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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10829302 No.10829302[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is Daym Drops based?

>> No.10829311 [DELETED] 


Pick one.

>> No.10829327


>> No.10829334

Racism is the biggest sign of unintelligence , it shows fear and weakness and is an indication of lack of world experience. Hopefully you're just trolling though

>> No.10829362

Porch monkey

>> No.10829372


Actually it takes supreme intelligence to recognize that all humans are animals and with inferior everything unless cross bred, niggers are definitely the most inferior of the human species. They invented sticks and cave paintings while we had empires and technology. Fuck apes.

>> No.10829380

spear chucker

>> No.10829387 [DELETED] 

this. only the most intellectual among us are racist

>> No.10829397

I like how he wanted to stop doing fast food for his health then he noticed a drop in revenue and started eating like a fat fuck again.

>> No.10829402 [DELETED] 

Whites have never accomplished anything without the help of other races. Whites couldn't even enslave blacks they bought them from other blacks. The stories of whites throwing nets on Africans is a fairytale. Whites can't even control their own economy, they need the jews. They can't advance their technology they need the Asians. They fail at all sports or athletics when in competition with blacks. They can't work at the same rate and efficiency as Mexicans or Spanish or Asians.

Whites have literally used crafty tricks to get where they are today. White men can't even cook or clean up after themselves without a woman. That's why femdom is so prevalent as a fetish in the white community

>> No.10829405

nigga gots to get payd

>> No.10829407
File: 17 KB, 300x300, domik-ken-image[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not as based as ken

>> No.10829410 [DELETED] 


Slavery isn't help. Didn't even bother reading beyond line one. You are clearly ignorant.

>> No.10829648

ken is literally making the soyboy face

>> No.10830541

You're a fucking retard

>> No.10830553

You couldn't be more incorrect. The Golden Age of Aryan Civilization was in the Greek Polis and the Roman Republic, before being tainted by large-scale exposure to alien races

>> No.10830558
File: 29 KB, 480x480, revd8b4463866a9f84b19999a2f7a765631db05b569_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT e celebs

>> No.10830563 [DELETED] 


Too stupid to know nig nogs are inferior, yet the smart white guy is the retard.

I smell a slave degenerate ape.

>> No.10830565
File: 48 KB, 558x465, burritobrah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10830566

Are any /ck/ anons autistic enough to do the disgusting long-nail thing, same as reviewbrah?

>> No.10830572
File: 165 KB, 450x450, miracle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

T. "More mayo"

>> No.10830575

You made a wrong turn at reddit

>> No.10830608

Stop trying to have race arguments become of some stupid ironic racism post.
It’s getting old.

>> No.10830618 [DELETED] 


More incest, AIDS having, destroying neighborhoods becsuse "we wuz kangs", blah blah blah nig nog blah.

You aren't worth the effort tbqh, i hope someone trayvons u

>> No.10830628

I'm Korean. More mayo.

>> No.10830684

Remember when he went on a diet and then 2 weeks later he was reviewing Burger King hot dogs?

>> No.10830916

Shut the fuck up.

>> No.10830926

i like how he acts all like he's a "gangsta" from the hood but he's really just a walmart worker.
not trying to insult him, just find it funny.

>> No.10830929

he made a video about it

>> No.10830931 [DELETED] 

Upvoted, Fuck white people!

>> No.10830932 [DELETED] 

Found the nigger.

>> No.10830956

Bet you aren't this racist in real life.

>> No.10830990

My nails grow so fast and I am in a constant state of being overwhelmed that I often don't even realize until I can't properly type on my keyboard so then I just bite them down to normal length.

>> No.10831010


Lol well I don't even need to bother Kim Jong Cuck, your people hate the blacks more than I ever could. Nice try nig nog, learn who hates you before claiming to be them, Koreans have a deep seated hatred of nigs.

>> No.10831304

He's a lardass who eats disgusting food in his car and is watched by other lardasses eating food in their cars.

>> No.10831322
File: 98 KB, 1462x2046, TSTBaQ7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yea nice bro

>> No.10831399

Probably because he is one, thought that was obvious.

>> No.10831490

Bunch of nigger lovers in here.

>> No.10831949

Niggers are stupid and violent.