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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 93 KB, 1240x930, web-happy-lamb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10839243 No.10839243 [Reply] [Original]

There is literally no reason to not be vegan when we have the means to perfectly replicate the look, taste, and texture of meat and dairy with nom-animal products. At this point, using animals is senseless.

>> No.10839254

i agree. i dont eat meat but i do consume milk and eggs. Eggs and milk can be consumed ethically. Vegetarianism is better and healthier than meat eating or veganism,

>> No.10839266

i like the taste of flesh

>> No.10839271

what's the best vegan version of ribeye? Show me some cutting edge vegan shit

>> No.10839272

It's not nutritionally the same. Lab-grown meat is a better alternative than trying to make imitations from plants.

>> No.10839292

You got that backwards. There is no reason to be vegan.

>> No.10839376

There's no reason not to be a capitalist, so you should be a capitalist. Same thing.

>> No.10839405

Yes, I want to nom on some animals.

>> No.10839408
File: 123 KB, 334x1047, vegan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what goes into a vegan steak. Literally no difference from a real one.

>> No.10839417

oh more processed food mucking up the food industry? No thanks, it's bad enough as it is.

>> No.10839427


This is cancer pasta. You will get testicular cancer and your mum will die in her sleep if you post after me. This is chemo.

>> No.10839430

Meatcucks and status quo defenders need to be purged.

>> No.10839441

Neo-marxist will be the ones purged.

You have no arguments, and you don't try to present any because you know there is nothing to justify your political ideology.

>> No.10839444

Why do boomers get so scared by processed? Don’t you realize anything you aren’t eating in the wild and raw is by definition processed?

>> No.10839451

>letting animals breed endlessly and destroy the environment

We're predators OP

>> No.10839453

Well, cows are constantly artificially inseminated by getting a fist and or rod stuck through their asshole to produce milk. Their offspring is either hauled off and brutally slaughtered as veal or raised as cattle themselves to be in horrible conditions and constantly raped

And once their worn down bodies in horrible living conditions cant produce milk they’re killed

With eggs you get any male chicks thrown into a grinder and chicks in horrible living conditions and also artificially inseminated

>> No.10839454

I agree with limiting the consumption of meat, but fuck being vegan. I was for a month, and while i did lose some weight, i had to spent a lot of money to buy enough food to not feel hungry and my energy was low a lot of the time.

And all this "meat" substitutes have so much crap in them that it's better to stick to your old trusty fat rib eye. You don't need meat substitutes if you're vegan, there are lots of protein sources instead of eating overpriced industrial produce from Shekelcorp.

Why even renounce meat if you're going to be looking and paying for shit that'll never be meat???

>> No.10839458

It’s almost as if we’ve almost irreparably created conditions in which natural cycles of life and ecosystems can play out anymore

>> No.10839462

Look at that little shit. Why is it laughing at me? I should fucking kill it

>> No.10839474

>Why even renounce meat if you're going to be looking and paying for shit that'll never be meat??

It’s nothing short of mind blowing how this doesn’t register to neurotypical and or sup 80 IQ humans

Just think for one second as to why people might want to eat meat SUBSTITUTES as opposed to the real thing if they’re vegan

>> No.10839483

Then what's the point of being vegan if you'll still be craving for meat??

>> No.10839493

Im going to assume youre trolling because no one above the age of 5 isn’t aware of the idea of impulse

>> No.10839497

>I believe that the only reason vegans are vegan is because they just don't like eating meat

>> No.10839500

>what's the point of not smoking if you crave cigarettes?

>> No.10839506

So all that talk about "muh poor animals" and you still want that big steak in front of you but made from jackfruit, flour and a thousand additives?

Doesn't sound really vegan to me, why not just make a bean burger?

>> No.10839513

Well cigarettes as addictive, and not eating meat is just a choice that you can comply with a little will and not being a landwhale

>> No.10839514

You being obtuse and intentionally misrepresenting and generalizing a viewpoint isn’t an argument

Your boomer fear of processed foods is also wholly unfounded

>> No.10839515

Ew. Sure reeks of soyboys around here!

>> No.10839521

What's the best way to prepare lamb, cu/ck/s?

>> No.10839524

Anything can be psychologically addicting. Then again you’re clearly not interested in any actual discussion. You’re just looking for twitter tier mic drop moments

>> No.10839532

Jackfruit is not an animal.

>> No.10839538

What discussion can come out of this? meat substitutes are just plain retarded

>> No.10839556

The discussion of why your mother drank so much during her pregnancy

>> No.10839569

no shit

>> No.10839572

Except...youre completely wrong.

>> No.10839579

You obviously think otherwise

>> No.10839583

so.... pointing out that someone made a "steak" out of jackfruit that vaguely resembles animal flesh is not exposing any hypocrisy.

Vegans are against hurting animals. They aren't against making things that resemble dead animals. You are a complete retard.

I'm not even vegan. I eat meat. I just comprehend things.

>> No.10839769

If vegans start buying lab produces meat to drive up demand, the market will shift.

Agreed with the op, it's probably more sound economically and mostly environmentally, however the animals bred for livestock will plummet to near extinction and then the price of real true beef like angus or even rarer types like wagyu will skyrocket as it becomes delicacy.

>> No.10839787

Hey look, it's this thread again.

>> No.10840148

I like to eat the flesh of formerly living beings, thats one reason not to be vegan.

>> No.10840589

Yeah but these things CAN be consumed ethically. My flat has free range chickens and we give them good lives. I agree with the dairy being immoral and I typically only use almond milk but god damn it organic ethically sourced milk is so much better for tea and coffee

>> No.10840642

Shindol makes some pretty fucked up hentai with these as themes

>> No.10840662

I eat organic dairy and eggs. Also some wild caught fish. I've tried to give them up a few times, and might again, but I feel like I'm in a good spot for now.

>> No.10840673

you can buy all my food for me since it's no big deal to you

>> No.10840740

>There is literally no reason to not be vegan when we have the means to perfectly replicate the look, taste, and texture of meat and dairy with nom-animal products. At this point, using animals is senseless.
1. We don't have the means to do any of that.

2. We could never meet the demand for food if everyone went vegan. Farming simply isn't efficient enough. Millions would starve.

>> No.10840761

1. If you know how to cook you can make shit far tastier than meat.
2. What the fuck does your meat eat?

>> No.10840773

>1. If you know how to cook you can make shit far tastier than meat.

Irrelivant, that was not the assertion. The assertion was we can perfectly replicate the taste and texture of meat and dairy with non animal products. We cannot. Even if we set aside this irrelivancy, taste is subjective, so what's better for you is ass for someone else.

>2. What the fuck does your meat eat?

Livestock is usually fed off of scrap material not fit or used for human consumption. Lower quality grains and roughage, grass in ideal scenarios, seed, etc. They aren't eating food you could or would eat, and neither could you use the 'food' you give to these animals to feed people.

Veganism is not feasible for replacing an omnivorous diet on a global or even national scale.

>> No.10840784

It's nicer than being bred just to live on a factory farm.

>> No.10840799

>it's probably more sound economically and mostly environmentally

It isn't. At all.

>> No.10840803

>everybody becomes vegan
>we must kill all the animals now
Jesus Christ dude what's wrong with you.

>> No.10840813

Most animal feed currently comes from agriculture, so if the world went vegan, the amount of acreage needed to support cattle and other food animals and the acreage needed to grow the hay / alfalfa / corn / soy / etc. to feed them would diminish dramatically, as would the climate effects of the meat industry, while leaving plenty of crops to provide humans with plenty of calories/protein/vitamins/etc.
They are not eating waste, lower quality yes but still irrelevant to the whole discussion since they require so much food.

>> No.10840815

So what happens now one time compared to every year?

>> No.10840818

If you are going to try and copy everything about eating meat, dairy and animal-products... why not just eat meat, dairy and animal products.. obviously there is something there you like...

>> No.10840824

And their species won't be 99% wiped off the face of the earth, ye.

>> No.10840826

vegans are typically emotionally overwhelmed little bitches and women. meat is the bees knees

>> No.10840839

But again, what kind of a life is living on a factory farm? I understand a miniscule percentage live on ethical farms, but even if those were left, most domestic farm animals would still be killed off.

>> No.10840841

addiction/taste>health consequences, torture/murder, climate change

>> No.10840858

>lookit me I can throw buzzwords like nobody's business

>> No.10840890

>processed is fine
yeah, when it comes to ideologies, just throw all caution to the wind.

>> No.10840933
File: 778 KB, 720x720, 1530058006734.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> vegan "filet mignon"
> serving size 1/2 "steak"
> 22g carbs
> 1180mg sodium
> wheat gluten

>genuine filet mignon
> serving size 1 entire glorious steak
> 0g carbs
> 134 mg sodium
> no wheat gluten

> literally no difference
reason #231 why people know vegans are brain damaged

>> No.10841204

shut up weeb

>> No.10841274
File: 33 KB, 511x301, tenderloin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Filet Mignon
fucking lmao
Filet Mignon can only be made from beef tenderloin, so shouldn't that be illegal?
go ahead and enjoy your heap of soy and MSG slapped into a vaguely meat-like shape, but don't claim it tastes anything like premium meat

gimping all of your life choices because of "ethical reasons" is retarded anyway, you won't make a difference (unless that difference is burining down massive areas of tropical forests for your soy plantations)

>> No.10841341

>There is literally no reason to not be vegan when we have the means to perfectly replicate the look, taste, and texture of meat and dairy with nom-animal products
I agree, when we can do that there is no reason
but we simply can't even accurately replicate it, let alone perfectly, so until then it's meat or bust

>> No.10841352

do you morons even realize more than half of that soy is given to animals because no one can give up a bit of luxury. Ask yourself again who's the little whiney faggot

>> No.10841416

>perfectly replicate the look, taste, and texture of meat
you typed "perfectly",but you meant to type "nowhere near"

>> No.10841419

>non beef broth.
I can describe all of my furniture that way

>> No.10841563

You? I mean you just won't shut the fuck up about some retarded animals.

>> No.10841582

this is how people know you're just an entitled little bitch

>> No.10841590

You do realize that a lot of the soy that's given to animals is a byproduct of extracting the bean's oil right?

>> No.10841606

>when we have the means to perfectly replicate the look, taste, and texture of meat and dairy with nom-animal products

"When" being the key word

>> No.10841612

Filet Mignon flavored soy protein food product©

>> No.10841613

All the vegan places are too far of a travel for me.It's not worth traveling an hour to a vegan store, and still having to go to my usual store to get everything else.

>> No.10841758

>You feel entitled
You mean like every human being ever, including yourself? If you didn't feel entitlement , you'd lay down and starve to death. So take your self righteous bullshit and fuck off

>> No.10841891

Have you ever been on a farm, because that never happens to cows, ever.
Farmers treat their cows as you treat your money.

>> No.10842672

>perfectly replicate the look, taste, and texture of meat and dairy with nom-animal products.
bull shit...vegan cheese is still esentialy solid hummus at worst, and bad chev/neufchatel at best.....when there is a vegan cheese comparable to a nice raw stilton im down to give it a go

and while the fake meat stuff is getting better it is still texturaly chalanged/limited....you can make a burger patty , hot dogs, or mince....but nothing that does what a shark does....nothing that stewes down making stock/sauce, and full of tendon or collagen

>> No.10844044

then stop eating replicas. Its not hard to just not feel the need to consume fairy or meat. Its like living without a microwave or internet, you get used to it

>> No.10844478
File: 171 KB, 500x725, 573F1B2A-1C0C-458E-8516-1CBC70F23083.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I likes me some nom-animal products..,

>> No.10845625
File: 1.34 MB, 4288x2848, DSC_5606-4288x2848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10846294

fuck off dipshit

>> No.10846301

Lab grown meat has almost no nutrition outside of protein

>> No.10846309
File: 356 KB, 733x435, 1525844299419.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1180mg sodium
Holy shit

>> No.10846360

Resize, faggot

>> No.10846475

Why would I need a factory or a laboratory to produce meat when animals already do it for free?

>> No.10846494

>If vegans start buying lab produces meat to drive up demand, the market will shift
No it wont
Lab meat is just another replacement and you already tried replacing meat a million times and it never worked, this won't be any different
You know what would work? Getting McDonald's to serve real beef and chicken alternatives and make them a better alternative to the shit they already sell because they serve a billion people a day
And good luck getting a massive multinational corporation to agree to that

>> No.10846499

If you knew how to cook you wouldn't give up meat, eggs and dairy

>> No.10846505

basically this. animals is cheaper

>> No.10846509

You can't take away my meat, I have the right to eat it

>> No.10847182

>there's no difference between a block of C4 and firecrackers as far as I can see

>> No.10847213

>Why do boomers get so scared by processed?
The more processed food is the worse it tastes, and (usually) the worse it is for you health-wise.

>Don’t you realize anything you aren’t eating in the wild and raw is by definition processed?
We can see that spergs might think, that, sure. But people who aren't on the spectrum don't refer to picking an apple or washing the dirt off a carrot as "processing".

>> No.10847214

>the leftist "argument"

>> No.10847281

PETA propaganda

>> No.10847287

much of what a vegan diet lacks

>> No.10847293

The technology can still be improved so that it'll be the same at some point. Not sure why people think it's always going to be at its current state forever.

>> No.10847319

"Can" and "Will" are two very different things.

>>Not sure why people think it's always going to be at its current state forever.
Because that's the way it's always worked when high tech is applied to agriculture. The product always becomes cheaper, but it never becomes "better". You can read old articles in ag trade magazines about modern monoculture farming and GMO crops. The concerns raised by people are usually "this doesn't taste very good compared to what we used to have". The reply is always "but that will improve with time, we can make the product taste better too". Yet that's never actually happened.

Science could do a great deal for the quality of our meat and produce, but empirically all it does is fuck over nutrition and taste in exchange for MOAR and CHEAPER. I'm not holding my breath that lab meat will be any different. It would be nice if it was, but I don't think it will be.

>> No.10847324

Admit it, you're vegan because you're overwhelmed by your feeling towards animals.

Veganism is a form of extremism so I can't support it because its short sighted and emotionally driven.

I do however, support a move away from factory farming.

>using animals is senseless.
This is fundamentally a philosophical point of view and not really an argument.
If you are concerned we're killing animals, then you should be far more concerned about over population, urban sprawl and our exploitation of natural resources and ecosystems we have destroyed and are destroying at an alarming rate.
Sure eating meat adds to these problems, but this is just a drop in the ocean compared to how destructive modern humans are simply by existing.

Other things die so we can live, have phones, internet, eat, drive, vacation etc. Vegans have their priorities all out of whack because of the irrational emotional drive to protect farm animals.

I will never join your cult and you will never convince me this is the most pressing issue facing man.

>> No.10847328

Veal is delicious, but milking cattle aren't used for meat

Maybe they do for dogfood or taco bell though.

>> No.10847336

>all gluten

this sounds horribly inflammatory.

>> No.10847348

Not sure why people assume that would happen it's not like we have rocket cars and if we created technology that can do that for lab grown meat it wouldn't be used in the culinary field it would have massively better use in medical or more likely agri-medical field like veterinary sciences. So lab grown meat will have to be fortified like milk and the same reasons it has no nutritional value is why it's often called bland by those who taste it (meat it given nutrition and flavored by what the animal eats, lab grown stuff is a lumpbof cancer-like stem cells) so you get a product that is artificially flavored, vitamin fortified and it's future is basically stem cell version of soy protein isolate. Face it that won't usher in an age of veganism or replace farming/traditional meat sources.

>> No.10847377

No reason not to be a carnivore. It only has health benefits.

>> No.10847547

Dairy cows absolutely are used for meat people eat, and veal is the most boring tasting and textured meat I have ever eaten in my life, and that's coming from a recovering gabagoo American

>> No.10847573


fucking lol citysoyboy
but concerning the op argument, sure there wouldnt be a reason if we were able to perfectly replicate all these things, but we arent, not even close. if you disagree your tastebuds are fucked to the point where you couldnt judge a durian from a cucumber

>> No.10847596

>Perfectly replicate
0/10, you didn't even try to make a convincing bait

And as always /ck/, like the dumb fuckers they are, take it Hook line and sinker. God damn this board is fucking retarded.

>> No.10847599

Lol, no they aren't. They dont taste good.

For me it's a veal ribeye.