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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10854952 No.10854952[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

These cunts at Subway first did away with the plastic bags after the stupid female CEO took over - replacing the plastic with paper bags. And then today, for the first time ever, they didn't bag my sandwich. Are you fucking serious? I shouldn't have to fucking ASK for my sandwich to be bagged. So I didn't, convincing myself that it wasn't that bad and that I shouldn't sperg out over it in public. But on my walk home, my sandwich turned into a big soggy mess from the goddamn fucking heavy rain. I'm really fucking fuming right now.

Thank fuck they're dying off. Why do females have to ruin everything?

>> No.10854959

Did you know it was going to rain? Why not bring your own bag with you instead of bitching about the lack of plastic bags?

Actually, why not make your own fucking sandwich instead? That way you can put it in your own plastic bag you lazy fuck?

>> No.10854963

Look at this millennial faggot. Why can't all you stupid fucking millennials just fuck off into a river of lye and kill yourselves? I'm not going to check my "smartphone" to check the weather every fucking goddamn time I leave the fucking house, you stupid internet-addicted millennial fuck.

>> No.10854965

Why can’t you answer the question?

>> No.10854967

you're not good at pretending to be a boomer
my boomer parents fucking love their smartphones

>> No.10854973

Yeah, I'm not making my own sandwich from store bought ingredients. I'm not a NEET with all the time in the world.
Um, no sweetie. I am actually Gen Z.

>> No.10854984

>only NEEts have time to make their own sandwiches

It’s more about you being lazy or having poor time management skills. It would cost you less time and money if you bought the ingredients yourself and made your own sandwich. You could even bring the ingredients to work and make it there instead.

>> No.10854989

>These cunts at Subway first did away with the plastic bags


>> No.10854995

Paper bags taste better you bitch

>> No.10854996

>can I have a bag to put this in? I don't have a car and need to walk home in the rain
>sure, here you go
Don't cry over something you had the power to prevent, but didn't because it would hurt your pride or you feel it's beneath you or something.

>> No.10855001

> I am actually Gen Z.

underage B&

>> No.10855008
File: 103 KB, 380x349, snap boomer sip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gen Z is in their late-20s, Boomer
Time flies, huh

>> No.10855015

Dumb nigger, that's millenials you're describing.

Millenials are currently ~20-35 years old
Ignorante shite read a fucking book m8

>> No.10855016


>Why do females have to ruin everything?

because they're not capable of competing with men in the 'improving things' department, and apparently that's what they're all about nowadays, competing with men.

>> No.10855017

He's right. Gen Z'ers are people born after 1997

>> No.10855019
File: 12 KB, 236x227, frog feels really bad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 1997 was 26 years ago

>> No.10855021

Fuck off you millennial soiboi faggot. Each time I go shopping, I have to pay a dollar extra here in Australia because they no longer provide free plastic bags at the self-checkout. If I want to self-checkout, I literally have to purchase a $1 "reusable" bag. And you support these fucking jews?

>> No.10855024

>he doesn’t check the weather for the day so he can dress appropriately
you may not be a millennial, you you sure are a faggot

>> No.10855029

ITT: Boomer complains about how his sandwich getting soggy is a more important issue than the oceans/landfills being filled with with plastic waste.

>> No.10855030

t. 22 yo. boomer

>> No.10855035
File: 1.52 MB, 400x166, 1506746040436.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> goes shopping
> didn't bring his own bag
> fuming at self checkout
> goes shopping
> didn't bring his own bag
> fuming at self checkout

You dumb crying bitch.

>> No.10855036

Well you should have protected your sandwich better you dumb shit. Nothing wrong with paper bags and you must be a literal retard if you can destroy that paper bag in the rain, did you play in a puddle with the sandwich pretending it was the titanic or some shit?

>> No.10855043

wow, a whole dollar for a reusable bag, which tells you in the name that it’s reusable? Or, OR, get this, you could just bring an old bag from home with you.
Not only are you a cheap nigger, you’re also a lazy retarded nigger that can be arsed to bring a bag with you.
We shouldn’t have to shut up our landfills and oceans because you’re a lazy nigger.

>> No.10855044
File: 19 KB, 543x443, brainlet short.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that 16yo zoomer who thinks traditionally defined generational brackets are still relevant in the [current year]

>> No.10855045

OP take it to Facebook Twitter, etc. The only thing major corporations care about is social media slams, and the IT/marketing employee that monitors social media there will have the most power to do something. Make a convincing articulate argument, share it, and watch change happen. If your complaint is really legitimate, funny or shocking, and reasonable, and others agree, they'll either beg you to take it down immediately in lieu of promises/coupons/replacements, depending on the corporation or they really don't care and deserve to go under. Find out what their reaction will be!

Myself? I don't dine at subway whatsoever. I shop with my dollar, but I don't whine about CEOs who are one sex or the other sex. Why don't I like Subway? I have 5 other choices on any given day that are better, from Publix to Wawa, and I prefer other restaurants, deli's and groceries handsdown, typically. I get convenience, but it's just never Subway. But, as a matter of conscience, I gave up on them years ago. I will not support a chain that has franchisees who don't understand that customers should be treated right, from that weird lone employee that uses gloves to touch your sub and also handle money, eww, or that employee that rakes up the shreds of dropped food and takes it from the cutting board back to the sub from the unclean work surface and wipes their knife on a dirty towel. It's a joke. No training about food illness. I won't support a chain that slices their tomatoes like they are onions, see through and paper thin, ie cheapness, and they can't wait 3 days to ensure they get ripe? Chains that will add 1 slice of cucumber at a time when you state something innoculous like extra cucumber with some blank look on the pakistani-franchise-covention started sweat shop visa business with people who don't smile or greet you. I'm done! No more. Why do you still go there? They need to die so we can't get more delicious choices.

>> No.10855049

Your writing style is amazingly reminiscent of copypasta, although I can see what you wrote is specific to the thread. Do you do a lot of work as a pasta author?

>> No.10855052

Fresh yummy pasta

>> No.10855058

Bring you own bag faggot

>> No.10855061

>any long, articulate piece of writing on 4chins is copypasta
get out more you zoomer faggots

>> No.10855065

>any long, articulate piece of writing on 4chins is copypasta
Actually it's that your writing style seems kind of stilted and artificial, perhaps as if it were written by a slightly under-performing AI :^)

>> No.10855067

My groceries
My choice

I support a customer's right to choose

>> No.10855071

I don't come on on here for a few weeks and now everyone's calling each other boomers

>> No.10855073

subway is ass, drive 5 more miles and get a jersey mikes sub.

>> No.10855089
File: 37 KB, 378x349, young boomer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that 30yo boomer who doesn't come on here for a few weeks

>> No.10855095

>be anon
>drop so much spaghetti that you hurry out of the sandwich store after grabbing your order
>don't even ask for a bag because you just pissed your pants
>oh thank god it's raining
>clinging to sandwich, shuffle home in rain, mayo gushing between your fingers
>reach home, the rain has washed away your piss and but your sandwich is ruined
>open door with mayo hand, leaving a white greasy smear
>go to table and throw ruined sandwich down
>cry and masturbate while picking up pieces of the dessicrated sandwich and eating it
>could just throw the bread away, but don't, eat all the soggy bread
>in autistic shitfest make a crappy thread on /ck/
>only get called a retard for your trouble
Also good, a bunch of subhumans will produce less garbage, how is that a bad thing? You could have eaten it in the store, or under any tree or overhang, or on the walk home. You went out of your way to be retarded.

>> No.10855104

You don't have to check the internet. You can buy a barometer, learn to check the skies, interact with people that watch the weather, etc.

But yes, women don't need to be in positions of authority because of precisely this reason and a myriad of others

>> No.10855122

*reads thread*
ah right it's a dumb person complaining about their own stupidity, and they try to blame others because reasons
very good

>> No.10855145


if you weren't stupid you'd know if it was going to rain or not just by being outside.

>> No.10855154

Fucking gay rights

>> No.10855192

do amerifats really buy their sandwiches premade? you know a sandwich is just meet cheese bread and maybe a condiment if you want right? i make a sandiwich in 15 seconds

>> No.10855232

Yes, and you have a choice to buy a reusable bag or bring your own.

>> No.10855237

Bring your own baby seal skin bags

>> No.10855239

if this isn't a bait post I really think you should kill yourself. I don't mean this lightly. You really really should

>> No.10855242

jesus christ. you are the most insufferable faggot I've ever seen on 4chan. please leave and never come back

>> No.10855244

Good, paper bags mean less plastic which is better for the environment, dumbass.

>> No.10855259

>is a gigantic retard faggot
>blames SJWs and women for this fact
Sorry chief unfortunately we can't blame millennials for everything like we wish we could. This is just a case of you being a gigantic stupid bitch lmao retard I'm glad your shitty sub got even shittier. That's what you get for eating Subway in the first place moron

>> No.10855287

>Submarine sandwich
>Gets damaged in the rain

Sweet irony.

>> No.10855294

Do you not read or watch news daily, you stupid ass fuck?

>> No.10855308

seriously dude, check yourself into a hospital

>> No.10855333

You are a dumbass complaining about women not being fit to lead? I guess the irony flew over your head.

>> No.10855339

>That generation X faggot who doesn't check the weather be it on TV, radio, or mobile app before leaving the house

>> No.10855348

Not OP, but I only ever buy pre-made sandwiches and then bring them home if I've been so busy as to let myself starve for a while, and don't have the energy for basic food prep

>> No.10855355

>If I want to self-checkout, I literally have to purchase a $1 "reusable" bag. And you support these fucking jews?
From the accelerationist perspective, I'd support anything that brings hotheaded retards like you closer to the Boiling Point :^)

>> No.10855356

Subway and women are trash. You deserve it.

>> No.10855363

t. assblasted roastie

>> No.10855371

t.assblasted retard

>> No.10855397

sorry ur gal lost

>> No.10855416

Paper bags are nicer

Fuck yourself OP

>> No.10855468

We still have free plastic bags for our Subway in the UK.