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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10840173 No.10840173 [Reply] [Original]

Should grown men crave sweets?

I get mocked by my dad and uncle for ordering dessert at restaurants.

>> No.10840179

No. If you think deeply about yourself you'll probably discover a deep buried desire to transition.

>> No.10840186

>your dad and uncle will never respect you
You know you can make the mockery stop just by stopping the fag behavior right?

>> No.10840190

Anyway, enjoy your diabetes

>> No.10840191

Only faggots give a shit about what other people eat, unless you're a fat fuck already, in which case stop being so disgusting.

>> No.10840207

It's arguably more gay to worry about other people's opinion of what one is eating, versus other people having an opinion on what one is eating

>> No.10840215

You have to order coffee with your dessert.

>> No.10840227

I would disagree with that argument. Faggots seem to crave social disunity and are frequently contrarian just to stand out as an individual. The opposite to that, conservatism, involves adjusting personal behavior according to social expectations and seeking to contribute to a general consensus on acceptable behavior which might gradually shift over time, but remains generally stable.

>> No.10840259

A cafe gourmand, like the French do.

>> No.10840264

Why is sugar for children? Isn't childhood when you definitely don't need excess sugar? I love ordering sweets, and I'm the thinnest of all my family members.

>> No.10840267
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>bowing to social unity
>not exercising your freedom and individualism.

what are you, some kinda gay communist

>> No.10840275

The moral wise man can rationally discern right from wrong without needing to rely on social cues. Moral wise men often reach the same conclusions, at least within homogenous societies, because they independently reach fundamental cosmic truths (logos). The amoral mainstream brainlet would like to be moral, but being unable to discern morality internally, is condemned to using social cues from wise men to follow a safe path through life.

The immoral wise faggot openly rejects moral society at large, but forges an alternate path as a ‘thought-leader’ within his death cult subculture. The amoral faggot brainlet makes a show of rejecting moral society at large as a matter of signalling, but ultimately bows to the immoral wise faggots for guidance the same as any other brainlet. The only difference is culture vs subculture.

Of course, this is based on a healthy society, whereas globally today our leaders of church and state are undeserving of submission.

>> No.10840309

Good post.
Just do what you gotta do OP.

>> No.10840323

Your dad and uncle are probably just lifelong poorfags who could never afford a complete meal on the rare occasion they did scrape together enough to go out to eat.

You shouldn't be having sweets all the time, but there's nothing wrong with having a dessert at a restaurant.

>> No.10840355

Consider the following part of your post:
>Should grown men crave
>grown men
And there's your answer. You're a grown man, who gives a fuck about what you want to eat? Eat whatever the fuck you want to. Tell your dad and uncle to suck your nuts, they'll probably respect you more for telling them to eat shit while you choke down your cake.

>> No.10840370

Go back to Ibiza, fag.

>> No.10840379

I don't even know what this is supposed to be a reference to, but fuck you anyways retard.

>> No.10840401
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op is fat as shit

>> No.10840409

He mocks you because he care. If you give into your crave, you will lose all your teeth and be as fat as a whale.

>> No.10840410

that's pretty gay dude

>> No.10840426

Nothing more manly than coming home from work, eating a pie your wife cooked, and then later creaming your wife's pie

>> No.10840444
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It's 4 am and this is probably the best post I'll see all day.

>> No.10840449

Fuck me, trip 4s

Making another gin & tonic...

>> No.10840462


>> No.10840606

It's fine in moderation. Tell them, in no uncertain terms- to shut the fuck up and mind their own damn food.

>> No.10840610

Your dad and uncle are insecure faggots.

>> No.10840613

grown men should only crave conquest and violence against enemy tribes. you can enjoy sweet flavors by drinking a honey tea before going into battle to destroy your enemies.

desserts are fucking feminine and decadent, if you order some faggoty expensive slice of cake at a restaurant you might as well walk into the back kitchen and cut your dick off with the clever. you poof.

>> No.10840615

Your dad and uncle are faggots dont listen to them.

>> No.10840618

You can still do that tribal warfare thing in parts of Africa, namely the less developed parts. Why don't you sell your computer and buy a plane ticket to move there?

>> No.10840909
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>Naturally, the people who disagree with me are basically animals, not to be trusted with anything, while the people who agree with me are sensible, sane, intelligent, mature and civilized.

>> No.10841487

>grown men should only crave conquest and violence against enemy tribes
>Sugar was literally the reason why wars were wages and people were enslaved
Fuck off, you pseudo-"man".

>> No.10841537

Your dad and uncle sound like a couple of dudes who won't let themselves do what they want out of fear of being labeled by others as gay.
No cock in your ass? Not gay. Simple distinction.
Such men who fear being seen as gay for doing something as benign as eating have fragile egos and are victim to self-imposed toxic standards of masculinity.

My dad was like that. He would not order certain foods, wear certain colors, or do certain activities because it was "fag stuff." People like that are just miserable and angry inside. If I were you, I'd tell them to fuck off with their archaic insecurity and remind them that what makes you a man is where you sheath your cock at night, not whether or not you eat a fucking piece of cake.
I hate men like that. Eat what you like OP.

>> No.10841544

>arabs are violent, generally unkempt, meat-eating, wife-beating, woman-raping etc; basically espouses all the shit the white westerner values as "manly"
>is a voracious eater of sweets
Idk. If it's good enough for those "manly" men, it's good enough for you, you beta faggot.

>> No.10841580

lol shut up homo

>> No.10841599

No, only failures and women have poor self control

>> No.10841628

I would punch you in yer fucking mouth you god dern faggot bitch

>> No.10841653

Watch out, it's the anonymous burmese hentai collector's forum tough guys.
Go suck a couple cocks you angry repressed faggots.

>> No.10841685

Idk. I tend to avoid them but my dad has eaten something sweet after every dinner I've ever seen him eat and hes never been fat. He's in his late sixties so even if something did develop he's already kind of won.

>> No.10841721
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Sounds like your dad and uncle are giant insecure faggots and probably kiss while you aren't looking

>> No.10841729
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>> No.10842475

Tell them to mind their own business. Feel free to say it in a more respective manner, if you desire, so long as you get the point across.

>> No.10842495

>Isn't childhood when you definitely don't need excess sugar?
They can use it a bit more since they're growing and usually active, same thing for adults who are active, sugar isn't as bad for them because their body actually uses it. It's the worst for fully grown, sedentary people.

>> No.10842521

>I get mocked by my dad and uncle for ordering dessert at restaurants.
If you were a real man you'd tell em to fuck off and mind their own goddamn stomachs
Being a man is doing whatever the fuck you want solely because you want to. Following invisible codes is for cowards and women.

>> No.10842567

>there's nothing wrong with having a dessert at a restaurant

The only acceptable occasion whereby a male can eat desert at a restaurant is when he is sharing one with his wife / girlfriend.

>> No.10842588

>invisible codes is for cowards and women
Well, it's an invisible code you shouldn't stink in public, should eat most (but not invisibly coded examples like most fast food) foods with utensils and should wear clothing in public, so I guess you're a woman or coward too?

>> No.10842648

I bathe because I don't like feeling dirty. I also have a very bad case of dandruff and I don't much like getting scalp flakes all over my stuff. how I smell to others is not a concern of mine.
I use utensils because getting your hands dirty at the table is too much of a hassle to make a habit out of. I like knives. I own a lot of them.
Wearing clothes in public is most definitely more than an invisible code in most regions. And explicitly a very palpable code in the grand majority of establishments that I might want to access, if not all of them. No shirt, no shoes, no business. No shit, bud. Clothes also protect you against the elements. I'd rather not develop pneumonia in the cold seasons and constant sunburns in the warm.
You probably thought you were so clever typing that out. It's a little embarrassing actually.

>> No.10842655

why not? also grown men generally don't take shit from family members unless it's a two way street. if you're not giving as good as you're getting then you're just the family whipping boy

>> No.10842723

American 'masculinity ' is fucking hilarious. Softest people who ever existed but muh truck, muh steak, muh daddy told me never eat none o dem faggy puddin thangs a hyuk

>> No.10842815

>boomers made fun of me for enjoying something
Join the club kiddo
Enjoy your food

>> No.10842845

>i conform 'cause in muh mind i've created mythical reasons that are muh own, not other invisible standards
Suggest a visit to that native american reservation in AZ where you can do peyote as a religious experience (completely legal) by yourself and lose your delusions.


>> No.10842850

They make fun of you because you're a fat sack of shit

>> No.10842855


>> No.10842856

Grown men shouldn't crave sweet tbqh. If you're still hungry, you hit the spot with more meat.

>> No.10842860
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>> No.10842876

They want to leave the damn restaurant to do other things and don't want to wait around for desert.

>> No.10842880
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>> No.10842881

Took you that whole hour to come up with that, huh?
Bet you were stewin real hard to come up with something that would just wound me.
I'm thinkin you're the one that needs to go for a fuckin walk, bud. Sort out your priorities.

>> No.10842933

>Sugar was literally the reason why wars were wages and people were enslaved
I didn't expect less from the normalfag/redditor/women containment board. Good job.

>> No.10842937 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10842964

No. Predominately sweet food is for children with underdeveloped palates. It's occasionally okay if you're at a nice prix fix place, or just really drunk, but isn't something you should be craving; that's honestly a disease.

>> No.10842967

He's right though, masculinity is about doing what you want whenever you want, including following or not following "invisible" codes voluntarily.

Not eating dessert because some faggots will talk shit is the most womanly/faggy thing out there. There is no tangible or real punishment other than what other people will think, so submitting to that is basically screaming "I'm a beta cuck please fuck me and my wife".

Only women care about what other people think because evolutionarily, that's the only card they could play in the game of life, being accepted by others because she had no physical means of self-defense.

>> No.10842982

goddamnit I fell for one of /pol/'s bait threads again

>> No.10842990

Do you not feel even the least bit embarrassed having these saved to your phone?

>> No.10843022
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