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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10854170 No.10854170[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Way to ruin your taste buds permanently. Nice decision. Now watch the addicts defend their decision. It's a fact that smoke inhalation ruins your ability to taste

>> No.10854176

I vape THC faggot.

I hope to God it's a troll thread, bc if youre a lil NEET who has never smoked then I would gladly send you sum edibles.

>> No.10854828

fucking gotcha bitch, I eat edibles
stupid fucking frog

>> No.10854831

>degenerate reddit stoner doesn't like pictures of animals
OK man, thanks for blogging

>> No.10854851

You retards fell for some d-level bait.

>> No.10854853

You probably think you're great but guess what? Being high is awesome and you may never know. You're missing out on life.

>> No.10854864

Tbf it does, I ate tortillas with bbq sauce once while high. It gives you a child's palate.

>> No.10854904

nice bait
sorry that i will never appreciate tendies and chips the same way

>> No.10854905

you just need to get over that phase. you can appreciate all kinds of food high when you drop the "DUDE" attitude and just eat whatever you feel like eating.

>> No.10854913


Stoner munchies are hit or miss but they have nothing on the non-discriminatingly ravenous nature of the drunk munchies..

>Keep arms and legs inside the ride at all times because brian is wasted and is eating handfuls of skittles with spray cheese and also simultaneously popping half frozen pizza rolls into his mouth

>> No.10854921

That doesn't sound true to me. Alcohol has calories and will often suppress appetite.

>> No.10854929

depends on your level of drunkness. when you pass a certain stage, you just want something fatty and maybe one more beer while youre at it.

>> No.10854936


What? Have you ever gotten drunk before?

Drunk munchies are dangerous

>> No.10854970

>vapes anything
>calls someone else a faggot
Come on now. I started vaping to quit smoking and I know I’m a faggot for it.

>> No.10855066


shitty bait

>> No.10855076

>muh plant just a plant muh plant its a plant just a plant muh muh plant bro its a plant just a plant
Fuck off. Spare us all your drug addict rationalization bullshit


>> No.10855094

Yeah that's always what happens to me. I go without eating at all. There seem to be studies to the contrary but I have shakey faith in them. Study with mice, some surveys, etc. I thought there was a better experiment but I couldn't find it.

>> No.10855134
File: 54 KB, 800x450, shaggy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

weed munchies for non-chronic smokers are so damn powerfull that you may think you have endless ahunger. Also, not like alcohol, weed's psychological effect increases food's taste.

And to have taste buds permanently damaged u have to smoke a lot daily for years. You will die of lung cancer before totally ruinin them.

If u have never smoked weed u have never experienced the super flavor improvement it produces. I'm sorry... Balance is the secret for the ultimate life experience.

Alcohol can be cool but comparing it to weed in terms of munchies is just ridiculous and proves that u dont know much bout those drugs

>> No.10855165


Ok, mr. scientist.. Explain the 3 AM late-night 24 hr diner rush that consists entirely of drunk people eating breakfast. food.

>> No.10855169

pretty much this
nobody that sucks on a robot penis is cool

>> No.10855177

Never gotten munchies and I used to get drunk very frequently. Most of the time I feel sick and can't even get near food.

>> No.10855181

I don't eat strange things when I'm drunk, but I do tend to eat more. Somehow I feel like my stomach is numb to the fact that it's full.

>> No.10855186

Weed essentially turns off the hormone that tells you you're full. So each bite is like the first bite as far as your gut is concerned.

>> No.10855190

cannabis is great and can be enjoyed in moderation without it becoming an addiction.
anyone who claims otherwise is just projecting their own shitty self-control issues onto others.

>> No.10855202

You probably think degeneracy is a thing as well.

>> No.10855215

Man I wonder what its like in your head where at least someone has an idea of what youre fucking talking about.

Inagine typing something like this with zero context on a thread based on some argument or weird preconception you have in your fucked up brain, and assuming the rest of the world should be privy to your reality head canon.

Definitely off yourself, my man

>> No.10855227

Haha how's it feel being a fucking RETARD? lmao! Studies reveal that certain active cannabinoids found in cannabis aid in neurogenesis, meaning smoking weed literally creates braincells. Everyone point and laugh at this dumb motherfucker, hahaha!
Unfortunately for boomers and edgy counter culture youngins, cannabis is good for you in 2018. Do the research. It destroys cancer cells, aids neurogenesis, combats Alzheimer's and aids in memory retention (meaning that shit about memory loss? propaganda), treats insomnia, lack of appetite, glaucoma, Parkinson's, pain in general... And there are multiple refereed studies that show evidence of everything I just mentioned and more, all at your fingertips within a 5 second Google search.
There's no reason not to smoke or at least support cannabis anymore unless you're a willfully ignorant 50+ something Billy who hates nigs and gays, at which point nobody gives a shit about your opinion anyways and you're yelling at clouds. It's for your benefit, not mine :)

>> No.10855235

>Weed essentially turns off the hormone that tells you you're full

>> No.10855236


Im like 93% certain youve never drank alcohol.

>> No.10855258

First google.
I'm not your librarian.

>> No.10855266

It's also pretty easy to quit after 5 years of smoking every day.

I'll smoke it if I've got it or someone offers but if I don't, I don't go out of my way to get it.

>> No.10855274

Looks like you are after all, idiot. Thanks for the link miss crabapple I'll try to keep it down while Im in the reading area but no promises. Faggot

>> No.10855275

b-but what about your withdrawals?

>> No.10855285

after 3 days of interrupted sleep totalling about 5 hours I slept fine.
After a week of reminding myself to eat, my appetite was regular.
After a second week I stopped being hyper energetic.

If nothing else, the withdrawals got me massive praise for productivity in the workplace.

>> No.10855288


Not all people are like you and respond the same way, and no, it's not only about self-control, u cant just compare two different life styles, mind and circumstances.

For a lot of people is very hard to fight the psychological addiction. Others will never develope addiction or may even dislike cannabis effect.

>> No.10855291

>some argument or weird preconception you have in your fucked up brain
Like the reddit frog wasn't enough bait

>> No.10855306

>Blah blah personal preference
you had better develop your spelling before you argue further.

Those same addiction-prone people are the ones that gamble excessively, steal compulsively and repeat other ritualistic behaviour that triggers a dopamine response.

>> No.10855309

the only symptoms I get after stopping smoking weed is I start to get very vivid, crazy dreams for a few weeks. Like building a bunk bed with my ex-landlord style dreams.

>> No.10855318

whenever i stop smoking i get really realistic dreams of everyday events that I get mixed up with real things.

>> No.10855344

nah, reality is more complex than u think. I dont think u could even understand. People respond in very different ways to weed or addiction.

But yes at least something you said is right, i need to improve my english

>> No.10855364

weed isn't a problem if you're too lazy to drive to your dealer's house

>> No.10855382

I have. I stopped drinking as much once I started college (unlike you Americans, we stop being degenerate when college starts not the opposite). During high school I got drunk pretty much every weekend though, and I always felt so sick that I couldn't bear even the smell of food.

>> No.10855396
File: 12 KB, 257x196, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice try Jeff.

>> No.10855422

God, you're an idiot. Food, music, natural beauty, sex... cannabis enhances your senses. Food tastes incredible! It's nothing less than an inspiration to learn how to cook.

>> No.10855428

if I never smoked weed I would never have tried saurkraut or coleslaw and I've had a shit sense of smell (and thus taste) literally my entire life so it worked out in the end