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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10839992 No.10839992 [Reply] [Original]

why is my sister such a bitch?
>be at home with my sister and her bf
>be playing hotline miami
>sister asks me what do i want to have for dinner
>(im a cook btw)
>lets have some quiche lorraine
>i chop the onions, fry the bacon, beat the eggs and grate the cheese
>she just boils the spinach and the leeks
>she then sends her bf to buy the pie dough
>1 hour later the tart is done
>sister: guys i dont wanna brag but this is the best tart i have ever made, i cant believe it tastes so good
all she did was drink wine and talk about stupid shit with her bf, why did she act so entitled?

>> No.10840000

Because numales gave away any power they had when they started putting pussy on a pedestal

>> No.10840001

fuck you dude

>> No.10840002

She's negging you. She wants to fuck unironically.

>> No.10840004
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>> No.10840008

She's a woman. Just laugh it off and have her make something next time.

>> No.10840014
File: 70 KB, 851x831, (jazz music gets very loud).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my sister such a bitch
If she's such a bitch then you know what to do OP.

>> No.10840024

Just divorce her. But don't forget to get permission from her bf or say goodbye to your nuts

>> No.10840032

this, it's typical roastie behavior.

>> No.10840060
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>have her make something
she cant, i mean she cooks all right, but she isnt even near to a chefs level, she usually burns the food, or over salts it, she doesnt even know how to cook a rib eye the right way

>> No.10840103

You sound like a roastie too.

>> No.10840112
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im not a roastie you dumb fucking faggot. im a man, stop bullying me

>> No.10840131

It sounds like your sister is female, which explains it. They are like that to make life more challenging for men. The more challenged we are, the more intelligent we have to become to deal with it, which is better for the species overall.

>> No.10840158

Then what do you want to do? Rub the fact that she can't cook in her face? I get that you want to act on your spite, trust me, I know that it would make your day to just put her in her place, but take a step back and think this through for a bit.

>Get back at your sister by pranking her or being mean or whatever
>She, being a woman, turns EVERYONE YOU KNOW against you
>Only have 4chan Anons as your friends

Just call her out if anything. Confront her and remind her how little she contributed to the meal (not after the fact of course, maybe during the next time you make food).

>> No.10840159


>> No.10840271

You are stupid, anon. Just use her.

> tell her to post the beautiful quiche on IG
> cook often with her and enjoy quality time together
> make her invite a friend to cook with you
> get laid and be alpha

>> No.10840292

>>sister: guys i dont wanna brag but this is the best tart i have ever made, i cant believe it tastes so good
Is this not the part where you should've said "shutup retard I did all the work" like a normal sibling would? I have a younger brother and whenever I was growing up with him I'd just tell him to shutup dumbass you don't know shit. I mean, I didn't know shit either but this is how being a sibling goes. Call her out next time

>> No.10840314

>im a man
>posts anime
suck my cock you fucking viola playing bitch

>> No.10840316

You could also move out on your own, you basement-dwelling soft-cock.
What the fuck is wrong with millenials these days?

>> No.10840318

Yeah, for many people. There are a lot of different family dynamics, though. OP seems to be in one of the types that has a subservient wuss overshadowed by a dominant yet irrationally respected sibling.

>> No.10840452

you forgot to start with
>be me

>> No.10840453

Who else would he be?

>> No.10840458

this is word for the word the post i was going to make to reply to OP
what a fucking homo

>> No.10840460


>> No.10840520


>> No.10840576

She's just playing herself up in front of her boyfriend, it shouldn't be too surprising, nor should you get overly upset about over a family member unfairly angling for credit for something as fucking stupid as making dinner.

Bust her balls a bit next time you're cooking together in a way that isn't overly aggressive or mean, and she'll hopefully get the hint and humble herself somewhat.

>> No.10841251
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i got my retribution, im not cleaning shit, i went upstairs as soon as i finished eating, and i just made breakfast and didnt clean either, that will show her.
yes we can banter like normal siblings, but her ego gets the best of her in this situtations. like "heh they dont teach you this tricks at school" (it was just salting the greens so they would sweat and boil in their own juices)
who do you think i am dude? im just turning 19 she is 26 she is the one who should move out
fuck off, i like my anime like i like my women, cute

>> No.10841272

>admits to being a newfag

>> No.10841299

this is the only sensible thing i've read itt

>> No.10841306

>implying he wasn't posting as an underage

>> No.10841336

>baited underage b&
90% of /b/ is probably 15 anyway

>> No.10841339

> i got my retribution, im not cleaning shit, i went upstairs as soon as i finished eating, and i just made breakfast and didnt clean either, that will show her.

Lol so passive. How numale can a male get?

>> No.10841342
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make her poptarts next time

>> No.10841346
File: 51 KB, 413x243, 1528569137004.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

beat her

>> No.10841353

>im just turning 19
When I was turning 19, I had just completed the mortgage on my house AND was in the process of aquiring some primo real estate

>> No.10841381

That's a really minor inconvenience to be mad about

>> No.10841386

just tell her she did fuck all, why are you complaining about it on the internet?

>> No.10841392

which was how long ago, boomer? probably easy to do with a good economy and living in the middle of nowhere

>> No.10841404

Congratulations on being the .1%

>> No.10841417

>i chop the onions, fry the bacon, beat the eggs and grate the cheese
that's just retard busy work that involves almost no cooking skill... you are no better anon. If I had to pick one person that "made" that shitty quiche I would say it was her since she put it together and decided how long to cook it for at which temperature. But you both sound like underagged faggots that suck at cooking since you had to buy a fucking pie dough. Fuck off.

>> No.10841446

>sister bf:your brother is such gay.
>sister:no,gays get sex,my brother is just gonna post on 4chin about his pussy hurting.
>sisters bf:but if he is OP how not teh gay?
>sister:who cares,now bring on the anal.
>sisters bf:I am gonna have weird butt sex with op's sister,that being you.
>sister:bring it on,black guy.

Also,fuck you op.

>> No.10841459

Did you clap back and tell her she hardly did shit?

If you just sat there quietly while she talked about all the credit due to her, then you enabled her to be this way, probably your whole life, by never standing up for yourself and making it easy for her to take the credit. You see it in siblings all the time: if there's one quite quiet one, the other is overly loud and talkative and kind of self-important because where the quiet sibling shrank away from socialization etc, the other sibling expanded to fill that empty space.

You could see it the other way too, that the loud sibling forces the quiet one to be quiet by dominating speaking time, but I think it's 'symbiotic' in the way that they feed off each other.

>> No.10841463

i told her i could make the dough, she said she wanted to eat as soon as possible and it would take too much time.
>she put it together and decided how long to cook it for at which temperature.
not really, as i stated before, she only cooked the greens, but i get it, its my fault for letting her cook with me in the first place, when we i was a kid i used to help her around the kitchen, and now that im actually studying she thinks i act like a know it all just because i point out her dumb mistakes "but mom used to do it this way so its the right way" but i have a big fat book about french cuisine that says otherwise
boy i just went into a full rant

>> No.10841475

dude you are giving him way too much credit, if you think im a numale you should see him, he plays magic the gathering and listens to fucking arch enemy

>> No.10841480

This thread sucks

>> No.10841481

>she only cooked the greens
so ya'll just slopped together some bacon, eggs and spinach into a premade pie crust and called it a day without putting it in the oven? Nice "quiche" fagtron.

>> No.10841518

And STILL gets more pussy than you do.

>> No.10841522

reminds me of the time my best friends bf tried to take some credit for the chili I made, just kind of shut him down quickly when he mentioned the recipe he found and I said I just used my own.

>> No.10841536

Yet he's the one fucking your sister while you bitch about quiches on a Bhutanese CD player repair forum

>> No.10841570

>I rode my parent's coattails and I'm proud of it

>> No.10841629

What's ironic fucking?
"Ohhh yeeeeeah look at me I'm soo having sex rn"

>> No.10841637

ironic fucking is what I tell everyone I do to your mom because I'm ashamed to admit I like it

>> No.10841645

Wait, you claim to be a cook and you buy pie dough? You both are massive faggots

>> No.10841655

This. Go bang your sister.

>> No.10841673

If you have a job, why do you live with your sister? Newsflash, you're never going to have enough money for a house and family as a line cook.