competing product yet costs way more. Joule also doesn't have any physical buttons on it to allow users to change temperature. You have to use a smartphone unlike Anova which can be controlled with either physical buttons or smartphone app. The only value proposition is that Joule's smartphone app connnects to ChefSteps recipe library and can automatically set up Joule to cook that recipe, but this is a sous-vide machine (meaning the only thing to set is the temperature and cooking time), not Thermomix which can do chopping and mixing in addition to cooking, and the programmed cooking instruction can be quite complicated.

>> No.10864216

Looks like hes in pain in the webm. Like his back is out or something.

I know I act dickish and emotionless when Im in pain, same with the moving and hand placement.

>> No.10864938

Who hurt my Brad?

>> No.10864946

Rough sex with Claire

>> No.10865727

Wow that clip was awkward OP. I wonder why Brad was seeming so off his game? Maybe he is behind on good rest. I hope all is well with both of them as colleagues. I would have tried to put that mask of professionalism on for just the shoot at least. Jeez.

>> No.10867226

could be an anxiety attack too. I kind of pace and bounce and bite my lip like that when I have anxiety

>> No.10867400

Yes exactly, the Huh? is what i said when I tried to figure out who he's quoting

>> No.10867406

He was barebacking Molly is the walk in freezer and pulled a muscle

>> No.10867797

The average ck poster

>> No.10868415
File: 135 KB, 360x304, [HorribleSubs] Houseki no Kuni - 10 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_19.44_[2018.06.16_22.42.10].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bet Brad is frustrated because he can't fuck that qt on camera

>> No.10868483

this, the whole video is just an ad

>> No.10868533

Brad likes to joke around and be a clown and center of attention, but now this guy is pretty serious and also the center of attention. Don't think Brad is annoyed or standoffish, just uncomfortable, because he's trying to be more serious too, but that's just not his thing.

>> No.10868540

Is he, dare I say it, a soyboy?

>> No.10868542

they just want to sell the joule. fuck chef steps. bunch of soyboy losers

>> No.10868579

why are some people obsessed with labelling brad a soyboy? he's so far from that

>> No.10868671

>he’s so far from that in fact he is my idol he just looks so cool with his hat and beard and that iconic pen omg I love him so so much and best of all? He cooks <3

>> No.10868711

he's just a fun dude. do you not know that you can like men without wanting to suck their dick? its called friendship

>> No.10868718

>friends with someone you've never met
Wow ok fag

>> No.10868721

well obviously not, but he's the kind of person i would be friends with. as opposed to soyboys like yourself

>> No.10868739


Don't even respond at this point. It's literally the same person calling Brad a soyboy and reeeing about his fucking pen. Dude lurks here constantly and posts anytime there is even tangential mention of Brad.

>> No.10870973

fuck off kraut

>> No.10871071

>not Vinny

>> No.10871098

Vinny is taller than Brad. Sorry for ruining the visual.

>> No.10872541

oh god the pen guy

>> No.10872650


>pen guy whines again

>> No.10872836

That mustache guy is qt

>> No.10874850

maybe hes a little nervous cause it was live