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File: 278 KB, 2048x1690, 3D350DF1-037F-499F-86B9-EEFFF531BA5E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10843046 No.10843046 [Reply] [Original]

I forgot as a kid in the early 90s there was a smoking section in McDonald’s. I would approach smokers there and tell them they were going to die

>> No.10843054

I bet you feel bad now knowing many of them did just that, and thought of you on their death bed

>> No.10843064
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The food probably did them in before the cigs had their way

>> No.10843071

>mcdonald's still had an indoor smoking section in the early 90's

Just how deep flyover are you, OP?

>> No.10843072

that is a nice thought, I wish I was a cynical rude little shit when I was little

>> No.10843086

Illinois so yeah central time

>> No.10843106

But everybody's going to die. Shouldn't you say that to everybody indiscriminately?

>> No.10843136
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Anti drug campaigns were all over tv and in the schools at the time so I had a civic duty to inform people about the dangers of smoking

>> No.10843170

I told my friends dad that he'd die from cancer if he kept smoking, but to be fair my dad had died from cancer.

>> No.10843224

309 area code. I remember the little diner my dad went to every day. The walls and ceiling tiles were stained with years of cigarette smoke. Good times....miss my dad.

>> No.10843226

i remember as a kid in the 80s walking around Kmart and my dad smoking and stepping on his cigarette in the isle while walking to put it out

>> No.10843520
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Do you boomers remember all the plants that used to be in fast food restaurants? Like planters in between groups of seats. I'll tell ya I'm having a heck of a time finding pix though. Maybe it was just my home town. Hard to tell if my memory is all there with an old egg like me!!

>> No.10843540

I don't smoke, but I nostalgically resent that bars and diners just don't smell the same.

>> No.10843552

The "smoking kills!" meme is just that, a meme. The real reason you shouldn't smoke is the negative health impacts in the short term, like smelling like shit, yellow teeth, or constantly feeling phlegmy and out of breath. None of the people I know who've smoked for 30+ years are dead.

>> No.10843562

Fake planters was developing-90s, no reason for it really.

>> No.10843564

Weird. I never thought about how places don't do that anymore. I also lived in Hawaii in the early 90's so every place was covered in plants and it just seemed normal.

>> No.10843571


>> No.10843575

Lol, and alcoholics don't show signs until they die in their 50s. Your post is a joke.

>> No.10843824

you should get out more

>> No.10843895

My local McDonald's had big fucking fish tanks in them.

>> No.10843964

You’re like my sister who makes excuses for smoking like its necessary for her stomach cramps

>> No.10844082

I remember the smoking sections very well. Late 80s early 90s, seems they were all gone by 2000. Don't miss it in restaurants, but bars should be smoke filled.

>> No.10844102
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you can smoke weed in stores now

>> No.10844181
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>> No.10844184
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We had that but it was in a fucking riverboat

>> No.10844192

you should go there now and tell all the meat eaters that they're gonna die. for bonus points throw blood on them to really drive the point home. they'll really appreciate the important lesson.

>> No.10844193

I hated the smell at the time, but I feel the same. But not having your clothes smell like smoke is nice.

>> No.10844390

You never did that, you fucking pussy.

>> No.10844412

I work in a restaurant and every time some smoke blows in from an open door I’m hit with a wave of nostalgia.

>> No.10844416

I miss when the McDonald’s had local flair to them. The one in Asheville by Baltimore has a grand piano and sometimes people play it

>> No.10844424

Why is it that McDonald’s has so many classy locations or do things that make it seem like something more than just fast food?

I mean, just look at some of the stuff they are doing today. >>>/qa/2165207

>> No.10844465

Where I live we still have smoking areas in McDonald's, smoking in restaurants and bars is still normal to.
I don't smoke but I think it'd be a cunt move to ask someone to stop doing something they enjoy just because it'll hurt someone's fee-fees.
It'd be like asking someone not to enjoy a beer with their meal and to chug it outside instead.

>> No.10844584

Yea well ur gonna die too faggot

>> No.10844786


>> No.10844792

This. My local McDonald's had ski gondolas as booths and skis all over the walls.

>> No.10844823

No you don't. McDonalds banned smoking from all of its restaurants back in the 90s.
And stop acting like an internet tough guy, nobody likes the stench of smoke while they're trying to eat.

>> No.10844923

They didn't need to though. People have known that cigarettes are dangerous since the senate hearings.

>> No.10844926

A McDonalds on the other side of my town has one. It's a newer McDonalds too.

>> No.10844944


My Dare officer told everyone in my elementary school class that if their parents smoked they should find their cigarettes, crumble them up, throw them in the trash, and tell our parents a bunch of shit about how we love them and want to be healthy.

Never thought about doing it for a second, lest I get my ass wrecked by my dad’s belt. Would love to know what the success rate of that stunt actually was.

>> No.10844985

Probably because they have a ton of money

>> No.10844997

Sometimes zoning laws and or city ordinances dictate appearance. I grew up not to far from a pretty affluent and touristy town and McDonald's was required to build a facility that complimented the backdrop/scenery instead of just plopping down an eyesore.

>> No.10845071

Beer doesn't force everyone around you to inhale carcinogenic fumes

>> No.10845160

Yeah because obviously you didn't meet the ones that died. Are you retarded?

>> No.10845177

My McDonald’s has a train in the middle of it for some reason

>> No.10845387
File: 40 KB, 310x600, 9EEBF212-D690-439B-93E9-CFF460CB1680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They also had biggie sizes

>> No.10845391

The life expectancy of an average chain smoker is longer than life expectancy of an asshole who incessantly pesters chain smokers about their habit.

>> No.10845431
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Step aside

>source my ass

>> No.10845453


>> No.10845619

I used to take a bunch and go to the pond and stage little naval battles.

>> No.10845624
File: 332 KB, 698x494, spoons.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you believe McDs once had complimentary cocaine spoons? The 70s were a different time.

>> No.10845644 [DELETED] 

I mean they had free razors too. If only they kept them during the myspace emo era

>> No.10845648
File: 165 KB, 890x647, CC9B20DD-1876-474B-8DE5-400AA2CDA70F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>10845624 #
they had free razors too. If only they kept them during the myspace emo era

>> No.10845712

>suicide by McDonald’s razor
What a way to go.

>> No.10846435

sausage biscuit stache is superior

>> No.10846768

of parents beating their kids or the parents doing a 180 and stop smoking because former pretty high latter pretty low im guessing

>> No.10846775

A Mcdonald's near me has those order kiosks. I thought that they would do it to cut down on workers, but they seem to have the same amount of workers as before. If you eat in, they also have someone bring it to your table, while before you'd pick it up yourself at the counter.

>> No.10846794

Is this a show and tell seminar? Do you want to tell us about the magical second drive-thru menu next?

>> No.10847663

I used to have a McDonald's in my local Walmart. The entrance of it was a GIANT arch logo. It really made Walmart feel like a place to hang out. Eventually it disappeared and was replaced with aisles. Now there's a burgerking in the front.

>> No.10849262

Some places in America have the strangest looking McDonalds. One I saw in the midwest looked like a log cabin. I also saw one in the south that just looked like a normal house.

>> No.10849270
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I quit both smoking 13 years ago... quit Mcdonalds soon after. Some anons weren't so lucky and quite a few of them will kiss the dirt in years to come

>> No.10849302

My McDonald's had an orchestra and masterbaiting machines but you don't see me whining

>> No.10849881
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>> No.10849899
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>> No.10849906

I destroyed a neighbor's cigarettes when I was younger because I knew how bad they were.

>> No.10849924
File: 1011 KB, 2358x4190, s7Syw9g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The McDonald's where I grew up has this dude and all the tables used to have old vintage tiny jukeboxes on them

>> No.10849939

you sound like a bitch

>> No.10849951

Just doing my duty.

>> No.10849959

I threw my dad's cigs out the window once, my parents seemed angrier about that than almost anything else I did back then, oddly. They didn't really get the message I was trying to convey, just a lecture about property.

>> No.10849963

You're not the only one who did this

>> No.10850011

>alcoholics don't show signs until they die in their 50s
fuck me, i have that long?!?!

>> No.10850032

You still have the train? You lucky bastard. Mine had one until I was ~10, used to refer to that one McD's as 'the caboose' because it wasn't a whole train obviously, just the one car. Used to reserve it for birthday parties and whatnot. Had a dope jungle-themed jungle gym adjacent as well. Memories are flooding back, ty anon. I'm now nostalgic for 101 Dalmatians toys and McDonald's pizza

>> No.10850050

he cute

>> No.10850099

If I had ever dared to do that, my ass would have been black and blue for a week. Smokers are so fucking obnoxious.

>> No.10850402
File: 26 KB, 236x314, D196CC53-23FA-4FF0-8C99-313D7B275E5F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We still have moon man

>> No.10850547

Somewhere people still have personal freedom. So yeah I guess pretty far away from LA.

>> No.10850667

fucking niggers should fucking hang

>> No.10850680

some tiny sosiges you got there homo

>> No.10851649

Isn't Moonman a hate symbol these days? I'm pretty sure I remember him being a racist meme back in YTMND's hay-day.

>> No.10851654

Just another example of liberal brainwashing in the 90s. Thank god I grew out of that fag shit.

>> No.10852065

Cali didn't have a statewide ban until '95, dumbass, and it was the first big state to do it.

>> No.10852070

mandela effect in ful effect

>> No.10852073

>every children's restaurant everywhere had smoking sections until da gubernment came in and banned it across the board

You're fucking retarded, and obviously weren't even alive in the 90's.

>> No.10852111

I think anon's point was that it was likely to happen in Cali first.

Anyway, I clearly remember smoking sections in McDs in Texas in the early 90's. I remember it very well because it was my first time to ever visit a McD's, on a school trip. There were a bunch of kids and not that big of a restaurant so many of us had to sit in/near the smoking section, which pissed me off to no end.

>> No.10852121

It's been probably 5 years since I had a layover in Texas, but they still had indoor smoking sections in the fucking terminal at the airport... Texas is a great example of a state that's way behind the times.

>> No.10852126

>but they still had indoor smoking sections in the fucking terminal at the airport

Uhm, nearly all major airports have that. A glassed-in room for smoking is standard unless you're talking very small regional airports.

>> No.10852130

No. It really isn't outside of the South.

>> No.10852133
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Lies and slander.

>> No.10852135

Pretty sure San Diego airort had one when I went through like four years ago. Stop being such a abhorrent snob.

>> No.10852142

As someone else pointed out, California banned indoor smoking like 20 years ago.

>> No.10852150

>No. It really isn't outside of the South.
You must not get out much. I've seen them within the last 3 years at DFW, Frankfurt, London Gatwick, London Heathrow, Schipol, Kastrup (Copenhagen), JFK, Toronto, Atlanta, and Houston.

>> No.10852159

Really wish all fast food places adopted those kiosks.
The incompetence of fast food workers is immeasurable. The other day I was at taco bell and the brainlet behind the counter couldn't figure out how to even ring up my order. I didn't even order anything extravagant. I just wanted a cheesy gordita crunch and a baja blast and that seemed to throw her out of orbit so hard. She sat there for like 5 minutes fucking around with the computer and had to get a manager to come over and ring it up for her. She asked me like 5 times if they still had it and I was like "YES LOOK AT THE FUCKING MENU".
She's been working there for a long ass time too. Fucking hell.

>> No.10852161

JFK most certainly does not have an indoor smoking section. Why the fuck do you people keep making shit up? Other than that you named a bunch of places in Texas and the South (which I already said were the last places that still had them), and Europe (which nobody was talking about).

>> No.10852166

In general public areas, yes. But not in dedicated glassed-in smoking rooms.

These are common features in airports, unless you're talking small ones.

>> No.10852174

No, they're not.

>> No.10852177

>(which nobody was talking about).
I don't recall anyone stating that we were talking about the US only.

>> No.10852188

What did you think was meant by "the South"?

>> No.10852190
File: 395 KB, 1024x768, 5267868731_b7946cda5f_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is is possible that you've traveled and not seen these funny little human aquariums?

>> No.10852198

I've traveled quite a bit, and have smoked for 15 years, so am very aware of where you can smoke in airports. I'll admit I never made it up to Scandinavia, though.

>> No.10852203
File: 38 KB, 600x448, dia_smoking_loungep1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The statement was "other than the south". I'm pretty sure Frankfurt Germany, etc, counts as "other than the south". nowhere did anyone specify "other than the south but still in the US".

Here's Denver, CO but I understand it closed 2 months ago.

>> No.10852214

The entire thread was about smoking in the US, but whatever. You can just fucking google airports in the US that have indoor smoking sections and there's like 4, including Denver. I was just getting annoyed that people kept saying places like San Diego and JFK had smoking lounges, when I know for a fact that they do not.

>> No.10852217

They might not have them today, but they certainly had them until very recently.

A lot of airports got around blanket bans by either installing dedicated special ventilation systems for the smoking rooms, and/or making them "private areas" that you had to pay to access.

>> No.10852349

>I've never been to Kentucky, the post

>> No.10852360

It's standard in Yuropoorland.

>> No.10852367

Why would I want to go down to the South? A fucking garbage fire stacked on top of a shithole

>> No.10852373

Why, to smoke in a Mcdonalds of course. And buy scratch-off lottery tickets.

>> No.10852378

>smoking in an enclosed area
>smoking at all
Sorry, I'm not trash.

>> No.10852388

wow that just gave me a nostalgia moment.
i used to collect those ashtrays as a kid, always took all the unused ones from the tables back home with me.

>> No.10852411

Imagine willingly breathing in smoke like a fucking retard.

>> No.10852553

There's a lot of idiots itt who don't remember most people used to smoke until the early eighties. Hell, you can listen to Met Opera live recordings through the 70's and even in libcucked NY hear the smoker coughs from the audience. It was only when people made up the notion of occasional secondhand smoke exposure causing cancer and COPD that mommie bloggers and the righteous alt-right puritans joined forces to ban smoking along the lines of sharia law.

>> No.10852632

Tucker Carlson?

>> No.10852672

Thank fuck smoking has been banned in most indoor places. I would hate come home after going to the bar or a restaurant and smelling like a disgusting smoker.

>> No.10852742

>it'd be a cunt move to ask someone to stop doing something they enjoy just because it'll hurt someone's fee-fees.
And their lung-lungs, but that's okay I guess? Snowflake libtards not wanting to get cancer, fucking pussies

>> No.10852904

The McDonalds in Navy Pier used to have some Atlantis theme going on.

>> No.10852923

my great grandfather lived 103 years and he was a smoker
i dont remember him well but i heard stories and people tell me he was perfectly healty

>> No.10852988

Of Parents mass calling schools demanding to know why they're kids are being taught to destroy their parents property.

>> No.10853119

epic pewdiepie reference!

>> No.10853283

Seriously, though, did Dare Officers really tell kids to steal and break their parents cigarettes?

>> No.10853324

I don't remember that shit from my DARE. Mostly they told us that if we did drugs once we could instantly die, because reasons. I distinctly remember that. Can't remember if the supposed 'girl' that died was from weed or coke though.

But yeah DARE was mostly cops coming in and lying to you about drugs. Got you out of normal coursework for a period or so though.

>> No.10854256

I live in Japan, everywhere either has open smoking (Japanese style izakaya restaurants and bars) or glass walled off smoking areas (usually chain restaurants and cafes).
The only place I've seen that's actually non smoking is Starbucks and as of recently, hospitals. Though 10 years ago you could just straight up smoke in the hospital waiting rooms and in schools.

Yeah but second hand smoke isn't as bad as people make out, and most smoking areas or bars here are well ventilated.

Yeah but it's like going to a pub for a meal and complaining that there are drunk people everywhere chugging beers while watching sport.

>> No.10854299

The culture is different here, the vast majority of our youth view smoking as something that isn't just unhealthy, but extremely repulsive and disgusting.

It's similar to how you might be kicked out for dragging around your waifu body pillow or eating durian.

>> No.10854312

So do you just make up your own narrative about the world and pretend it's true or what?

>> No.10854319

Nobody cares that it's unhealthy. The smell is repulsive and it sticks in your hair and on your clothes.

>> No.10856153

You took your dad's property, which he paid for with the money he earned, and you threw it away because you thought you knew better than him, you little cunt.