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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 319 KB, 576x586, starbucks is a place on earth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10844064 No.10844064 [Reply] [Original]

What's /ck/'s opinion on Starbucks?

>> No.10844078

Over-priced flashy nonsense. To call it a "coffee place" when they sell so much other sweet drinks is quite a joke. I guess the food is okay, but it's not worth it for the price. Only tolerable when they're having one-for-one deals, but then I end up with too much to drink.

>> No.10844100

I'll have a latte if you're buying

>> No.10844106

their drip coffee is decent, I've come back around to kind of liking after the Super Size Me-esque push against starbucks that resulted in local places with worse, more expensive burnt coffee popping up

>> No.10844108

Would probably be decent if they didn’t roast their beans with brimstone

>> No.10844110

Here’s how to get free drinks

>> No.10844118

High priced bean water.

>> No.10844127

lol all those triggered soyboy in the comments

>> No.10844133

Its actually a seed

>> No.10844145

High priced seed water.

Somehow that seems worse.

>> No.10844150

I've only ever had it once, wouldn't bother again.
Instant coffee tastes better and I'm not even memeing

>> No.10844175

I'm paying for a nice place to chill and relax more than the coffee. Unfortunately it's become the go-to hobo stink hang out so it's not so comfy anymore.

>> No.10844312

it's shit

>> No.10844358

I like their marble bread and hot chocolate. I go there a lot during winter.

>> No.10844380

it's great if you need a reliable wifi hotspot when travelling, but i never go there unless i need wifi

>> No.10844495

Surprised that it took off in place of something like Tim Horton's, but seeing as women and hipsters love paying $7 for a 2500kcal milkshake with a fancy Italian name it's really not that surprising.

>> No.10844512

I like their coffee.

>> No.10844537

Too sweet, even when you ask for no sweetener
Their expreso is overly bitter, not strong

>> No.10844712

>Tim Horton's
well Horton's is gas station tier coffee and food, so no, it's not really surprising.

>> No.10844798

Is rather pay $2 for a large black coffee than $7 for a medium size pumpkin spice frapp latte that's 50% sugar

>> No.10844931

Starbucks is a place you go with your friends to chill and get a sweet cake-in-a-cup drink.

I just get a cafe mocha and tell them to use three shots of syrup instead of the usually 6 or 8. (I always get a venti).

If I want coffee I go to the local coffee place.

>> No.10844957

I've been a "Partner" for 3 years now and it's a really nice place if the store is properly run and everyone knows what the heck their doing. Food is decent, drinks vary too much based on barista sadly. I honestly do reccomend registering a card and using that. Free refills in store only but you use it for coffee hot and iced as well as hot tea and iced. The star rewards are nice too as well as in the summer we're doing half off and 2 for 1 deals too. It was way better before we started letting and degenerate into our stores

>> No.10844960

I've never tried it. Seeing the logo makes me feel a little horny, but even so there's always a nice independent cafe nearby and I can't think why I'd opt for the chain.

>> No.10845478

They serve nice teas.

>> No.10845550

It's not real, can't be

>> No.10845561

I avoid the place. The stench of it, no joke makes me sick to my stomach and the people standing in line outside of them are the types I try to avoid.

I never got a a taste for coffee in general, but the stench of starbucks is nasty especially when unavoidable such as on my way to work. It's like these morons standing in line for that are zombie morons who can't wake up without their stupid coffee or being seen standing in some stupid line.

>> No.10845574

this is how I see it too.

>> No.10845578

Programmed idiots are programmed idiots, it makes up a certain demographic.

>> No.10845604

If the best thing in your life is folgers in your cup or starbucks then kill yourself now and don't have kids.

>> No.10847001
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Meh. It's just McDonalds for bougie white people who are afraid to drink milkshakes.

>> No.10847716

Tim Hortons is probably closer to cafe-McDonald's. Starbucks is the cafe equivalent of five guys

>> No.10848388
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They don't sell soda. I get it's a coffee place, but still...literally every place else has soda.

>> No.10849476

These days I go for the iced tea since it's cheaper than all the other drinks and I only go when I get an obscene amount of stars for buying a drink (once a month).

>> No.10849481

I like it

>> No.10849503

I enjoy caving in to their advertising but always fully aware that I’m “enjoying it” because I decided to cave it.
I know there’s nothing special about it. I enjoy instant coffee at home all the much more.

>> No.10849508

I love that video, he's great Haha

>> No.10849513

You sound like a woman with that namby pamby justification bullshit. U wan sum fuk babee?

>> No.10849514

they have pretty good iced coffee and their egg bites are nice if I don't have time for anything else in the morning

>> No.10849515

The flying saucer, UFO, lizard people crowd is like that too.

>> No.10849543

I'm not hearing a no...

>> No.10850422

theyre a war on christmas

>> No.10850442
File: 87 KB, 156x350, [HorribleSubs] Houseki no Kuni - 01 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_06.54_[2018.06.15_22.21.45].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't live without my daily pinkety drinkety to be honest with you sister.

>> No.10850452

> overpriced
I never understood this complaint. Go to any local coffee shop and they'll charge the same if not more. Prepared coffee is just expensive in general.

>> No.10850453

houseki no kuni poster makes a snarky post again
stop avatarfagging on kyrgyzstani leaf-gathering anonymous forums shitlord

>> No.10850460

That's just wrong, but I guess it depends on where you live.

>> No.10850463

i think i got a cheap black coffee in there once. less than 1.50 I want to say but I could be fucking retarded. if it was that cheap then its not bad as long as there's no line to wait in when you're there.

>> No.10850466
File: 162 KB, 417x517, benito_face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop stalking me please, you're really gross and ugly.

>> No.10850467

I live near a coffee place called "expresso" thats mostly like, drive thru quick shit for the 8-5 workers. They charged me 2.50 for a black coffee (fucking only 16 oz too) and then there was a card fee. That shit sucked and I won't go back there for that unless I'm getting some breakfast food along with it...

I think black coffee should only be like 1 or 2 bucks max.

>> No.10850470

but you should see my penis it's so big and satisfying

>> No.10850474

I've never walked into a locally owned coffee shop and seen coffee for less than $3.50. I move back and forth between Maryland and Pennsylvania. Starbucks is always cheaper than them in my experience.

>> No.10850527

>intrudes everywhere
>claims he's being stalked
Imagine being this self-centred.

>> No.10850662
File: 255 KB, 1295x2048, r9vrvh6sxs611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm using their wifi right now. It's a great place to get out of the weather for a few hours and just chill while shitposting here.

Best part is they've stopped hassling me about buying anything, or even about not bathing. But if I feel like scrubbing my pits, they have hot water and free soap in the bathrooms!

>> No.10850918

Get a job you disgusting garbage person.

>> No.10852792

You can't make meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!

Gib monee 4 drugs nao!

>> No.10852829
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>> No.10852863

Sauce on image?

>> No.10852877

i enjoy their black iced coffee
dont care for 'em other than that

>> No.10853375

WTF is ‘bougie’?
Is that some made-up nigger word?

>> No.10853391

It's from Good Will Hunting II

>> No.10853398

Why would you drink the liquid cancer.

>> No.10853418

it's short for bourgeoise, just like how pleb is short for plebian.

>> No.10854133

This. People just like to shit on starbucks because they're an easy "punch up" target, I can name at least 5 shitty local "coffee" shops that are way shittier and charge way more for the same item. Starbucks just feels like any other coffee shop to me just cleaner and more standardized. Muh prices is a shitty argument

>> No.10855752

They're fine albeit over priced. I don't really go unless it's with my girlfriend. I drink coffee black so most of the time I'm good with gas station coffee or mcdonalds.

If I want to spend that kind of money on a coffee shop I'll go to a local place.

>> No.10855763

I asked for a medium black coffee and I think that's the first time they had ever been asked for that. Like "what goes in that?".

>> No.10855768

Sneed water

>> No.10855780

Thanks for the advice but it's spelled plebeian.

>> No.10855907
File: 68 KB, 519x519, 1515224958097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>universally burned roasts
Only when someone gives me a gift card. We have "Port City Java" here that is supposed to be a superior local chain but is somehow worse in every possible way.

>> No.10855973

You realize you can also get coffee at starbucks? And that tim hortons is watery hot garbage?

>> No.10855982

Their espresso is decent for the price, but if its a new barista or someone else shitty at their job, it can be bad. My go to is short americano half water, two bucks for a decent drink.

>> No.10855992

Peak boomer posting

Like the boomer neighbor who says "wash mine too!" When you are washing ur car

Cant wait for u fucks to hang

>> No.10856000

I get a better coffee out of my french press. I like the earthiness of an ethiopian yirgacheffe

>> No.10856013

>$7 for 2500 drinkable calories

If only bulking was this easy

>> No.10856208

Mixed bag.

They will never serve you a shit drink, and will always remake anything if you are even slightly bitchy. But they won't serve you anything amazing.

They are slightly more expensive. Their business hours are a bit better than most cafes.

>> No.10856783

family owned a small business so I understand the importance of supporting them. I would rarely choose starbs over something local.

>> No.10858363

If you don't have a good local coffee shop its fine. If you don't know your local places, check them out.
Starbucks isn't good. It's just easy.

>> No.10858442

Overpriced diabetes. I don't get how these younger people can be so loyal to them.

>> No.10858550
File: 1.21 MB, 750x1113, 30 year old boomer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10858563

lol that poor employee

>> No.10858789

as long as you're not getting a 50% sugar latte or 0% espresso frappucino, they're not bad. some of the bougier stores have higher end coffe and the overlarge coffee machine that spits out some pretty high quality brews.

>> No.10859053

There's some gay little local place that makes a big deal out of motorcycles and motorcycle racing, coffee is perma burnt at any hour and the options they have are always done wrong, fuck local coffee places in nevada.

>> No.10859084

This is mostly true, where I live there's small coffee shops that charge more than Starbucks and manage to be worse. There are few that charge ~$2 for a double shot 6 ounce latte (or Cortado) what is outstanding.

>> No.10859096

>What's /ck/'s opinion on Starbucks?
Fuck 'em.